Dec ('06)-5 - Spoken English

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-´’çí∫-∞¡¢√®Ωç 26 -úÕÂÆç-•®Ω’ 2006

Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛

Vignata: Hi Santasa, well met. In fact I was about to start for your place. Glad you've come. When are we going to meet Vilasa? (Ææ´’-ߪ÷-EéÀ éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊Ø√oç. ÅÆæ©’ O’ ÉçöÀÍé •ßª’-™‰l-®Ω-¶-ûª’Ø√o. †’´¤y ´*a-†çü¿’èπ◊ ÆæçûÓ≠æç. N™«-Æ憒 á°æ¤púø’ éπ©’-Ææ’éÓ-¶-ûª’Ø√oç?) Santasa: What about? I don't exactly remember.

(üËEo í∫’Jç*? Ø√èπ◊ éπ*a-ûªçí¬ í∫’®Ω’h-èπ◊®√-´-ôç-™‰ü¿’.) Vignata: Santasa, It's about time that you took things seriously. We three talked about starting a business when we met last.

(†’´¤y ´·êu-¢Á’i† N≠æ-ߪ÷-©†’ ÆæJí¬ °æöÀdç--éÓ-¢√-Lq† Ææ-´’-ߪ’-N’-C. ´’†ç éÀçü¿öÀ≤ƒJ éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-†o°æ¤púø’ àüÁjØ√ ¢√u§ƒ®Ωç v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµç-î√-©-†’-èπ◊Ø√oç.) Santasa: Sorry. mind.

though the competition is high. Our job is all about booking as many orders as possible and executing them.

(§Úöà áèπ◊\´ Ö†o-°æp-öÀéÃ, ¢√öÀéÀ ´’ç* T®√éà ÖçC. Ç®Ωf®Ω’x •’é˙îËÆæ’-éÓ-´ôç, ¢√öÀE Ææ®Ω-°∂æ®√ îËߪ’-ô¢Ë’ ´’† °æ†çû√.) Booking orders = äéπ ´Ææ’h´¤/ ´Ææ’h-´¤©’ Éçûª/ ÉFo, Ñ rate èπ◊ 鬢√-©E éÌØË-¢√∞¡Ÿx Ţ˒t-¢√-∞¡xèπ◊ ®√Æœ É´yôç/ Ţ˒t-¢√∞¡xûÓ ®√®·ç--éÓ-´ôç. execute orders éÌØË¢√∞¡xèπ◊, ¢√∞¡Ÿx ÅúÕ-T† Ææ®Ω’èπ◊, Ææ®Ω-°∂æ®√ îËߪ’ôç. DEo delivering (îË®Ω-¢Ë-ߪ’ôç) ÅE èπÿú≈ Åçö«ç. Despatch orders = éÌØË¢√∞¡Ÿx 鬢√-©†o Ææ®Ω-èπ◊†’ ¢√∞¡xèπ◊ °æç°æôç. Santasa: Vinamra will be home now. Your brother too will be about in a few minutes. Let's all go to Vinamra's and discuss the matter.

(É°æ¤púø’ N†v´’ ÉçöxØË Öçô’çC. O’ v•ü¿®˝ èπÿú≈ éÌCl EN’-≥ƒ™x ´≤ƒhúø’. ´’†-

It's gone clean out of my

(≤ƒK. Ç N≠æߪ’ç °æ‹Jhí¬ ´’Ja§Úߪ÷.)


Ç hall ™ furniture *çü¿-®Ω-´ç-ü¿-®Ωí¬ °æúø’-Ø√o®·. e) Students are all about the place/ all around the place.

(Åéπ\úøçû√ Ææ÷dúÁçö¸q Åô÷ Éô÷ A®Ω’-í∫’ûª÷ ÖØ√o®Ω’.) f) The police are about/ around the place. Don't forget to wear the helmet.

(Ç îª’ô÷d §ÚMÆæ’©’Ø√o®Ω’. £«™„tö¸ °ô’déÓ´ôç ´’Ja-§Úèπ◊.) 3) about Åçõ‰ ü∆ü∆°æ¤ ÅE èπÿú≈ Å®Ωnç. Ñ Å®ΩnçûÓ about •ü¿’©’ around èπÿú≈ ¢√úø’-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’.

ô’d°æéπ\©) b) Is any one about, please?

(Ééπ\-úÁ-´-®Ω-Ø√o ÖØ√o-®√çúŒ?) c) She was about/ around here a few minutes, but is not to be seen now.

(éÌCl éπ~ù«© éÀçü¿ Ééπ\úË ÖçC, É°æ¤púø’ éπE-°œçîªúøç ™‰ü¿’.) ÉC ¶«í¬ practice îËߪ’çúÕ. conversation ™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í∫-°æ-úø’-ûª’çC. 6. be slow/ quiet about something.

(äéπ N≠æߪ’ç °æôx ´’çü¿-éÌ-úÕí¬/ ®Ω’í¬_ Öçúøôç. a) He is very slow about taking decisions

Do something about it

Vignata: You had better not. It's a matter of investment of lakhs. Our money is lying idle in the bank. We thought of putting it to better use.

(Å™«ç-öÀN ´’Ja-§Úèπ◊. ©éπ~-© ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’© °ô’d-•úÕ N≠æߪ’ç ÅC. ¶«uçé˙™ ´’† úø•’s Å™«-°æúÕ ÖçC. ü∆Eo Ææ-Cy-E-ßÁ÷í∫ç îËßÁ·îª’a.) Santasa: True. Let's be quick about it.

(Å´¤†’. ûªy®Ωí¬ îËÊÆü∆lç.) Vignata: Let's be clear about what we are going to do while we are about it.

(Ç N≠æߪ’ç/ °æE-îË-ÊÆ-ô-°æ¤púø’, ´’†ç î√™« Ææp≠ædçí¬ Ç™-*ü∆lç.) Santasa: We should also get loans from state finance corporation and the banks. (ÊÆdö¸ °∂jØ√Ø˛q 鬮Ìp-Í®-≠æØ˛, ¶«uçèπ◊© †’ç* èπÿú≈ ®Ω’ù«©’ BÆæ’-éÓ-¢√L ´’†ç.) Vignata: (There's) No use talking. Let's do some thing about it and quickly too.

(´÷ô-©ûÓ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í∫ç ™‰ü¿’. ü∆E N≠æߪ’ç àüÓ ûªy®Ωí¬ îËߪ÷L ´’J.) Santasa: How do we go about it?

(ᙫ v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµü∆l¥ç?/ v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµç-îªôç ᙫ?) Vignata: Our business is going to be computer hardware. We'll deal in computer hardware with an investment of about 15 lakh rupees.

(´’†ç éπç°æ‹u-ô®˝ ≤ƒ´÷†x ¢√u§ƒ®Ωç îËߪ’-¶-ûª’Ø√oç, ü∆ü∆°æ¤ 15 ©éπ~© ®Ω÷§ƒßª’© °ô’d-•-úÕûÓ.) Santasa: Is your brother about? He can help us in planning.

(O’--Å-†o-ߪ’u Ééπ\-úÁ-éπ\-úÁj-Ø√ ÖØ√oú≈? Çߪ’† ´’†èπ◊ §ƒxEçí˚™ Ææ£æ…-ߪ’-°æ-úø-í∫©úø’.) Vignata: We can expect him round about 10.30. (

-ü∆-ü∆°æ¤10.30 èπ◊ ûªØÌ≤ƒh-úøE ´’†ç ÇPçîª-´îª’a.) Santasa: Isn't computer hardware all about the parts of the central processing unit of the computer? (computer hardware computer central processing unit



í∫’JçîË éπü∆?) Vignata: Yea. We've a good market for it,

Spoken English

´’çû√ N†v´’ ÉçöÀÈéRx Ñ N≠æߪ’ç îªJaü∆lç.)



a) The car cost me about 4 lakh rupees.

Vignata: That's OK. 

(Ç é¬®Ω’èπ◊ ü∆ü∆°æ¤ 4 ©éπ~-©®·uçC.)

The car cost me around 4 lakh

O’èπ◊ í∫’®Ω’h -ÖçCéπü∆ ´’†ç -Éç-ûªèπ◊ rupees. ´·ç-ü¿’ prepositions ™x ´·êu-¢Á’i† b) He came to me about 10/ around ¢√öÀE í∫’Jç* ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊Ø√oç. É°æ¤púø’ 10 at night and spent an hour é¬Ææh N´-®Ωçí¬ ¢√öÀE îªJaü∆lç. talking. (®√vA ü∆ü∆°æ¤ °æCç-öÀéÀ Ø√ English Conversation ™ do, get, ü¿í∫_®Ω éÌ*a í∫çô-ÊÆ°æ¤ ´÷ö«x-ú≈úø’.) M. SURESAN c) About 10 lakh people gather at have, go, give ûÓ ´îËa high frequency ´÷ô-©†’ í∫’Jç* ûÁ©’-Ææ’Allahabad for the Kumbhamela. èπ◊Ø√oç.¢√öÀûÓ§ƒô’ Ñ prepositions use (èπ ◊ 綵 º ¢ Ë ’ ∞«èπ ◊ ü∆ü∆°æ¤ °æ-C©éπ~©´’çC §Úí∫-´¤èπÿú≈ correct í¬ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊çõ‰ conversation û√®Ω ’ .) î√™« effective í¬ Öçô’çC. Ñ lesson ™ ´·êuçí¬ about †’ í∫’Jç* ûÁ-©’-Ææ’-èπ◊çü∆ç. 4. Do something about it. (ü∆E N≠æߪ’ç àüÓ îÁ®·u.) (pronunciation Ŷ˜ö¸ – '¶˜— ØÌéÀ\°æ©’-èπ◊û√ç.) ÉC èπÿú≈ spoken English ™ î√™« com1. ´’†™ î√™« ´’çCéÀ ûÁ©’Ææ’ – about Åçõ‰ mon. ´·êuçí¬ éπ•’®ΩxûÓ é¬©-Íé ~°æç îËߪ’-èπ◊çú≈ í∫÷Ja, í∫’Jç* ÅE. °æ EéÀ Cí∫-´’ØË Å®ΩnçûÓ. a) We talked about our college days. No use drawing plans and discussing the (´÷ 鬙‰@ ®ÓV© í∫’Jç* ¢Ë’ç ´÷ö«x-úø’- a) matter. Do something about it. èπ◊Ø√oç.) (v°æ ù «R é π©’ ®Ω*ç-îªúøç, îªJaç-îªôç ´©x v°æßÁ÷b) I know everything about computers. ï†ç ™‰ ü ¿’. àüÓ äéπöÀ îÁ®·u / îËÆœ îª÷°œç.) (éπç°æ‹u®Ωx í∫’Jç* Ø√éπçû√ ûÁ©’Ææ’.) b) He always talks about cleaning the place c) Naturally the mother wants to know all about the girl her son is going to marry.

(ûª† éÌúø’èπ◊ °R} îËÆæ’-èπ◊ØË Å´÷t-®·E í∫’Jç* °æ‹Jhí¬ ûÁ©-Ææ’-éÓ-¢√-©E Ç ûªLx Ææ£æ«-ïçí¬ØË éÓ®Ω’èπ◊ç-öçC.) 2. About Åçõ‰ äéπ v°æü˨¡ç ô÷d/ *çü¿-®Ω-´ç-ü¿-®Ωí¬ ÅE èπÿú≈ Å®Ωnç. Ñ Å®ΩnçûÓ spoken English ™ about î√™« ûª®Ω-îª’í¬ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’. a) They spent the whole evening walking about the town.

but does nothing about it.

(áçûª-ÊÆ°æ¤ Ç v°æüË-¨»Eo ¨¡Ÿv¶µº-°æ-®Ω-îªôç í∫’Jç* ´÷ö«x-úø-ô-¢Ë’-é¬F, Ç°æ-ØËO’ îËߪ’úø’.) 5. be about: äéπ v°æü˨¡ç ô’d °æéπ\© Öçúøôç. a) Is your brother about

b) There are rumours about the place that he has murdered her.

(Ç¢Á’-†ûªúø’ -Ç -v°æ-üË-¨¡ç-™ îªç§ƒ-úøE Ü®Ωçû√ ®Ω÷-´’-®Ω’x-Ø√o®·.) c) Books were lying all about the room.

(Ç í∫ü¿çû√ °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ *çü¿-®Ω-´ç-ü¿-®Ωí¬ °æúÕ ÖØ√o®·.) Ñ Å®ΩnçûÓ about •ü¿’©’ around èπÿú≈ ¢√úøû√®Ω’. d) Furniture lay all about/ all around the hall .

b) She is very quick about/ at seizing opportunities.

(Å´-é¬-¨»-©†’ NE-ßÁ÷-Tç--éÓ-´ôç™ Ç¢Á’ î√™« ®Ω’èπ◊.) a) Go about = ÉC èπÿú≈ spoken English ™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í∫-°æúË expression. Å®Ωnç: (äéπ °æE) v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµç-îªôç, îËÊÆ Nüµ¿ç etc. a) Pratibha: Let's stage a drama for our college day. (

é¬-™‰-ñ ¸-úËèπ◊ -à-üÁj-Ø√ Ø√ôéπç ¢Ëü∆lç.)

Prasanna: OK. How do we go about it?

(Å™«Íí. àç îËߪ÷L ü∆EéÀ?) b) How do we go about to get a passport? (§ƒÆˇ-§Ú®˝d ûÁa-éÓ-´-ö«-EéÀ àç îËߪ÷L?) Ñ expression áèπ◊\´ questions ™ ´Ææ’hç-ü¿ØËC í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. 6. all about = ã ÆæçÆæn ´·êu 鬮Ωu-éπ-™«-§ƒ-©†’ í∫’Jç* îÁÊ°p-ô-°æ¤púø’ É™« Åçö«ç. a) The armed forces' job is all about defending the country. (army, navy and air force)

ü˨¡ ®Ωéπ~ù‰ ≤ƒßª·üµ¿ ü¿∞«© °æE.

b) A teacher's job is all about preparing the students for exams.

(Nü∆u-®Ω’n-©†’ °æK-éπ~-©èπ◊ Æœü¿l¥çîËߪ’-ô¢Ë’ öÃ˝ °æE.)

c) A computer professional's job is all about getting the information needed and processing data.

éπç°æ‹u-ô®˝ ¢√∞¡x °æ†çû√ Ææ´÷-î√-®√Eo Ææ´’-èπÿ®Ωaôç, N≠æߪ÷©†’ N¨Ïx-≠œç-îª-ô¢Ë’. About †’ í∫’Jç* Ñ v°æßÁ÷í∫ç É°æ¤p-úÕ-°æ¤púø’ ¶«í¬ ¢√úø’-éπ™éÀ ´≤ÚhçC.

(O’ -Å-†o-ߪ’u à´’Ø√o Ééπ\úø ÖØ√oú≈?– Ñ EXERCISE

Bhaskar: OK.

Practise the following aloud in English Bhaskar:

(Ü®Ωçû√ (ÜJ-ô÷d) A®Ω’-í∫’ûª÷ ≤ƒßª’çvûªç Åçû√ í∫úÕ-Ê°-¨»®Ω’ ¢√∞¡Ÿx.)

E®Ωg-ߪ÷©’ BÆæ’-éÓ-´-ôç™ Åûªúø’ î√™« ñ«°æuç îË≤ƒhúø’.) Ééπ\úø about èπ◊ •ü¿’©’, at áèπ◊\-´í¬ ¢√úøû√ç.

¢√∞¡x†’ í∫’Jç* FÍéç ûÁ©’Ææ’? Prabhakar: ¢√∞¡x†’ í∫’Jç* FÍéç N≠æ-ߪ÷©’ 鬢√L?¢√∞¡x†’ í∫’Jç* ûÁL-ߪ÷-Lq† N≠æ-ߪ÷©Fo ü∆ü∆°æ¤ ûÁ©’Ææ’. Bhaskar: ¢√∞¡x™  äéπúø’ Ñ îª’ô’d-°æéπ\™‰ ÖØ√oúø’ E†oçû√. Prabhakar: F°æE ¢√∞¡x éπü¿-Léπ©’ í∫´’-Eç-îª-ô¢Ë’ éπü∆. Bhaskar: Å´¤†’. ØËØ√ N≠æߪ’ç í∫’Jç* °æE ¢Á·ü¿-©’-°-úøû√, Æ‘J-ߪ’Æˇí¬. Prabhakar: †’¢√y-°æE îËߪ÷-Lq† Æ洒ߪ’ç ü∆ü∆°æ¤ ÉüË.

Answer Bhaskar: What do you know about them? Prabhakar: What do you want to know about them? I know about almost everything that we should know about them. Bhaskar: One of them was about/ around here the whole of yesterday. Prabhakar: Your job is all about observing their movements. Bhaskar: I'll go about it seriously. Prabhakar: It's about time you started it. Bhaskar: OK.

-§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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