Bedah Obstetri

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 694
  • Pages: 21
BEDAH OBSTETRI Syamel Muhammad

Curriculum Vitae Nama Nip

: Dr. Syamel Muhammad, SpOG K.Onk

: 198320112008121001


: [email protected]


: Bagian/SMF Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas


: Menikah

Riwayat Pendidikan

: Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Univ. Andalas (2001-2007) PPDS Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fak.Kedokteran Univ. Andalas (2008- 2013) PPDS 2 Onkologi Ginekologi Fak. Kedokteran Univ. Padjajaran

Riwayat Pekerjaan

: Staf Pengajar Fak. Kedokteran Univ. Andalas (2008-sekarang)



1. Advanced Ultrasound in Obstetri and Gynecology 2. Tutor Training 3. TOT Evidence Based Medicine 4. Workshop How to set Up Clinical Trial 5.Pembicara pada: Applied Surgical Anatomy in Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgery Workshop 6.The 3rd Basic Laparoscopic Surgical Skill Training Program in Gynecologic Oncology 7.Laparoscopy training in 7th INASGO Bineal meeting 8.Gynecology Cancer Screening and Management 9.XVIII World Congress on Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases Makalah

• •


Simple Hysterectomy in Cervical Cancer (PIT POGI 19) The Deference of Uterine Artery Resistence Index (RI) and Pulsatility Index (PI) between Early Onset Severe Preeclampsia and Late Onset Severe Preeclampsia. (Tesis)

Pengabdian Masyarakat


1. Tenaga Kesehatan pada World Cancer Day event di Bandung 2. Tenaga kesehatan pada Bakti Sosial Pemeriksaan Kesehatan dan pengobatan gratis di Kota Bandung 3. Pembicara pada Pelatihan deteksi dini kanker leher rahim dan kanker payudara di kabupaten Indramayu Jawabarat 4. Pembicara pada Pelatihan deteksi dini kanker leher rahim dan kanker payudara di kabupaten Pangandaran Jawabarat 5. Pelatihan Iva test bagu Bidan oleh Yayasan Kanker Indonesia Cabang Jawabarat 6. Pembicara pada Surgical Anatomy workshop Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung

out line •


Forceps Extraction

Vacuum Extraction


Ectopic pregnancy

Caecarean Section

Introduction •

Procedure to manage obstetrics condition

Vaginal procedur

Forceps or Vacuum extraction (Assisted vaginal delivery)



Abdominal procedure


Laparotomy for ectopic pregnancy


Assisted Vaginal Delivery •

Vacuum extractors have replaced forceps for many situations in which assistance is required to achieve vaginal delivery.

Compared with metal-cup vacuum extractors, soft-cup devices are easier to use and cause fewer neonatal scalp injuries; however, they detach more frequently.

Vacuum extractors can cause neonatal injury. These devices should be employed when indicated, usually for a nonreassuring fetal heart tracing or failure to progress in the second stage of labor.

Complications may be minimized if the physician recognizes contraindications to the use of vacuum extraction. Complete documentation is essential

Types of Vacuum Extractors •

The metal-cup vacuum extractor is a mushroom-shaped metal cup varying from 40 to 60 mm in diameter.

A centrally attached chain connects the cup to a detachable handle that is used to apply traction.

A mechanical or electrical suction device is attached to the metal cup via a peripherally located vacuum port


• •

Compared with metal-cup devices, soft-cup vacuum extractors cause fewer neonatal scalp injuries. However, these instruments have a higher failure rate. Soft-cup instruments can be used with a manual vacuum pump or an electrical suction device. Some have a built-in vacuum-release valve that allows pressure to be rapidly attained and accurately controlled.

Comparative Advantages of Vacuum Extractors and Forceps •

Vacuum extractors

Easier to learn

Quicker delivery

Less maternal genital trauma

Less maternal discomfort

Fewer neonatal craniofacial injuries

Less anesthesia required


Fewer neonatal injuries, including cephalohematoma, retinal hemorrhage and transient lateral rectus palsy

Higher rate of successful vaginal delivery

TABLE 2 Indications for Vacuum-Assisted Delivery Maternal indications Need to avoid voluntary maternal expulsive efforts (e.g., the mother has cardiac or cerebrovascular disease) Inadequate maternal expulsive efforts Maternal exhaustion or lack of cooperation Fetal indications Nonreassuring fetal heart tracing Prolonged second stage of labor Failure to progress in second stage of labor

Information from references: 1, 9, 10 and 12.

Relative Contraindications for Vacuum Extraction •

Fetal prematurity (< 34 weeks of gestation)

Fetal scalp trauma

Unengaged head

Incomplete cervical dilatation

Active bleeding or suspected fetal coagulation defects

Suspected macrosomia

Nonvertex presentation or other malpresentation

Cephalopelvic disproportion

Delivery requiring rotation or excessive traction

Inadequate anesthesia



Cecarean Section

Laparotomy/Laparoscopic for Ectopic Pregnancy



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