April 2008

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VO LUM E 04. 04




O n Apri l4,1964 the Beatl eshel d the top !ve posi -

G ai lM eaki ns,Intern,Sustai nabi l i ty

ti onson the Bi l l board Hot100 Chart: “Can’tBuy

Jon Rei m ann,PA/PM ,K-12



M e Love”wasnum berone,fol l owed by “Twi st and Shout”,“She LovesYou”,“I W antto Hol d


YourHand”and “Pl ease,Pl ease M e.”

The num berof"owersa bee hasto tap


to m ake one pound ofhoney. Al so,on the 4th i n 1932 Vi tam i n C was!rsti sol ated by C.C.Ki ng atthe Uni versi ty ofPi ttsburgh.

“When man is happy, he is in harmony with himself and his environ-

The Fi rstcham berofcom m erce i n the USwas founded i n New YorkCi ty on Apri l5,1768.

ment” ~Oscar Wilde

NCAA Di vi si on 1 M en’sBasketbal lcham pi onshi p (!nalfour)wi l lbe Apri l5 and 7 i n the Al am -


Troy Adam s

odom e,San Antoni o,Texas.


ScottThom as


Li nda Kruse




A de!ni ti on i sto appl y onesel fto hearsom ethi ng


M attW atts

and to pay attenti on,gi ve heed. In si m pl e term s


Chi nh Pham

there i sa reason we were gi ven two earsand



one m outh.


Shane Trum p


Porti a Hansen

TV TU R N O FF The week of April 21 - 27. It is estimated the average American watches 1,672 hours of TV per year.

U S E P O W E R S TR IP S Is your TV turned off? Think again. A percentage of your home’s electricity goes to devices which are not in use but are plugged in. To kill the current and lower your bill, plug them into a power strip and !ip the switch.

TH E B R A IN A T W O R K (A R TIC LE IN M A R C H 2 0 0 8 H R M A G A Z IN E ) Scientists have con"rmed the brain of a 71 year old is the same as the brain of a 17 year old in its ability to make new connections. Unfortunately, most of us stop learning around the age of 30. G etting the brain to learn new tricks requires effort. To make learning stick, the brain must move information from “working memory”to the basal ganglia at the base of the brain.

Neuroscience con"rms the “brain shuts off after a certain amount of time, and there is a limit to how much information can be digested.” If you are really paying attention to learning something new, the time limit is 20 minutes before the brain says “enough.” It is further stressed about the importance of sleep in this process sleep adds to the learning process.

For a copy of the entire article, contact Linda.

FIR S T O F A P R IL 1 9 9 8 O n this day Burger King took out a full page ad in USA Today announcing a “Left Handed W hopper”designed for southpaws. According to the ad, there were the same ingredients, but condiments were rotated 180 degrees to bene"t left handed people. Thousands requested the sandwich. And, yes it was an April Fool’s hoax.

“We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry” ~E.B. White

m h t n

a r c h i t e c t s

TIP S FO R M U LTI-TA S K E R S • Hang up the phone - when you have an important task to accomplish, it is better not to answer the phone • Block offtime - set aside chunks oftime to dedicate to dif!cult, work-intensive tasks • Know your limits - everyone has a limit. W hen you make mistakes, you are doing too much at once • Tame the e-mail tide - only check your e-mails a few times a day • Delegate

TR IV IA W IN N E R Congratulations to Bobby Anderson on winning the M arch Trivia.

M H TN I n the 2008 American School Board Journal titled “Learning by Design”there is an article, page 75, on the O dyssey Elementary and Astro Camp School in O gden. Pictures are by Preston Norris

Did you see this mischievous little leprechaun running around the of!ce?

m h t n

a r c h i t e c t s

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