Nov ('06)-10 - Spoken English

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-´’çí∫-∞¡-¢√®Ωç 21 -†-´ç-•®Ω’ 2006

Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛

Satyavanth: What is the big crowd over there?

(àçö« °ü¿lí∫’ç°æ¤ Åéπ\úø?)

B-Æœç-ü¿ô.) Satyavanth: That need not be a cause for a suicide.

Prasanth: I am just returning from there. I've yet to recover from the shock.

(Åéπ\úÕ †’çîË ´Ææ’hØ√o. Ç Cví¬s¥çA †’ç* Éçé¬ ûË®Ω’-éÓ-™‰ü¿’.) Satyavanth: You do appear really shocked. What's the matter, Prasanth?

(Eïç-í¬ØË Cví¬s¥çA îÁçC-†-ô’d-Ø√o´¤. àçöÀ N≠æߪ’ç.) Prasanth: Someone took his life from jumping to the ground from the third floor of that building.

(´‚úÓ ÅçûªÆæ’h †’ç* éÀçü¿éÀ ü¿÷éÀ á´®Ó Çûªt-£æ«ûªu îËÆæ’-èπ◊-Ø√o®Ω’.) Satyavanth: People perhaps have good reasons to take their own lives, but the means they choose, Oh. God! the less we talk of it, the better.

(Çûªt-£æ«ûªu îËÆæ’-éÓ--´ú≈-EéÀ 鬮Ω-ù«-™‰¢Á’iØ√, Ç îËÆæ’èπ◊ØË Nüµ∆©’.. Å•s! ü∆Eo í∫’Jç* áçûª ûªèπ◊\´ ´÷ö«x-úÕûË Åçûª ´’ç*C.) Prasanth: It seems it took place half an hour ago. The man leaped to death in the full view of the passers by. It


(-Ç-ûªt£æ«-ûªuèπ◊ ÅC 鬮Ωùç é¬-†éπ\®Ω™‰-ü¿’.) Prasanth: He was upto his neck in debts. He thought of making some money by winning the elections. The denial of ticket made him desperate.

(°‘éπ-©-ü∆é¬ Å°æ¤p™x èπÿ®Ω’-èπ◊§Ú-ߪ÷-úø-ûª†’. áEo-éπ™ x ÈíL* é¬Ææh úø•’s Ææ秃-Cç-î √-©E ņ’-èπ◊-Ø√o-úø-ô. öÀÈé\-ö¸ É´y-éπ-§Ú-´ôç ÅûªúÕE E®√¨¡èπ◊ í∫’J-îË-ÆœçC.) upto his neck = °‘éπ© ´®Ωèπ◊ (ÉC Å°æ¤p© N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ ´·êuçí¬ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’.) ÅüË vÊ°´’-N-≠æ-ߪ’ç™ – He is head over heels (ûª© ´·†-éπ©’) in love with her - ¢√úø-û√®Ω’.

drinks away all the money the others help him with.

Éûª-®Ω’©’ Åûª-úÕéÀ Ææ£æ…-ߪ’ç-îËÊÆ ÖüËl-¨¡çûÓ ÉîËa úø•sçû√ û√í∫’-úø’èπ◊ ûªí∫-™‰-≤ƒhúø’ 鬕öÀd ÅûªúÕ O’ü¿ á´®Ω÷ ñ«L-°æ-úø®Ω’/ ñ«L îª÷°æ®Ω’. É™«çöÀ Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x take pity on •ü¿’©’ have pity on ÅE èπÿú≈ ņ-´îª’a. a) Have pity on the old man and leave him alone .

Ç ´·Ææ-L-¢√úÕ O’ü¿ ñ«L ûª©* ÅûªúÕE ´C-™‰-

Satyavanth: Whatever it is, he is no more.


(àüË-¢Á’iØ√ ÆæÍ®, Åûª-E-éπ-™‰úø’.) Prasanth: A pity really. 

ߪ’çúÕ =

ûÓ ´îËa ´÷ôLo îªJa-Ææ’hØ√oç éπü∆. ´’JéÌ-Eoç-öÀE°æ¤púø’ îª÷ü∆lç. ÉN Éçûª-´-®Ωèπ◊ ´’†ç

Take pity on the old man and...

3) to take place =

Ææ綵º-Nç-îªôç/ ï®Ω-í∫ôç.

Unless takes pains, cannot succeed took quite sometime for them to understand what had happened.

(ÅC Å®Ω-í∫çô éÀçü¿õ‰ ïJ-T†-ô’xçC. ü∆J-†-§Ú-ßË’-¢√∞¡Ÿx îª÷Ææ’hç-úø-í¬ØË Åûªúø’ éÀçCéÀ ü¿÷é¬úø’. àç ïJ-TçüÓ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´-ö«EéÀ ¢√∞¡xèπ◊ é¬ÊÆ°æ¤ °æöÀdçC.)

a) The marriage took place yesterday =

îª÷Æœ† ¢√öÀ éπçõ‰ ûª®Ω-îª’í¬ ´≤ƒh®·. OöÀ™ éÌEo O’èπ◊ ûÁLÊÆ Öçú≈L. ¢√öÀE îª÷ü∆l´÷. 1) Take (one's) life - ´÷´‚-©’í¬ take life Åçõ‰ îªç°æôç ÅE. Take M. SURESAN

Satyavanth: I really take pity on him. (I) Wonder what drove him to take such an extreme measure.

one's own life/ Take one's (his/her etc) life =

Çûªt-£æ«ûªu îËÆæ’-éÓ-

´ôç. a) Åûªúø’ Çûªt-£æ«ûªu îËÆæ’-èπ◊-Ø√oúø’ = He took his life. b) Unable to bear the separation from her lover, she took her (own) life .

(Eïçí¬ ÅûªúÕ O’ü¿ ñ«™‰-≤ÚhçC. Å™«çöÀ N°æ-K-ûª-Ωu BÆæ’-éÓ-´-ú≈-EéÀ °æ¤J-éÌ-LpçC ഒߪ·uçô’ç--üÓ-†E Ç™-*-Ææ’hØ√o.)

ûª†’ vÊ°N’-èπ◊úÕ †’ç* áúø-¶«ô’ ûªô’d-éÓ-™‰éπ v§ƒùç BÆæ’-èπ◊çC. ´÷´‚-©’í¬ N†-°æúË ¢√éπuç:

Prasanth: As I rode along, people rushing to the spot took me by surprise.

Those who cannot give life have no right to take life

(؈’ ¶„jé˙-O’ü¿ ´Ææ’hçõ‰ ï†ç Ç îÓöÀéÀ °æJ-Èí-ûªhôç Ø√é¬-¨¡a®Ωuç éπL-Tç-*çC.) Satyavanth: Psychologists take pains to tell people not to get depressed, but that doesn't seem to deter people from suicides.

(E®√-¨¡èπ◊ ™-†’é¬-´-ü¿l-E ´’†-Ææh-ûªy E°æ¤-ù’©’ áçûÓ v¨¡´’ BÆæ’-èπ◊E îÁ•’ûª’ç-ö«®Ω’. é¬F ÅüËO’ v°æï-©†’ Çûªt-£æ«-ûªu© †’ç* Ç°æôç ™‰ü¿’.) Prasanth: It seems that this man took quite an active part in politics while he was alive. The denial of a ticket to him by his party led to his suicide.

(•A-èπ◊-†o-°æ¤púø’ ®√ï-éÃ-ߪ÷™x î√™« ®Ω’í¬_ §ƒ™Ô_-ØË-¢√-úøô. Åûª-úÕéÀ Ñ≤ƒJ áEo-éπ™x §ÚöÃ-îË-ߪ’-ö«-EéÀ §ƒKdöÀÈé\ô’d É´y-éπ-§Ú-´ôç Ñ Çûªt-£æ«-ûªuèπ◊ ü∆J-

Spoken English

°Rx E†o ïJ-TçC. b) When did the match take place? =

´÷uî˝ á°æ¤púø’ ïJ-TçC? c) The accident took place when I was on my way to college

= ؈’ 鬙‰@éÀ ¢Á∞¡Ÿûª’-†o-°æ¤púø’/ ¢Á∞Ïx-ü∆-J™ Ö†o°æ¤púø’ Ç v°æ´÷ü¿ç ïJ-TçC.

d) When the theft took place, everybody was at home =

He is very particular about my joining the club. He is taking the life out of me .

éπx¶¸™ ††’o îË®Ω-´’E °æô’d-•-úø’-ûª’-Ø√oúø’. Ø√ v§ƒù©’ ûÓúË-Ææ’h-Ø√o-úø-†’éÓ. 2) Take pity on = äéπJ O’ü¿ ñ«L °æúøôç. a) He took pity on the old woman and put her in an old age home .

Ç ´%ü¿’l¥-®√L O’ü¿ ñ«L-°æúÕ, Ç¢Á’-†ûªúø’ ´%ü∆l¥-v¨¡-´’ç™ îË®√aúø’. b) None takes pity on him because he

d) Unless one takes pains, one cannot succeed =

v¨¡´’-°æ-úø-EüË á´®Ω÷ Nïߪ’ç §Òçü¿-™‰®Ω’. ÉO daily life situations ™E conversation ™ take ûÓ ÅA ûª®Ω-îª’í¬ ´îËa expressions. OöÀE ¶«í¬ practice îËߪ’çúÕ. Arun:

àçöÀ èπ◊çô’-ûª’Ø√o´¤? Amala: E†o *†o ÇéÀq-úÁçö¸ ïJ-TçC. Arun: áéπ\úø ïJ-TçC? Amala: ÉçöxØË. Arun: ᙫ ïJ-TçC? Amala: Å´’tèπ◊ -¶«í¬-™‰-ü¿’. Å®·Ø√ ´çô îËߪ’-ö«EéÀ v°æߪ÷Ææ °æúø’-ûª’çõ‰ ≤ƒßª’ç îËߪ÷-©-†’èπ◊Ø√o.í¬uÆˇ ÆœLç-úø®˝ ´÷Í®a-ô-°æ¤púø’, §ƒü¿ç ÆœLç-úø®˝ éÀçü¿ †L-TçC. Arun: Eïçí¬ E†’o îª÷ÊÆh ñ«™‰-Ææ’hçC. Ç ¶«uí˚ É™« É´¤y. ؈’ ¢Á÷≤ƒh†’. Amala: ü∑∆çèπÿu. Ø√- éπ>Ø˛ éπ´’-©èπ◊ Ç ´÷vûªç ñ«L-™‰-éπ-§Ú-®·çC. Éçûª-ü¿÷®Ωç ØË-†’ ¢Á÷≤Úhçõ‰ îª÷Ææ÷h ÖçC. Arun: éπ´’™«? ûªØÁ-°æ¤púø÷ ÅçûË. ûª† ÅÂÆj-Ø˛-¢Á’çö¸ ††’o îËÆœ °ôd-´’E v§ƒù«©’ ûÓúË-Ææ’hçC. Amala: îÁߪ’uèπ◊. ûª†’ éπ%ûª-°∂æ·o-®√©’. Arun: Féπçõ‰ Ç¢Á’ Ø√èπ◊ ¶«í¬ ûÁ©’Ææ’. Å™«çöÀ ≤ƒßª’ç ØËØËç îÁߪ’u-¶-´-õ‰xü¿’. Amala: Å®·ûË í∫-ûª ≤Ú≠æ™ ¸ ÆæKyÆˇ é¬uç°ˇ™  ûª†’ î√™« ®Ω’í¬_ §ƒ™Ô_-çC. ÅC Ø√é¬-¨¡a®Ωuç éπL-Tç-*çC.

a) Parents take a lot of pains to educate their children =

✸ ✸ ✸ Arun: Why are you limping? Amala: A minor accident took place yesterday. Arun: Where?/ Where did it happen? Amala: At home. Arun: How? Amala: Mom wasn't well. She was still taking pains to cook, so I wanted to help her. While changing the gas cylinder my foot was pressed/ got pressed/ was crushed/ got crushed under the cylinder. Arun: I really take pity on you. Give me the bag. I'll carry it for you. Amala: Thank you. My cousin Kamala didn't have even that pity on me. She was just watching me carrying the bag/ carry the bag all the distance. Arun: Kamala? She's always like that. She wants me to do the assignment for her. Amala: Don't do it. She is ungrateful

°œ©xLo îªC-Nç-îª-ö«-EéÀ ûªLx-ü¿ç-vúø’©’ î√™« v¨¡´’ °æúø-û√®Ω’.

Arun: Don't worry. I won't do it. I know her better than you do.

b) He took a lot of pains to deliver the goods on time =

Amala: But at the last social service camp she took me by surprise by taking an active part.

Éçöx Åçü¿®Ω÷ Öçúø-í¬ØË üÌçí∫-ûª†ç ïJ-TçC. e) When will the meeting take place? =

Ææ´÷-¢Ë¨¡ç á°æ¤púø’ ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’çC?

. v§ƒùç É´y-™‰-E-¢√-∞¡xèπ◊ v§ƒùç BÊÆ £æ«èπ◊\-™‰ü¿’. (Åçõ‰ ÉçéÌéπJE îªçÊ° £æ«èπ◊\ á´-Jéà ™‰ü¿E.) Conversation ™ ÉC èπÿú≈ ûª®Ω NE-°œ-Ææ’hçC. take life out of (some one) D†®Ωnç. äéπ®Ω’ ÉçéÌ-éπ®Ω’ NÆœT §ÚßË’ç-ûª-´-®Ωèπ◊ ¢√∞¡x†’ ¢ËCµçîªôç/ äAhúÕ îËߪ’ôç (ûÁ©’-í∫’™: Åûªúø’ Ø√ v§ƒù«©’ ûÓúË-Ææ’h-Ø√oúø’/ BÆæ’h-Ø√oúø’ Åçö«ç éπü∆, Å™«í∫.)

Åûªúø’ ¶Cµç-îËC Nü∆u-®Ω’n-©èπ◊ Ææp≠ædçí¬ Å®Ωn-´’-ßË’u-™« îª÷úø-ôç™ Åûªúø’ î√™« v¨¡´’-°æ-úøû√úø’.



(Eïçí¬ ü¿’®Ω-ü¿%≠ædéπ®Ωç) Take

Åûªúø’ î√™« v¨¡´’-°æ-ú≈fúø’. c) He takes pains to see that his students understand clearly what he teaches =

4) Take (some one) by surprise =

Ǩ¡a®Ωuç éπL-Tç-îªôç. a) His coming at that time of the night took me by surprise =

Åûªúø’ ®√vA Ç Ææ´’-ߪ’ç™ ®√´ôç Ø√é¬-¨¡a®Ωuç éπL-Tç-*çC. b) I haven't told him I will be visiting him. I want to take him by surprise =

ÅûªúÕE îª÷úø-ö«-EéÀ ´Ææ’h-Ø√o-†E Åûª-úÕûÓ îÁ°æp-™‰ü¿’. Åûª-úÕéÀ Ǩ¡a®Ωuç éπL-Tç-î√-©E. c) His resignation has taken every one by surprise =

ÅûªúÕ ®√@-Ø√´÷ v°æA-äéπ\-J-F Ǩ¡a-®Ωu-°æ-J-*çC. v¨¡´’-°æ-úøôç/ v¨¡´’-B-Ææ’-éÓ-´ôç – ÉC ´’†™ î√™« ´’çCéÀ ûÁL-Æ œ†

5) Take pains = expression.

ÆæÈ®j† Ææ´’-ߪ÷-EéÀ

´Ææ’h-´¤©’ îË®Ω-¢Ë-ÊÆç-ü¿’èπ◊

-§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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