Green Sheet - August 23, 2009

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NEWS AND NOTES FROM PEACE WITH CHRIST 1412 W. Swallow Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-226-4721 Pastor Ralph Patrick

August 23, 2009 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

WELCOME TO PEACE WITH CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH! We give thanks to God that you are joining us today! Many of our guests are seeking a home church where they can be part of the Fellowship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace with Christ is a congregation that is a family not an “organization”. We are small enough to allow people to know each other by name, and yet large enough to offer opportunities for growth and service. What we “specialize” in is not programs or productions, but simply The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus. Christ, His Word, and the Cross are what provide the foundation for faith and ministry. If you are interested in learning more about Peace With Christ Lutheran Church, please call the church office at 226-4721. Pastor Patrick would welcome the opportunity to visit with you personally.

You are my hiding place. You shall preserve me from trouble. You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7 THE TIME before the service may be used for prayer and preparation. Read through the worship bulletin and familiarize yourself with the service. A few moments spent this way will help make the service more meaningful.

NEXT WEEK’S LUTHERAN HOUR MESSAGE: “Stand Firm” Guest Speaker: Rev. Chuck Schlie. We are part of a great spiritual struggle between life and death, light and darkness, faith and unbelief...good and evil. We need a Champion on our side. Indeed, the war has already been won! Our guest speaker is the Rev. Chuck Schlie of Messiah Lutheran Church in Weldon Spring, Missouri. (Ephesians 6:10-20) Listen to The Lutheran Hour Message on KOA, Denver (AM850) at 6:00 a.m. and KFKA, Greeley (AM1310) at 9:30 a.m. Peace With Christ Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays.

Holy Baptism Today we welcome Andrew Brian Molzer into Christ’s family through Holy Baptism. We rejoice with Andrew as his name will be added to the Book of Life. We pray the Lord’s blessing upon Andrew and his parents Brian & Kim Molzer.

HAPPY 50TH ANNIVERSARY!! The First surprise is that Loren & Sharon Wiesner’s daughter, Carla has come to celebrate with them and the second surprise is the CAKE! Everyone is invited to join Loren & Sharon during the Fellowship hour to share their Golden Anniversary.

♦ The Northern Zone LWML Fall Rally will be held at

Trinity Lutheran Church in Greeley on Saturday, September 12th beginning at 9am. Binh Rybacki will speak on “Children of Peace International”. See the LWML bulletin board for registration information. ♦ The next regular LWML Executive Board meeting will be Monday, August 31st beginning at 6pm in the home of Angela Myers. All ladies are welcome. TAG (Tuesday Afternoon Group) On September 1st at Noon our 19th year begins with a potluck meal with everyone bringing their favorite dish. A Bible study led by Pastor Caspersen will follow at 1:00pm.

The Lutheran Study Bible “ the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me,…” (John 5:39) If you would like to order a copy of The Lutheran Study Bible at a special price in the next couple weeks, please see Wes Nierman. This new edition contains many helpful tools that can enhance your study of God’s Word. Order by September 6. Adult choir will begin rehearsals at 7pm on Wednesday, September 9, which is the first FED Night. Stay after the Bible study to sing with us! We will be singing for Sunday services about once a month, and we would love to have everyone join us, regardless of experience. Look for the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. See you September 9th.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES Parents: Please sign-up to help with scrip sales -- Thanks! Kick-Off Events: August 29th. Please plan to join us as we plan upcoming events and talk about ideas for the coming year. Confirmation Age Youth- 11:00 a.m. Planning and pizza/cookie baking. Senior High Youth- 1:00 p.m. volleyball and other games Senior High Planning- 3:00 p.m. SIGN-UP!! PWC “Olympics II”: Plan to help with the Sunday School Kickoff in September. We will plan a BBQ and games for the Olympics. We will meet on Wednesday, September 2 and September 9th to plan and have a Bible Study. SIGN-UP!! Service Project: Sign-up to help with yard work for the Brown family. ****************************************************** Family EDucation Night ED FED night begins September 9th! Plan to make this a regular part of your family’s schedule. We’ll start with a quick meal at 5:15 and class will follow from 6:00-7:00. There is something for everyone, from young to “mature” as well as our regular Confirmation classes. If any of you have groups looking for good fund-raising activities our FED night meals are a great way to make some extra cash. Contact Lisa Bernhardt at 970-472-0256 evenings, or 970-484-1488 during business hours if you’re interested.

In Our Prayers: We rememberThose who are ill, hospitalized, or recovering from surgery: Bill Smith, Rosalee Blumenshine, Zoe Jones (Infant daughter of Josh and Jamie Jones), Ann Ireland (mother of Lisa Bernhardt), Kevin Rodenbeck, Marilyn Craig, Marilyn Hudson, Evelyn Marweg Those who are not able to attend church: Margaret Ziehm, Carolyn Brown, Arline Young, June Schwarck, Marie Rubel, Jean Upham Loren and Sharon Wiesner as they celebrate 50 years of marriage Suffering people in Haiti Synodical President - Gerald Kieschnick US. Soldiers throughout the world.

Musicians and Vocalist - please consider signing up for prelude, offertory or postlude music this summer. Sign-up in the Narthex - thanks!

ALL PWC musicians and vocalist - plan to come on Sat., Aug. 29th at 6pm to Jen and Adam Musgrave's home: 420 Park St, For Collins to meet with Reena. Please bring a side dish to share and lawn chairs! Sign up on the bulletin

PWC OLYMPICS II The Youth members invite everyone to the second annual Olympics! Please join us on Sunday, September 13 following second service. Sign-up for the BBQ and games. If you have questions, contact Marilyn at 226-4721 or 568-3701

Phase one of the chancel remodel is near completion. The cost of phase one has been approximately $16,000.00. During construction we learned the ceiling was damaged due to last year’s lighting strike. The repairs have been completed. It was decided during this time that from a practical and financial stand point that we prepared for the ceiling lights. Congregational feedback has determined phase two will be lighting, carpeting, and chancel furniture. The cost will be approximately $21,000.00. The breakdown is as follows: 1. Lights: $3,852.32 2. Carpeting: estimate $8,400.00-9,000.00 3. Chancel furniture: estimate $9,000.00. There has been a donation of $1,100.00 to the furniture. There will be poster boards in the narthex to keep the congregation informed of phase two’s financial status as donations are received. We want to thank the committee members and volunteers who have donated their time, supplies, and materials. Also, we want to thank the congregation for their prayers and financial support. Please continue to keep the chancel remodel in your prayers and prayerfully consider making a financial donation to the “PWC chancel remodel.” Ray & Rhonda Kaiser


God commands this order to be kept, that you obey me as your father, and that I have the supremacy. Learn what is the honor towards parents that this commandment requires. We must serve them, help them, and provide for them when they are old, sick, infirm, or poor. We must do all this not only gladly, but with humility and reverence, as doing it before God. For the child who knows how to regard parents in his heart will not allow them to do without, but will share with them whatever he possesses. Second, notice how holy a work is assigned to children here. Unfortunately, this is disregarded. No one notices that God has commanded it or that it is a holy, divine doctrine. For if it had been regarded as holy, everyone who lives according to these words must be holy people. There would have been no need to invent monasticism or spiritual orders. Every child would have said, "If I am to do good and holy works, I know of none better than to give all honor and obedience to my parents, because God has Himself commanded it. For what God commands must be much better and far nobler than everything that we may come up with ourselves. Since there is no higher or better teacher to be found than God, there can certainly be no better teaching than what He provides. If, then, it is God who commands this, I will never improve upon it." (paragraphs 108-109, 111-113)

Condensed from CONCORDIA: THE LUTHERAN CONFESSIONS, copyright 2005,2006 by Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission. All rights reserved. To purchase a copy of CONCORDIA, call 800-325-3040.


Worship Services (Communion) Education Hour

8:00 am & 10:45 am 9:30 am

Monday August 24

M ‘n M’s

7:00 pm

Bible Study King’s Men’s Bible Study

8:45 am 6:00 pm

Saturday August 29

Youth Kick-off Event Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser

11:00 am

Sunday August 30

Worship Services (Communion) Education Hour

Tuesday August 25 Wednesday August 26

Thursday August 27

Friday August 28

8:00 am & 10:45 am 9:30 am

THOSE SERVING TODAY August 23 Materials: Greeters: Guest Book: Reader: Ushers:

Nursery: Acolytes: Crucifer: Audio Support: Organist: Elder of the Month:

8:00 am Witt French Hoys Dan Krueckeberg Gale Russman Ken Keeney Allen Hendrix Ned Daugherty Sarah Krueckeberg Leah Bauder Brianna Lacey Chris Dunker Norma Thaemert Ray Kaiser

10:45 am

Anne Yeldell Michael Rohlfs John Huisjen Ron Pichel

Stacie Yeldell Myah Boehnke Zachary Prevedel

Flowers are placed on the Altar in honor of Krissy Petago’s Birthday THOSE SERVING NEXT SUNDAY August 30 Materials: Greeters: Guest Book: Reader: Ushers:

Nursery: Acolytes: Crucifer: Audio Support: Organist: Elder of the Month:

8:00 am Naomi Loschen Gale Russman Dan Krueckeberg Chris Dunker Ned Daugherty Allen Hendrix Carol Hendrix Julie Roth

Ray Kaiser

10:45 am Pat Cribbs Pichels Dan Prevedel Bob Cribbs Ron Pichel Stacie Yeldell Taylor Wiginton

Prayer and Study Date: August 23-August 29 Luther Quote: “You must stay with the Person of Christ. When you have Him, you have all; but you have also lost all when you lost Him. In Christ you come to the Father, and the Father directs you to Christ.” Bible readings for the week: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:

Psalm 78; Job 4-6 Psalm 79; Job 7-9 Psalm 80; Job 10-12 Psalm 81; Job 13-15 Psalm 82; Job 16-18 Psalm 83; Job 19-21 Psalm 84; Job 22-24

Fan into Flame — August 16-31 The Fan into Flame campaign aims to raise $100 million for new mission work around the United States and throughout the world. Its structure is based on Acts 1:8, in which Jesus promises His followers, “You will bear witness . . . in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Nearly 850 LCMS congregations have participated in the campaign thus far. Daily Prayers: Sunday: Asking God to provide continued support through Fan into Flame for start-up funding for new missionaries, so that more servants may be called and sent with the Gospel to all corners of the earth. These funds have already prepared eight missionary families for international service.

Monday: For the establishment of expansion of seminaries in Africa, Asia, Eurasia, and Latin America. Many of Fan into Flame’s “ends of the earth” projects fall in to this category. Pray that these places of learning would train many leaders to clearly teach and proclaim the Gospel in their regions.

Tuesday: For the work of outreach centers, another focus of Fan into Flame “ends of the earth” funding. These include mobile Mission Training Centers in East Africa and ministry centers in German, Latvia, and Russia.

Wednesday: That the Holy Spirit would build up faith in the people who hear God’s Work through the construction of new churches in India - another “ends of the earth” project that congregations and individuals can sponsor. Thursday: For the work done through “Jerusalem” funds that are returned to each congregation that contributes to Fan into Flame - may the Lord bless the outreach efforts that are carried out by these congregations with this support. Friday: For the “Samaria” work of Fan into Flame, which is outreach via one-on-one faith sharing, church planting, and congregational revitalization and transformation. These initiatives are being led by LCMS World Mission’s National Mission Team. Saturday: With thanksgiving for the LCMS districts that have completed the initial period of their Fan into Flame campaigns. Give thanks for the generous gifts and participation of these districts: Atlantic, California-Nevada-Hawaii, English, Kansas, Minnesota South, Missouri, New Jersey, North Dakota, Northern Illinois, Oklahoma, SELC, South Wisconsin, Southern, Southeastern, and Texas. www.lcmsworldmission

August 16 ATTENDANCE Worship Attendance: 116(8:00) 119(10:45 am)

Total 235

Education Hour Attendance: Adult Bible Study: 70 Sunday School: 15 Financial Update As of July 31, 2009 Budget - 2009



Net Income





CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR: 9:30-10:30 a.m. ADULT BIBLE CLASS. .. Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall NURSERY & KINDERGARTEN . . . . Preschool Rooms GRADES 1- 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter GRADES 3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abraham GRADE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaac JR. HIGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob SR. HIGH . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Youth Room

NEXT WEEK'S SCRIPTURE READINGS (ESV) First Lesson: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 Second Lesson: Ephesians 6:10-20 Gospel: Mark 7:14-23

PRESS DEADLINES Green sheet articles are due by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Broadcast articles are due

September 20

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