a y
Important Dates
Sunday May 10 - Mother’s Day
May 2 is the Kentucky Derby. This is the first jewel in
the Triple Crown. •
May 3, 1999, the Dow Jones tops 11,000. Wonder when this will happen again.
Monday, May 25 - Memorial Day MHTN Offices will be closed
May 9 is the flower Moon. So called by Native American tribes of New England and the Great
3:00 pm - The time for Americans
Lakes because by this time of the year, flowers are
to pause on Memorial Day for
a moment of remembrance in honor of the fallen.
F ee l i n g s t r e s s e d ? w a y s t o c o p e Your body responds to all stress, both positive and
“A diamond is a chunk of coal that
negataive, by trying to get back to normal. If a stressful
made good under pressure”
situation goes on for too long without any relief, you
- Anonymous
may experience diseases and disorders such as colds, ulcers, asthma, heart attack or stroke. You may feel tired, irritable, depressed or anxious and may have trouble eating or sleeping. There are ways to minimize negataive effects of stressors: •
Take time to relax each day
Exercise regularly
Learn to “let go” of things outside of your control
Learn to take action when you can make a difference
Avoid excessive alcohol, caffeine, fats and sugars
Chad Parker
Matt Clinger
Ashley Giessing
Dennis Cecchini
Stephen Mack
Kris Ossmen
Josh Vel
being flexible An oak and a reed were arguing about their strengths. When a strong wind came up the reed avoided being uprooted by bending and leaning with the gusts of wind. But the oak stood firm and was torn up by the roots. Aesop 59,915 The patent number for Pierre Lallement’s velocipede, granted in 1866 in the United States. The French Mechanic is widely believed to be the father of the modern bicycle. Celebrate National Bike Month and show everyone how you roll. 1908 The year the first Mother’s Day celebration took place in Gratfon, West Virginia, thanks to activist Anna Jaravis. Congress made it an official day in 1914. 2,500 The miles clocked by Harry Truman and his wife, Bess, on their road trip from Missouri to New York and back in 1953. Traveling with no security detail, the former president was greeted with enthusiastic cries of “Hiya, Harry!” at stops along the way, according to the new book, Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure. Good excuse to ring and run? Because you left a May Day basket on your neighbor’s doorstep. On the first of the month, revive an old time tradition; Set a basket of blossoms on the stoop of a door, hit the buzzer, then disappear with a spring in your step. Insurance Changes Your rates for health and dental will be changing from 10% to 20%. Benefits will be remaining the same.
River Park,
“Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out”
m h t n
- James E. Conant
a r c h i t e c t s
Price Convention Center
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
- Helen Keller
m h t n
a r c h i t e c t s