Broadcast 200812

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News for God’s people at Peace With Christ Lutheran Church December 2008

Christmas Blessings and Peace to Us All

Pastor Patrick’s Pen ……………………………………………… ... Page 3 Deaconess Claire’s Note…………………………………………… Page 5 Advent and Christmas Schedule . .....… ……………………………. Page 7 LWML ……….…………………………………………………… Page 8 TAG/Joy Circle ……… ...………………………………………… Page 9 Gift of a “Green Christmas”. . . ……………………………………. Page 10 Youth News………… ..…………………………………………… Page 11 “Know Your Leadership”………………………………………….. Page 14 Stewardship………………………………………………………….Page 15 Christian Stewardship ……………………………………………...Page 16 Catechism Connection/Book of Concord …………………….. .... Page 17 Financial Update …………………………………………………. . Page 18 Anniversaries …………………………………………………….. . Page 18 Birthdays. .………………………………………………………… Page 19

FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR Members are invited to sign up to place flowers on our altar for special occasions: in memory or honor of a loved one or a special event. Please sign up on the flower chart located in the Sunshine Hall and see posted guidelines for flowers.

PEACE WITH CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 1412 West Swallow Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 Phone: (970) 226-4721 Fax: (970) 204-1570 Email:[email protected] On the Prayer Chain: 229-1459

Pastor: Ralph Patrick Deaconess: Claire Rueffer Ministers: All Members Preschool Director/Teacher: Cathy Toomey Editor: Marcy Petago Youth Coordinator: Marilyn Lasich Prayer Chain Coordinator: Cheryl Harsen

Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600 AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays

Church Elders: Paul Rubel, Head Elder…... ……………………………………..………….….472-9250 Ray Kaiser, Worship Elder…………………………………….….…………....223-0987 Dan Krueckeberg, Staff Elder…………………………………….….…….… 482-9545 Dale Heermann, Elder…………………………………………………………..226-1403 Michael Rohlfs, Elder………………………...…………….….…….…………482-2663 Tom Lasich, Elder……………………………..…………...…………...………568-3701

Church Council: President, Ryan Behm Vice President, Chad Hamilton Secretary, Ernestine Munsey Treasurer, Larry Siegfried Education Chairman, Eric Petago Evangelism Chairman, Rhonda Kaiser Fellowship Co-Chairman, Kerri Fagan/Linda Siegfried Youth Ministry Chairman, Connie Jesser Missions & Ministry Chairman, Jerry Buchleiter Head Trustee, Fred Kropp Hands in Harmony Chairman, Sharon Wiesner Preschool Chairman, Kim Molzer

Next month’s articles are due Sunday, December 21!


Pastor Patrick’s Pen “And in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary . . . ” The Second Article of The Apostles Creed

Dear Children of God, By celebrating Christmas, Christians are confessing! We may not think of it like this, but it’s true! We are confessing this second article of the Apostle’s Creed. Specifically the twelve words in English that speak of Jesus’ incarnation, and of His two natures. It was necessary for the first Christians to clearly confess Jesus’ humanity as well as His divinity. From the very inception of the Christian faith there were those opponents who doubted the doctrine of the conception by the Holy Spirit and questioned the truth that God had truly taken on human flesh. This is why both the Apostles and the Nicene Creed make the incarnation of Jesus such a central part of the Christian Confession. By saying that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Christians confess that Jesus is truly God. Not like God or similar to God or related to God or “godly” in His moral and ethical behavior, but in His very essence the One true God! This message is clearly revealed in the Scriptures. For example, Jesus is called “Immanuel” which means “God with us.” In John 14 Philip asks to see the Father. Jesus responds “Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father.” After the resurrection Thomas confesses that Jesus is “my Lord and my God.” And in Acts 2 Peter makes it clear that this Jesus who was crucified is both “Lord and God”. It was necessary for Jesus to be God, for as we learn in the catechism only God can fully and finally atone for the sins of the world. Continued on page 4


Continued from page 3

By saying that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, Christians confess that Jesus is truly man. The thought that God would become a man was truly scandalous, not only among the Jews, but among the Greeks as well. But again, the witness given in the Scriptures is clear. For example in John 1:18 we are told that “No one has seen God at any time, but the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father has made Him known.” And in Hebrews 4:15, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in every way that we are yet is without sin.” It was necessary for Jesus to be true man, as we learn in the catechism, for only a man can stand in the place of other man and suffer the punishment that is due all men. This is what we confess not only at Christmas time, but in fact throughout the year. Isn’t that a WONDERFUL thought? That by confessing the incarnation of Christ in the Creeds, we are in fact celebrating Christmas throughout the year! This Christmas we will again experience the joy, the wonder, the marvel and the miracle that The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We will confess this amazing heavenly truth in the hymns we sing, the Word that is proclaimed and heard, and the sacrament that is received. But how will we confess and proclaim this to others? Our gracious God has given us the privilege of carrying this Good News to a world that is badly in need. As the Word became flesh and came among us, may we also, through the working of the Holy Spirit, carry this Word as we come in contact with others, be they family, friends, neighbors or strangers.

A blessed Christmas,



Dear Servants of God, If you recall, last month I wrote you a note about diaconal ministry explaining the image of telling the story. My letters for the next few months will be along the same lines: What is diaconal (servant) ministry? And what is a Deaconess anyway? In a Theology of Diaconal Ministry course, we learned a few images to describe servant ministry. These include: Washing Feet, Tending the Door, Waiting Tables, Bearing the Light, and Telling the Story. Each month, I hope you’ll allow me the opportunity to reflect on one of these images and how they apply to the sorts of ministry entrusted to Deaconesses and the whole people of God.


Bearing the Light L: Jesus Christ is the light of the world. C: The light no darkness can over come. These are the first words within Evening Prayer, within the service of light (LSB 243). As the days grow shorter and shorter and the nights colder and colder, these words from the Gospel of John bring the hearers and those who proclaim them comfort. When I was a little girl, my family took a trip to Mammoth Cave. It was damp, deep, but the paths were well lit and no bats bothered us. When we got to one of the deepest parts of the cave, my sister and I sat next to one another on a bench and the lights were turned Continued on page 6


Continued from page 5

out. I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face let alone the comforting form of my big sister who always looked out for me. I wasn’t usually afraid of the dark, but this dark was different and I shivered. Then a tiny match was lit. Just one match and I could see everything. The darkness was illuminated For deaconesses, bearing the light (the Light) means bringing Jesus into the deepest, darkest places and sometimes in was as unassuming as a match. A deaconess sister of mine is doing AIDS education in Papua New Guinea as part of her missionary work. She works directly with people of all ages listening, teaching, and loving them though their struggles. She works on her knees. Sometimes, bearing the light means standing on tiptoes, reaching up and advocating, being a prophetic voice. A deaconess sister of mine works on Capitol Hill. There she brings the light of Christ to the people of our nation and other nations by working for justice. Though she’s small and only one, because Christ dwells within her, she can shine bright. In this season of Advent, we are reminded of the most odd and most beautiful birth of light. Jesus Christ, the Word of God, born in a humble stable that this true God and true Man might be present with his people in every way. As Christians, “little christs”, we are called to bear the light. Fed by the Word of God in Worship, we are empowered to follow the Light out of the sanctuary and into the World. This is a season of preparation and thus a good time to think about and pray about those places God is preparing us to Bear the Light. May the light of the Christ make your darkness bright,

Deaconess Claire Rueffer


Advent and Christmas Services Wednesday, December 3

4:30pm & 7:15pm (Non-Communion)

Wednesday, December 10

4:30pm & 7:15pm (Non-Communion)

Children’s Christmas Program Wednesday, December 17 at 6:30pm Wednesday, December 24 Thursday, December 25 Wednesday, December 31

4:00pm (Non-Communion) 7:00pm (Non-Communion) 10:00pm (Communion) 9:00am (Communion) 7:00pm (Non-Communion)

****************************************************** Altar Guild – If you are interested in serving on the Altar Guild, please let me know. Marilyn 391-4946 Poinsettia Plants for Christmas Day - Poinsettia plants are available to purchase to help beautify the chancel on Christmas Day. Cost $ 9.00 each. Make checks payable to PWC, list poinsettia in the memo line and give to Lu Buchholz. Please sign-up on the bulletin in the narthex. Red and white are available. If you’d like your plant to go to a shut–in or nursing home resident, please indicate that on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. You may pick up your plant after Christmas Day service. 7

continued from page


Mite Box Reminder: The LWML Mite Box for World Missions will be in the narthex the first Sunday of the month for your convenience. Thank you for your donations! Holiday Cards: The Holidays are fast approaching, so don’t forget to check out the LWML cards available for purchase in the Sunshine Hall! In addition to holiday cards, we also have all types of other special occasion cards—individual and boxed--for sale (Birthday, Thank You, Anniversary, All Occasion, etc.). There are napkins and gift wrap for purchase, too. So, stop by the Sunshine Hall today! LWML Regular Meeting: The next meeting will be our annual Christmas party, at the home of Norma Thaemert, on Sunday, December 14, at 2:00p. Please bring cookies to share, your dime stocking/mites and a friend. We will meet at the church to carpool to Norma’s home. Come enjoy a festive holiday tradition of fun, food and fellowship! We hope to see you all there! Watch the Greensheet for additional details. LWML Executive Board Hiatus: There will be no Executive Board meeting in December.

THANK YOU to ALL who participated in the LWML Craft Fair and Luncheon! Your generous donations of time, creativity, and FOOD made this year’s event enjoyable AND profitable. Net sales topped $5,000 with an additional $650 coming from Thrivent.


TAG TUESDAY AFTERNOON GROUP All Older Adults are welcome to attend the various activities and Bible studies of this Older Adult Ministry Group. Our meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Come and enjoy the fellowship. Tuesday, December 2nd at Noon The meal will be catered so there isn’t a need for anyone to do any cooking during this busy time of the year. Please sign up for the meal so there will be enough for everyone. Bible study will follow at 1:00pm led by Pastor Caspersen. Tuesday, December 16th at 1:00pm It’s a Christmas Party! Let’s have a fun day and play some of your favorite games. Bring some cookies or snacks to share plus your games.

JOY CIRCLE Our annual Christmas meeting will be Thursday, December 4th at 1:00pm at Cheryl Harsen’s home. We will have a short business meeting and program. Cheryl will provide treats and Marge Westhoff will have devotions. All women are welcome to come and join us!


The gift of a “Green Christmas” for local families in need

This is our 5th year of partnering with local Lutheran Congregations to provide families in need with Christmas Trees and Decorations. This need is dependent on the generous donations and support of our church members. As our service continues to grow, so is our need for new and used decorations, artificial trees or cash donations to buy supplies. If you have extra Christmas items that you can donate or would like to purchase lights and decorations, please drop them off to the Church office by Friday, December 12. Here is an idea of the local impact this project has on families in need. Last year we cut and delivered 93 Christmas trees and decorations to those who otherwise would not have had a decorated tree. This really is an outreach ministry for area Lutheran churches. Along with the delivery of the trees and decorations, we will be handing out a schedule of Christmas services for all the churches that contribute to this ministry. If you or your family would like to help cut and/or deliver Christmas trees and decorations to the families, please call Ryan Behm at 222222-5678.



PWC Vocalists and Musicians - We are in need of musicians and vocalists to participate in our services all year to enhance the service and give you the opportunity to glorify the Lord with your gifts! Please see the list in the kitchen hall, sign-up where you would be able to take part. Contact Deaconess Claire or Marilyn if you have any questions. We do have some music available if you are not sure what piece you would like to do. Operation Christmas Child – Thanks to the generosity of the members of PWC we have collected 58 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. These will be given to needy children throughout the US and the world. Thank you for sharing the love of Christ with these children! Senior High Christmas Party - Sunday, Dec. 7th 4:30 pm- 7:00 pm. Corrie Kaiser and her parents are hosting the party at their home. Senior High Youth and their parents are invited. Please sign-up to attend and bring a food item. We will have a gift exchange ($5 limit, please). Hope to see you there!



Christmas Caroling – Join us on Friday, Dec. 12 at 5:30pm. BRING your dinner! We will be caroling with the College Group - visiting shut-ins and other members of the congregation. It should be a great time – sign up so we can plan rides! Confirmation Age Christmas Party - Friday, Dec. 12 – immediately following the Christmas caroling, we will have a party. Please sign-up to bring a snack and let us know if you plan to be there. Please bring a gift ($5 limit, please) for the gift exchange. Hope to see you there! Senior High youth – Please plan to stay after the caroling to watch a movie and pack the Christmas bags for the Children’s Christmas Program. Bring a snack to share! Scrip Fundraiser - The holiday shopping season is upon us. Please consider purchasing gift cards from the Youth as part of your Christmas giving. There are cards available from many of the area retailers such as Kohl’s, Macy's, Sears, Wal-Mart, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Bath and Body Works, Toys R Us and many more. There are cards for restaurants (drive thru to fine dining), specialty stores (Amazon, iTunes, Cabela's, Barne's and Noble, Border's, Build-aBear, Starbucks, etc.), entertainment (Blockbuster, Cinemark, f.y.e., etc.) and travel (gas and hotels) available for purchase also. Please check-out the lists for full details. You receive the full value of the card - the retailer gives us a percentage as a fundraiser. We have many cards for immediate purchase and you may order any available card and receive it the following Sunday. Stop by the Youth Table and see what is available. Thank you for supporting the Youth!


Dear Youth and Parents Christmas is fast approaching and as I write this the sun is shining and it feels more like spring than fall. The Advent season has begun and we are preparing for Christmas Day. It is a busy month with parties, concerts, final exams, projects, baking, shopping and many other seasonal activities. We need to make time to prepare for the birth of Jesus and not let all the activity take the importance of His birth out of December. Take time this month to read Matthew 1:1 – 2:1, Luke 1:1 – 2:40, John 1:1-18 although these are the familiar texts for the season you will find the message and joy of Jesus’ Birth in them. This month the youth have Christmas Parties and Caroling planned for the early part of the month. The Children’s Christmas Service is December 17th and the youth are helping with pre-service activities and during the service. We continue to have Sunday morning Bible Class and FED night Bible Study. Please plan to be a part of the activities when you can and remember that your friends are always welcome to join us! Check the bulletin board for sign-ups and more information on upcoming events. I would like to know when you have upcoming events such as plays, concerts, recitals, games or other important events or if you have any prayer request or other needs, I would be very glad to be able to help in whatever way I can. Each day I am thankful to be a part of the youth group and keep all of you in my prayers. Please email me at [email protected] or call 568-3701 or 391-4946. May you and your family have a blessed Advent and Christmas and join in singing “Oh come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!”

Marilyn 13

KNOW YOUR LEADERSHIP I was born a child of God in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania to Harry and Sue Krueckeberg on March 26, 1963. In my 45 years, I have lived in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Indiana, Colorado, Germany, and Colorado again. I was baptized and raised in the Lutheran Church. My Grandfather Krueckeberg baptized me on April 15, 1963. I was confirmed on May 22, 1977. My formidable years were spent in Terre Haute, IN from age 5 to 15. I moved here to Fort Collins in the summer of 1978 with my parents. Our family joined PWC that fall. One of the first people I met in Colorado was Tracy Foster, here at the church. We have been friends ever since. I also met my wife Sarah here at the church. We began dating in March of 1980 and were married here on March 12, 1983 just days before I left for Germany, as I was in the US Army at the time. Sarah soon followed me to Germany in May. We lived outside of Wiesbaden and near Idar Oberstein. We have always referred to this as our extended honeymoon. We have two children, Molly and Kyle. Both have been baptized, attended preschool, and have been confirmed here at PWC. Many of you know that I have, or have had, many family members in this church – of course my dad Harry, my late mom Sue, Paul and Kay Rubel are my in-laws, Chuck and Jana Black are my bother-in-law and sister-in-law, along with their children Nick and Becca. Sarah’s brother Pete, Marie Rubel is my Grandmother-in-law, and the late Laura Witt also a Grandmother-in-law. This is what makes PWC so special to me. I have served in several capacities within the church – Vice President, President, and a previous stint as Spiritual Growth Elder, and trustee. I am currently the Staff Elder. I thank God for my talents, and encourage everyone to use the talents they have been given by our gracious God to serve the church in whatever capacity you can. In Christ I remain His servant and yours, Dan Krueckeberg


STEWARDSHIP Courtesy of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Nine Methods of Giving: Outright Monetary Gift Bequest in Will or Trust Investment Gift Life Insurance Beneficiary Life Insurance Contract Charitable Gift Annuity IRAs and Qualified Plans Charitable Remainder Trust Zero Estate Tax Plan Giving through a zero estate tax plan combines giving gifts to charity with gifts of life insurance. Using this plan, a donor typically transfers an asset to a charitable remainder trust (CRT), which provides an income to the donor. The donor than acquires a life insurance contract on his or her life with a death benefit equal to the value of the asset given to the CRT. The life insurance policy is placed in a separate irrevocable life insurance trust. The donor than uses the income from the CRT to make gifts to the insurance trust as needed so that the trustee of the insurance trust can pay the annual insurance premiums. This arrangement allows the donor to benefit the charity while maintaining the amount of assets that will pass to his or her family. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and its respective associates and employees cannot provide legal, tax or accounting advice or services. Work with your team of professionals, including your Thrivent Financial representative, your attorney and tax professional to determine and implement the appropriate option. For further information or for assistance in establishing a gift, contact Ryan M. Behm, Financial Representative, 266-1700 15

Christian Stewardship

Whether we realize it or not Christmas is a time when we are very active as “stewards” of God’s gifts. We celebrate the gift that God has given us in Christ Jesus. Jesus was presented to the world by the Father in order that He might give us the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. These gifts are delivered to us by the Holy Spirit. For most of us this first occurred as children when we are baptized. We spend our lives enjoying these precious gifts that God has given. And following His example we Christians share His gifts with others. Yes, we purchase presents for the people that we love. But that is not the primary way that we give gifts. We return a thankoffering to Him—like the Wise men did. We cook for our families and clothe them and provide for their daily needs. We share His love and Word of encouragement with others. We pray with and for others. We visit the sick and perhaps sing with them. There are many, many ways that we practice Christian stewardship at Christmas, be it with our time, our talents or our treasures. May the Holy Spirit continue to lead and guide as we do so.


Catechism Connection The following is based on Article II of the Apostles Creed. What do the Scriptures teach about Christ’s Incarnation? How do you know that Jesus is true God? How do you know that Jesus is true man? Why was it necessary for Jesus to be true man? Why was it necessary for Jesus to be true God? What do you therefore confess about Jesus Christ, the God-man?

Reading from the Book of Concord We continue our series on the study of the Augsburg Confession. If you are in need of a Book of Concord, you can go online to the Concordia Publishing House Website and order Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, or speak with Marcy in the church office. Read The Large Catechism Second Article and answer the following questions: 1. What does it mean to become “Lord”? 2. Why do we need a Lord? 3. What does the word “Lord” mean? 4. How has Jesus delivered us? 5. Why did Jesus take on human flesh and blood and die on the cross? 6. The entire Gospel that is preached is based on what point?


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO……… Gene and Julie Frank Dennis and Susan Vanatta Mel and Karen Carlson Lance and Jennifer Alonzo Doug and Martha Scheiwe Reuben & Rosalee Blumenshine Stony and Jan Achziger Bill and Fran Watson Ed and Connie Jurischk Marvin and June Grueber Roger and Donna Richman Ron and Norma Thaemert Marcus and Jennifer Mueller

December 7, 1969 December 11, 1999 December 14, 1990 December 14, 2002 December 16, 1972 December 16, 1956 December 18, 1965 December 19, 1948 December 19, 1970 December 21, 1952 December 27, 1965 December 27, 1964 December 28, 1991

We apologize if we missed your anniversary. Please notify the church office to update.

Financial Update As of October 2008 2008 budget: $431,263.00 Year-to-date total PWC income: $291,360.99 Year-to-date total PWC expenses: $320,269.81 Net Income: $-28,908.82 Needed weekly to meet budget: $8,290.24


HAPPY DECEMBER BIRTHDAY TO…………. Patsy Cribbs Bernice Nansel Christopher Derby Corrin Derby Scott French Lori Carillo Kim Molzer Marcy Petago Char Carlson Jaxon Boehnke Sharon Wiesner Randy Bernhardt Lewanda Fields Kaden Bauder Paul Carlson Melissa Mueller Chance Lacey Gail Neben Ann Caspersen Tanla Maiorka Anthony Johannsen Trevor Kropp Josh Daugherty Madeline Johannsen Larissa Parke Jennifer Saboy Robin Hamilton Sarah Krueckeberg Wayne Leininger

1st 3rd 4th 4th 4th 5th 5th 5th 6th 7th 8th 10th 10th 11th 12th 12th 13th 13th 18th 18th 19th 23rd 25th 26th 26th 27th 28th 28th 31st



1412 West Swallow Road Fort Collins, CO 80526


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