Ia Itb Utk Daya Saing Indonesia - Apk

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  • Words: 1,070
  • Pages: 20
Membangun Peran Signifikan Ikatan Alumni ITB dalam Peningkatan Daya Saing Bangsa Aulia Prima Kurniawan Sekjen Pengda Jakarta

Hotel Sultan, ASEAN Room Jakarta, 4 Desember 2008

Objectives • Presentasi ini disajikan dalam forum Roundtable Discussion “Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa” yang diadakan oleh Steering Committee Silaturahmi Nasional IA ITB, di Hotel Sultan, ASEAN Room, 4 Desember 2008. • Dokumen ini, yang disusun dari banyak sumber, tidak bertujuan untuk menjadi sebuah single solution atas tema tersebut, melainkan dimaksudkan untuk membangun dan memperkaya wacana atas nilai strategis IA ITB serta membangun peran signifikan IA ITB dalam meningkatkan daya saing bangsa Indonesia.

Pendefinisian Competitiveness sebagai Fondasi Penciptaan Kemakmuran Bangsa (World Economic Forum) PROSPERITY


+ ENDOWMENTS Natural Resources

Geographical Location

Country Size

Globalisasi “menuntut” Negara-negara di Dunia Berkompetisi dan Senantiasa Meningkatkan Daya Saingnya yang “diukur” dalam Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)

Mekanisme pengukuran (indexing) WEF tersebut menghasilkan “ranking” daya saing bangsa-bangsa di dunia dengan 12 “competitiveness pilar”…

• • • •

Institutions Infrastructure Macroeconomic stability Health and primary education

Efficiency enhancers • Higher education and training • Goods market efficiency • Labor market efficiency • Financial market sophistication • Technological readiness • Market size

Innovation driven Economies


Basic requirements

Efficiency driven Economies


Factor driven Economies

Innovation and sophistication factors • Business sophistication • Innovation

Fasa transisi di sini adalah posisi index daya saing suatu bangsa yang tengah beralih dari fasa sebelumnya menuju tingkatan kualitas yang lebih tinggi.

Posisi Daya Saing Indonesia (Global Competitiness Report 2008 – WEF)

Dalam konteks “lokal” Indonesia, Competitiveness oleh Prof. Porter (ISC – Harvard) sebagai berikut… “Competitiveness is determined by the productivity (value per unit of input) with which a nation or a region uses its human, capital, and natural resources. Productivity sets a nation’s or region’s standard of living (wages, returns on capital, returns on natural resources) • What is Competitiveness? – Productivity depends both on the value of products and services (e.g. uniqueness, quality) as well as the efficiency with which they are produced; – It is not what industries a nation or region competes in that matters for prosperity, but how firms compete in those industries; – Productivity in a nation or region is a reflection of what both domestic and foreign firms choose to do in that location. The location of ownership is secondary for national prosperity. – The productivity of “local” industries is fundamental to competitiveness, not just that of traded industries – Devaluation and revaluation do not make a country more or less “competitive”

• Nations and regions compete in offering the most productive environment for business • The public and private sectors should play different but interrelated roles in creating a productive economy”.

Priorities for Indonesia in Raising Its Competitiveness (Porter, Nov 06) • Improve the macroeconomic, political, legal, and social context – – – – –

Legal system reform Institutional and policy stability Government simplification / professionalism Social safety net versus subsidies Structure for public / private policy coordination

• Upgrade the business environment – – – – –

Infrastructure Skills Special Economic Zones Fast track organizations SOE governance / privatization

• Move to cluster-based economic development • New approaches for FDI attraction – Cluster approach

• Effective regionalization of economic development – “Regional economic development agreements” • Enhance ASEAN economic integration

National Economic Strategy

Clusters reflect the fundamental influence of linkages and spill-overs across firms and associated institutions in competition (Porter, Nov 06) •

Clusters Increase Productivity / Efficiency – Efficient access to specialized inputs, services, employees, information, institutions, and “public goods” (e.g. training programs) – Ease of coordination and transactions across firms – Rapid diffusion of best practices – Ongoing, visible performance comparisons and strong incentives to improve vs. local rivals

Clusters Stimulate and Enable Innovations – Enhanced ability to perceive innovation opportunities – Presence of multiple suppliers and institutions to assist in knowledge creation – Ease of experimentation given locally available resources

Clusters Facilitate Commercialization – Opportunities for new companies and new lines of established business are more apparent – Commercializing new products and starting new companies is easier because of available skills, suppliers, etc.

Clusters provide a framework for organizing the implementation of public policy and public investments towards economic development (Porter, Nov 06)

Cluster Approach in Economic Development (USA Case)

Profil Ikatan Alumni ITB • Beranggotakan + 10,000 “well educated people” yang merupakan “Putera dan Puteri Terbaik” di Indonesia; • Tersebar di 24 Kepengurusan Daerah, 24 Kepengurusan Jurusan / Program Studi, 3 Kepengurusan Komisariat Perusahaan, dan 5 Komisariat Luar Negeri; • Berkiprah di bidang akademik, bisnis dan industri, serta pemerintahan.

Berpotensi besar menjadi “Agent” Peningkatan Daya Saing Indonesia

Menjadi “Competitiveness Strategy Center” yang berorientasi kepada peningkatan Daya Saing Nasional yang berbasis karakteristik lokal Indonesia

Pengembangan Strategi Daya Saing Nasional (Rekomendasi Porter untuk Indonesia, Nov 06)

Mekanisme Operasional IA ITB dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing Nasional External Knowledge Sources Government Regulations

Markets Dynamics

Competition Analysis

Industry Trends

Other Stakeholders


Data Capturing


Project Delivery

Kepengurusan Prodi

Knowledge Flow

Kepengurusan Daerah


Data Capturing



Project Delivery

Internal Knowledge Sources

Knowledge Flow



Data Capturing


Project Delivery

Menciptakan Knowledge Network berbasis “Community of Practice (COP)”, menjadi penting dan mendesak untuk dapat membangun kolaborasi dan sinergi… Kepengurusan IA Luar Negeri


Kepengurusan IA Komisariat

Kepengurusan IA Daerah Knowledge Network

Knowledge Network

Competitiveness Strategy

Knowledge Network

Regional Groups Subject Matter & Competence Groups Knowledge Network Coordinator

Humaniora dan Seni

Basic Sciences Perekayasaan

Knowledge Network

Knowledge Network

Knowledge Network

Usulan Proses Operasional “National Competitiveness Strategy Center”… Apply

Create Store


Operational Team


Value Add Internal Value

& External Provide Infrastructure Knowledge Acquisition Learn

Engagement Team

Store, Value Add & Share


KM ProcessesOrganization

Input – Purge – Archive Catalog – Abstract Index – Coordinate Content

Acquire • Internal:

Add Value

• External: • News, Journals Regulations, 3rd Party Research

created & captured from external and internal sources, research, daily process, Communities of Practices, codification of tacit knowledge


• Processing: knowledge

Deploy and Store Reuse

• Engagement Based • Nonengagement Based

• Acquisition: systematically

• • • • •

Identify needs Filter Research Develop proprietary Package

Deploy • On demand • Repeatable • Event-based • • • • •

Subscription Commercialize Monitor usage Measure Satisfaction

Provide Infrastructure Organization – Culture – Technology – Public Relations

stored, taxonomy-categorized, analysis, ICT infrastructure

• Deployment: use for projects / actions, scheduled or periodic dissemination, reutilization / re-using, measurement

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