Oct ('06)-3 - Spoken English

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-Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 8 -ÅéÓd-•®Ω’ 2006

Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛

Ramesh: Hi Nikhila, What brings you here?

(àçöÀ™« ´î√a¢˛?) (Ñ Å®ΩnçûÓ What brings you here? ÅØËC Å´’-®√uü¿éπ®Ωç ÅØË Å§Ú£æ« ÖçC. é¬E ÉC ´’®√u-ü¿-éπ-®Ω-¢Á’i† °æ©-éπ-JçÊ°. O’ conversation ™ ûª®Ωîª÷ ¢√úøçúÕ.) Nikhila: Just to see you. Long since we met, you know.

(E†’o îª÷-úø-ö«-EÍé. ´’†ç éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊E î√-™« ®ÓV-©-®·çC éπü∆) Ramesh: Thank you. Any news of Krishna?

(´’ç*üË. éπ%≠æg†’ í∫’-Jç-* à¢Á’iØ√ ûÁ©’≤ƒ?) Nikhila: I'm afraid I haven't any.

(àç ûÁ-L-ߪ’ü¿’.

Some =

éÌçûª, éÌEo.

a) There is some milk in the glass =

í¬xÆæ’™ éÌçîÁç- §ƒ-©’-Ø√o®·. b) Have some coffee =




c) She cooked some of the rice =

Ç Gߪ’uç™ -Ç-¢Á’ éÌçûª ´çúÕçC. d) I gave him some books yesterday =

E†o -Å-ûªúÕéÀ ؈’ éÌEo °æ¤Ææh-é¬-L-î√a†’. e) Some men were sitting; others were standing =

éÌçûª-´’çC èπÿ®Ω’aE ÖØ√o®Ω’, Éûª-®Ω’©’ E©’-E ÖØ√o®Ω’.

Ramesh: I was hopeful you'd have some information about him.

(†’¢ËyüÓ ÅûªE í∫’-Jç-* îÁ§ƒh-´ØË Ç¨¡-ûÓÖØ√o.) Nikhila: Let's call Alamelu. She might have some news.

(Å-©-¢Ë’-©’èπ◊ phone îËü∆lç. Ç¢Á’èπ◊ éÌçûª ûÁL-ßÁ·îª’a.)

éÌçü¿®Ω’ students ´÷vûª¢Ë’ Any = àüÁjØ√, á´-È®jØ√

Ééπ\úÕ à °æ¤Ææh-éπ-¢Á’i-Ø√/- É-éπ\úÕ °æ¤Ææh-é¬-©™ àüÁjØ√ êK--ü¿®·ç-üË. b) Any of them will help you =


(Åéπ\úø FÈé-´-®ΩØ√o ÊÆo£œ«-ûª’©’Ø√o®√?) Nikhila: I haven't any friends there.

(Åéπ\úø Ø√Èé-´®Ω÷ ÊÆo£œ«-ûª’©’ ™‰®Ω’)

(Ø√èπÿ ™‰®Ω’. é¬Ææh coffee û√í∫’-ü∆´÷? §Òü¿’l-†’oç* coffee BÆæ’éÓ™‰ü¿’ ؈’) Nikhila: Coffee is certainly welcome. I've come to you for some CDs on spoken English. Can you lend me them? (Coffee spoken English CD

Ø√éÀ-≠d¢æ Ë’. ØËØÌ-*açC éÌEo © éÓÆæç. -Å-N Ø√éÀ-≤ƒh¢√?) Ramesh: List the CDs you want.






Nikhila: I want some paper and pen.


paper, pen


Ramesh: Here you are. Have this coffee too.

(ÉNíÓ. Ñ


èπÿú≈ BÆæ’éÓ)

Nikhila: Thank you. But I need some more sugar.

(Ø√éÌ\çîÁç °æçîª-ü∆®Ω 鬢√L.) Ramesh: There isn't any in this bowl. I will get some. Wait.

(Ñ *†o §ƒvûª™ ™‰ü¿’. ØË-†’ BÆæ’éÌ≤ƒh. Öçúø’) ☯

™ some èπ◊, any éÀ î√-™« -v§ƒ-´·-êu--´·ç-C. ´’†-ç-ü¿-Jéà ûÁ©’Ææ’, some Åçõ‰ éÌçûª, éÌEo ÅF, any Åçõ‰ àüÁjØ√, à¢ÁjØ√, á´-È®jØ√ ÅE. Spoken English

Spoken English

1) I'm afraid I haven't any. (I haven't any news = I have no news.

Ñ È®çúø’ èπÿú≈ grammatical í¬ correct. Å®·ûË no more éπçõ‰ èπÿú≈ not any more ÅØËC spoken English ™ áèπ◊\´ ¢√-úø-û√®Ω’. Å™« ¢√úÕ-ûËØË English, Ææ£æ«-ïçí¬ Öçô’çC. ´’J-éÌEo examples îª÷úøçúÕ. a) There is no sugar in the bowl.

I have no news 2)


Åçûª Ææ£æ«-ï-¢Á’i† ¢√úø’éπ é¬ü¿’)

You'd have some news-


™‰ü¿’ 鬕öÀd some news. (F ü¿í∫_-Í®üÓ ¢√®Ωh-©’ç-ö«-ߪ’E ÇPçî√) (Not / Question ûÓ any)

3) ... she might have some news.

b) I have no money (not natural) 224

not ™‰ü¿’ 鬕öÀd some. (Ç¢Á’ ü¿í∫_®Ω éÌçûª Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç ÖçúÌa) 4) But there aren't any races now.

(É™« ņôç, There are no races ņôç éπØ√o ≤ƒüµ∆-®Ωùç, Ææ£æ«ïç) 5) Do you have any friends there?

I haven't (have not) any money/ I don't




sentences (no, not sentences) some, not sentences questions any

(Ø√ ü¿í∫_-JéÀ Ææ£æ…ߪ÷EéÀ ®√´ü¿’l) – Éü¿ç-ûª natural é¬ü¿’. Spoken English ™ ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ ÉC ¢√úø®Ω’. ÉüË Å®ΩnçûÓ áèπ◊\-´í¬ ¢√úË sentence –

™, Ö†o ™í¬F/ ™í¬F

Don't come to me any more for help. 3) I don't have any money

¢√-úø-û√ç. 1) They have some books

6) I haven't any= I don't have any.

2) Come no more to me for help

´÷´‚-©’í¬ affirmative


(¢√∞¡x ü¿í∫_®Ω éÌEo °æ¤Ææh-é¬-©’-Ø√o®·) Ramesh: Neither have I. How about having coffee? I haven't had any since morning.

Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson:

Have some coffee ™‰E

Ramesh: Do you have any friends there?

1) Waste no more time

(ÉC spoken English -™ -Åç-ûª -áèπ◊\-´í¬ -N-E°œç-îª-ü¿’.) = There isn't any sugar in the bowl. (ÉC spoken English -î √-™« natural (Ææ£æ«-ïç)í¬ üµ¿yEç-îËô’d îËÆæ’hçC.)

¢√∞¡x™x á´-È®jØ√ Fèπ◊ Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç îË≤ƒh®Ω’.

Åûª†’ jockey éπü∆. Åçü¿’-éπE †í∫-®√-©Fo A®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’ç-ö«úø’. Race course ¢√∞¡xèπ◊ phone îËÊÆh ¢√∞¡x ü¿í∫_-®Ω éπ*a-ûª-´’-®·† Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç Öçô’çC) (Jockey= ñ«éà – í∫’v®Ω-°æpç-ü∆--™ x í∫’v®√-©†’ †úÕ-Ê°-¢√∞¡Ÿx. Race course = í∫’v®Ω-°æpç--ü∆©’ ïJÍí ¢Á’iü∆†ç)

(£j«ü¿-®√-¶«ü˛™  í∫’v®Ω-°æpç-ü∆™‰ç ™‰´¤ É°æ¤púø’. °æçü∆© Ææ´’-ߪ’ç- é¬-C-éπ\úø. É°æ¤púø’ ¶„çí∫∞¡⁄®˝ í∫’v®Ω-°æpç-ü∆© Time. Åûª-†-éπ\-úø’ç-úÌa.)


a) Any book/ Any of the books here is very expensive =

Ramesh: As a jockey he keeps moving about. Let's call the Race course. They can give us definite information about him.

Nikhila: But there aren't any races now in Hyderabad. Not the season here. It's the Bangalore racing season. He might be in Bangalore.


= Do not (Don't) waste any more time. ûÁ©’-≤ÚhçC éπü∆– no more = not any more. 2) Don't waste any more time.

f) Only some students were present =



I have no money

She has no property



7) I haven't had any coffee since morning. (Better than saying, I have had no coffee since morning)

N’í∫û√ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ some ¢√úøéπç éÌçûª ÅF, éÌFo ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ ¢√ú≈ç îª÷úøçúÕ.


Practise the following aloud in English. Vinod:

have no friends

better, natural.


(They haven't (have not) any books) Question:

better, natural.

4) She doesn't have any property

X They do not (don't) have any books

= ¢√∞¡x ü¿í∫_Í®ç °æ¤Ææh-鬩÷ ™‰´¤.



(É™« ņôç, I ≤ƒüµ∆-®Ωùç, Ææ£æ«ïç)

ANSWER Vinod: You seem to have some computer books. Can you lend me some?

F ü¿í∫_®Ω computer books à-¢Ó Ö†o-ô’xVikram: Who said so? I don't have any (books on Ø√o®·. Ø√éÌ\-Eo-≤ƒh¢√? computers). Vikram: á´-®Ω-Ø√o®Ω’? Ø√ ü¿í∫_Í®ç computer Vinod: You usually buy, don't you? books ™‰´¤. (¢√∞¡x ü¿í∫_®Ω °æ¤Ææh-é¬-™‰-´’-Ø√o/- °æ¤Ææh鬙‰-¢ÁjØ√ Vinod: †’´¤y ´÷´‚-©’í¬ éÌçô’ç-ö«´¤ éπü∆? Vikram: I don't have any money. I don't buy (them) ÖØ√oߪ÷?) any more. Vikram: É°æ¤púø’ úø•’s©’ ™‰´¤. éÌ-†-úøç ™‰ü¿’. 2) He wants some more milk. Vinod: They aren't giving me books any more in Vinod: Ç library ™ Ø√éÀçé¬ °æ¤Ææh-é¬-L-´y-ôç(Åûª-EéÀ ÉçéÌç-îÁç §ƒ©’ 鬢√L) the library. ™‰ ü ¿ ’ . X He doesn't want any more milk. Vikram: Why? Vikram: áçü¿’-éπE? (Åûª-EéÀçé𠧃©-éπ\-®Ω-™‰ü¿’) Vinod: Ø√™«çöÀ outsiders éÀ ¢√∞¡Ÿx °æ¤Ææh-é¬ - Vinod: They aren't giving books to outsiders like Question: me any more. L´ y® Ω ô . Does he want any more milk? Vikram: I'm sorry. Why don't you buy? Vikram: I am sorry. é̆’é Ó\´ îª ’ a éπ ü ∆? (Éçé¬ §ƒ©’ 鬢√™«?) Vinod: I haven't the money/ I don't have the money. Å®·ûË éÌ-Eo Ææç-ü¿®√s¥-™x some, question ™ Vinod: Ø√ ü¿í∫_®Ω úø•’s-™‰ü¿’. πÿú≈ ¢√-úø-û√ç. -v°æ-¨¡o: 1. say ûª®√yûª to Öçô’çC. ô°æ¤púø’, NØË-ô-°æ¤púø’ Å©-¢√ô’°æúÕ a) will you have some more Upma? í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓ-¢√-Lq† N≠æ-ߪ’¢Ë’. tell ûª®√yûª Öçúøü¿’. éÌEo = ÉçéÌçîÁç Ö§ƒt BÆæ’èπ◊ç-ö«®√? DEéÀ answer verbs usage ™ confuse - ï - ¢ √- • ’: 1. Say ûª®√yûª to 2. Time is up (Time Å®·-§Úa) not ûÓ: ®·çC). Half an hour is up Å´¤-ûª’Ø√oç. DEéÀ °æJ-≥ƒ\-®Ω- ¢√úøôç, tell ûª®√yûª to ®√éπ-§Ú-´ôç ÅØËC English usage ™ ¶µ«í∫ç. No. Thank you. I don't want any (Å®Ω-í∫ç-ô-®·çC). ¢Ë’-N’öÀ? Åçõ‰ ¢√úø’éπ v°æ鬮Ωç ´Ææ’hçC. more. Time is over ÅØËC ÆæJ-é¬ü¿’. 2. exams ®√ÊÆ-ô-°æ¤púø’ time Å®·ûÁ©’-í∫’™ äéπJ O’ü¿ 3. He is in college now = Åûª†’ b) not ™‰èπ◊çú≈: §Ú-ûª’-†oC -Å-E ÉçTx-≠ˇ™ ᙫ ´’†ç éÓ°æçí¬ ÖçC, Åçö«ç. Ééπ\úø Thank you. A little more would do. college ™ ÖØ√oúø’ = He is at îÁ§ƒpL? 'O’ü¿— ÅE áçü¿’-éπ-Ø√L Åçõ‰ àç (Éçé¬Ææh 鬢√L) college now. É™«çöÀîÓôx, in, 3. He is in college now, He is îÁ-°æp™‰ç éπü∆? Å™«Íí English ™ at ûËú≈ ™‰èπ◊çú≈ ¢√úø’ûª’çö«®Ω’. ´·êuçí¬ í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓ-¢√-Lq† N≠æߪ’ç: at college now. ûËú≈ àN’öÀ? à ´÷ô ´·çü¿÷/- ûª-®√yû√ à àüÁ jØ√ correct. éÌEoîÓôx, in èπ◊ No = not any – Èé.Ç®˝. v°œßª’-ü¿-JzE, é¬éÀ-Ø√úø preposition ´Ææ’hç-ü¿-ØËC îªC-¢Ë´ ·çü¿ ’, 'the' ¢√ú≈-Lq- ®√-´îª’a. eg: Waste no more time = Éçéπ time ´%-ü∑∆ îËßÁ·ü¿’l Do they have any books?/ Have they any books?

-§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL: http://www.eenadu.net/spoken/spoken.htm

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