Welcome Guests!

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Welcome Guests!

Please see page two for important information about today’s service and how to get the most out of your visit with us.



Looking for a way to share your faith? Why not give Alpha a try, beginning on Monday, October 5. The evening begins with a wonderful dinner (free to your guest) at 6:00PM in Fellowship Hall, followed by a video presentation in the Backdoor by Nicky Gumbel who uses a lot of humor in his talks. Then you break into small groups where everyone is encouraged (but not required) to ask questions, share thoughts and get to know each other. The evening is over at 8:30PM. Childcare is provided. Look for a green Alpha brochure in the display racks throughout the church or sign up today at the table in the foyer/hall.

Saturday, October 17 | 9:00AM–3:30PM | $15

This day-long learning party will equip and motivate our church to greater effectiveness in helping visitors become members! The Seven Habits of a Visitor Friendly Church is a proven and functional strategy to dramatically increase the percentage of first time guests to our church who return a second time and for those who return to become fully functioning members of our congregation. The seminar is a fastmoving, practical, idea-rich, day of fun, laughter, exploration and hard-hitting truth telling presented by Dr. Tom Clegg, President of CoachNet North America and the Missional Here’s what Federated Transformation Network. Deleaders have said about the livered in a lively and informaSeven Habits of a Visitor tive style, this seminar is ideFriendly Church: ally suited for a team from our Has God chosen to work church to attend and process through you? We recognize that salvation is of God, yet the material together during the He lets us be involved in the seminar. Each segment leads process! This seminar will help into a strategizing session for you think about how God you to apply what you have just can reach people around you learned to our church context. - through you. Our church will benefit from Sam Warren, Elder each powerful segment of the For me, the conference seminar. The day will cover the reinforced the importance seven impressions our church of RELATIONSHIP and how makes before guests ever to connect visitors, regular happen upon our front door, the attenders, and long time members in consistent, seven important loving touches encouraging friendships. they should receive during their John Porter very first visit, the seven important things we should do in the first seven days after that first visit, the crucial first seven weeks after the first visit, the strategic first seven months, the vital need of making seven new relationships and many other transforming issues faced by every growing church. Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 17 , 9:00AM–3:30PM (lunch provided) and join us at The Seven Habits of a Visitor Friendly Church presented by First Federated Church. The cost for the day is $15. You’ll be glad you did! Sign-up in the foyer following both services today.

Coming up in 3 weeks...a night filled with fun, food, games, prizes—a can’t miss for families...Fall Fun Night 2009! NOW is the time to mark your calendar and plan to bring your family! NOW is the time to pick up a bag of candy and bring it to one of the buckets! NOW is the time to sign up to help if you’re not busy attending the event with your children! It’s a great night of ministry for everyone—don’t miss it!

Number 17

First Federated Church


7 Habits of a VisitorFriendly Church

Got Friends?

Volume 11



Sunday, October 4, 2009


Thank you for choosing to worship with us this morning!

Celebration Guest Reception

Have Questions? If you have any questions, simply ask someone wearing a name tag with “Here to Help” on it or visit the Welcome Center in the foyer.

Welcome Center

Guest Reception

North Parking Lot

If you are visiting with us for the first time or have just recently started attending First Federated Church, we cordially invite you to a reception immediately following the service (see map for locations). We would love to have the opportunity to meet you, get to know you better, and answer any questions you may have.

Resource Center

115 119 WEST GYM



If you have never completed a Care and Communication Card, please take a moment to do so. This allows us, as a church family, to better know your needs and how we can serve you. The Care and Communication Card is located inside this newspaper. Just fill out the card completely and leave at the end of your pew, give to an usher, or hand it in at the Guest Reception. Thank you for taking the time to visit First Federated Church. If you are not presently a member of a Bible teaching church, we invite you to join our church family.




Fill Out the Care & Communication Card

111C 1116


The River Guest Reception






111A 109 R

KZ Church

If You Have Children, Visit the Children’s Ministry Registration Station

DOCK SW Entrance South Entrance


M W Women Restroom Men Restroom

Trust your children to the care of our dedicated, loving Children’s Ministry staff. Our children’s programs provide quality care and learning for kids of all ages. If your child has not already been enrolled in our Children’s Ministry, a quick visit to the Children’s Ministry Registration Station will provide you with temporary security tags and give us the information we need to effectively minister to your child.

South Parking Lot

Cellular Phones & Pagers Thank you for turning off or muting your cell phone, pager and other electronic devices during this morning’s worship service. Assistive Listening Devices (Auditorium Only) ALS devices are available for check-out at the Resource Center in the foyer. AED (Automated External Defibrillator)/First-aid Facilities for guests needing first aid, health counseling, and blood pressure checks are provided by our Parish Nurses located in the west hallway in Room 1117, Sundays, 10:30AM–Noon. Please contact an usher if you need immediate assistance. Lost and Found Lost items may be reported or claimed at the business office of the church during regular M-F office hours. Lost and found items are kept for 30 days. Safety First Federated Church regards your safety as our highest priority. If you have any concerns, please inform one of our ushers or staff. If a building emergency arises, directions will be provided over the public address system. Recordings of Today’s Message CD recordings of the morning message can be picked up immediately following the service at the Resource Center in the foyer for $3. You can also listen to the message for free at www.FirstFederated.org. Prayer Team Up Front If you would like to pray with someone today, please come to the front of the room following this morning’s service. Members of our church leadership stand ready to serve you.

Infants & Preschool Children Childcare and teaching are available during the 9:10 and 10:45 hour in the Nursery and Preschool Departments. Kindergarten–4th Grade During the 9:10 hour, K–4th graders gather in the gym and then go to graded classroom groups for Bible learning and fun. K–4th graders attend their own age-appropriate children’s church, called KZ Church, in room 152 at 10:45.

Xtreme AM (5th & 6th Grade)

Our preteens meet in their own Xtreme spot, Room 205, at 9:10 for a time of Xtreme learning, Xtreme prayer and Xtreme relationship-building.

Youth (Grade 7–12) & Adults

Groups for ADULTS begin at 9:10AM and 10:45AM. Stop by the Welcome Center (or see inside today’s newspaper) to find out about each of the groups and how to get there. Our YOUTH (Grade 7–12) meet at 9:10AM in the Backdoor (148).

First Federated Church

Children’s Registration Station


Sunday, October 4, 2009

NOTES Sunday, September 27, 2009 | 9:10AM Celebration | 10:45AM The River Guest Speaker: David Pierce | Receiving a Piece of God’s Broken Heart

Three to Run Chicago Marathon By Michael Howland, Youth Pastor

Next Sunday, Oct 11, Jeff Harper, John Schuster and I will run the Chicago Marathon for Team World Vision. YOUR WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT AND SUPPORT and your PRAYERS along the way have been INVALUABLE! If any of you would like to support us for our TEAM WORLD VISION Chicago Marathon fundraising goals, here are the links to each of our pages. We are each encouraged to raise $1000 toward this charity/ministry. www.firstgiving.com/jeffharper www.firstgiving.com/michaelhowland www.firstgiving.com/johnschuster PLEASE PRAY! Pray that God would keep us from injury! Pray for sweet fellowship as we travel, and pray for our families while we are away. Pray for this awesome charity and that the WHOLE TEAM from all over the country will be effective to meet the needs of so many. World Vision works to tackle the root causes of poverty by working with children, families, and their communities to provide things like clean water, health care, nutritious food, education, and economic opportunities. Many thanks!

First Federated Church


Sunday, October 4, 2009


The contents of this page have been removed to protect the privacy of those in our congregation. Printed copies of this page can be obtained at the church. Items found on this page include: Pray for Those Who Grieve Happy Birthday! (Birthdays are listed for Federated members & missionaries)

Pray for those with Physical Needs

(In the Hospital, Upcoming Surgery/Procedures, Partial List of the Ongoing Needs of Our Members & Regular Attenders)

Our Encouragement

Pray for Those Who Serve our Church

“For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

First Federated Church


Sunday, October 4, 2009


Reaching others for Jesus Christ

Matt & Rachelle Mayse

Alejandro & Robyn Armijo

Mission Board: Youth for Christ Location: Des Moines, Iowa What do they do? On September 1, 2009, Matt was named Executive Director of Youth for Christ Central Iowa. Matt formerly served for 12 years as Student Ministry Pastor at Westchester Evangelical Free Church here in Des Moines. YFC’s goal is to reach middle school and high school students with the truth and love of the Gospel. Rachelle, a substitute teacher, serves in pre-school and elementary classrooms at Des Moines Christian School.

Mission Board: ABWE Location: Iquique, Chile What do they do? The Armijos are church planters. They established the new Missionary Baptist Church in Puente Alto in early 2003. They had a growing church there with a new sanctuary. That church was turned over to a national pastor and the Armijos moved 1,100 miles north to assist in a church plant in Iquique. Robyn is the granddaughter of the late Mel & Shirley Wellen.

Praise: • For the provision of vehicles for their use while on furlough in the States, based in Philadelphia. • For rest, recreation time with family, God’s care and protection the past 2 months.

Prayer Requests:


• For continued adjustment for the children at new schools. • For open doors for support in new churches—they need $500 more per month. • For their ministry to supporting churches. • For continued growth in the Iquique and Alto Hospicio churches. • For language and cultural adaptation for their new colleagues, the Garcia and Spink families.

• For Mike’s new responsibilities.

Prayer Requests: • For the staff and board—that they would be faithful to their calling. • For wisdom in their stewardship of time, gifts and finances. • For passion in their pursuit of fulfilling the Great Commission. • For Sunday through Friday ongoing outreaches at the schools. • For new ministry sites: Johnston Middle and High, Urbandale High and Merrill Middle schools.

Pablo & Rosa Gallego Mission Board: Partners in Evangelism Location: Malaga, Spain What do they do? Pablo and Rosa are nationals, serving and reaching their community through Parque Victoria Christian Community Church/Multi-use Facility in southern Spain. They emphasize teaching God’s Word to young families using sports, leisure activities and camps. Living authentic and transparent lives with Christ as Lord, the Gallegos stress the importance of discipleship.

Vic & Gwen Closed Country What do they do? Vic and Gwen provide biblical training for Christians serving across cultures. They serve multiple agencies and organizations through workshop coordination, coaching and mentoring. They focus on working with emerging Asian organizations and facilitators as well as supporting established North American partner organizations working in the region. Due to the high cost of living there, they plan a move to the US where they will continue their ministry.

Praise: • Because of God’s provision they have been able to supply food to help 35 families per month during this economic crisis. • In June nine young people were baptized.

Praise: • That Gwen completed her ministry of training with Child Evangelism Fellowship in their area. • For all God is doing as they close out this chapter in their lives.

Prayer Requests: • For protection and good health as they travel to the US this fall (Oct/Nov.) • For the conversion of five families that participate in Family Junior. • Provision for a vehicle; $600 per month additional support. • Wisdom and protection for the leadership team of their church. • Financial provision for families of the church who have not found work.

Prayer Requests: • That they will be an encouragement to all they encounter as they finish their time in Asia. • For Vic as he finalizes details over the next month and a half for their final departure. • For their work with others in preparing for workshops in closed countries in November, February and March. • For organizing the best options for travel. First Federated Church


Sunday, October 4, 2009

CONNECT PEOPLE Sunday Mornings


Adult Bible Fellowship (ABFs)

Once you’ve joined us in worship, our Adult Bible Fellowships are a great next step to connect with others and grow in your faith. We have a variety of opportunities available that include:

Ladies: Beth Moore | Started Thursday, Sept. 10 | Childcare provided Morning class | 9:10 to 11:10AM | Room 108 Evening class | 6:30 to 8:00PM | Room 108

Sundays l 8:00–9:00AM


Women (all ages) | Room 208 Men (all ages) | Room 210

Men’s Prayer Meeting | Friday Mornings | 6:45–7:30AM | Room 100

Sundays | 9:10–10:25AM

New Elective Offered

The HUB (ages 18-26) | Room 244 The Channel/Connections (ages 25–35) | Room 215 Homebuilders (all ages) | Room 1250–1251 Prayer (all ages) | Room 100 Women (all ages) | Room 208

Women’s Association Circle Meetings

Lorne Scharnberg is teaching a new elective class called Analysis of Prophecy. It started last Sunday at the 10:45AM hour but it’s not too late to join. Room 1238/1239 Deborah Circle .................................................. Tuesday, October 6 | 7:00 pm Harriet Ruis, 10320 Clark, Clive, 223.9871 Elizabeth Circle................................................Thursday, October 8 | 12:30pm Helen Stearns, 3603 - 49th St.,DM, 276.6878 Esther Circle ........................................................ Thursday, October 8 | 7:00pm Pat Anderson, 5109 Lincoln Ave., DM, 271.9333 Hannah Circle .....................................................Thursday, October 8 | 9:30am Marlene Ferguson, 2201 Park Ave., DM, 243.8710 Martha Circle ....................................................Thursday, October 8 | 12:30pm Christina Mitchell, 5105 Brookview Dr., WDM, 224.6340 Ruth Circle ............................................................Thursday, October 8 | 9:30am Beaverdale Estates, 4610 Douglas Ave., DM. For info: call Sybil Bockert, 244.4316 Sarah Circle........................................................Thursday, October 8 | 12:30pm Carole Wade, 5926 N. Winwood Dr., Johnston, 331.4602

Sundays | 10:45AM–Noon

Cornerstone (born in the 1950s) | Room 1240–1241 Galilean (born in the 1930s) | Room 1244–1247 Immanuel (born in the 1930s) | Room 1105 Friendly Fellowship (born in the 1920s) | Room 120 Koinonia (all ages) | Room 1252–1253 Ezra (all ages) | Room 1118 Homebuilders (all ages) | Room 1250–1251 Prayer (all ages) | Room 100 Ecclesiastes (all ages) | Room 1238–1239 Worship | Room 1116 Women (all ages) | Room 208


Ladies: Women in the Word | Started Tuesday, Sept. 15 9:00–11:00AM | Rooms 100 and 131 (Library)


For All—Prayer Community

Ongoing | 6:30–8:00PM | Room 1244–47 | Facilitator: Pastor Mike Rose Card Ministry | 1:00–4:00PM | Room 139

Ladies + Fellowship + Missions = Fun • Have you ever wanted to know more about our missionaries? • Have you ever wanted to be involved with missions on a smaller scale? • Have you been without child care which prevented your involvement? • Are you between the ages of 16 and 96? Then we have the answer for you!! A new missions circle will hold their very first monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 14. We are so excited to offer this opportunity to all our ladies! If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Linda Hotchkiss at 264.9963 or [email protected] . First Federated Church


Sunday, October 4, 2009

SERVE PEOPLE Fall Fun Night Needs You!

Our annual Fall Fun Night is just 19 DAYS away. The church halls and rooms will be bustling with hundreds of children and their families, many of whom will be new to Federated. While October 23 will be a ton of fun, it will also be a ton of work! Want to share the fun and lighten the work? Here are some of the ways you can be involved: • Donate individually wrapped candy or snack items--Goldfish, animal crackers, fruit snacks, raisins, etc. (You’ll find containers throughout the building each week for your donations.) • Donate prizes for drawings. • Volunteer to help with decorating, set up and/or clean up. • Volunteer to supervise a game, serve as a host/greeter, help in the refreshment area. • Invite your friends and neighbors to attend. Flyers are available at the Welcome Center or in the Franklin Hall foyer. • Pray for this to be a safe, enjoyable evening for everyone and for visitors to feel welcome and eager to return to learn more about the God we love and serve. Contact the Children’s Ministries office at 255.2122 to volunteer or for more information.

Socks for Christmas?

impressed While our own children might not be dren around chil y need y man with socks for Christmas, ive warm socks. the world would be so grateful to rece pair of socks, a Next time you’re shopping, pick up a to add to a shoe ops fl ip fl even t-shirt, a cap, mittens or Remember, ld. Chi as istm box gift for Operation Chr 15. er emb Nov is day Shoe Box Collection Sun

FFC Wind and String Ensemble

The FFC Wind and String Ensemble is looking for additional people to join our group. We have been practicing and playing now for about 2 years and are about to head into our very busy Christmas music season. We play at many different venues throughout the city of Des Moines and the surrounding areas as well as here at First Federated. We play a wide variety of classical music, christian music and Christmas music that you will find challenging, fulfilling and a lot of fun. This is a great ministry to the community and the FFC congregation, as well as some great fellowship time with other members of FFC. We currently practice once a week at First Federated on Thursday evenings but can change this somewhat to accommodate other schedules. If you, or someone you know, would like to join or find out more about our group, you can contact Dave Blake at 270.9722. We would like to meet you and show you samples of the music we play. The instruments we are in most need of are strings…especially violin and viola. We could also use another flute, cello and maybe a string bass and would be able to use an oboe or recorder occasionally. Thanks for your interest. Don’t be shy, give me a call. Dave Blake, 270.9722.


Want to learn to play the bells?

A new beginner handbell group has been started and it is not to late to join. This group is for upper elementary aged kids through adult. Practice is on Wednesdays at 5:30-6:20PM. Call Bill Roland at 707.7407 for more details.

Regular Submission Deadline: Tuesdays by noon We prefer that items be submitted electronically! E-Mail: [email protected] All submitted items are subject to submission guidelines and editorial review by the church staff. FFC reserves the right to edit submissions for length.

Experienced Ringers Needed

The Memorial Bell Choir can use a few more experienced ringers. If you have experience, we can use you. Practice is on Sunday mornings at 8:00AM. Call Bill Roland at 707-7407 for more details.


First Federated Church does not claim to own any copyright privileges on items printed in this newspaper, unless otherwise stated. All items published are quoted in good faith and believed to be free for circulation or public domain.

Newspaper Staff:

Managing Editor ....................................John C. Stark ([email protected]) Production Artist ..........................................................Lynne McKee, Heidi Nelson Missions Editor .......................................................................................Jean Crabbs Prayer Bulletin Editor ............................................................................Julie Denger Printing ................................................................................................Karl Johnson Folding, Cutting, & Distribution ......................... Robert W. Marean & Bob Hulling First Federated Church


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dodgeball for Jesus? By Brian Balmer, Deacon and Youth Parent

Some of you are wondering…… what’s this guy talking about? How can you play dodgeball for Jesus? For those of you who have no idea what dodgeball is, well, it’s a game in which you throw balls at the opposing team members and try to hit them. If you succeed that player is out and the team that knocks out all of the other team’s players is the winner. This is not a game for the meek and mild. It is also not politicly correct to hit someone with a ball but the teens love it! Some of you may have seen this advertisement in the Federator every week: “Dodgeball Monday, 6:30–8:00, in the west gym”. This has been happening in our church for over a year and the response is amazing. Did you know that there are 30–40 teens that show up every week to play dodgeball? Did you know that there are 3–10 adults there Anytime that you get 30–40 every week (depending on if they have teens together in a gym for an healed from the previous week)? But here hour and a half there are two is the amazing part: there are new teens things that you need (besides almost every week! These are teens that deodorant)…food and drink! We do not attend our church or youth group. want them to feel welcome and These are teens that need to know the part of our church family and Lord and need fellowship with believers! what better way than food? These are teens that are at our church for a simple game of dodgeball. Dodgeball is an entry point ministry for Heirborn teens and college age Hub students to meet and connect with each other and the Lord. It is the goal of Pastor Howie and the other adults to get these teens involved in our youth group and church. Each week we have a brief devotional thought and prayer and then we play. We want them to have a great time and, through the Godly example of FFC teens and leaders, come back and desire to know more. Pretty basic idea... “Dodgeball for Jesus” Now you ask... ”What can I do?” Well I am so glad that you asked! Anytime that you get 30–40 teens together in a gym for an hour and a half, there are two things that you need (besides deodorant)…food and drink! We want them to feel welcome and part of our church family and what better way than food? So you can help by providing cookies, brownies, chips, popcorn, drinks etc. We need between 60 and 100 treats each week and drinks for the 30–50 that show up every week. Now I know that there are many in our church who love to cook and what better way to help than to fire up that oven and make a few batches of your favorite cookie recipe? If this is an area where you can help please contact our youth office to schedule a week to bring treats! Heirborn and Hub leaders and parents are more than welcome to join us. Thank you for your help and please pray for “Dodgeball for Jesus”. First Federated Church



Oct. 4—SMT Meeting Oct. 11—JH/SH Bonfires Oct. 18—NONE Oct. 25—Paintball

7th–12th Grades

TODAY SMT Meeting 6:30–8:00PM | Backdoor

THIS WEEK Dodge Ball Mondays | 6:30-8:00PM Wednesday Nights Wednesdays | 6:30–8:00PM | Backdoor

Sunday Mornings Sundays | 9:10–10:25AM | Backdoor

IN OCTOBER Urban Plunge October 16–18 Cost: $75—First 25 applicants. This will be a weekend-long retreat serving in the Des Moines area. We will be ministering to the homeless, to children and so much more. This is a great missions experience that will change your life. Plus, worship in an urban church within our community on Sunday morning! We are hoping to continue this effort each year! Be the first to experience it.

Bonfire October 11 | 6–8PM Join us for a really fun night of s’mores, hotdogs, worship under the stars…all that goes with a bonfire! Join us at the Balmers’ for the Junior High and the Stufflebeems’ for the Senior High.

Family Fun Night October 23 | 6:00PM Big chance to serve! We need teens to help with all of the booths and events—plus, we are turning the Backdoor back into an arcade and we’ll need help setting up and running each activity. This is a great outreach event for children and their families. Those of you who served at M-Fuge in a children’s ministry capacity will love this event!

Paintball October 25 | 2–5PM What you’ve been waiting for- the official Heirborn paintball outing! Meet us at Action Jack’s (Colfax, IA-I-80 Exit 155). Cost: $35—includes rental, air, and 500 paintballs. Extra ammo—$20…for diehards! And please don’t hurt Howie too badly!

NEEDS Potential Teaching Need If you are interested in teaching a potential 2nd hour Sunday School offering, see Howie.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Revolutionary Parenting

Hey, K-4th graders! Big City Studio is the place to be on Sundays at 10:45! This week we learned that God is a person who talks and WHEN HE TALKS THINGS HAPPEN! His words were powerful at the creation of the world and His Word, written in the Bible, is still powerful for us today.

Facilitated by Jeff and Julie Holt and Steve and Kris Moser 9:10–10:25AM | Sundays Room 108 | Workbook $10

New Arrival

Chloe Tesser is very excited to announce the birth of HER baby…baby sister, that is. Clara Emily was born on September 29 to David and Rachelle Tesser. She was welcomed to the family by big brothers Zack, Noah and Isaac, grandparents Donna Stanger and Mike and Mary Tesser, great-grandparents Don and Frances Womacks and lots of aunts, uncles and cousins. Welcome to the Federated family, little one!


Wednesday | 6:30-8:00PM Puggles—age 2 by 9-15-09 Cubbies—preschoolers ages 3 & 4 by 9-15-09 Sparks—K-2nd Grade T & T—3rd & 4th Grade

Don’t Forget Team Time TODAY! Sunday, October 4 9:10-10:25 or 10:45-noon Room 1163

We’re having some fun in our nursery! Check out these pictures of our youngest church family members...

First Federated Church


Sunday, October 4, 2009



Wednesday Night Meal

Thank You

Fellowship Hall | 5-6:15PM Children (age 2-12) $2 | Adults $3 | Family $10 Make reservations on the Care & Communication Card or call the church office before noon on Mondays. Oct. 7: beef burger, macaroni & cheese, oriental coleslaw, pumpkin bar w/ cream cheese icing

I want to thank the FFC body for their prayers and cards during my recent knee replacement surgery. Also, my thanks to John Porter for his hospital visits. Mae Hulbert

Iowa Right to Life Book Sale

We have three great missionaries coming to share, Dan & Sylvia Rogers who work with MAF in Ecuador, and Pablo & Rosa Gallego who work with Partners in Spain, and Brenda McCalley who works with Campus Crusade in Washington

Thanks to all who donated books, volunteered and shopped at this years’ sale. There were over 65,000 books on display, and $46,000 raised, that will go to crisis pregnancy centers, education and resources. To drop off books year round, go to 1500 Illinois St or call 244.1012. What a blessing to see what we can accomplish as we work together.

Ladies Christmas Tea | Spirit of Christmas

Heading South for the Winter?

Missions Luncheon

Sunday, October 18 | 12-2PM | Fellowship Hall

Ladies Retreat “Loving Well”.........................................................................13–14

If you’re planning on being out of the area for an extended period of time, the church office would greatly appreciate being notified of your anticipated departure and return dates. If you’d like to receive regular church mailings in your absence, make sure to provide us with your alternative address and we’ll do our best to keep you up to date. And don’t forget to check the church’s website (www.firstfederated.org) on a regular basis for news and pictures.


Flu Shots

Tuesday, December 8 | 6:30–8:30PM | Fellowship Hall


Special Guest: David Pierce ....................................................................................4 Alpha Begins (6:00PM | Fellowship Hall) ............................................................................5 Fall Fun Night............................................................................................................ 23


Ladies Christmas Tea “ Spirit of Christmas” (6:30PM | Fellowship Hall) ..................8

By Marabel Kersey, Parish Nurse Flu shots will be available at Parish Nurse Office: Sunday, October 11 | 12:00–2:00PM Tuesday, October 20 | 1–3PM (after 60+) $22.50 (Medicare, no cost. Application papers will be available)

H1 N1 is not in flu shot yet. Additional information regarding advisable age, etc. from CDC will be available at Parish Nurse Office, Room 1117. You may leave your reservation with Colleen at church office 255.2122.

Nurses’ Seminar

October 10 | 8:30–4:00PM | Room 108 (0.7 C.E.U.’s for $5) Focus: Nurses serving with Congregational Care Ministry

Non-nurses welcome, too. For registration and additional information contact Marabel Kersey at 255.2122 or 834.2001.

Deacon of the Month

Financial Report

Jim Feleay, 255.2122 ext 139

Our Deacons stand ready to help with the physical needs of the members and attenders of this fellowship. Should you have a short-term, emergency need, do not hesitate to call the church office and leave a message for the “Deacon of the Month.” This ministry is made possible by your gifts to the Deacons’ Fund.

Attendance 9/27/09 9:10AM Celebration ......................447 10:45AM River .............................. 275 Early Childhood ............................. 53 Children’s Church .......................... 56 Budgeted Missions Year to Date: 9/1/09–present Need ..................................... $21,568 Offering ................................ $19,806 Shortage...............................($1,762)

Deaconess of the Month Denese Gable | 255.4727

Our Deaconesses are available to the women of the church in areas of encouragement and spiritual support. If you need a listening ear and someone to pray with you, please call Denese. First Federated Church


Sunday, October 4, 2009

General Fund Offering Last Week Weekly Need .........................$31,932 Offering ................................$22,320 Shortage..............................($ 9,612) Year to Date: 9/1/09–present Need ....................................$127,728 Offering .............................. $114,580 Shortage............................. ($13,148)

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