Ray As They Return To Overseas Ministry This Month; For

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ray as they return to overseas ministry this month; for maintaining balance in their lives; meetings with friends, team members, local leaders and Dave & Pam Closed Country government officials; for wisdom, protection and His anointing; open doors; new workers.


ntercede for their Fall Fundraising Banquet tomorrow evening. Ask for an additional $5,000.00 per month for operating expenses, funds for Pat Amsden Camp Appanoose, Iowa the Roger Maurer Memorial Chapel completion, for volunteer workers, a storage building.




heir greatest need is a building (preferably a warehouse) with appropriate space for offices, classrooms, practice rooms and outreach Jeff & Carolyn Anderson New Life, Spain events designed to reach Spanish youth. Pray as they challenge young people to live for Christ.


sk funds for key Africans and Asians to take part in a consultation on Muslims in early 2010; for Vreni and others to bring hope into David & Vreni Closed County lives of immigrants/refugees; for David’s preparation for a course to be taught in Europe in January.



his is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the new China, also the 60th anniversary for FEBC’s commitment to preach the gospel there. Far East Broadcasting Company China Through radio waves, it has penetrated every part of China. Rejoice as they reap the harvest.


n Feb. the state office in Sioux City was flooded. Praise for their new office, large enough for the Siouxland Chapter and the State to have their own Beth Lamb Child Evangelism Fellowship, Iowa office spaces and a CEF materials store. Pray for Good News Clubs in public schools.




he family recently moved to a new country. Pray for unity and boldness as they serve with their new team; for small fellowships of Muslim Alan & Helena, Infant Son Closed Country background believers to gather/multiply; for getting acquainted with neighbors; finding seekers.









raise for furlough, rest and recreation with family. Pray for adjustment for their children in Philadelphia schools, for $500 needed support, Alejandro & Robyn Armijo ABWE, Chile ministry to supporting churches, for their coworkers, continued growth in church plants in Chile.

ray for foreign students in the US/Canada who are receiving copies of the new International Scholars multilanguage DVD version of the Campus Crusade for Christ JESUS DVDs JESUS film. Pray students take advantage of media links and investigate the claims of Jesus Christ.

Matt has arrived in his country of choice and is now in language school there. He is enjoying meeting people from the community, eating their Matt Closed Country “amazing food” and learning their language. Pray for smooth adjustment and good health.

Pray for health and safety as they travel in the US this month; provision for a vehicle; $600 per month in additional support; wisdom Pablo & Rosa Gallego Partners in Evangelism, Spain and protection for the leadership team at their church; financial provision for those out of work. Fall is off to a good start with events, regular appointments and Bible studies. Pray as Peggy serves among wives of ambassadors and diplomats. Peggy McCracken Christian Embassy, Washington, DC Pray for diplomats from other nations as they must relate to Congress as part of their jobs.

Pray that Christian students who have just come to their university would find the church and become contributing members in the fellowship. Jeff & Melissa Closed Pray that believers would be effective in reaching out to non-Christians who visit the church. Continue to pray for healing in Lenita’s hip after surgery—she’s currently in a nursing home. Pray as FMN begins their Christmas outreach on the Lenita Vetter Flagstaff Mission to the Navajos, Arizona Reservation; for Navajo pastors as they minister in local churches; the salvation of souls.

Serving with StoryRunners teams they rejoice with a people group in Chad, who shared stories with Libyans who spoke their language Mike & Brenda McCalley Campus Crusade, Washington resulting in 85 new believers! Pray as Mike serves in human resources, Brenda on media projects.

Matt is the new Executive Director of YFC Central Iowa. Ask wisdom for Matt, staff and board in stewardship of time, gifts and finances; passion in Matt & Rachelle Mayse Youth for Christ, Iowa their pursuit of fulfilling the Great Commission among middle and high school students. Pray for InterVarsity’s 22nd Student Missions Conference, December 2731 in St. Louis. 20,000+ attendees are anticipated. Urbana 09 St. Louis, Missouri Intercede for speakers, 300+ mission agencies, 200+ planned seminars. Interested? Contact John Porter. Pray 15,000 Hatam Bibles will reach the Hatam believers in Papua. Government officials said they would give the Bibles to them—“political hot air.” Dick & Char Griffiths TEAM, Wisconsin/Indonesia Pray church leaders will begin selling them—the subsidized Bibles are affordable.

Due to the fact they cannot afford to continue to live overseas, they plan to move to rural SE Nebraska where they will continue their ministry Vic & Gwen Closed Country uninterrupted through modern technology and travel. Pray as they transition this month. Now a widow, Audrey thanks us for our years of faithfulness. Pray for effective medication for her back pain. She uses a walker and continues to serve at Windsor Nursing Home where she witnesses and encourages residents.

(Dal) & Audrey Congdon

TEAM, South Africa/Illinois, Retired


Pray as Katie works with an unreached people group, teaches English, facilitates shortterm English-teaching trips and promotes education Katie Closed Country among minority people groups. Ask for her to finish well; for her plans for a sabbatical in February.




On home assignment, the Bridgmans ask prayer for their move to Arkansas in December where they will live until mid-April, returning to Japan in July. Pray for safety; for $1,000 in new monthly support; for recruiting new missionaries.

Pray for plans to travel to Delhi next month to visit Tony’s father; for Tony’s ongoing healing from a road accident 7 months ago; for approval Tony & Tsering Malik Global Outreach Missions, India for a US visa and support needs. Praise for the salvation of 3 Tibetans and 2 Nepali recently.






Closed Country

Pray for ongoing Bible studies, outreaches, discipleship appointments and events for students at Rice U. Praise for attendance of 200-225 Kurt & Kathy Ritz Campus Crusade for Christ, Texas students at a cookout-- pray God will use what started there in significant ways this year.

Praise for teachers for Carachipampa Christian School this year; for their kids and their families living close-by. Pray as Helen teaches 10 Arden & Helen Steele SIM, Bolivia first graders and supervises elementary at CCS; for Arden teaching 7th & 8th grades; for discipleship.


Paul & Violette Bridgman TEAM, Japan/Iowa

Give praise for a six-month, multipleentry visit visa. This assures she can be in country for at least 6 more months. Ask that her mission board will also be able to obtain a work permit for her; for her work with the solar cooker project.

Intercede for Dan as he trains future missionary pilots and mechanics; for Kara, as she began college at Moody Bible Institute this fall; for Dan & Jodi Appleby MAF/Moody Aviation, Washington Kailee and Caleb to do well in school and be strong witnesses; wisdom in teaching Sunday School.

Jonathan (serving with his parents) is teaching 11th & 12th grade survey of the New Testament at CCS. Pray students understand their Jonathan & Monica Steele Frontiers, Bolivia faith; for Monica as school nurse; for training and developing materials; for their four young children.

First Federated Missionary Family

“I miss Dal so very much—he literally served the Lord right to the end.” Pray for her back pain; for her ministry at the nursing home. Give Audrey Congdon TEAM, South Africa/Illinois praise for the many years they served at the TEAM Headquarters Candidate School in Carol Stream.

Lifelong Missionary Servants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 8.

Condit, Elroy & Gordia Wycliffe Bible Translators, Florida/Wisconsin Congdon, Audrey TEAM, Illinois Davis, Ross & Colleen International Church Ministries, Arizona Griffiths, Dick & Char TEAM, Wisconsin Hesse, Don & Lois Jean Wycliffe Bible Translators, Texas Taber, Bob & Lois OMS International, Iowa Vetter, Lenita Flagstaff Mission to the Navajos, Arizona Weller, Elaine CEF, Missouri Woods, Bill & Donna Campus Crusade for Christ, Colorado

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

1. Amsden, Pat Camp Appanoose, Iowa 2. Anderson, Jeff & Carolyn New Life, Spain 3. Appleby, Dan & Jodi MAF/Moody, WA 4. Armijo, Alejandro & Robyn ABWE, Chile 5. Becknell, Dr. Bill Agape, Russia 6. Bridgman, Paul & Violette TEAM, Japan 7. Cabeen, Don & Paula TEAM, Spain 8. Dabson, Emmanuel & Mercy PI, Ghana 9. Decker, Sarah InterVarsity, France 10. Finke, Jim & Ruth GEM, Greece 11. Gallego, Pablo & Rosa PIE, Spain 12. Goossen, Harold & Priscilla GMSA, Argentina 13. Hanna, Beth CAM International, Mexico 14. Hocking, Peter & Marta Segadores, Peru Hunt, Bill & Jenni CCC, Arkansas Ibbotson, Rita TEAM, Zimbabwe Lamb, Beth Child Evangelism Fellowship, Iowa Malik, Tony & Tsering GOM, India McCalley, Mike & Brenda CCC, Washington Mayse, Matt & Rachelle Youth for Christ, Iowa McCracken, Peggy CCC, Washington, D.C. Meyer, Wayne & Miyako Navigators, Japan Mok, Mony & Kunnery Partners Int’l., Cambodia Pascual, Santiago & Yolanda Segadores, Peru Ritz, Kurt & Kathy CCC, Texas Rogers, Dan & Sylvia MAF, Ecuador Schwarze, Steve & Rhonda FEBC, Philippines Sonius, Lee & Michelle HCJB Global, Ghana Stark, Terry & Mary Avant Ministries, Iowa Steele, Arden & Helen SIM Int’l., Bolivia Steele, Jonathan & Monica Frontiers, Bolivia Van Cleave, Jerry & Patty PCJM, Iowa Zellmer, Keith & Pam SEND Int’l., Kosova Zumack, Leroy & Debbie GEM, France

Closed Access Countries 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Katy Asia Steve & Pat Asia Michael & April Asia Vic & Gwen Asia Jeff & Melissa Asia Glenn & Carol Asia Boaz & Ruth Europe Tim & Iris Mike & Sue

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

David & Vreni Europe Tim & Martha Asia Ron & Erin Asia Alan & Helena Asia Dave & Pam Asia Grace Asia Nathan & Kathy Asia Vaughn & Jennifer Asia Matt Asia

Daily Family Prayer Guide november 2009

Daily Family Prayer Guide is published monthly by First Federated Church to help YOU pray more effectively for our missionaries and their needs. Jean Crabbs, with the help of a group of volunteers, reads through piles of mail and writes current and urgent prayer requests from those we support. Put this Daily Family Prayer Guide into your Bible and include in your daily prayer time. First Federated Church 4801 Franklin Avenue | Des Moines, IA 50310 FirstFederated.org | [email protected]

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