Detailed Lesson Plan In Assessment Of Learning 1.docx

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  • Words: 922
  • Pages: 4
ICCT COLLEGES FOUNDATION, INC. V.V. Soliven Avenue, Cainta, Rizal. College of Education

Detailed Lesson Plan in Assessment of Learning 1


Objectives At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: 1. Identify the Types of Test Score Interpretations 2. Classify the differences between each type of Test Score Interpretations 3. Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in group activity.


Contents 1. Topic: Types of Test Score Interpretations 2. References: Assessment of Learning 1 Chapter 4 p.170-171 3. Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures, Board Markers, Paper and Pen


Procedure A. Learning Activities Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

“Good Morning Class…..”

“ Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Let us pray first….”

(One student will lead the Prayer)

(Checking of Attendance)

( Student’s will tell who’s absent for the day) “ It was great Ma’am!”

“ So how’s your day? Is it good so far?” “ That’s good to know. So are you ready for our new topic for today?” “ Okay that’s good, so let’s begin with a group activity! Are you ready?”

“ Yes Ma’am!” “ Yes Ma’am!”

Motivation Group Activity: The students will be divided in to two; each group will be given piece of paper with word written on them. Then they will be ask to share each others opinion on what comes first in their mind about the word assigned to them and discuss it to the class. They will come up with the following words; 1. Norm 2. Criteria



Presentation “ Very nice! I am very pleased you were able to finish the task given to you. Now let us discuss your answers. Anybody who can tell me what he/she notices with the anwers you provided?”

(Students will give their ideas/answers)

Discussion “Very good observation! Now, let me introduce to all of you the types of test scores interpretations. This is basically a frame of reference that scores and marks maybe explained in relation to a norm or criterion. The use of these references measures hinges on the purpose of assessment…..”

(Student will volunteer to read the first sentence about the Normpreference interpretations)

“Would someone read the first sentence for me?” “Thanks. And who wants to read the second sentence. Please read it loud and clear…..”

( Student will volunteer and read about the second sentence which is the Criterion- preference interpretations)

“That’s great! Now let us take a look about the differences of the two types of test scores interpretations. Are you ready to listen class?”

“Yes Ma’am we are now ready!

(Teacher discussing the topic…)

( Student’s listening carefully to the teacher)

“Norm-referenced interpretations are explanations of a learner’s performance in comparison with other learners of the same age or grade. A learner’s knowledge is gauged in terms of her/her position in the norm group. Norm-references evaluates and determine the learner’s place or rank….” "For example, , in selecting top students who will participate in an inter-school science quiz bee, the relative standing of students in a science test is necessary. Selection is made based on norm-referenced scores.”

“ While the Criterion-referenced interpretations provide meaning to tests scores by describing what the learner can and cannot do in light of a standard. Hence, test scores allow for absolute interpretations and not comparative. A learner’s performance is explained in relation to a predetermined criterion of mastery…..” “ Example for that is when assessing driving skills, the student driver’s performance is checked against a set of criteria. Rendering judgment whether he/she passes or fails in criterion-referenced” “Class did you listen and understand well the lesson?”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“ Well that’s Good! Now who among you can share their their ideas on what you haved learned about the difference between Norm and Criterion-referenced interpretations? Anyone?”

(Student will volunteer to answer)

“Very good! It seems that you truly listen well. Anymore ideas you wanted to share? Anyone?”

( Student will volunteer to answer)


(Students answer)

“ Very well said! You are all right with what you haved shared..Now class, lets remember that Norm-referenced is basically comparing your scores with the scores of others and criterionreferenced will based your performance scoring with the criteria and is usually expressed as a percentage or pass/fail. It is also good for diagnosis.” “And let us all remember whatever assessment you are facing.. just do the best and be the best for your own good and that will help you improve yourself more!”

“ Ma’am I can say that a normreferenced framework uses percentile ranks, standard scores and stanines while a criterionreferenced framework uses percentage, speed and precision of performance and quality ratings..”

“ As for my understanding, Normreferenced are scores that will indicate how an individual compares with the scores of others, while criterion refers to individual scores are predetermined based on standard and performance and not compared with the scores of others.”



Group activity: Two groups will perform a short debate on the issue of what is more important in measuring your assessment, is it Norm-prefrenced or a Criterion- referenced Interpretation? Defend your answers.

Evaluation: Directions: Write a short essay on how important The Types of Scores Interpretation in measuring a learners assessment? Write it in one whole piece of paper and write not less than 50 words.Pass it if you are finish writing.


Assignment: Write some examples of norm and criterion- preferenced of assessment and explain. Put it in a half crosswise sheet of paper and pass it next meeting.

Prepared by: Placido, Rofelyn N. BSED- Filipino N63

Instructor: Miss Veronica M. Nepomuceno EDMET 03

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