Welcome Guests!

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Welcome Guests!

Please see page two for important information about today’s service and how to get the most out of your visit with us.





Got Friends?

Looking for a way to share your faith? Why not give Alpha a try, beginning on Monday, October 5. The evening begins with a wonderful dinner (free to your guest) at 6:00PM in Fellowship Hall, followed by a video presentation in the Backdoor by Nicky Gumbel who uses a lot of humor in his talks. Then you break into small groups where everyone is encouraged (but not required) to ask questions, share thoughts and get to know each other. The evening is over at 8:30PM. Childcare is provided. Look for a green Alpha brochure in the display racks throughout the church or sign up today at the table in the foyer/hall.

Peace, Love and Pancakes A New Ministry at Lincoln High School

By Michael Howland, Youth Pastor

Volume 11

Number 16

First Federated Church


Matthew 4:4 says that “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 29, we are starting a ministry at Lincoln High School in hopes of feeding the students’ bodies and their souls with pancakes and the Word of God. I am teaming up with youth pastors from Willowcreek Baptist Church and Grace Church to work together with a core group of Christian students at Lincoln High School to create a Tuesday morning ministry that will be an effective outreach to students at the Lincoln High School campus. The response has already been amazing. The choir director has—on faith—loaned the students his room to serve the pancakes and the principal is on board to let this ministry take off and get rolling. My prayer is that we might be able to start a similar ministry next year at Roosevelt High School—the high school closest to our church. As I learn the ropes at Lincoln High, I hope to develop the tools and know-how necessary to create a similar ministry in our own backyard. Similar ministries have already started at East High (with the help of students from Grandview Park Baptist), Southeast Polk and North Polk High Schools. This ministry will be a great tool to train students in leadership. They will develop their own ability to share their testimonies, present Bible-based devotionals and invite their friends to encounter Christ. We ask you to begin praying for all of our high schools and that God would continue to raise up students excited to take a stand for Christ. Please pray specifically for our “Peace, Love and Pancakes” ministry at Lincoln High. And begin praying with me for wisdom on how to develop a similar ministry at Roosevelt? Students from Grace Church raised $230 from their own pockets in one night to provide the pancake batter, and that is just a taste of how excited the students are about developing a ministry that would reach their peers with the gospel! Sunday, September 27, 2009


Thank you for choosing to worship with us this morning!

Celebration Guest Reception

Have Questions? If you have any questions, simply ask someone wearing a name tag with “Here to Help” on it or visit the Welcome Center in the foyer.

Welcome Center

Guest Reception

North Parking Lot

If you are visiting with us for the first time or have just recently started attending First Federated Church, we cordially invite you to a reception immediately following the service (see map for locations). We would love to have the opportunity to meet you, get to know you better, and answer any questions you may have.

Resource Center

115 119 WEST GYM



If you have never completed a Care and Communication Card, please take a moment to do so. This allows us, as a church family, to better know your needs and how we can serve you. The Care and Communication Card is located inside this newspaper. Just fill out the card completely and leave at the end of your pew, give to an usher, or hand it in at the Guest Reception. Thank you for taking the time to visit First Federated Church. If you are not presently a member of a Bible teaching church, we invite you to join our church family.




Fill Out the Care & Communication Card

111C 1116


The River Guest Reception






111A 109 R

KZ Church

If You Have Children, Visit the Children’s Ministry Registration Station

DOCK SW Entrance South Entrance


M W Women Restroom Men Restroom

Trust your children to the care of our dedicated, loving Children’s Ministry staff. Our children’s programs provide quality care and learning for kids of all ages. If your child has not already been enrolled in our Children’s Ministry, a quick visit to the Children’s Ministry Registration Station will provide you with temporary security tags and give us the information we need to effectively minister to your child.

South Parking Lot

Cellular Phones & Pagers Thank you for turning off or muting your cell phone, pager and other electronic devices during this morning’s worship service. Assistive Listening Devices (Auditorium Only) ALS devices are available for check-out at the Resource Center in the foyer. AED (Automated External Defibrillator)/First-aid Facilities for guests needing first aid, health counseling, and blood pressure checks are provided by our Parish Nurses located in the west hallway in Room 1117, Sundays, 10:30AM–Noon. Please contact an usher if you need immediate assistance. Lost and Found Lost items may be reported or claimed at the business office of the church during regular M-F office hours. Lost and found items are kept for 30 days. Safety First Federated Church regards your safety as our highest priority. If you have any concerns, please inform one of our ushers or staff. If a building emergency arises, directions will be provided over the public address system. Recordings of Today’s Message CD recordings of the morning message can be picked up immediately following the service at the Resource Center in the foyer for $3. You can also listen to the message for free at www.FirstFederated.org. Prayer Team Up Front If you would like to pray with someone today, please come to the front of the room following this morning’s service. Members of our church leadership stand ready to serve you.

Infants & Preschool Children Childcare and teaching are available during the 9:10 and 10:45 hour in the Nursery and Preschool Departments. Kindergarten–4th Grade During the 9:10 hour, K–4th graders gather in the gym and then go to graded classroom groups for Bible learning and fun. K–4th graders attend their own age-appropriate children’s church, called KZ Church, in room 152 at 10:45.

Xtreme AM (5th & 6th Grade)

Our preteens meet in their own Xtreme spot, Room 205, at 9:10 for a time of Xtreme learning, Xtreme prayer and Xtreme relationship-building.

Youth (Grade 7–12) & Adults

Groups for ADULTS begin at 9:10AM and 10:45AM. Stop by the Welcome Center (or see inside today’s newspaper) to find out about each of the groups and how to get there. Our YOUTH (Grade 7–12) meet at 9:10AM in the Backdoor (148).

First Federated Church

Children’s Registration Station


Sunday, September 27, 2009

NOTES Sunday, September 27, 2009 | 9:10AM Celebration | 10:45AM The River Pastor Mike Rose Series: The Jesus Our Culture Doesn’t Know 8 Misconceptions about Jesus Jesus: Genie in a Bottle?

Start at the beginning, please! By Mike Rose, Senior Pastor

Today we conclude our focus on the 8 Misconceptions Our Culture Has About Jesus. If you missed any of the messages in this series, you can access them by going to our website: www.FirstFederated.org. There you can download the messages to your computer or sit and listen to them. On Sundays, October 11 and 18 (October 4 we have a guest speaker, missionary David Pierce) we will begin our panoramic view of Jesus, Starting at the Beginning. Through God’s inspired revelation, the Bible, we can literally go back before time. There we will discover that Jesus had His sight on us and the plan for redemption was in play. Also, we will take a look at Jesus and His work in Creation. Finishing out the month of October and entering November, we will spend two weeks Finding Jesus in the Old Testament. I encourage you to be present for each of these opportunities to grow in our knowledge and relationship with Jesus. Why not invite a friend to come as well? I am excited to explore the person and work of Jesus with you. God bless.

First Federated Church


Sunday, September 27, 2009


The contents of this page have been removed to protect the privacy of those in our congregation. Printed copies of this page can be obtained at the church. Items found on this page include: Pray for Those Who Grieve Happy Birthday! (Birthdays are listed for Federated members & missionaries)

Pray for those with Physical Needs

(In the Hospital, Upcoming Surgery/Procedures, Partial List of the Ongoing Needs of Our Members & Regular Attenders)

Our Encouragement

Pray for Those Who Serve our Church

“For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

First Federated Church


Sunday, September 27, 2009


Reaching others for Jesus Christ

Jeff & Carolyn Anderson

Pat Amsden

Location: Santander, Spain Mission Board: New Life What do they do? Jeff and Carolyn are co-directors of La Industria, a 9-month discipleship program offered to Spanish youth on the northern coast of Spain to strengthen and develop leadership. In Contra Corriente the goal is to motivate through events that challenge young people to fully abandon their lives to God. Carolyn went on many FFC mission trips as a teen. She is the daughter of Mike and Jan McCourt.

Mission Board: Camp Appanoose Location: Plano, Iowa What does he do? Pat serves as Executive Director of Camp Appanoose, overseeing and planning camp programs with the goal of introducing young people to Jesus Christ and challenging them for productive service. Located near Lake Rathbun in rural Plano, the camp is both seasonal and yeararound. The summer of ’07 was the first year for campers to enjoy the spacious facilities of an indoor gym/play area, new kitchen and cafeteria, restroom and shower facilities

Praises: • The chapel completion project has been chosen to commemorate Roger Maurer and his service for the Lord at Camp Appanoose. (Roger and his wife Donna served for many years at the camp, both in aviation and in other areas.)

Prayer Requests • For more office space both for La Industria and Contra Corriente. • For more practice rooms and classrooms for La Industria’s 9 month program. • Areas for outreach efforts in their community (youth club, art workshops, café house, concerts, etc.) • More music and audio-visual equipment for both ministries. • Greatest current need is a building with more appropriate space for offices, classrooms, practice rooms and outreach events. • For a warehouse to accommodate the ministries’ particular needs.

Prayer Requests: • For their Fall Fundraising Banquet on Nov. 7. • For an additional $5,000 per month for operating expenses; $14–15,000 to complete the chapel and 2 auxiliary rooms. • For volunteers, an enclosed utility trailer, funds for paintball activities, for 30 stackable chairs, for floor hockey equipment. • A facilitator for Aviation Camp next year, a storage building, carpet and floor coverings.

Dave & Pam Location: Closed Country What does he do? Dave is the country director for an area of the world where the Gospel is not welcome. He seeks to coordinate, train, partner and support the ministry overseas, as well as provide leadership for their growing team. They travel to participate in ministry projects, visit the team and church leaders. Christians there face intense intimidation and threats of death.

David & Vreni Location: Closed Country What does he do? David is International Research and Strategy Associate for their mission board. His duties involve a combination of travel, study, writing and correspondence from home and on-the-field teaching, research, discussion and counsel. He is responsible for missiological research, strategic planning, teaching and missiological reflection and writing. Vreni, a homemaker, also serves among immigrants and refugees as well as with David in their local church.

Praises: • Daughter Rachel and her husband Joshua; both received scholarships for their ongoing studies at Trinity.


Prayer Requests:

• The gathering of immigrants has gotten off to a good re-start.

• For meetings with team members, friends, local leaders and government officials; for wisdom, protection and His anointing. • For breakthroughs and open doors as they apply for visas; for new workers to join them. • For maintaining balance in their lives. • For visas to be approved to their former area of ministry. • For son Justin as he serves on the OM Ship Logos Hope for another year.

Prayer Requests • For the enablement of Vreni and others involved to bring some hope into lives of immigrants and refugees. • For David’s ability to finish reports on their missions’ work with teenagers. • For funds to enable some key Africans and Asians to take part in a consultation on Muslims early in 2010. • For David to catch up on his preparation for a course on conversion to be taught in Europe in January.

First Federated Church


Sunday, September 27, 2009

CONNECT PEOPLE Sunday Mornings


Adult Bible Fellowship (ABFs)

Ladies: Women in the Word | Started Tuesday, Sept. 15 9:00–11:00AM | Rooms 100 and 131 (Library)

Once you’ve joined us in worship, our Adult Bible Fellowships are a great next step to connect with others and grow in your faith. We have a variety of opportunities available that include:


Sundays l 8:00–9:00AM

For All—Prayer Community

Women (all ages) | Room 208 Men (all ages) | Room 210

Ongoing | 6:30–8:00PM | Room 1244–47 | Facilitator: Pastor Mike Rose Card Ministry | 1:00–4:00PM | Room 139

Sundays | 9:10–10:25AM


The HUB (ages 18-26) | Room 244 The Channel/Connections (ages 25–35) | Room 215 Homebuilders (all ages) | Room 1250–1251 Prayer (all ages) | Room 100 Women (all ages) | Room 208

Ladies: Beth Moore | Started Thursday, Sept. 10 | Childcare provided Morning class | 9:10 to 11:10AM | Room 108 Evening class | 6:30 to 8:00PM | Room 108


Sundays | 10:45AM–Noon

Men’s Prayer Meeting | Friday Mornings | 6:45–7:30AM | Room 100

Cornerstone (born in the 1950s) | Room 1240–1241 Galilean (born in the 1930s) | Room 1244–1247 Immanuel (born in the 1930s) | Room 1105 Friendly Fellowship (born in the 1920s) | Room 120 Koinonia (all ages) | Room 1252–1253 Ezra (all ages) | Room 1118 Homebuilders (all ages) | Room 1250–1251 Prayer (all ages) | Room 100 Ecclesiastes (all ages) | Room 1238–1239 Worship | Room 1116 Women (all ages) | Room 208

Women’s Association Board Meeting October 1 | 9:00AM

The Women’s Association Board will meet Thursday, October 1st at the home of Harriet Ruis, 10320 Clark St., Clive, 223.9871.

Ladies: New Missions Circle

Have you ever wanted to know more about our missionaries? Have you ever wanted to be involved with missions on a smaller scale? Have you been without child care which prevented your involvement? Are you between the ages of 16 and 96? Then we have the answer for you!! A new missions circle will hold their very first monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 14. We are so excited to offer this opportunity to all our women! If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Linda Hotchkiss at 264.9963 or [email protected].


20-Somethings Women’s Bible Study | 6:30PM | HUB Room (244)

Are you looking for something more in your relationships? Come join us as we read “Lady in Waiting” by Jackie Kendall. Join us for a sweet treat and fellowship!

We were LOVING OUT LOUD last Saturday at the Beaverdale Parade!

We handed out approximately 3000 freezer pops (the kids loved them!) and 3000 flyers promoting our Fall Fun Night and regular ministries. THANKS SO MUCH to these groups that had a part in making that day a success: Women’s Association – yummy treats for the floats/parade entries setting up in our parking lot, the Bucket Drumline for some great music, those that walked...errr....RAN... alongside the float, those that were inside our building helping to direct people and answer questions, and to the team that created and assembled the float! GREAT JOB, EVERYONE!!!

First Federated Church


Sunday, September 27, 2009

SERVE PEOPLE Fall Fun Night Needs You!

Our annual Fall Fun Night is just a little more than 3 weeks away. We are looking forward to hosting hundreds of children and their families, many of whom will be new to Federated. While October 23 will be a ton of fun, it will also be a ton of work! Want to share the fun and lighten the work? Here are some of the ways you can be involved: • Donate individually wrapped candy or snack items--Goldfish, animal crackers, fruit snacks, raisins, etc. (You’ll find containers throughout the building each week for your donations.) • Donate prizes for drawings. • Volunteer to help with decorating, set up and/or clean up. • Volunteer to supervise a game, serve as a host/greeter, help in the refreshment area. • Invite your friends and neighbors to attend. Flyers are available at the Welcome Center or in the Franklin Hall foyer. Contact the Children’s Ministries office at 255.2122 to volunteer or for more information.

First Federated Church

School Supply Clearancessupply

Remember to pick up those school as Child shoe bargains now for Operation Christm shar peners, and cils boxes. Markers, crayons, pen all welcome are ks boo pens, pencil boxes, and note d. chil y additions to a gift box for a need

Serve River Coffee

Looking for a place to help? Consider joining the River coffee team. Serve once or twice a month. Interested? Mark the Care & Communication Card or contact Tammy Claiborne, 669.3269, [email protected].

FFC Wind and String Ensemble

The FFC Wind and String Ensemble is looking for additional people to join our group. We have been practicing and playing now for about 2 years and are about to head into our very busy Christmas music season. We play at many different venues throughout the city of Des Moines and the surrounding areas as well as here at First Federated. We play a wide variety of classical music, christian music and Christmas music that you will find challenging, fulfilling and a lot of fun. This is a great ministry to the community and the FFC congregation, as well as some great fellowship time with other members of FFC. We currently practice once a week at First Federated on Thursday evenings but can change this somewhat to accommodate other schedules. If you, or someone you know, would like to join or find out more about our group, you can contact Dave Blake at 270.9722. We would like to meet you and show you samples of the music we play. The instruments we are in most need of are strings….especially violin and viola. We could also use another flute, cello and maybe a string bass and would be able to use an oboe or recorder occasionally. Thanks for your interest. Don’t be shy, give me a call. Dave Blake, 270.9722.


Sunday, September 27, 2009



Potential Teaching Need

7th–12th Grades

Today—WT Training Oct. 4—SMT Meeting Oct. 11—JH/SH Bonfires Oct. 18—NONE Oct. 25—Paintball

If you are interested in teaching a potential 2nd hour Sunday School offering, see Howie.

Cookies for a Cause Love to bake? We need anyone interested to help bake cookies, brownies, rice krispie treats etc. for Monday night dodgeball prospects and Wednesday night youth group. As you fill their tummies, we’ll feed them spiritually! This is an ongoing ministry need throughout the school year.

TODAY Worship Team Training

TODAY | 12-5PM

12-5pm All SMT worship team members to attend this are required to attend this FREE training time led by Howie and Matt Sorensen. It will be a great time of learning about leading worship and team building. Bring a sack lunch.

Deacon of the Month Larry Dunlap, 255.2122 ext 139

Dodge Ball Mondays | 6:30-8:00PM Wednesday Nights Wednesdays | 6:30–8:00PM | Backdoor Sunday Mornings Sundays | 9:10–10:25AM | Backdoor

Our Deacons stand ready to help with the physical needs of the members and attenders of this fellowship. Should you have a short-term, emergency need, do not hesitate to call the church office and leave a message for the “Deacon of the Month.” This ministry is made possible by your gifts to the Deacons’ Fund.


Deaconess of the Month


Men’s Retreat

Pat Harker | 262.3396

October 2–4

Our Deaconesses are available to the women of the church in areas of encouragement and spiritual support. If you need a listening ear and someone to pray with you, please call Pat.

The teen guys can join the men of FFC for the annual Men’s retreat, Oct. 2–4. The Man Code. Reduced cost: $40!

Urban Plunge October 16–18 Cost: $75—First 25 applicants. This will be a weekend long retreat serving in the Des Moines area. We will be ministering to the homeless, to children and so much more. A great missions experience that will change your life. Plus, worship in an urban church within our community on Sunday morning! We are hoping to continue this effort each year! Be the first to experience it.

Bonfire October 11 | 6–8PM Join us for a really fun night of s’mores, hotdogs, worship under the stars…all that goes with a bonfire! Join us at the Balmers’ for the Junior High and the Stufflebeems’ for the Senior High.

Family Fun Night October 23 | 6:00PM Big chance to serve! We need teens to help with all of the booths and events—plus, we are turning the Backdoor back into an arcade and we’ll need help setting up and running each activity. This is a great outreach event for children and their families. Those of you who served at M-Fuge in a children’s ministry capacity will love this event!

WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Regular Submission Deadline: Tuesdays by noon

Paintball October 25 | 2–5PM What you’ve been waiting for; the official Heirborn paintball outing! Meet us at Action Jack’s (Colfax, IA-I-80 Exit 155). Cost: $35—includes rental, air, and 500 paintballs. Extra ammo— $20…for diehards! And please don’t hurt Howie too badly!

We prefer that items be submitted electronically! E-Mail: [email protected] All submitted items are subject to submission guidelines and editorial review by the church staff. FFC reserves the right to edit submissions for length.


First Federated Church does not claim to own any copyright privileges on items printed in this newspaper, unless otherwise stated. All items published are quoted in good faith and believed to be free for circulation or public domain. First Federated Church


Sunday, September 27, 2009


Revolutionary Parenting

Facilitated by Jeff and Julie Holt and Steve and Kris Moser 9:10–10:25AM | 8 Sundays beginning TODAY Room 108 | Workbook $10

Welcome to Big City Studio, kids! We know you’re gonna love our new set and our new series of lessons from Genesis. This week we learned that God didn’t just create the world and leave it in its original state. He spent time making it beautiful and perfect for us. God can do the same thing for us after we accept Jesus. He helps us to grow more and more like Him. So, moms and dads, boys and girls, remember He’s not finished with us yet!

Parenting is serious business…and it’s a business that requires a plan. Do you have a plan for your family that includes vision, goals and a strategy for reaching them? In this class, based upon the research of the Barna Group, you’ll have the opportunity to create a parenting plan that makes sense for your family. You’ll spend time learning more about your children, reflecting on your life priorities, and creating steps to help you raise children who are spiritual champions. Whether you’re the parents of toddlers or teens, this class is for you.


Parent/Child Dedication and Pre-Dedication Class

We don’t want a single person to miss out on AWANA this year! Invite a friend or neighbor to come this week for another Buddy Night. Clubs start promptly at 6:30PM.

Registration Deadline - October 5 Parents desiring to have their baby dedicated to the Lord will be given this opportunity on Sunday, October 18. A pre-dedication class for parents will be held on Sunday, October 11. This class will explain the significance of dedicating your child to the Lord, provide practical parenting helps, and offer you an opportunity to get acquainted with our Children’s Ministry. If this will be the first child you are dedicating here at Federated, the class is a prerequisite to dedication. If you have dedicated other children at Federated, you are encouraged to attend. We believe you’ll benefit from the information and enjoy the class, too. First Federated does not baptize infants. We believe that baptism is a step of obedience made by a person who has put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation. Baptism is an outward expression of what has already occurred in the life of a believer. In Parent/Child Dedication, parents make a public commitment to “train up a child in the way he should go,” as God instructs in Proverbs 22:6. We give thanks for the gift of life and ask God’s blessing upon parents and children in the hope that someday each child will trust Jesus as Savior and Lord. Please contact Mary in the Children’s Ministry office at 255.2122 by Monday, October 5 to be included in the class and dedication or for more information.

Puggles—age 2 by 9-15-09 Cubbies—preschoolers ages 3 & 4 by 9-15-09 Sparks—K-2nd Grade T & T—3rd & 4th Grade

It’s Time for Team Time!

Yes, it’s time to get the whole Children’s Ministry team together for training, encouragement and some fun stuff, too! Whether you serve in the nursery/preschool department, K-4, AWANA, Xtreme, KZ Church, or the Registration Station, you’re part of the team, so plan to attend. Wannabes are welcome, too!

Financial Report Attendance 9/20/09 9:10AM Celebration ...................... 459 10:45AM River .............................. 265 Early Childhood ............................. 52 Children’s Church .......................... 54 Budgeted Missions Year to Date: 9/1/09–present Need ......................................$16,176 Offering .................................$16,173 Shortage......................................($3)

General Fund Offering Last Week Weekly Need .........................$31,932 Offering ................................ $26,955 Shortage..............................($ 4,977) Year to Date: 9/1/09–present Need ..................................... $95,796 Offering ................................ $92,259 Shortage...............................($3,537) First Federated Church


Sunday, September 27, 2009


Thank you for all your prayers, calls, cards and concern you showed during my recent knee surgery. Your prayers carried me through and now I am well on my way to recovery. Praise and Thanks be to God. Lois Dixon

American Family Friendship Program Thanks to Dan and Amy Stout for matching up families with international students from Drake, and for organizing the fall event at Saylorville Lake. Thanks also to Pat Anderson, Jim Dusenbery, Bob Marean and Carol Ginder for helping to prepare the main course for the day. What a blessing to see how God brings everything together. John Porter

A big THANK YOU to all who helped make the drawstring bag project a success. To all the cutters, pressers, stitchers and stringers, without you we would never have reached our goal of over 600 bags. Thank you, everyone. These bags will be included in Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes that will be collected in November. Just imagine all the ways a child could find to use his or her own colorful fabric bag! By the way, the sewing group meets the first and third Thursday morning of each month in the sewing room. We have lots of ongoing projects. Come and join us. No experience required. For more information, contact Lois Grove at 254.1141 or Joanne Zunkel at 270.2521. Lois Grove

UPCOMING EVENTS Wednesday Night Meal

Fellowship Hall | 5-6:15PM Children (age 2-12) $2 | Adults $3 | Family $10 Make reservations on the Care & Communication Card or call the church office before noon on Mondays. Sept 30: grilled porkloin on bun, macaroni salad, chips, apple pie

Missions Luncheon

TODAY! September 27 | 12–2:00PM | Fellowship Hall

Come hear from Vaughn and Jennifer, our missionaries who serve in South Asia. They are involved with reconstruction and community development, sharing Christ’s love in a practical way.

Heading South for the Winter?

If you’re planning on being out of the area for an extended period of time, the church office would greatly appreciate being notified of your anticipated departure and return dates. If you’d like to receive regular church mailings in your absence, make sure to provide us with your alternative address and we’ll do our best to keep you up to date. And don’t forget to check the church’s website (www.firstfederated.org) on a regular basis for news and pictures.

Men’s Retreat | The Man Code October 2–4 | Twin Lakes Christian Camp

Come learn the code for men featuring speakers Mike Rose, Steve Baker, Terry Stark, Glen Biermann, and Scott Larsen. $40 covers two nights and meals. Sign up today in the foyer of the Celebration and River services.

Disability Resource Conference

Flu Shots

Saturday, October 3 | 9AM–2:30PM | Valley Church Hosted by The Special Needs Ministry Network of Des Moines

Flu shots will be available at Parish Nurse Office:

Federated is one of 5 churches that make up this ministry network.

Sunday, October 11 | 12:00–2:00PM Tuesday, October 20 | 1–3PM (after 60+) $22.50 (Medicare no cost. application papers will be available)

Stop by the Children’s office to pick up a brochure and get registered.

Ladies Christmas Tea | Spirit of Christmas Tuesday, December 8 | 6:30–8:30PM | Fellowship Hall


Men’s Retreat “The Man Code” ........................................................................2–4 Disability Resource Conference (9AM–2:30PM | Valley Church) ..................................3 Special Guest: David Pierce ....................................................................................4 Alpha Begins (6:00PM | Fellowship Hall) ............................................................................5 Fall Fun Night............................................................................................................ 23


H1 N1 is not in flu shot yet. Additional information regarding advisable age, etc. from CDC will be available at Parish Nurse Office, Room 1117. You may leave your reservation with Colleen at church office 255-2122. – Marabel Kersey, Parish Nurse

Nurses’ Seminar

October 10 | 8:30-4:00PM | Room 108 (0.7 C.E.U.’s for $5) Focus: Nurses serving with Congregational Care Ministry

Non nurses welcome, too. Registration and additional information contact Marabel Kersey at 255.2122 or 834.2001.

Ladies Retreat “Loving Well”.........................................................................13–14

First Federated Church


Sunday, September 27, 2009

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