August 2009

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u g u s t

ro l l er c oaster 1 0 1

S ta f f M eet i n g

Coasters date back to around the 16th century, when

There will be a meeting on Tuesday

Russians created ice slides, slick tracks in the snow

August 18 at 4:00 pm in the break

which thrill seekers road down on sleds. America’s first



coaster was a switch back railway in Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. It was built to carry coal down the mountain but in 1873 it had given 34,000 tourists a ride. The first American coaster built solely for fun was named


Switchback Railways in Coney Island which opened in

August 14 - Volleyball - contact Todd

1984 on the same spot where the cyclone stands.

Freebairn for more information.

Where is the world’s fastest, tallest coaster? That would

September 10 - United Way Day of

be Kingda Ka, at New Jersey’s Six Flags - it zooms 128

Caring - Robert Pinon is the contact

miles an hour, climbs 45 stories and then drops back


down - gulp!!! B r y c e Ca n y o n Nat i o n a l p ar k In the July issue of Sky, Delta Airlines Magazine, Bryce Canyon is mentioned as one of the three parks des-

“So many worlds, so much to do, so little done, such things to be.” - Alfred Lord Tennyson

tined to live in the shadows of giants. Take some time to visit the park and see the sandstone spires. You can walk among sandstone formations which range from stumpy towers to towering skyscrapers. M H T N O p erat i o n s M a n u a l

We are currently working on completing the section on Cad standards for the operations manual and assemblying the binders. They should be available for distribution in a couple of weeks.


Jeff Juip


Mark Peterson


Bill Erickson


Don Willilams

smart p rese n tat i o n s b y J oh n W i n dsor Logic leads to conclusions. Emotion leads to action. Makes sense - so what does this look like in a presentation? You are using logic if

Say, “We are the industry Leader.” Have a slide detailing your company’s background. Use a list of features and benefits. Take two minutes to express what could be said in 20 seconds. Include product or service names on title slide.

You are tapping emotion if:

Say, “Here is why this matters.” Have a slide detailing their issues and objectives. Drill into what they can achieve. Engage them in conversation, not a dissertation. Use pictures instead of text. Begin with a goal slide.

f a c to i ds • There is a 1 in 130 chance a 411 telephone call in the United States is handled by a Federal Prisoner - Harpers. •

United States is Ranked 7th on the top ten list of “innovation friendly” nations. Singapore, South Korea and Switzerland were ranked one, two and three.

August 12, 1981 - IBM’s first personal computer was released. Cost of the computer is equivalent to $3,000 in today’s currency.

Also on August 12, 1877 Thomas Edison invented the phonograph.

August 25, 1939 marks the 70th anniversary of “The Wizard of Oz.” While nominated for six academy awards, the movie won two - best original music score and best song for “Over the Rainbow”.

Speaking of anniversaries - August 27 marks the 45th anniversary of the film, Mary Poppins”. Were you aware there are 34 letters in “supercalifragilisticexpialidocius”?

p erso n a l c o n n e c t i o n s st i l l p re f erred wa y to n etwor k Despite the “buzz” surrounding social networking, personal connections are the most popular means of networking professionally, according to a poll from the Society for Human Resource Management. The study found it is the “face to face” and “the who you know” which counts in business. One finding stands out. 38% use online professional and social networking sites to learn about a particular company or someone who works at the company.

“It isn’t the great big pleasures that count the most; it’s making a great deal out of the littles ones.” - Jean Webster, Daddy-Long Legs

m h t n

a r c h i t e c t s

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