Jihan Salsabila Resume.pdf

  • Uploaded by: Jihan Afifah
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 871
  • Pages: 1

765. 337. 0373 j s al s abi @pur due. edu l i nk edi n. com/ i n/ j i hans al s abi l a


BSi nEl ect r i calEngi neer i ngMay2020 El ect r i calEngi neer i ngI nt er n Mi nor sFi l m St udi es,Gl obalEngi neer i ngSt udi es Rheem Manuf act ur i ng,I ndi anapol i s,I N May2018-Aug2018 GPA3. 62/ 4. 0 -Per f or meds y s t em i nt egr at i ont es t i ngonwat erheat ers of t war eand

SKILLS har dwar e Sol der i ng( SMD) ,PCB,ASI CDesi gn Ar dui no,TestBench,Osci l l oscope El l i psomet r y,Sput t er i ng,Thi nFi l m Et chi ng sof t war e Or CAD,SPI CE,e2St udi o Phot oshop,Fi nalCutPr oX pr ogr ammi ng Ver i l og/ Syst em Ver i l og,C Pyt hon,MATLAB,Vi sualBasi c

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Pur dueAcabel l as( acappel l agr oup) Cof ounder ,Publ i cRel at i onsOf f i cer Et aKappaNu( ECEHonorSoci et y) Act i veMember ,Recor di ngSecr et ar y Womeni nECE Soci alCommi t t ee Soci et yofWomenEngi neer s Team TechChi efEngi neer ,Seni orSl eepover

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-Desi gnedRTLDi agr amsandSy s t emVer i l ogcodedes cr i bi ngt hef unct i onal i t yof AHBLi t eI nt er f aceSubmodul et oi nt egr at et oov er al l des i gnofUSBEndpoi nt -Dev el opt es tbenchest ov er i f ycor r ectoper at i onofAHBLi t eI nt er f ace

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-Col l abor at edwi t hPr ax ai rt odev el opanaut omat edmet hodf orgascani s t er st obe l oadedandi dent i f i edont opal l et s -Wor k edwi t hr obot i cs y s t emsandhar dwar e,di s t ances ens or s ,andbar code s cannerwi t hAr dui not odev el oppr ot ot y peofr obot i car m

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