Broadcast 200903

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News for God’s people at Peace With Christ Lutheran Church March 2009

Pastor Patrick’s Pen ……………………………………………… …Page 3 Deaconess Claire’s Note…………………………………………… . Page 5 LWML ……….…………………………………………………….. Page 7 TAG/Joy Circle ……… ...…………………………………………. Page 9 Campus Ministry…………………………………………………….Page 11 Youth News………… ..…………………………………………… Page 12 Marilyn’s Letter to the Youth………………………………………. Page 13 Catechism Connection/Book of Concord …………………………. Page 14 “Know Your Leadership”………………………………………….. Page 15 Marriage Workshop………………………………………………….Page 16 Fort Collins’ Recycling…………………………………………….. Page 18 Letter from Pastor Klaus…………………………………………… Page 19 Green Christmas Ministry…………………………………………...Page 21 Financial Update ……………… …………………………………. Page 22 Anniversaries …………………… ……………………………….. Page 22 Birthdays. .…………………………..………………………………Page 23

FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR Members are invited to sign up to place flowers on our altar for special occasions: in memory or honor of a loved one or a special event. Please sign up on the flower chart located in the Sunshine Hall and see posted guidelines for flowers.

PEACE WITH CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 1412 West Swallow Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 Phone: (970) 226-4721 Fax: (970) 204-1570 Email:[email protected] On the Prayer Chain: 229-1459

Pastor: Ralph Patrick Deaconess: Claire Rueffer Ministers: All Members Preschool Director/Teacher: Cathy Toomey Editor: Marcy Petago Youth Coordinator: Marilyn Lasich Prayer Chain Coordinator: Cheryl Harsen

Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600 AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays

Church Elders: Wes Nierman, Head Elder.. ……………………………………..………….….226-5936 Ray Kaiser, Worship Elder…………………………………….….…………....223-0987 Dan Krueckeberg, Staff Elder…………………………………….….…….… ..482-9545 Dan Prevedel, Elder...…………………………………………………………..204-4008 Michael Rohlfs, Elder………………………...…………….….…….…………482-2663 Bill Smith, Elder..……………………………..…………...…………...………663-9229

Church Council: President, Chad Hamilton Vice President, Secretary, Ernestine Munsey Treasurer, Lisa Bernhardt Education Chairman, Eric Petago Education Co-Chair, Jane Pennington Evangelism Chairman, Rhonda Kaiser Fellowship Co-Chairman, Kerri Fagan/Linda Siegfried Youth Ministry Chairman, Amy Hoy Missions & Ministry Chairman, Nancy Moore Head Trustee, Fred Kropp Hands in Harmony Chairman, Betty Keeney Preschool Chairman, Kim Molzer

Next month’s articles are due Sunday, March 15! 2

Pastor Patrick’s Pen

“From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go

to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.” Matthew 16:21

Dear Children of God, I’m writing to you on the day after the death of our dear brother Dale Heerman. As difficult as it is to say our earth farewells to this great man of faith, there is great comfort in knowing that he was wellprepared for his death, and the gift of eternal life that His Lord promised Him. In that sense Dale’s was a very blessed death. As I reflect on Dale’s life and death and life the above passage comes to mind. In it Jesus was preparing his disciples for His impending crucifixion and resurrection. He did so numerous times and in a variety of ways. Though Jesus did many things during His earthly life— healing lepers, feeding the hungry, even raising the dead, as we’ve heard during this Epiphany season—His chief purpose was to go to the cross. There He died for the forgiveness of sins. And three days later He rose from the dead, fully alive, in order that as the firstborn from among the dead He would lead the way for all those who would follow Him. In other words, His purpose was to die and to live. His purpose is ours as well. Yes, there are many things that demand our attention in our daily lives, and some things that might even distract us from what’s important in our Christian life. But when it

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comes down to us, we are each spending our lives preparing to die and to live with Jesus. We do so by living out our baptismal lives, daily dying to sin and rising to new life in Christ. We do so by faithfully following Christ in our vocations, like Dale did, whether it be as husbands or wives, fathers or mothers, employers or employees. We do so by humbly repenting of our sins and joyfully receiving the forgiveness of our sins in the Name and for the sake of Jesus. We do so by coming regularly to the Lord’s House—like Jesus did—knowing that one day we will enter into the mansion prepared for us by Jesus. In this earthly tabernacle we gather with the saints—our brothers and sisters in Christ—who are living this side of eternity. Yet we worship with the saints who have already entered into their eternal rest. We pray with them (not TO them) and gather around the throne of the Lamb of God in order to commune with Him, and with them. We approach His table knowing that one day we will dine with Him at the heavenly feast that will have no end. Ahh, there is SO much more that I could say about this, but I don’t want this brief letter to turn into epistle. Therefore let this suffice. And may we approach this season of Lent, and every day of our earthly lives, as our Lord Jesus and our dear brother Dale did—in preparation for death and for LIFE!

A Blessed Lent,

Pastor Patrick


Deaconess Claire’s Note Dear Servants of God, I love bibelots. Don’t you? A bibelot {bē’bə-lō’} is a small object of curiosity, beauty, or rarity. The Center for Liturgical Art at Concordia University, Seward, NE makes many of these. What you see pictured below are some bibelots in their finished and fired state. Many of these have been dispersed throughout LC-MS congregations, universities, and communities and each carries a special story. They come, however, with a catch. Whenever people receive a bibelot, “at the right time and the right moment, they must give away this object to another person, and tell their story of how they obtained it and its connection to their understanding of God the Creator.” Here’s my story: Heather, one of my deaconess sisters who is the director of a camp in Illinois gave me her bibelot. We were sitting at a round table at the coffee shop in the basement of the Valparaiso University Library. She was coloring & I was talking. I don’t remember what it was that I was talking about, but she must have felt I needed a moment of joy because she handed me a

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precious little hand crafted gray curiosity. It was the bibelot that she was given the week before at a worship service. To her, it was a reminder that God made her & all creatures and the God made us all beautiful. We are, each and every one of us, a bibelot. Sometimes in Lent we get bogged down by the weight of sin, darkness, and grief. And that is as it should be. In Lent we get real practiced at penitential prayer. And humbly we come before our God seeking reconciliation with Christ who loved us so much that He died for our sake and in our stead. It’s a long journey through Lent and each step can be painful. Do you remember Eustice in the Chronicles of Narnia? I won’t ruin it, but I will say that his pain in having selfishness removed that his true beauty might show is something each of us goes through when we come to the Communion rail with heavy hearts. And that when we leave with joy, our true beauty, the beauty bestowed upon us by our Creator, shines as brightly as the sun. See, we don’t travel as those without hope. Created by a loving God and sealed to Him with the waters of Holy Baptism, as the bibelots are sealed with fire, we travel throughout these forty days with an assurance of the Easter joy to come. God’s promise is good. We can count on Easter to come again so we can sing Alleluia! again. May the good Lord bless and keep you, Deaconess Claire Rueffer



LWML March Meeting The March LWML meeting will be Monday, March 9th at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Our own Gary Myers, Energy Use Specialist/PVREA, will lead our program entitled “Where’s My Energy Going?” Devotions and mites by Norma Thaemert. Hostesses are Millie Miller and Hazel Maiorka. All women of PWC are invited to attend and bring a friend!

• “Look to the Hills… God Reigns” is the theme for LWML’s

33rd Biennial Convention to be held June 25- June 28th, 2009 in Portland, Oregon. For registration information, check out the winter edition of Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly OR the LWML website at Reservations will be accepted on or after March 2, 2009. • LWML will be hosting the Lenten Soup Supper on Wednesday, March 11th. If you can provide food or lend a hand in the kitchen, we would LOVE your help! Sign up sheets are posted on the LWML bulletin board. Proceeds will benefit Kevin Rodenbeck, son of Ted and Ann Rodenbeck. Kevin is currently undergoing treatment for Stage IV Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. An application for Thrivent funds has been submitted. • Keep your mites coming in! March 31, 2009 is the deadline to meet the National LWML Mite Goal of $1.7 million dollars.

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• If you are a member of PWC and are enrolled at a Concordia University or Seminary to pursue a career in church work, you may be eligible for a scholarship! Applications are available online at: Submission deadline is April 1, 2009. • Proposals for 2009 Bazaar proceeds are due to Bev Russman by April 15, 2009. Grants have previously been awarded to persons pursuing a career in church or mission work. If you know someone who could benefit from a grant, don’t let this opportunity pass! Multiple recipients can be approved. Call Bev at 493-3076 with any questions. • The next regular LWML Executive Board meeting will be Monday, March 30th beginning at 6pm in the home of Jodi Allison. All ladies are welcome. • Easter is April 12th! Get a head start and purchase your Easter cards and napkins from LWML, now available in the sunshine room.

Memorial Garden Plants and Help - Be watching for a sign-up sheet in early March for help by donating plants and other ways that you can participate in the planting!


TAG Tuesday Afternoon Group All older adults are welcome to attend the various activities and Bible studies of this Older Adult Ministry Group. Our meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Come and enjoy the fellowship. Tuesday, March 3rd at Noon It’s time again for our annual pancakes and sausage meal. We will share in the cost of this economical meal. Bible study follows at 1:00pm led by Pastor. Tuesday, March 17th at 1:00pm Come and enjoy a presentation by Linda Ellis, Director of the Colorado Welcome Center, of some of the most interesting spots in Colorado.

Joy Circle Thursday, March 5th at 1:00pm meet in the Fellowship Classroom. We will have a Bible Study with Pastor. Nancy Moore will have devotions. Hostesses are Lorraine Schipper & Leora Snyder. All ladies are welcome to come join us!


Dear PWC Family members, In the June Broadcast, I remember encouraging the members of the congregation to take an active interest in our young people by greeting them, talking with them and supporting them. WOW – the support the Youth received by the attendance at the Youth Valentine Dinner was awesome! You truly sent a message to them that you are here for them. They had a wonderful time preparing for and presenting the dinner and entertainment that evening. I want to thank you again for all your support of the youth and to thank everyone who helped in any way – maybe you attended the dinner, helped in the kitchen or with set-up/clean-up (that was accomplished in record time!), encourage your youth member to participate or got them there . Everything done helped this event be such a success! We are very blessed by the amount of encouragement and interest that is shown to our youth by the members here at PWC. Please continue to pray for all the youth members, the program and me – great things are happening here!

Scrip Fundraiser

We have many cards for immediate purchase and you may order any available card and receive it the following Sunday. Stop by the Youth Table and see what is available. Thank you for supporting the Youth! 10

CSU Campus Ministry

Thanks in large part to Deaconess Claire and a core of faithful students, the CSU Campus ministry is alive and well. Up to a dozen students may participate in the Monday night meeting on campus which includes a study based on one of Bonheoffer’s books. And 6-8 students regularly attend services at Peace With Christ. Two of the students attend the Wednesday morning Bible study. The Deaconess is preparing to take pictures of the students for placement on the bulletin board in the hallway. She is also working on a PWC informational flyer for students and looking at ways our members can help the students feel welcome here. This may include gift cards, care packages, a member resource guide, etc. FYI, most of the students attend the second service. The Evangelism committee encourages you to introduce yourself to them. They are a delightful group! ***************************************************** PWC Vocalists and Musicians - Please see the sign up to participate in our services to enhance the service and give you the opportunity to glorify the Lord with your gifts. Contact Marilyn if you have any questions. We do have some music available if you are not sure what piece you would like to do. ***************************************************** Needed - Library Manager(s) The Evangelism committee is looking for someone to manage our newly reorganized library. The manager(s) would return books to the bookshelves, order new books as directed, and keep the sign out sheets up to date. He/she would also be a member of the Evangelism committee. Any questions call Deaconess Claire at 226-4721. 11



Higher Things Registration forms and money are due to Marilyn ASAP for the conference. $75 is due with registration. Total cost is still pending as I work out details on transportation. Cost of the conference is $350 with a possible addition of $200 to cover transportation/food/ lodging during our travels. Please see the form for more detailed information.


To the Youth Members and Parents You are all incredible! Thank you for all the hard work which went into making the Valentine’s Dinner a huge success! You are truly blessings to all. I hope you had fun being a part of it. I thoroughly enjoyed helping you plan and prepare for the evening! Please plan to be a part of the Easter Breakfast coming up in April – it’s the next big thing. Continue to pray for one another. We all have needs which are spoken and un-spoken, each of us faces some burden each day, so lift up your fellow members and friends in prayer. Even a prayer as simple as “Dear Lord, please be with my friends and help to ease their cares” (in your own words) will be a blessing to them. Please let me know of any upcoming events such as plays, concerts, recitals, games or other important events in your life. If you have any prayer request or other needs, I would be very glad to be able to help in whatever way I can. I continue to keep all of you in my prayers. Please email me at [email protected] or call 5683701 or 391-4946.

Serving with joy, 13

Catechism Reading from the Book of Concord We continue our series on the study of the Augsburg Confession. If you are in need of a Book of Concord, you can go online to the Concordia Publishing House Website and order Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. Read the Large Catechism section on The Lord’s Prayer. Why must Christians pray? 1. 2. 3. What is the condition of the human heart? What effect does this have on prayer? What had caused people NOT to pray at the time of Luther? What is a God-pleasing way to view prayer?

Connection: The Lord’s Prayer What is the introduction to the Lord’s Prayer? What does this mean? What does it mean to call God “Our Father”? What is the first petition? What does this mean? What are we asking when we pray that God’s Name be made holy? How do we keep God’s Name holy?


KNOW YOUR LEADERSHIP Deaconess Claire When Paul Rubel asked me to write a brief bio for the “Know your Leadership” project of the broadcast, I was touched. It’s always a joy to share my story because when I tell it, I get to remind myself of God’s abiding presence. “Lo, I am with you always.” While I was born on February 14, 1986 in Eindhoven, Netherlands, my life didn’t really begin until March 9 of that same year. When our pastor at the little congregation of ex-patriots in Holland spilled some water over my head and spoke words of forgiveness and grace I was born anew and the beauty of God’s creation was affirmed. And I began a pilgrimage as a stranger in a strange land. In the name… That jumbled group of people from South Africa, Holland, England, the USA and everywhere else has certainly shaped who I am. They’ve also shaped how I tell the story of the journey though which God has brought me to you and into his service as a deaconess. When I was a little girl growing up in New Jersey (we moved there when I was almost 3), I fell in love with service at church and was always asking questions. I had a brief time when I wanted to be a pastor until a group called “Cross Fire” visited (see our church. They were AWESOME. Not only did they sing, play multiple instruments, and pay attention to little me, they also were missionaries in Africa. That did it, I knew then in there that I wanted to be a missionary. Then, we moved to Wisconsin. After two years of being molded and shaped there, we moved to Illinois. There, confirmation classes began with the start of another new school year. There I also met some close friends with whom I participated in an ecumenical Bible study throughout middle school. By the end of high school, however, I thought I’d be a bit more practical and figured that a couple years in the Peace Corps plus a degree in secondary ed would be just fine. I had been teased out of those beginning discernments of vocation. It wasn’t until I fell in love with the music department at Valparaiso University and decided to attend school there that I really was free to deeply explore vocation. Continued on page 16


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By the grace of God, I found myself in the honors college & learned how little I liked the history major I had chosen. I wanted something that paid a bit more attention to the people of history and their deep stories. As Valpo doesn’t have an anthropology department, I found my way to the theology department. There I was reminded of a love for the one deepest story that touches our very souls. It was no surprise then, that with a love for people, social justice, theology, and a desire to serve, God had an easy time sending me notes and people from the Lutheran Deaconess Association who affirmed a call I had heard as a child, as an infant not even a month old. When we are baptized, we are washed clean of the sin that has kept us enslaved and are freed to live as Christ’s servants. We get to live in service (diakonia) to Christ! Yes, some are called and set apart (consecrated) to intentionally wait on tables (Acts 6), but all are called to lives of faith and service in Christ in our regular daily vocations. May the good Lord bless you in the service to which you are called.

**************************************************** Marriage Workshop In February Peace With Christ hosted a workshop on the topic of Prayer. It went VERY well. Thank you to all who attended! This month we are following this up with a workshop on Marriage. This workshop will be held on Saturday, March 28th and while open to all it is especially designed for those who are recently married or are in the process of preparing for marriage. Our presenters for this workshop will include Dr. Lloyd Thomas, Christian Psychologist who will discuss the role of husband and wife in Christian Marriage. Pastor Patrick and Deaconess Claire will speak about “building a family altar”. Some of our married members will be sharing their experiences on the joys and pitfalls of marriage. There is no cost for this workshop, though everyone is encouraged to bring a dish for a pot-luck luncheon. Babysitting will be provided. Continued on page 17


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The tentative schedule is as follows: 8:45am 9:00am 9:15am 9:45am 10:10am 10:25am 10:50am 11:00am 11:15am 11:40am 11:50am 1:00pm -

Gathering Time (refreshments) Welcome, Introductions, Explanation of gathering Dr. Lloyd Thomas - Roles of Husband/Wife Small Group Discussion #1 Large Group Presentation #1 Small Group Discussion #2 Break Large Group Presentation #2 Small Group Discussion #3 Lunch break Q & A with Older Couples Close Promptly with the Lord’s Prayer

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Marriage Encounter is for ALL married couples who want to experience greater levels of communication and intimacy.

The next Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend in Colorado is April 17-19, 2009

Apply by March 13 to participate

Online application: We have experienced this first hand, and are excited to answer any questions you may have. Call us! Bud and Cindy Amack 303 -796-9119 or [email protected]

ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Lutheran Engaged Encounter is offering a weekend for all engaged couples who wish to get ready for the marriage relationship.


Shred-it Fort Collins and Electronics Recycling April 18th, 2009 Shred-it Fort Collins is a partnership with Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Representative, Ryan Behm to offer a community Identity Theft Awareness and Shred Event on Saturday, April 18th from 9 am to 1 pm (rain or shine). The drop-off area will be in the parking lot beside Habitat Home Supply store at JJ’s Convenience Store, 4015 S. Taft Hill Road. A Fort Collins Police Officer and ProShred employees will be on hand to accept personal documents that people want destroyed in a secure on-site mobile shredder answering questions about Identity Theft as well. ProShred will have a truck there so people can get in and out quickly. Materials to be shredded - old tax records, checks, employment records or any documents that contain personal information. Staples and paper clips do not need to be removed. There will be a $5 charge for each paper grocery size bag of documents. In addition, Executive Recycle will accept any electronics – i.e. Printers, Computers and monitors, televisions and other electronics - and properly dispose and recycle them. There will be a minimal charge ($1 - $20+) depending on type of the unit being recycled. Proceeds from the event will go to the Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity home that will be built this spring in Fort Collins. Please contact, Ryan Behm 970-266-1700 or Cathie Waugh 970-488-2600 for more information.


Good Fishin’ with the NetWork, a letter from Pastor Klaus Dear Brothers in Christ: Greetings, grace, and blessing from the Christ who has, for our salvation, conquered sin, death, and Satan. I know you receive a lot of mass mailings. If you toss most things, I hope you'll make an exception and take the time necessary to read this one-page epistle. During my years in the parish, I was saddened by the many men who were content to remain on the periphery of church life. The last six years have shown me the problem was not uniquely mine. Many places I visit have more women's groups than men's; more women teaching in Sunday School, singing in the choir, and worshipping with their children. Without wishing to oversimplify, I believe the reasons for this are threefold: 1. For more than a century, the world has encouraged churches to emphasize the gentler qualities of Jesus (e.g., His kindness and care) and downplay characteristics men would emulate (e.g., His power and commitment). 2. Men wish to be actively involved where their work makes a difference. That is why we see men involved in building and emergency relief programs, but who fade away when things get "normal." 3. Men wish to take a stand against Satan's attacks. Before they do so, they want to be educated and organized.


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If you agree, allow me to point you to a new program developed by Lutheran Hour Ministries. It is called the Men's NetWork. Authorized in convention, endorsed by the Int'l LLL Governors, fleshed out by Bruce Wurdeman (Director of U.S. Ministries) and his team, the Men's NetWork is free and is delivered on the Web. It has been designed as an innovative and Christ-centered resource for you and active laymen in taking a stand for the Savior and against Satan. There is one other thing you need to know about the Men's NetWork: it is not finished. What we offer on our Web site is a beginning-things we believe might help you. But here in St. Louis we know we don't have all the answers. That is why future direction will be determined by your ideas, input, and requests. We want to know what you need and how we can help. Because of budget limitations we may not be able to implement every idea, but I guarantee you will be heard, and someone will respond. We are committed to making the Men's NetWork a powerful tool for the servants of the Savior. You may have already received a Men's NetWork mailing that provides additional details on this important initiative. If you do not receive this mailing within the next few weeks, e-mail us at [email protected] for a copy. In the meantime, you can access the Web site at Then, please register to take full advantage of the Men's NetWork.

In Christ I remain His servant and yours, Pastor Ken Klaus Ephesians 3: 7-9


Gift of a Green Christmas Ministry – Thank you Our group was once again blessed with the opportunity to reach out to the community and bless 107 families in need. With the tremendous support and donations from members of the Lutheran congregations, we were able to brighten up our recipients’ homes; while at the same time share the ONE TRUE meaning of Christmas and invite each family to come worship Him with all of us. We are already making preparations for our project for this Christmas; as we want to continue to reach out and share the message to more families… May the Lord continue to bless you, in all you do! Ryan and Taneal Behm



HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO……… Dean & Lorraine Schipper Richard & Jeannine Salisbury Ray & Rhonda Kaiser Dan & Sarah Krueckeberg Fred & Gladys Hulsebus David & Andi Philop Paul & Kay Rubel Mark & Dorothy Leising

March 2, 1952 March 4, 1951 March 7, 1992 March 12, 1983 March 15, 1953 March 18 March 20, 1959 March 23, 1975

We apologize if we missed your anniversary. Please notify the church office to update.

Financial Update As of January 2009

2009 budget: $359,000.00 Year-to-date total PWC income:


Year-to-date total PWC expenses: $29,586.45 Net Income: -$3,848.28


HAPPY MARCH BIRTHDAY TO……. Cliff Buchholz Julie Cheuvront Marilyn Lasich Susan Vanatta Pat Juchartz Steve Yeldell Jodi Allison Tina Nierman Ed Jurischk Angela Neuhaus Betty Keeney Jason Lechman Shirley Norman Shawna Prevedel Julie Roth Margaret Ziehm Aidan Pascavis Jan Wergin Ida White Hunter Bernhardt Steve Spanjer Kyle Lehman Tyler Lehman Eric Petago Aaron Peterson Suzanne Fields Warren Wergin Donna France Jodi Gilstad Karly Petago Peter Fagan Dan Krueckeberg Justin Lehman Norma Thaemert Arv Witt Anne Foster Cathryn Jesser Devin Allison

1st 1st 3rd 3rd 5th 5th 6th 7th 8th 8th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 10th 12th 12th 14th 15th 16th 17th 17th 18th 18th 20th 20th 22nd 23rd 25th 26th 26th 28th 28th 28th 30th 30th 31st



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