Aug ('06)-11 - Spoken English

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-í∫’®Ω’¢√®Ωç 24 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2006

Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛

Sravya: You look gorgeous today. What a beautiful dress you are in! Who selected it for you?

(-Ñ®Ó-V †’´¤y î√™« Åçü¿çí¬ éπ-E-°œÆæ’hØ√o--´¤-. F -vúÁÆˇ áçûª Åçü¿çí¬ ÖçüÓ! á´®Ω’ ÂÆ-™„é˙d î˨»®Ω’ -DEo?) gorgeous (Pronunciation: 'í¬ïÆˇ– 'í¬— ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç) = î√™« Åçü¿çí¬ Çéπ-®Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ’çí¬ Ö†o. áèπ◊\´í¬ American usage.) Lasya: That's my own selection.

(ÅC Ø√ áç°œÍé.) Sravya: This is more beautiful than the one you wore for Kavya's birthday party. (

é¬-´u °æ¤-öÀd-†®Ó-V -§ƒ-KdéÀ †’-´¤y -¢ËÆæ’èπ◊-†o vúÁÆˇ éπØ√o ÉC Åçü¿çí¬ ÖçC.)

Lasya: But Navya's dress was the most beautiful that day.

(é¬F Ç®ÓV †´u-vúÁÆˇ ÅEoöx Åçü¿çí¬ ÖçC.) Sravya: And you know she is the tallest of all of us too. That made her the lovelier than any other girl there.

(ÅçûË é¬èπ◊çú≈ ûª†’ ´’†ç-ü¿-J™ §Òúø-´¤ éπü∆. Åçü¿’-´©x -Ç®Ó-V Éûª-®Ω’©çü¿J-éπçõ‰ Åçü¿çí¬ Öç-ü¿éπ\-úø.) Lovely= beautiful= Åçü¿-¢Á’i†.

ûÁ©’Ææ’. Åçõ‰ Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’h-´¤-©†’ ´uèπ◊h-©†’ ûª®Ω-ûª´’ -¶µ‰-ü∆©’ E®Ωg-®·ç-îªôç.



These are the comparisons made in the conversation at the beginning of this lesson. 1) This (Lasya's today's dress) is more beautiful than the one you wore for Kavya's birth day party. dress Kavya birthday party

(ÉC – †’Oy-®ÓV ¢ËÆæ’èπ◊-†o éÀ ¢ËÆæ’èπ◊-†o -vúÁÆˇ éπØ√o Åçü¿çí¬ ÖçC.)

2) But Navya's dress was the most beautiful that day=

Å®·ûË Ç®ÓV Åçü¿J -vúÁÆˇ™x -†-´u -vúÁÆˇ Åûªuçûª Åçü¿çí¬ ÖçC.

3) ... She is the tallest of all of us too.

est superlative degree forms. 'st' b) finest, simplest, nicest, etcsuperlative degree forms. c) Y Y

*´®Ω ´îËa

ÉN *´®Ω


ûÓ Åçûª-´’ßË’u ´÷ô© N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ *´®Ω

(ÅçûË é¬èπ◊çú≈ ´’†ç-ü¿-J™ ûª†’ Åûªuçûª §Òúø-´¤.) 4) That made her lovelier than any other girl

ÅC -Ç-¢Á’-†’ Éûª-®Ω’© éπØ√o Åçü¿çí¬ ÖçúË™« îËÆœçC. 5) She is the cleverest girl among our friends who took the test.


(Ç -õ„-Æˇd ®√Æœ† ´’† -v°∂ç-ú˛q Åçü¿-J™ Ç¢Á’ Åûªuçûª ûÁL-¢ÁjçC).


6) Her Brother is even cleverer than she.

Ç¢Á’ -Å-†o-ߪ’u Ç¢Á’ éπçõ‰ èπÿú≈ ûÁL¢Áj†¢√úø’. 7) No other candidate's rank in the town is so (as) good as his.

Ü®Óx à Éûª®Ω ŶµºuJn ®√uçé˙ èπÿú≈ Åûª-úÕ ®√uçéπçûª ´’ç*C é¬ü¿’.

iest superlative form healthiest (healthy); wealthiest,(wealthy) costliest (costly) etc. d) ful




ûÓ Åçûª-´’ßË’u ´÷ô-©-Eoç-öÀéÀ, ¢√öÀ ´·çü¿®Ω

Lasya: We have another party coming.

(´’†èπ◊ ûªy®Ω-™-ØË ÉçéÓ §ƒKd ÖçC.) Sravya: Who is giving that and what's the occasion?

(á´-J-Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’? Ææçü¿®Ωs¥ç àçöÀ?) Lasya: Divya is giving it. She has got the 25th rank in CAT. Common Admission Test –(CAT) Sravya: I'm not at all surprised. She is the cleverest girl among our friends who took the test.

(C´u É≤ÚhçC. ™ 25´ ®√uçé˙ ´*a-†ç-ü¿’èπ◊.)

(-Åç-ü¿’-™ -Ǩ¡a®Ωuç ™‰ü¿’. Ç -õ„Æˇd ®√Æœ† ´’† v°∂ç-ú˛q Åçü¿-®Óx†÷ ûª†’ Åûªuçûª ûÁL-¢Áj-çC.) Lasya: Her brother is even clever than she (her). Last year he got the 18th rank in the IIT entrance test.

(Ç¢Á’ -Å-†o-ߪ’u Ç¢Á’ éπçõ‰ ûÁL-¢Áj†-¢√úø’. í∫-ûËú≈C -â-â-öà -áç-võ„-Ø˛q -õ„Æˇd™ Åûª-úÕéÀ 18´ ®√uçé˙ ´*açC.) Sravya: Yea. No other candidate's rank in the town is so good as his.

îÁÊ°p °æ-ü¿l¥-A ¢Ë®Ω’...ÅçûË! 8) Few Parents are as lucky as they.

most superlative form i) beautiful - most beautiful (superlative) ii) skilful - most skilful (superlative) iii) pitiful - most pitiful ( superlative ) most e) superlative Interested - most interested; jealous - most jealous) COMPARATIVE DEGREE -er -r -ier more comparative i) Superlative form 'est' comparative form 'er'


Åçûª Åü¿%-≠d-´æ ç-ûª’-™„j† ûªLx-ü¿ç-vúø’©’ ü∆ü∆°æ¤ Öçúø®Ω’. 9) Her elder sister is brighter than all of them but not so hard working.

¢√∞¡x Åéπ\ ¢√∞¡xç-ü¿J éπçõ‰ ûÁL-¢ÁjçC é¬F Åçûª v¨¡´’-°æ-úËC é¬ü¿’. îª÷¨»®Ω’ éπü∆ Comparisons: §Ú©aôç English™ ´‚úø’ Nüµ∆-©’. -Åç-õ‰ ´‚úø’ degrees ™ îË≤ƒh®Ω’. 1) Positive degree 2) Comparative degree 3) Superlative degree (Degrees of comparison adjectives adverbs Adjectives –

èπ◊, èπÿ Öçö«®·. ´Ææ’h-´¤-©’, ´uèπ◊-©’, v°æü˨»-©’, ïçûª’-´¤-©’, -¢Á·-ü¿-™„j-†-¢√-öÀ í∫’ù-í∫-ù«©†’ ûÁLÊ° ´÷ô©’.)


éÌEo Éûª®Ω ´÷ô-©èπ◊ èπÿú≈, ´·çü¿’ ´©x ´Ææ’hçC.(


, ,

í¬F ´·çü¿’ Å´¤-ûª’çC. îËߪ’-ö«-EéÀ

Eoç-öÀéÃ, éπ©’°æ¤û√ç.


í¬F ´ÊÆh ÅC

éπLÊ° ´÷ô-©îËߪ’-ö«-EéÀ

Superlative tallest highest Comparative taller higher superlative form b) 'st' '-r ' comparative form Superlative finest simplest nicest Comparative simpler finer nicer c) Y Y iest superlative form ier comparative form Superlative healthiest costliest Comparative healthier costlier d) -ful most superlative form more comparative form Superlative Comparative most beautiful more beautiful most interested more interested

éπL°œ éπ-L°œ

îËÊÆ ´÷ô-©-Eo-çöÀéÃ, îË≤ƒhç.

ûÓ Åçûª-´’ßË’u ´÷ô© N≠æ-ߪ’ç™, ûÓ îËÊÆ ™«í¬ØË, îË≤ƒhç.

BÊÆÆœ éπL°œ

ûÓ Åçûª-´’ßË’ °æü∆-©èπÿ, ´·ç-ü¿’°öÀd îËÊÆ °æü∆-©-Eoç-öÀéÃ, ´·ç-ü¿’ ¢√úÕûË, Å´¤-ûª’çC.

î√™« ´·êuçí¬ í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓ-¢√-Lq† N≠æߪ’ç. ´’†ç à degree ¢√úÕ-Ø√ äéπõ‰ Å®Ωnç ®√¢√L. Positive Åçõ‰ ´÷´‚©’ ÅE, comparative Åçõ‰ é¬Ææh áèπ◊\´ ÅF, superlative Åçõ‰ ÅEoç-öÀ-éπØ√o áèπ◊\´ ÅF ņ’-éÓ-´ôç î√-™« °ü¿l -§Ò-®Ω-§ƒô’. Ñ degrees of comparison ´‚úÕçöx, degree - positive Å®·Ø√, comparative Å®·Ø√, superlative Å®·Ø√ Å®Ωnç äéπõ‰. Å™« äéπõ‰ Å®·-†-°æ¤púË ´’†ç correct í¬ ´÷ö«x-úÕ-†ô’d. Å®·ûË ´’†ç positive degree™ îÁ§ƒp™, comparative ™ îÁ§ƒp™, superlative™ îÁ§ƒp™ ´’† áç°œ-éπ†’ •öÀd, Ææçü¿®√s¥Eo •öÀd Öçô’çC. îª÷úøçúÕ: a) He is the tallest boy in the class (Superlative) = b) He is taller than any other boy/ all other boys, in the class (comparative) = boys c) No other boy in the class as so as tall as he (positive) =

- é¬xÆˇ Åçü¿-J-™ Åûª-úø’ §Ò-úø-´¤.


é¬xÆˇ™ à Éûª®Ω/ Åçü¿-J éπØ√o Åûª-úø’ §Ò-úø-´¤.

é¬xÆˇ™ ÉçÈé-´®Ω÷ èπÿú≈ Åûª-†çûª §Ò-úø-´¤ é¬ü¿’. ÅEo degrees Å®Ωnç äéπõ‰ îÁÊ°p °æ-ü¿l¥-A ¢Ë®Ω’.ÅçûË.

eg: Tall, short, fine, beautiful, good, bad etc. Answer to Exercise under lesson No 201

(Å´¤†’. Ñ Ü®Ω’ ¢Á·ûªhç™ á´Jéà -Åç-ûª ´’ç-* ®√uçé˙ ®√-™‰-ü¿’.) Lasya: All of them are quite smart. Few parents are as lucky as they, in having such children.

(¢√Rxçöx Åçü¿®Ω÷ ûÁL-N-í∫-©-¢√∞Ïx. Åçûª Åü¿%-≠d-´æ ç-ûª’-™„j† ûªLx-ü¿ç-vúø’©’ ü∆ü∆-°æ¤ -Öç-úø®Ω’.) smart= ≤ƒtö¸– ´÷´‚©’ Å®Ωnç– Åçü¿-¢Á’i† -ü¿’Ææ’h-™x Çéπ-®Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ’çí¬ Öçúøôç. Ééπ\úÕ Å®Ωnç– ûÁL-N-í∫©.


Sravya: Her elder sister is brighter than all of them but no so hardworking,

(¢√∞¡x Åéπ\ߪ’u -Åç-ü¿-J-éπçõ‰ ûÁL-N-í∫©C. é¬F Åçûª éπ≠d-°æ æúÕ °æE-îË-ÊÆC é¬ü¿’.) Lasya: They're all sure of good careers. That's a thing to be happy about.

(¢√∞¡xèπ◊ ´’ç* Nü∆u, ÖüÓu-í¬©’ ûªü∑¿uç. Å-C ÆæçûÓ-≠œç-î√-Lq† N≠æߪ’ç.) í∫´’-EçîË Öçö«®Ω’: °j conversation Åçû√ §ÚLéπ (comparison)© v°æ≤ƒh-´ØË éπü∆. -E-ûªu -@-N-ûªç-™  ´’†ç §Ú©a-èπ◊çú≈ à Ææ綵«-≠æù èπÿú≈ Öçúø-üË¢Á÷ éπü∆. äéπ ´Ææ’h´¤ Ø√ùuûª, üµ¿®Ω†’, ÅüË ûª®Ω-í∫AéÀ -îÁç-C-† Éûª®Ω ´Ææ’h´¤© Ø√ùu-ûª, -üµ¿®ΩûÓ, äéπ ´uéÀhí∫’ù«-©’, Ç鬮Ωç, íÌ°æp-ü¿†ç, Éûª®Ω ´uèπ◊h© Ç鬮Ωç, íÌ°æp-ü¿†ç, í∫’ù«-©ûÓ §ÚLa à-C, á´®Ω’ áèπ◊\¢Ó E®√l¥-®Ω-ùèπ◊ ®√´-ô¢Á÷, ™‰èπ◊çõ‰ í∫öÀdí¬ ¢√Cç--éÓ-´-ô¢Á÷ îËÆæ’hçö«ç éπü∆. Spoken English ™ Ñ §ÚL-éπ©-†’ -á-™« ´uéπh°æ®Ω’≤ƒh¢Á÷ îª÷ü∆lç. ´÷´‚-©’í¬ Grammar ™ Å®·ûË DEo Degrees of comparisons Åçö«-®ΩE ´’†ç-ü¿-JéÃ

O-ô-Eoç-öÀéÀ Å®·†, Å®·-†-ô’-´çöÀ ÅE, Ö†o ÅE, Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’hçC. tall = §Òúø-¢Áj†, á-ûÁkh-†, short = §ÒöÀdí¬ Ö†o, fine = Çéπ-®Ω{-ùÃߪ’-¢Á’i†, etc) Adverbs Åçõ‰, verb -îËÊÆ °æ†’©’ ᙫ ïJí¬®· ÅØË N≠æߪ’ç- ûÁ-LÊ° ´÷ô©’ – äéπ í∫’ùç à¢Ë’-®Ωèπ◊ ÖçC ÅE ûÁ-LÊ° ´÷ô©’ èπÿú≈ adverbs.)

Look at the following. a) No other actor is so tall as Amitabh Bachchan. We are comparing all other actors with Amitabh Amitabh Not so tall as tall positive degree. b) Amitabh is taller than any other actor/all other actors.

(à Éûª®Ω †ô’úø÷ ÅN’-û√-•-îªaØ˛ Åçûª §Ò-úø-´¤ é¬ü¿’.) Ééπ\úø §ÚLa á´®Ω÷ èπÿú≈ Åçûª §Ò-úø-´¤ é¬-ü¿’ ÅE Åçô’Ø√oç – ÅE – Ééπ\úø

(ÅN’-û√¶¸ à Éûª®Ω †ô’-úÕ/-N’-í∫û√ Åçü¿®Ω’ †ô’-©-éπØ√o §Ò-úø-´¤.) Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ we are comparing all other actors with Amitabh. ¢√∞¡}-éπØ√o Éûª†’ §Ò-úø-´¤ Åçô’Ø√oç. – Amitabh is taller than - Ééπ\úø taller, comparative degree. 1) Amitabh is the tallest of all actors Amitabh we are comparing all other actors with Amitabh -




REPORT (Spoken ) Reporting Verb Present tense

Lakshmi: I need not Lakshmi says she need not have the have the facial. I had it facial. She had it done the day before. done just yesterday.

Lakshmi said she need not/ did not

Pramila: We have to Pramila says they have to go to the go to the bank or the bank or the ATM too as they have to ATM too. we have to draw some money. draw some money.

Pramila said they had to go to the bank or the ATM as they had to draw some money.

Lakshmi: We need Lakshmi says that they need not, as not. I have enough she has enough cash. cash.

Lakshmi said that they need not/ did not need to, as she had enough cash.

Pramila: Then we had Pramila suggests they had better hurry up. better hurry up.

Pramila suggested they had better hurry up.

Lakshmi: Need I get Lakshmi wants to know if she has to money now or do you get the money now or if she has it. have it?

Lakshmi wanted to know if she had to get the money then or if she had it.

Pramila: I think the Pramila says she thinks the money she money I have should has should be enough and that be enough. You need Lakshmi need not get any. not get any.

Pramila said she thought the money she had should be enough and that Lakshmi need not/ did not need to get any money.

Lakshmi: We must not Lakshmi says that they must not spend spend much time much time there as they have to get there. We have to get back to make other arrangements. back to make other arrangements.

Lakshmi said that they must not spend much time there as they had to get back to make other arrangements.

Åûªuçûª §Ò-úø-´¤. Ééπ\úø

¢√∞¡xçü¿J™ Éûª†’ Åûªuçûª §Ò-úø-´¤ Åçô’Ø√oç. Ééπ\úø tallest superlative degree. ÉC í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) *´®Ω +est, +st í¬F´ÊÆh ÅCsuperlative degree. a) tallest, highest, shortest, slightest, etc. ÉN

Reporting Verb Past tense need to have the facial. She had had it done the day before.

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