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  • Pages: 5

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to: A. identify the basic movements in a folk-based festival dance. B. innumerate the basic steps in folk dance which learners need to produce a folk-based festival dance. C. value festival dances in enhancing one’s fitness.

II – Subject Matter: “Basic Movements of a Folk-Based Festival Dance” Reference: Physical Education and Health pp. 127-131 Materials: Cartolina, Strips, Music, Speaker and projector. III – Procedure Teacher’s Activity A. Preparatory Activities Please stand and kindly lead the prayer, Mark!

Student’s Activity In the name of the father, of the son, and of the holy spirit, Amen! . . .

You may now take your sits! Good Morning, class?

Good Morning too, Sir!

Have you eaten your breakfast today?

Yes, Sir!

Perfect! Because I will be needing your energy for today’s exciting lesson. Before we start our lesson I wants everyone to keep the unnecessary things that are not included in my subject, listen keenly, no chit-chatting with your seatmates while I’m talking in front, and if you want to answer just raise your right hand. Am I making myself clear, class? a. Warm – up Before proceeding to our activity proper, let us have first a Dynamic Stretching Exercise to ready our muscles and joints for our activities later on.


• Jogging


• High Knees


• Jumping Jacks

Yes, Sir!

b. Motivation I have prepared set of pictures on the screen. I want you to examine it clearly and tell me what the pictures wants to imply to us.

Very Good!

(Expected answers)  It shows people who are dancing gracefully.  It shows body movements.  It shows basic movements in festival dances.

B. Lesson Proper a. Presentation Base on the answers you have given to me, what do you think is our lesson for today? Absolutely!

Our lesson for today is all about basic movements, Sir!

b. Discussion I have here a Venn Diagram, who can give an explanation out of the words written on it?

The similarity of Sinulog and Panagbenga is they are both Festival, and their differences are Sinulog Festival is done in honoring the Sto. Nino every January in Cebu City while Panagbenga Festival is done every April to May as a celebration for milkfish industry in Dagupa, Pangasinan, Sir! Awesome! I have here examples showing names of step and how to execute them in producing folk-based festival dance. I want you to read each name of the step and do its pattern with correct counting following its time signature.

Name of Step Close Step Bleking Touch Step Walk Change step Cross Change Step

Hop step Cross Step

Step Pattern/Counting Step right sideward (1), Close step Left to right (2). Step Right in place(1), Heel place in front(2). Step Right sideward(1), Point left in front(2) . Step right forward (1), Step Left forward(2). Step Right sideward(1), Point left in front(2) Cross right over Left(1), step left sideward(2), Step right in place(3). Step Right sideward (1), Hop Right in place(2). Step Right across Left (1), Step Left Sideward(2).

c. Application This time I’m going to group you into 2 groups. Decide with your group what you wish to celebrate. Now that you recalled the basic movements you learned for the past years. Make the celebration you have agreed upon be the theme and your guide in creating the movements. In ten minutes, you are expected to come up with five figures of 16 counts each. I have here a rubric for us to have transparency to score you fairly. (note: the rubric is at the last page) d. Valuing Why is there a need for festivals?

Very good! How do you think can festival dance help you in enhancing your fitness?

Because we celebrate our unity amidst the diversity of cultures and we celebrate our industry bringing about bountiful harvest, Sir! It will lead to a greater awareness of the right food to eat, proper ways to manage your weight and of course opportunities to maximize the enhancement of your fitness through dancing, Sir!

Definitely! What value do festival People will be more proactive with dances develop in community fitness? exercise that will enable to maintain healthy lifestyle and it can influence the fitness and well-being of the community, Sir! e. Generalization Name the basic steps in folk-based festival dance?

The basic steps in producing folk-based festival dance are: Close Step Bleking Touch Step Walk Change step Cross Change Step Hop step Cross Step

IV – Evaluation I - Direction: Write the basic name of the step by reading its pattern and choose your answer inside the box. Close Step Walk Hop step

Bleking Touch Step Change step Cross Step

________1. Step right forward (1), Step Left forward(2). ________2. Step right sideward (1), Close step Left to right (2). ________3. Step Right sideward(1), Point left in front(2) ________4. Step Right sideward(1), Point left in front(2) ________5. Step Right sideward (1), Hop Right in place(2). II –(essay) Direction: Explain why festival dances help you in enhancing your fitness? (5 points) V – Assignment Give 5 examples of Religious and non-religious festivals that are celebrated by other countries.

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