Guia 5

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: ________________________ _________________________


: ________________________




: ________________________


: DEL __________ AL _______


: ________________________

_____________________ FIRMA DEL PROFESOR


It’s such a sunny day! Elsa had an excellent time yesterday. She went to the beach with Vanessa, Kristy y Sandy, three friends from school. She woke up early and put on her bikini. Then she prepared her bag. She put her sunglasses, her sun protector, a towel, a pair of sandwiches and a cooler with mineral water. At eight o’clock her friends came to take her. They went in Sandy’s car. They spend a perfect day on the beach: the sky was blue, the sand was warm and the sea was fresh a peaceful. They went back home in the evening.

APRENDA La palabra sunbathing es un gerundio y proviene del verbo to sunbathe, que quiere decir “tomar el sol”.

OBSERVE To have an excelent (nice, wonderful) time es una expressión muy habitual. Significa “pasar un buen rato”

SEASON Winter Invierno Spring Primavera Summer Verano Fall Otoño 3

On the coast

(Elsa habla a sus amigas de su gran deseo: vivir en la Costa)- i like the coast. I love the views to a beach from a cliff. I also like the vegetation. The palm trees, for example, are so exotic

Do You Remember? “Your grandparents had a very exciting life, said Mr. Brown to his children.”Your grandfather was a journalist and wrote for a newspaper during the Second World War. He had many adventures in Europe and colaborated with American spies in Germany. He even won a medal for his courage. Your grandmother became a volunteer during the war and worked with other women: They made planes in a factory. She learned to fly an airplane and participated in competitions” Those old days in New Jersey .Life in the countryYour grandparents bought a nice house in the country. Life was easy and peaceful there! There was fresh,air and wonderful views to the countryside. They loved it. .Looking at picturesThis man in the photo is your grandfather. The woman on the left was your grandmother and the other woman was Cindy, her sister. They were very elegant people! .Life in the cityWhen I was young, I studied in the city. It was noisy and stressing! There were cars, trams and lots of people. Yes! I missed the country Vocabulary Journalist Periodista


Newspaper Periódico Easy Fácil Noisy Ruidoso/a Cosy Acogedor, agradable Wood Bosque, madera Stream Arroyo Observe El sustantivo airplane (en Gran Bretaña es aeroplano) significa “avion” y puede abreviarse como plane A house in the country (Peter habla de la casa de sus padres)- I liked my parents´house. It wasn’t near the city but it was huge and very cosy. I remember the piano in the living room and the big clock on the dining room wall. From my window i could see a green wood near the house and a bridge over a stream. I went there to swim many times. School daysI enjoyed school very much, I had lots of homework and the teacher was strict but I also had lots of good friends. They were very funny and healthy people. I had lots of adventures with them. APRENDA


En esta pagina salen nuevos verbos irregulares. Por ejemplo: wrote es el pasado de to write(“escribir”); bought, el de to buy (“comprar”); won tambien es un pasado irregular, en este caso de to win (“ganar”), y became es el de to become(“convertirse”).

Prepositions: in/on/at Estas son las preposiciones de lugar que más se utilizan. Acertar cual debe emplearse en cada caso no es tarea sencilla: in significa” en, dentro “en, encima”;por ultimo, at es”en, junto a” .algunas normas que pueden ayudarlas a usarlas correctamente son: La preposición “in” Se utiliza al hablar de: . Países, ciudades o regiones geográficas He`s in Bolivia now – El está en Bolivia ahora. .Grandes espacios (áreas, parques, océanos, etc): Life in the mountains –La vida en la montaña. . Algo o alguien que está dentro de un espacio o de un contenedor (caja, taza, etc): We` re in the room – Estamos en la habitación. .Calles, plazas, avenidas, etc. Siempre y cuando no se especifique una dirección concreta: I live in kansas Road-vivo en kansas Road. La preposición “at” Se utiliza al hablar de: . Un dirección exacta: I live at10 Nelson St.-vivo c/ Nelson, 10. .lugares concretos: Is joe at home or at work ? –¿está Joe encasa o en el trabajo?


.Algo o alguien que esta junto a algo: Wait at the bus stop – Espera en la parada del autobús. .Instrucciones y lugares públicos: He`s at University -Está en la Universidad.

Today I was inthe park Hoy estuve ven el parque. She was born in Senegal. Ella nació en Senegal. What´s onthat roof? Qué hay sobre ese tejado? We live at7 churchill St. Vivimos en c/ churchill,7 La preposición “on” Se utiliza al hablar de: .Algo o alguien que se encuentra sobre, encima de un lugar u objeto: A bird ison that roof- hay un pájaro encima de ese tejado. .Días de la semana: Come on sunday – ven el domingo. .Transportes en concreto (en general se usa by): She came on the bus –vino en el autobús.

Where`s my cap, dad? (Bob está buscando su gorra de béisbol y pregunta a su padre si sabe dónde está).


Bob:Do you know where my cap is, daddy? I need it for the match. peter: Ithink it `s on the dining table. Bob:No, I was in the kitchen now and I looked on and under the table Peter: Did you look in the closet or between your computer and your bed? Bob: Yes, I looked there and everywhere. PREPOSITIONS Out Fuera Up Arriba Down Abajo Near cerca Under Debajo Between Entre Behind Detras Beside Al lado de By Por, en (transportes)

CONTROL QUESTIONS PRACTICE EXERCISES. A) Ordene las frases correctamente 1.The/please/what/time/is/? _________________________ 2.Hour/to/there/get/it/an/takes __________________________


3.Did/the/late/you/in/evening/arrive/? __________________________ 4. love/at/pictures/they/looking/old/ _____________________________ 5.time/get/he/on/what/up/does/Sundays/? ______________________________ 6.was/woman/the/there/in/church/a/ ______________________________ 7.not/open/steven/mouth/his/did/


1. 17:15 H It`s a guarter past five______________________________ 2. 10:00H________________________________________________ 3. 23:45H________________________________________________ 4. 15:20H________________________________________________ 5. 08:05H________________________________________________ 6. 21:50H________________________________________________


-wash the car (yes) -clean the windows (no) -go to the movies (yes) -study spanish (no)

1Did liz wash her car yesterday ___________________________________________?


Yes, she did ___________________________________________________________ 2___________________________________________________________________? _____________________________________________________________________ 3___________________________________________________________________? _____________________________________________________________________ 4_________________________________________________________________________________? ____________________________________________________________________________________

D)RELLENE LOS ESPACIOS CON: Many, at, down, much, under, had, far, on. 1.Dylan made a lot of things yesterday. 2.His hat is always ________ his head 3.The accident was________from my village. 4.She ______ a baby at the age of 23. 5.There wasn`t _________ people in the theater 6.Leave the boxes _________there. 7.We waited an hour_____ the bus stop. 8.They stayed ________the shadow of the tree 9.How _________oil do we need?





















It’s such a sunny day! Elsa had an excellent time yesterday. She went to the beach with Vanessa, Kristy y Sandy, three friends from school. She woke up early and put on her bikini. Then she prepared her bag. She put her sunglasses, her sun protector, a towel, a pair of sandwiches and a cooler with mineral water. At eight o’clock her friends came to take her. They went in Sandy’s car. They spend a perfect day on the beach: the sky was blue, the sand was warm and the sea was fresh a peaceful. They went back home in the evening.

APRENDA La palabra sunbathing es un gerundio y proviene del verbo to sunbathe, que quiere decir “tomar el sol”.



To have an excellent (nice, wonderful) time es una expressión muy habitual. Significa “pasar un buen rato”

SEASONS Winter Invierno Spring Primavera Summer Verano Fall Otoño

On the coast (Elsa habla a sus amigas de su gran deseo: vivir en la Costa)- I like the coast. I love the views to a beach from a cliff. I also like the vegetation. The palm trees, for example, are so exotic. And the sea. I like listening to the waves breaking on the shore. Besides, temperatures are always moderate near the sea, winter is short and summer comes soon. OBSERVE La preposición de lugar on aparece varias veces aquí: on the beach, on the coast, on the shore, etc. son tres casos en que el hispanohablante suele equivocarse y realizar la traducción literal in the beach , in the shore… Memorice, pues, el uso de on con beach, shore, y coast. APRENDA


En esta lección salen nuevos verbos acompañados de preposición: go back, (volver), que está en pasado simple y, por tanto, aparece como went back; put on (ponerse) que se emplea sobre todo para hablar de la ropa; por último watch out, que significa “vigilar”



LIKE no siempre es un verbo. Cuando se pregunta What´s he like? esta palabra hace otra función y se traduce por “como, igual”. Para preguntar sobre el aspecto físico de alguien se utiliza también to look (“mirar”), en determinados contextos puede significar “parecer, tener aspecto”. APRENDA En el verbo to look like la “s” de la tercera persona de singular en el tiempo presente se añade a la palabra look, que es la que realmente funciona como verbo. Por ejemplo se diría It´s looks like a diamont, doesn´t it? LOS VERBOS LOOK Y LOOK LIKE * To look se utiliza para preguntar sobre el aspecto físico de alguien o señalar su parecido: What does he look like ? (qué aspecto tiene ? You look like a king (pareces un rey) *To look se usa para comentar que alguien “parece” más alto, menos viejo, tan divertido, etc. They don´t look British. (No parecen británicos) He doesn´t so old (El no parece tan mayor) 13

PREGUNTAS Y COMPARACIONES CUANDO LIKE NO ES UN VERBO • Sirve para preguntar cómo es una persona o cosa what´s his girlfriend like ? what was the city like ?

(cómo es su novia ?) (cómo era la ciudad?)

Sirve para expresar que dos objetos o personas son iguales o similares: They´re like mine. (son como los míos) •

OBSERVE La diferencia entre look y look like es muy sutil: el primero va delante de un adjetivo (you look tired) = “pareces cansado”: El segundo precede a un nombre (you look like a child) = “pareces un niño”. AUNT GRETA Elsa cuenta cómo es su tía Greta. My aunt looks very young, like my mother. But she´s 47 years old. What does she look like? She is quite tall and his curly hair andexotic eyes. Her chin is like my grandmother´s and she also smiles like her. Greta’s very pretty: she looks like a goodess.

PRACTICE EXERCISES MARQUE VERDADERO O FALSO 1. Elsa loves the streams on the beach




2. Temperatures are cold near the sea 3. Cliff are exotic trees 4. Elsa likes the sound of the waves



RELLENE LOS ESPACIOS CON Like-look- look like- likes-looks 1. she______ playing card games 2. What is the place ________? 3. You____________ nervous. Are you okay? 4. He_______ a very boring person. 5. Do we_________ Scandinavian people ? 6. He_________ different today TACHE LA PALABRA INCORRECTA -

Our house is/on the coast.


They live near the bay/wave.


That boy looks like/look Paul Newman


Behind/because the beach there was a cliff


I love staying on the shore/sky


We enjoyed the sun/shade under that tree


Those sunglasses are looks/like Kristy´s


Did you have a nice warm/time ? I forget/forgot my sunglasses yesterday



Los weather forecast son las previsiones del tiempo que aparecen en los periódicos o la televisión. Aquí hay algunas claves para interpretarlas y mantener una charla del tema. Hablar del tiempo es siempre una buena forma de empezar una conversación. En inglés hay muchas expresiones relacionadas con la meteorología, como rain or shine (“pase lo que pase”) o for a rainy day (“en caso de necesidad”). OBSERVE Preguntamos qué tiempo hace con la fórmula What´s the weather like ? La respuesta sería It´s más un adjetivo adecuado, por ejemplo, foggy. It´s foggy APRENDA En inglés, para formar el vocabulario que describe la meteorología se convierte al sustantivo en adjetivo: de sun (“sol”) proviene sunny (soleado); de snow(“nieve”) nace snowy (“nevoso”); de wind (“viento”), windy(“ventoso”); y así con casi todos los términos.

A DIFFERENT WEATHER Olaf habla de la diferencia climática entre California y Suecia. What a different weather. Here in California the weather is sunny and warm in summer. It is a bit rainy, too, but it does not snow in winter. In Sweden it is not very warm in summer and, in winter, it is cloudy and the temperatures are really low. WEATHER ADJECTIVES 16

Sunny = Soleado Mainly sun = Bastante sol Overcast = Nublado Sun and rain = Sol y lluvia Heavy sea = marejada Foggy = Nebuloso Rainy = Lluvioso Stormy = Tormentoso Snowy = Nevoso Windy = Ventoso


1. The weather is cold in Sweden. 2. It always snows in California 3. Summer is rainy in California 4. Temperatures are high in Sweden




You need information about China. Your friend was there last summer. Ask him about: 1. (The food) What was the food like? 2. (The weather)____________________ 3. (The people)_____________________ 4. (The capital)_____________________ 5. (The Buses)_____________________ 6. (The hotels)_____________________ 17

COMPLETE LAS FRASES DE ESTE PARTE METEOROLÓGICO DE AYER CON LAS SIGUIENTES PALABRAS Winds- fog- rainy- mountains-storm- temperaturas 1. There was a lot of snow in the_________________ 2. __________________ were bellows 0º degrees 3. There was heavy sea on the pacific coast because of the strong __________________ 4. The weather was____________ in the north. 5. The___________ left the city with no visibility 6. The capital suffered a terrible____________ UNA CON LÍNEAS LAS PAREJAS DE PALABRAS DE LAS DOS COLUMNAS 1. Desert 2. North Pole 3. Mountains 4. Sea 5. Coast

a. Terrible waves b. Heavy sea c. Snow d. 40º below zero e. Heat.

I FEEL SO HAPPY TODAY Empleamos las palabras so y such para añadir énfasis a nuestras afirmaciones. (“Hoy me siento tan feliz”). El uso de uno u otro término depende de los elementos gramaticales presentes en la frase, como se comenta a continuación. 18

EL USO DE SO SO: tan/tantos/s She is so kind and has so many friends. Ella es tan amable y tiene tantos amigos

EL USO DE SUCH SUCH: tan/ tanto/s It´s such terrible work. And he´s such a good worker Es un trabajo tan horrible. Y él es tan buen trabajador.

APRENDA Se utiliza SO delante de adjetivos que no acompañan a ningún sustantivo (I feel so happy) o bien delante de much, many y otros adjetivos cuantitativos. En cambio SUCH se emplea delante de adjetivos que llevan sustantivo (There´s a such ugly furniture). Si el nombre es contable y singular se añade el artículo indefinido a/an (he ´s such a good worker) MARY IS SUCH A FUNNY PERSON Mr Brown y Meg, su secretaria comentan cómo es la nueva recepcionista de la empresa. Mr Brown: She is so professional Meg: Yes, she is. Ans she´s such a funny woman. She always smiles, come rain or shine Mr Brown: Has she got a lot of experience in her job ? 19

Meg: Yes, she has. He worked for many companies. Mr Brown: I´m glad that Mr Carpenter employed her

IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE To fall To fight To forget To forbit To give To hear To hide To hold To keep To lend To mean To meet To pay To run To think To understand To write

PAST fell fough forgot forbade gave heard hid held kept lent meant met paid ran thought understood wrote



fallen caer fough luchar forgotten olvidar forbidden prohibir given dar heard oir hidden esconder held sostener kept guarder lent prestar meant querer decir met reunirse, conocer paid pagar run correr thought pensar understood entender written escribir

ORDENE LAS PALABRAS DE ESTAS FRASES 1. rain – or – come – shine _____________________________________________ 2. was – what – weather – the – like ____________________________________________ 3. ´s – forecast – today – awful – weather – is -____________________________________________ 20

4. had – Paris – excellent – we – time – an – in ____________________________________________ 5. saved – for – they – rainy – money – day – a ____________________________________________ 6. always – winter – in – Canada – it – snows – in ____________________________________________ CONSTRUYA LA FRASE CON SO O CON SUCH 1. Jonathan is nice. John is so nice ________________________ 2. It is a freezing day ________________________ 3. There is much information in that magazine ___________________________________ 4. Joe takes beautiful pictures. ___________________________________ 5. She is an excellent Spanish teacher. ____________________________________ QUÉ PALABRA NO SIGUE LA SERIE ? 1. beach – sand – thunder – waves – shore. 21

2. winter – fall – forecast – summer – spring 3. coast – bay – sunshade – cliff – sea. 4. fresh – cold – heat – freezing – polar. CONVIERTA A PASADO SIMPLE LAS ORACIONES SIGUIENTES: 1. He (to lend) me three mystery books. He lent me three mystery books __________________________________ 2. Our father (to forbit) us to go out __________________________________ 3. They (to return) very quickly to be on time __________________________________ 4. We (to meet) Alice on the way home __________________________________ 5. She (not – to understand) a word in Spanish __________________________________ 6. You (to forget) to give me a key ___________________________________

CHRISTMAS HAS COME As every year, Christmas has comes to the Brown´s house. Brenda loves Christmas and she enjoys decorating the house with ornaments. 22

She has already hung them on the walls and has new lights for the Christmas tree. Her husband also helps her a lot. He has bought a huge turkey for Christmas dinner and has written a lot of Christmas card to friends and relatives. It has been a hard task. Elsa also enjoys this Christmas atmosphere and she has just joined a group of carol singers from the neighbourhood. Every year they go door to door singing popular carols. TRANSLATE THE NEXT PARAGRAF ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________


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