August 23, 2009 Bulletin

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Bible Readings Mark 9:33-37 Then they came to Capernaum; and when he was in the house he asked them, "What were you arguing about on the way?" 34 But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. 33

He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, "Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all." 35

Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them, 37 "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me." 36

The Office Buzz The Staff Parish Relations Committee will meet in the multi-purpose room on the second floor at 6:00pm this Tuesday, August 25. There will be no Bible study at Jayne Braddy’s home this Tuesday since our leader, Jacob Cole is on vacation. Attention young adult professionals and young parents, single or couples, about ages 24 - 45: We are forming a new Sunday School class just for you. To find out more and to organize the class, meet with Amber Gum in Allen Hall (our fellowship hall) to express your interest and opinions on Aug. 30th at 9:00am. Our Hospitality Committee is planning a Fellowship Potluck Lunch immediately after the blended service on Sunday, September 20. We hope you will make plans to stay for lunch and get better acquainted with long-time members of our church family as well as our newer folks.

Proverbs 4:10-13

Here’s What’s Cookin’ in the Kitchen

Hear, my child, and accept my words, that the years of your life may be many. 11 I have taught you the way of wisdom; I have led you in the paths of uprightness. 12 When you walk, your step will not be hampered; and if you run, you will not stumble. 13 Keep hold of instruction; do not let go; guard her, for she is your life.

Appreciation Dinner, Saturday, August 29, 4pm to 6pm (ish). If you helped cook or clean up on Wednesday nights, if you help with Sunday morning coffee, or if you are interested in maybe cooking a Wednesday night dinner please come join us. All are welcome! To make your reservation, or if you have any questions, please call Larry and Carole Blankenship at 813 238-2132 or Deni Blankenship at 813 230-2029.


Matthew 18:6-7 "If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of stumbling blocks! Occasions for stumbling are bound to come, but woe to the one by whom the stumbling block comes! 6

Heights Happenings

Our Presence Last Week

Opportunities for Worship, Service and Fellowship

Worship .................................................................. 99 Sunday School ....................................................... 25 Small Groups .............................................................. Wednesday Youth Group................... no info provided

Sunday, August 23 9:00a Nursery opens 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Coffee Fellowship in Allen Hall 10:30a Worship 7:00p NA meeting Tuesday, August 25 6:00p Staff Parish Relations meeting 7:30p NA meeting Wednesday, August 26 11:00a REAL luncheon, A/H 7:00p Youth program Thursday, August 27 7:30p Chancel Choir Friday, August 28 5:30p Praise Team set up & rehearsal 8:15p NA meeting Saturday, August 29 4:00p Appreciation Dinner 6:30p Boy Scout meeting, sanctuary Sunday, August 30 9:00a Nursery opens 9:00a Sunday School 9:00a Organizational meeting in A/H for possible new Sunday school class 10:00a Coffee fellowship in Allen Hall 10:30a Worship 11:30a Pioneer Club meeting 7:00p NA meeting

Mission News Children’s Chatter Coming Wednesday, September 9 - Pioneer Club Family Night Kick Off featuring a hamburger/hotdog cookout AND line dancing for the whole family. You don’t dance? Come anyway and enjoy watching the others! Registration for this year’s Pioneer Club will begin at 6:30 and dinner and line dancing will be from 6:45 - 8:15. Cost of registration for this year’s Pioneer Club will be $15 plus the cost of a t-shirt (still to be determined). If you have questions or need more information please call the church office at 236-5931 or Christine Messer at 232-8231. Pioneer Club this year is for children aged 4 years - 6th grade. There will be a Pioneer Club meeting after church next Sunday, August 30. Anyone interested in working with Pioneer Club as a leader or helper is encouraged to attend the meeting.

A Cuba caravan is being planned for February 2010. If you are interested in participating please let Jayne Braddy or Susan Sumner know asap as the visa application must be completed and submitted by September 21. Cornerstone Family Ministries is in need of gently used children’s clothing, from newborn to size 7. Also needed are diapers, socks and underwear. There’s a gray plastic storage box by the church office where you may leave your donated items. Mission Team Pancake Breakfasts are held the first Sunday of each month from 8:30 to 10:00. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children 10 and under ($20 max per household) and can be purchased at the door. Profit from the breakfasts goes to missions, but current participation is so low that the benefit of the program may have to be re-evaluated.

Our Giving Last Sunday (Info not available at time of printing) General Fund Pledged.............................................. $ General Fund Unpledged ......................................... $ Loose Plate .............................................................. $ Sunday School ......................................................... $ Building & Imp / Renovation...................................... $ Other ........................................................................ $ TOTAL GIVING ........................................................ $ Our Giving YTD 2009 Operating Budget – $328,437 Offerings Expected (for 33 Sundays) ........... $208,428 Received ................................................................. $ Giving Surplus or (Shortfall)* .................................. ($) *This means how much we are in the RED.

Seminole Heights UMC Staff Rev. T. Glenn Bosley-Mitchell ........................... Pastor Judy Colvin ........................................... Music Director Tana Bierce ................................... Children’s Director Sara DeBerry ............................ Youth Ministry Leader Betty Jones .................................. Office Administrator Christine Messer ........................... Financial Secretary Lynne Bobbitt.................................. Nursery Attendant Lamar Camp ..... Sunday Office & Building Coordinator Christine Messer ............................ Preschool Director Jason Steere ....................................... Hymn Organist Telephone Extensions/Email Addresses Church 813-236-5931 ♦ Fax 813-236-5932 [email protected] Website: Pastor’s Blog: Pastor—x224 .......................... [email protected] Office—x221 .......... [email protected] Finance—x223 ........................................................... Music .......................................................................... Children—x225 ...................... [email protected] Youth—x225 .................. [email protected] Worship info—x300

Our Service of Worship

Our Community Together

Message Notes

12th Sunday after Pentecost “Back to School” Sunday

A nursery for young children is available behind the sanctuary (on this floor). Please speak to one of our ushers for directions. Following the children’s time in worship, children’s church is available for children in K-3rd grade. From 10:00-10:30, following Sunday School classes and prior to the worship service, all are invited downstairs to Allen Hall for a time of coffee and fellowship. Want a place online to share ideas, raise questions, and generally discuss the community life of Seminole Heights United Methodist Church? Our new "Seminole Heights UMC" group on Facebook may be the place for you. This new group is moderated by Pastor Glenn, with assistance from Sara DeBerry, our “once again”—youth ministry team leader. To participate, you'll need a Facebook account. Go to to setup your account and get started. It’s free. Then click on the Groups icon (two people in silhouette, one blue the other black) on the bottom of every Facebook page, search for Seminole Heights UMC, and click "Join this Group." One of our Facebook administrators will invite you to join and then you can be a part of our new Facebook community. You can also ask to be a one of our church’s Facebook “friends” at Here you will see others in our church (and some of “their” friends) and what they are currently doing in their lives.


Family News


10:30 am

August 23, 2009

ENTERING IN Gathering Music

Hymn Organist

Announcements Greeting One Another Singing Our Welcome To God Be the Glory [Refrain only] Opening Prayer

#98 Jill Kinney, Liturgist

Hymn of Praise This Is a Day of New Beginnings [omit verse 5]


Back to School Blessings Children’s Time

Pastor Glenn

LISTENING, LEARNING, LOVING Singing our Praises in Worship

Praise Team

Prayer Sharing Call to Prayer Open My Eyes, That I May See (refrain only)


Morning Prayer The Lord’s Prayer


Anthem Shall We Gather at the River The Offering


Doxology OLD 100TH Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow #95 Prayer of Thanksgiving Musical Worship

Liturgist Praise Team

Bible Reading Mark 9:33-37 Sermon Rev. Dr. T. Glenn Bosley-Mitchell Do you remember your first day of school?

SENDING FORTH Hymn Take My Life, and Let It Be


Benediction Postlude

Worship Matters August Ushers and Greeters: Milt Bedingfield, Alma Ferguson, Pat Folks, Ronnie Mason, David Rogers, Liz White

Please Keep in Your Prayers… Our Known Military: Scott Aiken, Tim Bonner, James Brumley, Ashlee Colvin, Patrick Freshwater, Daniel Goode, Eric Harvester, Jr., Ken Herbert, Shawn Kinney, Eric Martin, Brian McClanahan, Trevor Mott-Smith, Michael Penn, Eric Tallman, John Vondruska, Kristen Vondruska, James Weeks


August 23, 2009

Back to School Sunday

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Seminole Heights United Methodist Church Corner of Hanna and Central 6111 North Central Avenue ♦ Tampa, FL 33604 813-236-5931 Rev. Dr. T. Glenn Bosley-Mitchell, Pastor

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