Sel: Leadership Lesson Plan

  • Uploaded by: Nur Ain Mohd Amin
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  • August 2019
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More details

  • Words: 370
  • Pages: 2
Title Level

Lesson Duration

Leadership Secondary 3 (Express/Special)

1 3 Weeks

Objectives 1 Students be able to identify Leadership Qualities 2 Students be able to evaluate Leadership Effectiveness S/N



Introductory: Leaders  Open Class Discussion on Qualities of Leadership  Example of Questions Ask: ‘What makes a Good Leader?’, ‘What defines a Leader?’  Students to Brainstorm on the different Leaders and what they have done.  Students to go through mini activities on analytical and thinking skills.  Teachers to instruct students on the next assignment on presentation. Students to be instructed to conduct a Group Presentation on Leadership Qualities Research on a list of given leaders: 1) Adolf Hitler, Chin Shih Huang (Politics) 2) Lee Kuan Yew, Li Ka Shing (Economics) 3) Jesus, Confucius (Culture) 4) Mother Theresa (Societal) 5) William Wallace (Military) focusing on i) similar and differentiating leadership qualities. ii) higher order generalizations on the case studies of different leaders?

Skills Infused/Used

 

Socratic Questioning Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels of understanding on literature reviewed Reliability of literature Handy Thinking Tools - applying Thumb and pointer finger SEL: Social Awareness

Est. Duration

Resources Required

Week 1

Reading Article Worksheet on Leaders References


Development: Identification of Leadership Qualities Students will present in groups and discussed on facts and insights presented

Peer evaluation


Cooperative Learning Round Table

Week 2

Worksheets Powerpoint Slides

Handy Thinking Tools - applying Pointer Finger and Middle Finger SEL: Social Awareness, Relationship Management

Consolidation Students will judge about the facts presented about the leaders by talking about the good points, bad points and curious points. (Suggested strategy: Gallery Walk) Teachers to throw Golden Questions to the floor:  Are leadership qualities shaped by environmental, social and cultural factors?  What if countries and populations are not faced with emergencies and urgent problems, will leaders emerge? Students will explore the controversies on the leadership Students to generate questions that brings about growth in knowledge. Students to compile the most argumentative questions to post on Web Based Forum for further discussion.

Handy Thinking Tool - Applying ring and little finger SEL: Responsible Decision Making,

Week 3

Guides on Questioning Butcher Paper Students’ Forum

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