Aug ('06)-10 - Spoken English

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-´’çí∫-∞¡¢√®Ωç 22 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2006 Vikas: (Do you) fancy eating something? (àüÁjØ√

AØ√-©-†’çü∆?) fancy = É≠ædç/É≠æd-°æ-úøôç. Conversational English ™ ´’†ç ´÷ö«xúË ¢√∞¡x†’ v°æ¨¡o-©-úÕ-Íí-ô°æ¤p-úø’ Do you/ would you- (question v§ƒ®Ωç-¶µºç™ ¢√úË ´÷ô©’) ´C-™‰-ߪ’-´îª’a. °j† brackets ™ (Do you) îª÷°œ† Nüµ¿çí¬. eg:

Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛


trip to Tirupathi and other places in South India? (Do you) Know any thing about what he is doing about it?

(ÅC ÆæÍ®. ´’†ç A®Ω’-°æ-AéÀ Éûª®Ω îÓôxèπ◊ èπÿú≈ ¢Á∞«x-©-†’-èπ◊Ø√oç éπü∆. -Ç -N≠æߪ’ç í∫’-Jç-* -E-"™¸ à´’ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’? ü∆E í∫’-Jç-* àç îËÆæ’hØ√oúø’?) Vikas: It isn't going to be a problem at all, he

a) Mind waiting for sometime =

says. He is in touch, he has told me,

Do/Would you mind waiting for sometime?

with the travel agency which his uncle

Mind =



b) Like some coffee = Do/would you like some coffee?

(´÷´‚©’í¬ ´’†èπ◊ ¶«í¬ °æJ-îªßª’ç Ö†o ¢√∞¡xûÓí¬F, Åçûª serious conversation é¬-†-°æ¤púø’ é¬F, É™« Do you/ would you ´C-™‰Æ œ ´÷ö«x-úÕûË Ææ£æ«ïçí¬ Öçúøô¢Ë’ é¬èπ◊ç-ú≈ ´’†ç ´÷ö«xúË¢√∞¡xûÓ -´’-† ≤ƒEo-£œ«-û√uEo èπÿú≈ ûÁ©’-°æ¤-ûª’çC.) Suhas: Yea. I do feel like it. You do too, don't you? And how about some real good coffee to go with it?

(Å´¤†’. Ø√èπ◊ AØ√-©ØË -ÖçC. Fèπÿ\ú≈ éπü∆? ü∆çûÓ-§ƒô’ ´’ç* 鬰∂‘ èπÿú≈ BÆæ’èπ◊ç-ü∆´÷?) ´’†ç É°æp-öÀ-´-®Ωèπÿ do, does and did †’ í∫’-Jç-* ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-†o -N-≠æ-ߪ÷-©-†’ -´’®Ó≤ƒ-J -ØÁ-´’®Ω’-¢ËÆæ’èπ◊ç-ü∆ç. 1st Regular Doing Word (come, go, sing, etc)†’ not ûÓí¬F, question ûÓé¬F ¢√úÕ-†-°æ¤púø’ do ´Ææ’hçü¿F,



Sumanth: He does

(ÅüËç Ææ´’Ææu é¬ü¿ç-ô’-Ø√o-úø-ûª†’. ¢√∞¡x -Åçèπ◊-™¸†úÕÊ° -vö«-¢Á-™ ¸ -à-ï-FqûÓ Ææçv°æ-C-Ææ’h- †o-ô’x îÁ§ƒpúø’.) Be in touch - Ææç•çüµ¿ç °ô’d-éÓ-´ôç/ ´÷ö«xúø’ûª÷ Öçúøôç/ Contact ™ Öçúøôç.


Sumanth: He has given us permission but wants us to be careful during the journeys.

by this weekend, he says. That'll give us

( Çߪ’†


It is not going to be a problem at all, he says.

-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 202

Vikas: He expects to have everything planned


Says- present tense

(-ü∆-Eí∫’-Jç-* -Ç-ߪ’-† à´’ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’?)


(ÅEo N≠æ-ߪ÷-© í∫’-Jç-* éπ*aûªçí¬ -á°æ¤p-úø’ -îÁ-•’-û√-†-Ø√o-úø’.) Confirm - éπØ˛°∂æ¢˛’ – °∂æ-¢˛’ – bird ™ ™«í¬.-

í∫ûªç™ îÁ°œp† N≠æߪ’ç report îËÆæ’h-Ø√oúø’?

Sundar: What does he say about it?

Suhas: When did he say he would confirm


™ report îËÆæ’h-Ø√oúø’. ÅçûË-é¬ü¿’ ´’†ç report îËÊÆ--ô°æ¤púø’ He says ûÓ v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµ≤ƒhç. Ééπ\úø he says, reported part *´®Ω ®√´ôç í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. Å™«Íí, He is in touch, he has told me, with the travel agency which his uncle runs. ÅØË sentence ™ èπÿ-ú≈ ´÷´‚©’í¬ Å®·ûË he has told me -¢√éπuç ´·ç-ü¿’ ®√¢√L. é¬F Ééπ\úø ´’üµ¿u™ ´*açC éπü∆. ÉC èπÿú≈ -Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù-™ ÆæÈ®j-†-üË. a) The exams won't be postponed, the princi-

´÷èπ◊ -Å-†’-´’-A Éî√aúø’. é¬-F

pal says.

enough time for preparation.

II Regular Doing Word (goes, comes, sings, etc)

†’ not ûÓé¬F question -ûÓ é¬F ¢√úÕ-†-°æ¤púø’ does ´Ææ’hç-ü¿F, Past Doing Word (came, went, sang) †’ not ûÓ é¬F question ûÓ é¬F ¢√úÕ-†-°æ¤púø’ did ´Ææ’hç-C -Å-E -ûÁ-©’Ææ’èπ◊-Ø√oç. Å®·ûË do, does, did †’ not ™‰†-°æ¤púø’, question 鬆-°æ¤púø’ èπÿú≈ ¢√úø’ûª’çö«ç – ñ«ví∫-ûªhí¬ í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. I do know him well - Ééπ\úø not ™‰ü¿’. ÉC question é¬ü¿’. Å®·Ø√ do know Åçô’Ø√oç. ÉC ûª°æ¤p é¬ü¿’– Ø√éπ-ûª†’ ûÁ©’Ææ’ (-ûÁ-L-ߪ’-éπ-§Ú--´ô-¢Ë’çöÀ?) ÅØË N≠æ-ߪ÷Eo í∫öÀdí¬ ØÌéÀ\ îÁ°æpôç. I know him well ņôç éπØ√o I do know him well Åçõ‰ Åûª†’ Ø√èπ◊ ¶«í¬ ûÁ©’Ææ’ ÅE ÉçéÌçîÁç í∫öÀdí¬ îÁ°æpôç. She does sing well (She sings well)

Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ She does sing well Åçõ‰ Ç¢Á’ éπ*aûªçí¬ ¶«í¬ §ƒúø’-ûª’ç-ü¿E ØÌéÀ\ îÁ°æpôç. Å™«Íí I did see him yesterday Åçõ‰ (I saw him yesterday) ؈’ ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈ Åûª-úÕ-E îª÷¨»-†E í∫öÀdí¬ (Emphasis ûÓ) îÁ°æpôç. ÉN O’ conversation ™ practice îËߪ’ôç î√™« ´·êuç. -É-™«-îËÊÆh O’ ¶µ«≠æ effectiveí¬ Öçô’çC. Vikas: Sure. Suggest a good place where we get real good stuff

'Íé-°∂ˇ— é¬-ü¿’ ... 'éπu°∂-ß˝’— (Ñ ¢√®√çû√EéÀ -§ƒx-Ø˛ îËߪ’ôç °æ‹®Ωh-´¤-ûª’ç-ü¿E ÅØ√oúø’. ´’†èπ◊ ûªßª÷-®Ω-´y-ö«-EéÀ Ææ-J-°æ-ú≈ Æ洒ߪ’ç Öçô’çC.) Suhas: What were the places we would be visiting, did he say?

(´’†ç ¢Á∞Ï} -v°æ-üË-¨»--© -N-´®√--™‰¢Á’i-Ø√ îÁ§ƒp-ú≈?) Vikas: I don't exactly remember. Any way, he will be meeting us this evening.

(Ø√èπ◊ éπ*aûªçí¬ í∫’®Ω’h ™‰ü¿’. àüË-¢Á’iØ√ ¢√úø’ ´’†Lo ≤ƒßª’çvûªç éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’.) ´’†ç Éçûª´®Ωèπÿ Direct Speech -†’ report îËߪ’ôç îª÷-¨»ç.– Reporting verb †’ present tense, past tense -™  -á-™« -J-§Ú®˝d -îË-ߪ÷-™  -îª÷-¨»ç éπ-ü∆. É°æ¤púø’ O’®Ω’ îªü¿-´-¶-ßË’-N ñ«ví∫ûªhí¬ í∫´’-Eç-îªç-úÕ

(Ø√éÀ-≠d¢æ Ë’. ¢Á∞«lç °æü¿.) Suhas: Well, What does Nikhil say about our

C) Kumar: I (have) asked my mother to come,


(Å®·ûË †’´¤y -áç-G-à îËߪ’¶-ûª’-Ø√o-´-†o-´÷ô). Rajesh: Yes. I am (Å´¤†’.)

B) Sunder: Does the Principal know about your excursion programme? (O’

N£æ…-®Ω-ߪ÷vûª í∫’-Jç-* O’ -v°œ-Eq°æ-™¸èπ◊

b) The students answer was wrong, the teacher says.

´’†ç Å°æ¤p-úø-°æ¤púø’ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ á´-J-ØÁjØ√ ¢√∞¡x Ê°®Ω’ È®çúÓ-≤ƒJ îÁ°æp-´’çö«ç. -D-EéÀ 鬮Ω-ùç ¢√∞¡Ÿx ¢Á·ü¿-ô-îÁ-°œp†-°æ¤púø’ ÆæJí¬ N†-éπ-§Ú-´ôç -™‰-ü∆ NE ´’J-*-§Ú-´ôç ´©x. Å°æ¤púË´’çö«ç. O’ Ê°Í®-´’ç-ô’-Ø√o®Ω’? / O’J-éπ\-úÕ-éÌ*aç-üÁ-°æ¤p-úø-Ø√o®Ω’? É™«çöÀ v°æ¨¡o©’ Ééπ\úø îª÷úøçúÕ. a) What did you say your name was? Look at the following words of Suhas from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. i) Suhas: When did he say he would confirm

but she says she will not come.


(-ØË-†’ ´÷ Å´’t-†’ ®Ω´’t-Ø√o†’. é¬F ®√†-çC (®√†ç-öçC– ûÁ©’-í∫’™ èπÿú≈ É™«Íí Åçö«ç éπü∆)

a) Nagesh: So, you are going to do

(éπ*aûªçí¬. ´’ç* °∂æ©-£æ…®Ωç, 鬰∂‘ Nagesh: Have you talked to your dad üÌJÍé àüÁjØ√ ´’ç* îÓô’ îÁ°æ¤p) about it? (Ç N≠æߪ’ç O’ (Real good stuff- Eïçí¬ ´’†èπ◊ †îËaô’x ´’ç*í¬ ÖçúË ´Ææ’h´¤.) M. SURESAN Ø√†oí¬JûÓ ´÷ö«x-ú≈¢√?) Rajesh: Yes. I have (´÷ö«x-ú≈†’.) (Ééπ\úø °∂æ©-£æ…®Ωç, 鬰∂‘. ´’S} í∫’®Ω’h îËÆæ’hØ√oç. öÀ°∂œØ˛ English ´÷ô é¬ü¿’. °∂æ©-£æ…®Ωç/Ö§ƒ- Nagesh: What does he say? (Çߪ’-ØË-´’ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’?) £æ…®√-EéÀ ÆæÈ®j† English ´÷ô– Snack/ refreshment. ´÷´‚-©’í¬ Å®·ûË Some thing to eat; Any thing Rajesh: He says he prefers my doing MCA to to eat? Åçö«®Ω’. Any eats? Let's have some doing MBA. eats ÅE èπÿú≈ informal í¬ Åçö«®Ω’. ( ؈’ MBA éπØ√o MCA îËߪ’ôç better Suhas: Nikhil often says that Cafe 'Shadruchi' ÅE -Ç-ߪ’-†ç-ô’-Ø√o®Ω’.) is the place for good eats and coffee. Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ Rajesh ûª† Course N≠æߪ’ç ´÷ö«xShall we go there? úø-ôç í∫ûªç™ ïJ-T† N≠æߪ’ç. Å®·Ø√ Nagesh Åûª-úÕ-E -à-´’-úø’-í∫’-ûª’-Ø√oúø’? What does he say? ÅE. (Cafe 'Shadruchi' ´’ç* °∂æ©-£æ…-®√-©èπÿ, coffee éÀ ÆæÈ®j† îÓô’ (The place) ÅE (Ééπ\úø does say ) (=says) present tense ™ E"™¸ ûª®Ωîª÷ Åçô’ç-ö«úø’. Åéπ\-úÕéÀ Öçúøôç í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. Å™«Íí Rajesh ¢√∞¡x Ø√†o ¢Á∞«l´÷? Cafe' - pronunciation - í∫ûªç™ îÁ°œp† N≠æ-ߪ÷Eo èπÿú≈ He says ÅE preséπu°∂ß˝’ – éπu bank ™ ba ™«í∫ = °∂æ©-£æ…- ent tense ™ îÁ°æpôç -O’®Ω’ í∫´’-EçîË Öçö«®Ω’. ÉC ®Ω-¨»©. ´÷´‚©’í¬ Íé°∂ˇ ÅE pronounce English ™ î√™« Ææ®Ωy≤ƒüµ∆-®Ωùç. -É-™« -Å-†-ôç ûª°æ¤p é¬ü¿’. îËÆæ’hç-ö«®Ω’ – ÆæJ-é¬ü¿’.) Vikas: That suits me fine. Let's go

v°æߪ÷-ù«™x ñ«ví∫ûªhí¬ Öçúø-´’-Ø√oúø’). (ÅÆæ©’ Å®Ωnç– éÓ®Ω’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’.) Ñ conversation ™ èπÿú≈ ´’†ç îª÷ÊÆ-üËçöÀ? Principal -à´’-Ø√o®Ω’– í∫ûªç– Å®·Ø√ English ™ What does he say - Present ¢√úø’-ûª’Ø√oç. Å™«Íí He wants us ÅE ´’S} present ¢√úø’-ûª’Ø√oç. É-C ´’†ç í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓ-¢√-Lq† N≠æߪ’ç. Spoken English™ É™« past conversation report îËÊÆ-ô°æ¤púø’ èπÿú≈ present tense ¢√úË≤ƒhç. ÉC ñ«ví∫-ûªhí¬ practice îËÊÆh ´’† English Åçü¿çí¬, Ææ£æ«ïçí¬ Öçô’çC.


(Åûª†’ ´’†-èπ◊ -Å-Eo N≠æ-ߪ÷©÷ éπ*aûªçí¬ á°æ¤púø’ îÁ§ƒh-†-Ø√oúø’?) ii) Suhas: What were the places we would be

sentence 'I have asked my mother... not

visiting, did he say?

come; Kumar

¢√∞¡x´’tûÓ á°æ¤púÓ ´÷ö«xúÕ-† ûª®Ω-¢√ûª ¢√∞¡x´’t ™‰†-°æ¤púø’ report îËÆæ’hØ√o, she says ņôç í∫´’-Eç-î√L. ÉüË ¶µ«¢√Eo ÉçéÓ Nüµ¿çí¬ É™« îÁ§Òpa Kesav: I asked my mother to come. But she said she would not come. d) Sampath: Did you see the doctor?

(ú≈éπd-Jo Ææç-v°æ-Cç-î√-¢√?) Shanmukh: I did. He says the disease is not serious.

(´’†ç ¢Á∞Ïx Ü∞¡Ÿ} à´E îÁ§ƒpúø’?) Å™«Íí

When did you say the meeting would

be? (Meeting

á°æ¤p-úø’ç-ô’ç-ü¿ç-ô’-Ø√o¢˛?) (´’S} îÁ°æ¤p ÅE) Ñ ´‚úø’ Å稻©÷ í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓçúÕ. 1) ´÷´‚©’ Spoken English form ™ äéÓ\-≤ƒ-J í∫ûªç™ ïJ-T-† -Åç-¨»-©-†’ report îËÊÆ-ô-°æ¤púø’ èπÿú≈ Present reporting verbs – He/she says, They feel; they want; he/she wants

(éπ-L¨»†’. ÉC Åçûª Bv´-¢Á’iç-üËO’ é¬ü¿çô’-Ø√oúø’ / é¬ü¿-Ø√oúø’.) ÉC (Past event †’ Present ™ report îËߪ’ôç) î√™« ≤ƒüµ∆-®Ωùç. Now look at the following part of the conversation at the beginning of the passage. Suhas: Well, what does Nikhil say about our

™«çöÀ ¢√öÀE ¢√úÕûË ¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC. 2) Conversation ™ ´’†ç report îËߪ’-ú≈-EéÀ ¢√úË He says, they said, he/she told (some one)

™«çöÀN sentence ´·ç-ü¿’ é¬èπ◊çú≈ sentence *´®Ω, ´’üµ¿u™ é¬F ®√´îª’a. 3) ´’†ç á´-J-ØÁjØ√ à-üÁjØ√ È®çúÓ-≤ƒJ Åúø-í¬-©-†’-èπ◊-†o°æ¤púø’

trip to Tirupathi and other places in

What did he say his name was?

South India? What is he doing about it?


sentence pattern


Vikas: It isn't going to be a problem at all, he

Exercise: Report (aloud) the whole conversa-

says. He is in touch, he has told with the

tion at the beginning of this lesson, with the

travel agency which his uncle runs.

reporting verb in the present as well as in the

Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ îª÷Ææ’hØ√oç éπü∆. a) Nikhil ™‰†-°æ¤púø’ E"™¸ à´’-†oD, Åçô’-Ø√oúø’? What does Nikhil say about...?

past tense. Suhas


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