Spikey SEL Lesson Plan Prepared by
Mr. Kelvin Nicholas Chan, Mrs. Thena, Ms. Jovena Choo, Mdm. Norashikin Sahroni (Qifa Primary), Mrs. K S Amarjit Singh Bal (Bendemeer Primary)
Prioritising Time
Target Level
2 periods (60 min)
Pre-requisite Skills
6 thinking hats, cooperative learning strategies, decision-making strategies and the 5 SEL competencies
SEL Competency Domains :
Self Awareness Self Management Responsible Decision Making Social Awareness Relationship management
SEL Standard
Goal setting and organizational skills with specific focus on identifying priorities and managing personal time effectively
Outcomes knc 2007©
Pupils will be able to: 1
understand the concept that time is a limited commodity and its implications
identify and learn to set priorities to achieve effectiveness and efficiency
identify the time monsters (time wasters) in their lives and brainstorm solutions to battle these time monsters
Other Considerations S/N 1
Pupils to form groups of 4 for group work
Teaching Procedure/Activity
Tuning In • Teacher gives pupils a riddle to guess “What flies but has no wings?
To tune pupils into the lesson
5 min
Video clip
Answer: Time (Teacher to reward pupils with the correct answer)
• Teacher shows a video clip
Teacher discusses with the pupils about the video clip and elicits responses on the importance of time.
15min To develop selfawareness through watching the video clip. Critical thinking through anaylsing the thought
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encouraging questions. •
Using black, white, red and green hat statements, pupils brainstorm to write down their thoughts based on the following questions.
Students develop their ability to self-manage themselves.
What was wrong with Ashley? What was he doing? Who was at home? What could he have done?
• Each group will be given one of the above questions to discuss. • Oral presentation by each group.
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First Things First •
Pupils using an A4 sheet and silent round-robin, each group list the things they do everyday.
The pupils then rank them in order of importance by numbering them from 1 to 10 and give reasons for their choices.
• Teacher gets a few pupils to share their answers and compare the answers, drawing good and bad inferences for the pupils
To help pupils understand 15 min the importance of setting priorities for effective time management
A4 paper and markers
To develop selfawareness, social awareness as well as relationship management and decision-making through negotiation with team members. To empower pupils with decision-making strategies with the following steps. 1. Setting goals 2. Pros and Cons 3. Evaluate 4. Select
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Time Monsters •
Teacher explains that time monsters often exist in our lives and they cause us to waste precious time unconsciously e.g. Watching TV programmes continuously regardless of quality of programme / chatting with friends on the phone non-stop
To help pupils identify the 10 min time monsters (time wasters) in their lives and come up with solutions to tackle them
A4 size coloured paper marker
To develop selfawareness and to regulate their behaviours.
• Teacher asks small groups to identify one time monster each and think of a solution to tackle the time monster
• Teacher gets one pupil from each group to share the group’s answer
• Teacher concludes this segment by encouraging pupils to be aware and take note of the time monsters in their lives so that they can avoid wasting time
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Conclusion Teacher provides each group with rocks, To develop the following pebbles, marbles, sand and a container. strategies: • Pupils to place and fill the container with critical-thinking materials given. problem-solving • Group presentation. Each group will decision-making explain their rationale of their choices strategies and actions. • Teacher then draws the analogy that the rocks are the most important tasks to be completed, which should be placed in the container first, and then we will find more time to do those of lesser importance, which are the pebbles, marbles and sand. • Teacher concludes by teaching pupils the acronym “CHOICE” •
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15 min
Empty containers Rocks, pebbles, marbles and sand Acronym “CHOICE” (Annex 1)
Compare the activities you have to accomplish. How will your choice affect you later. Order your priorities. Inscribe your scheduling decisions in your planner. Carry out your plan. Enjoy being in control of your time.