Vollererhof Spa Hotel Pamphlet

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DEAR GUESTS! Strengthen your health – find inner balance. In this sense, at the Vollererhof, a health-authorities recognised out-patient clinic and health centre, we offer an extensive range of programmes with an emphasis on SPA – BEAUTY – WELLNESS that is truly unique in the Salzburg area. SPA – Illness prevention and health preservation requires complete imprinting to be truly efficient. When designing our programmes we place particular attention on a combination that addresses body, mind and spirit equally. The conjunction of the FX MAYR philosophy with mental spa-accompaniment, alternative treatments and competent therapies, satisfies all these demands. The FX MAYR ViMENTAL programme, including a mental component developed with Jürgen Fliege, was constructed with this in mind. The programme with the mental-training seminar has had a particularly good reception. BEAUTY – also with our beauty range we lay great value on the medical knowledge, professional practice and competence of our colleagues. Not only do we count on the best-possible vocational and product training, but also on constant further development of the range of offers combined with using the most current therapy equipment. WELLNESS – the diary doesn’t always allow for an extended health and spa holiday, so even for the shorter timeout in-between, you can find sufficient opportunity to relax and enjoy restorative treatments up here, above the Salzach Valley. Whether you are on a quest to find Salzburg hospitality and dignified hotel-comfort, medical competence and an expert therapist team or health and wellbeing programmes at the highest level, you are right in coming to the Vollererhof: we look forward to welcoming you here with much more! We look forward to your visit! Yours truly,

Christian Scheck on behalf of the entire Vollererhof-Family 2 VOLLLEBEN



Welcome to the Vollererhof


The medical Team




Traditional Chinese Medicine


Physiotherapy & Vulcanite fango


Fitness-training & Wellness-Indulgence


Beauty & Purification






Day programmes


Room Rates


Booking information


Beauty Prices


Medicine & Therapy prices




FX Mayr Spa Treatment Programme today

at the Vollererhof, the revitalisation is opti-

Health and new vitality through active

mally supported. Our diagnostics are based

illness prevention

on latest discoveries, which have been combined to an extensive holistic diagnostics

DR. SEPP FEGERL Medical Director

Effective regeneration does not require a

process. Highly sensitive blood tests with ELI-

difficult “High-Tech-Strategy”. Targeted holi-

SA analysis for food intolerances, as well as

stic diagnostics, recognition of simple corre-

tongue-pulse diagnostics of Traditional Chinese

lations and consideration of personal factors

Medicine, provide us with new options of

of well being, form the backbone of the indivi-

tailoring the therapy for even more individually

dual regeneration programme.

and therefore more effectively.

Type-adjusted fasting, effective detoxification and Gentle purification protects and heals the digestive system, the spring of wellbeing. In conjunction with a balanced exercise programme, a vital part of the Mayr-Concept

Letting go and indulging oneself in a

making us truly unique.


First class consultation and treatments by our recognised health-team should help support

SUSANNE ÖLZ Qualified Physiotherapist (Dipl.) Therapist Director


At the Vollererhof competent holistic medicine,

you healthy living planning. We place par-

individually tailored therapies and high quality

ticular value on balanced nutrition, physical

cosmetic treatments have been combined to

training and exercise, active relaxation and

produce a modern concept of regeneration

optimum energy gain for more balance and

and active health prevention.Collaboration

vitality. Take the first step and take regular

with our specialists in the areas of health-

time-outs – for your health’s sake!

psychology, aesthetic surgery and mental coaching is particularly important for our holistic concept, this medical competence

Yearning for the centre and tranquillity

nal recreational journey touches your soul, I could be a quiet companion, walking invisib-

JÜRGEN FLIEGE Mental coach

Our lives have become more hectic. We always

ly at your side. Entirely without reference to a

aspire to more and nothing is fast enough

particular religion.

for us. Getting out of balance is easily done.

Exchanging experience is good for us. And

Fasting is the ideal way to regain inner

now and again, from the silence, I may make

balance, overcome life’s crises or simply get rid

a suggestion, how you can rediscover your

of bad habits and revive body and soul.

personal centre and tranquillity, because as

Recreation always means time to breathe. It

humans we are only ever complete with body,

is a small internal and external regression to

mind and soul.

a lost balance. It is the very personal discovery of slowness. A sense of yearning for the centre and tranquillity. Where this external and inter-

Mental Wellness and new Energy

so-called psychological reversal is granted a key role in this energetic treatment. If psychological

MAG. ANNELIES WASS Health Psychologist

Assuming that every emotional and physical

reversal exists, unconscious motivations could

problem emanates from a disturbance in free

run contrary to explained goals – meaning

energy flow along the meridians, it stands to

the body energetically “sabotages“ this goal,

reason that these can be solved if the blo-

therefore “working against“ it. The dissolution

ckade is removed. Thus, energetic psycho-

of existing reversals is achieved through a spe-

logy suggests psychological problems are

cial diagnostic approach, in which the body is

disturbances in the energy-system of the

energetically “re-polarised”. Only through this

organism and attempts to compensate for

will every type of therapy result in long-stan-

these with varying techniques, such as stimu-

ding success.

lation of acupuncture points on the meridians. In this, either some of the standard meridian points or points precisely localised by muscle testing are stimulated. The dissolution of

Cosmetic Surgical competence as a double

more importantly, optimum aftercare and


treatment. Thus, success can be endorsed in the best possible way. Targeted wrinkle

DR. BERND SCHUSTER DR. ROMED MEIRER Specialists in aesthetic and plastical surgery

Beauty ideals change over time – just like the

smoothing treatments are offered directly in

human face and body with increasing age.

the spa hotel’s treatment facilities.

Here, plastic surgery creates ways and means

Smaller aesthetic corrections are done in the

of optimising natural beauty. Aside from the

surgery in the centre of Salzburg city; larger

minimally invasive treatments for smoothing

operations are done in the Pierer private cli-

wrinkles, either with natural filler agents or

nic. The collaboration between the two plastic

Botox, treatments range from skin-tightening

surgeons, as a team, means our guests receive

over face lifts to breast corrections or skin tig-

a guarantee of competence as a double act.

htening and toning. The cooperation of both

The results are cosmetic surgical interventions

of our specialists for plastic surgery, Dr Bernd

at the highest level and aesthetics in perfect

Schuster and Dr Romed Meirer with the spa


hotel Vollererhof gives us the opportunity of individual preparation for the procedure and



FX MAYR VIMENTAL SPA TREATMENT Sensitive Curative and Preventative Therapy

Correct nutrition and optimal digestive performance are


the foundations of health. After all, supply to all organs

PROGRAMME rests on three pillars:





as well as purification and detoxification of each individual cell depends on the healthy function of the digestive system. Even psychological well-being can be traced


back to the gut. Our hurried life with all its problematic


eating and nutritional habits leads to considerable dama-

at the Vollererhof means more than just a “milk-and-

ge of the digestive tract.

bread” diet. It is a perfectly harmonised health programme. An individual nutritional plan is established

Our holistic diagnostic process and FX Mayr programme is

after an extensive initial medical examination and is

based on the latest in medical developments. The examina-

combined with various forms of therapy. Furthermore,

tion methods of the energy status have proven particularly

alternative naturopathic treatments are integrated and

effective, as Mayr-diagnostics recognise deviations from the

supported with personal consultations.

ideal health status long before an illness actually surfaces. The different dieting levels and therapy plans with individual substitution of vitamins, minerals and trace elements as well as natural remedies cleanse and conserve the gut and faci-


litate its regeneration.

No health without exercise! Walking, Nordic-walking

Additionally, gentle gut cleansing helps with chronic di-

and active training – individually or with a personal

gestive and metabolic problems, nutritional disturbances,

trainer – support physical and mental regeneration. For

cardiovascular complaints, stress, weakened memory per-

this, we offer the most modern in training and fitness

formance, weight loss, spine, muscle and joint diseases and

equipment, lavish sauna and wellness facilities and in

many more. For your “mental purification”, we have deve-

particular: nature at its purest.

loped an accompanying programme together with Jürgen Fliege, which provides you with suggestions and support for you path to inner balance. Our FX MAYR ViMENTAL TREATMENT PROGRAMME is the ideal opportunity, to significantly


delay typical ageing processes and complaints in man and

Not just the body needs detoxifying and recovery,

woman – for increased health and vitality.

the mind also must discard waste to create space for new things. Novelty emerges from tranquillity, from retreat. From the personal centre, where every person is attracted to. Jürgen Fliege has developed a mental accompaniment programme for you, which gives you daily support and thoughtful suggestions. Once a month, Jürgen Fliege will be at the Vollererhof for two days for personal consultations and seminars.


FX MAYR VIMENTAL TREATMENT PROGRAMME Regeneration programmes “Basic” and “Intensive”



• 7 nights in comfort room type A or B with individual nutrition according to FX MAYR from tea-fasting to 1000 kcal gentle source diet

• 7 nights in comfort room type A or B with individual nutrition according to FX MAYR from tea-fasting to 1000

• 3 Therapy Special massages (25 min)

• 3 Therapy Special massages (25 min)

• 1 Purification therapy with vulcanite Fango

• 2 Physiotherapy sessions (25 min)

• 1 Whey whirlpool bath

• 3 Schiele-circulation-footbaths with essential oils

• 1 base wrap

• 2 Purification therapies with vulcanite Fango

• 1 Saline whirlpool bath

• 2 Whey whirlpool baths

• Lecture on mental wellness, optimum as the spa treatment opening

• 2 full body intensive suction cup treatments

• Accompanying “Spa Diary” according to Jürgen Fliege

kcal gentle source diet

• Lecture on mental wellness, optimum as the spa treatment opening

• 6 Liver-Hay wraps

• Accompanying “Spa Diary” according to Jürgen Fliege

• 6 Kneipp uses

• 6 Liver-Hay wraps

• Daily Vital-basic programme in the group

• 6 Kneipp uses • Daily Vital-basic programme in the group

€ 995,– per person

€ 1.180,– per person

Medical Treatments

Medical Treatments

• 3 tummy treatments with diagnostics, initial and final examinations, body fat analysis

• 5 tummy treatments with diagnostics, initial and final examinations, body fat analysis

• Therapy plan development, individual nutritional and health advice

• Therapy plan development, individual nutritional and health advice

€ 190,– per person

€ 298,– per person




The goals of the new FX MAYR ViMENTAL TREATMENT PROGRAMME with Jürgen Fliege include discarding physical and emotional ballast, freeing oneself from everyday worries, finding a perspective for life and thus reaching new vitality. The time of physical purification also always provides an opportunity to look inside and relocate one’s own inner balance and life force. The mental accompaniment programme by Jürgen Fliege provides you with suggestions and support on this path. Jürgen Fliege will be here at the Vollererhof for you on two days of your 10-day FX MAYR ViMENTAL TREATMENT PROGRAMME for the mental seminar programme and personal consultations. Boost the soul! That is the goal of these two tranquil days. Identifying with whom you belong and who belongs with you, because we are only ever part of a larger spirit. Seeking ideals and ground-breaking life dreams that have been suppressed in the ups and downs over the years.



Begins with the search for the forces that have

Asks about the dreams of the night before. We begin

strengthened us over the course of our life

with some dream interpretation and exercises. With their

We look into the question of “Who has blessed us?”

pictures, dreams often have the ability to tell us more

We look among the living and those, who are no longer

about our way of life.

with us. This always involves introspection and listening.

Following this, there will be a lecture on “A Fulfilled

In small exercises on the first day, the “belonging” of the

Life” – what makes people happy. Where the first day

soul to families, friends, animals, plants and to all creation

was dedicated to forces and origins, the second day

can be enhanced. We only plan the framework, not the

concentrates on the goal.

individual steps – these arise by themselves. Answers to these questions can be found in small groups

“Blessing and acceptance exercises”, saying “Yes!” to life

or whilst walking alone. Small “pilgrimages” around the

– these are parts of the “soul-coaching” of the afternoon:

Vollererhof, always with new central questions, are part of

pilgrimages, individual conversations and “being able to

the programme to find your way to tranquillity.

say goodbye” are all on the programme.

In the evenings there is always time for individual

Suggestions and thought exercises can be found


in your “FX MAYR ViMENTAL TREATMENT PROGRAMME DIARY”, which should not just accompany you during the programme but also afterwards, on your journey towards inner balance.


FX MAYR VIMENTAL TREATMENT PROGRAMME Regeneration programmes “Basic“ 7 Days or 3 Days with Jürgen Fliege





• 7 Nights in comfort room type A or B with individual nutrition

• 3 Nights in comfort room type A or B with individual

according to FX MAYR from tea-fasting to 1000 kcal gentle

nutrition according to FX MAYR from tea-fasting to 1000

source diet

kcal gentle source diet

• 2 day mental accompaniment and seminar with Jürgen Fliege

• 2 day mental accompaniment and seminar with Jürgen Fliege

• Accompanying “Spa Diary” according to Jürgen Fliege • 3 Therapy special massages (25 Min.) • 3 base wraps

• 1 surgery appointment with diagnostics according to FX MAYR • Daily Vital Basic Programme in the group

• 4 Liver-Hay wraps • 6 Kneipp sessions in the group • Daily Vital Basic Programme in the group

€ 1.660,– per person € 1.125,– pro Person Medical Treatments • 3 tummy treatments with diagnostics, initial and final

Participation in the Mental-Seminar with Jürgen Fliege without overnight stay or as additional booking to

examinations, body fat analysis • Individual nutritional and health advice

individual stay also possible.

€ 190,– per person

Price on request per person

In 2009 Jürgen Fliege will attend You during Your stay at the Vollererhof at these dates: • 06. – 07.02.2009

• 13. – 14.03.2009

• 22. – 23.05.2009

• 12. – 13.06.2009

• 11. – 12.09.2009

• 09. – 10.10.2009

• 13. – 14.11.2009

To attend the seminar, an arrival is recommended one day before the respective seminar.



TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE Well-being and new vitality

Traditional Chinese Medicine is aimed at re-establishing harmony within the person, strengthening vitality and activating the self-healing powers of the body. We have extended our holistic treatment concept with methods of TCM and developed a unique programme for harmonising the flow of energy, for increased wellbeing and new vigour. With the treatments included in the TCM-Energy-week you will cure: weaknesses in the body’s immune system, metabolic disturbances, blockades in the energetic system, spine and joint ailments, sleep disturbances, vegetative exhaustion and allergies. You will also find support for smoking cessation and minimising risk factors like overweight / obesity. TCM therapies include acupuncture, moxibution, Chinese medicinal plant therapies, Tuina-Massage, Shiatsu, cupping, Qi-Gong, meridian gymnastics and energetic nutrition. The appraisal is continued with pulse, tongue, meridian and facial diagnostics. Take the time to let go and fill up with new life energy!

New Vitality ENERGY WEEK • 6 Nights and 7 days in comfort room type A or B 1000 kcal gentle source diet, Chinese herbal tea and Daily Vital Basic Programme in the group • 1 initial medical examination • 1 TCM-Diagnosis • 1 Tuina-Massage (50 min) • 1 therapy oil whirlpool bath • 1 energetic facial massage • 2 Qi-Gong in the group • 1 healing gymnastics session to strengthen the spine (25 min) € 875,– per person


PHYSIOTHERAPY & VULCANITE FANGO Mobilisation and healing heat-therapy

REGENERATION AND TRAINING FOR THE SPINE Back and neck problems can have various causes and consequences. Therefore, a targeted treatment is necessary. In the foreground there is prevention: muscle build-up and mobilisation of the locomotor system. In pain therapy, we take charge of the treatment of back problems, caused by intervertebral disc or postural damage or constitutional weaknesses. INTENSIVE – DETOXIFYING – PURIFYING The treatments with valuable healing mud, containing minerals, have a special place in heat-therapy. We use highquality vulcanite granulate that is mixed with spring water or saline from Hallein. The intensely detoxifying activity also supports every purification spa regime. Depending on medical prescription, either full body or partial packs are applied. Successful cure is achieved in combination with healing gymnastics, massages and medicinal baths.



• 1 initial medical examination

• 6 nights comfort room type A or B and

• 1 diagnostic assessment by the physiotherapist

the “Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement”

• 2 Healing Gymnastics or Aqua-training (25 min)

• 1 initial medical examination

• 2 Powerplate-Jetons for independent training

• 5 classic Fango packs according to

• 2 Vulcanite-Fango packs

individual prescription

• 2 Stone oil baths

• 5 Whey whirlpool baths

• 2 Therapy special massages (25 min)

• 3 Therapy special massages (25 min)

• Individual programme of back exercises

• 1 Healing Gymnastics or Aqua-training

€ 330,– per person

€ 945,– per person

With accommodation (6 nights) in comfort room type A or B and the “Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement” € 945,– per person






FITNESS TRAINING & WELLNESS-INDULGENCE Vital programmes and targeted exercise

With a balanced exercise programme we can maintain and re-build not just physical fitness but mental fitness as well. Our Vital-Team is specialised in creating an individual training and relaxation programme for you. Just how you need it for your own personal well-being. Take part in a diversified weekly programme, which gives you a new quality of life and is also fun! In this, a number of options are available to you: > Actively fill up on oxygen and energy during morning exercise in fresh, unpolluted mountain air – and experience the exhilarating feeling of vitality and joie-de-vivre > Cardio-Training and running at the optimal pulse frequency > Aqua-Jogging and Water gymnastics > Targeted strength training on medically technical equipment designed in accordance with latest ergonomic findings > Dynamic Meditation, Stretching, Spine gymnastics and back exercises > Pelvic floor training, Pezziball- and Theraband-exercises > Quiet walking at an ideal altitude of 800 m > Excursions on the hotel bus or bike tours along the Salzach



Our Fitness-Therapy is focussed towards the

• 6 nights and 7 days in comfort room type A or B and

mobilisation of your locomotor system, circulation

the “Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement”

and metabolism.

and Daily Vital Basic Programme in the group.

• 1 surgery appointment and consultation with the treating spa-doctor • 1 endurance-performance test on the bicycle ergometer • 1 muscle function test • 1 body fat analysis

• 1 Vulcanite fango pack • 1 Relaxing partial massage (25 min) • 1 whey whirlpool bath • 1 small facial cosmetic • Weekly lectures by the spa doctor, TCM therapists and introduction to “mental wellness” in the group

• 1 individual training session € 148,– per person

Spa and Health season

€ 730,–

With accommodation (2 nights) in comfort room type

Easter, Festspiel, Christmas season

€ 775,–

A or B and the “Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement” € 335,– per person


FITNESS TRAINING & WELLNESS-INDULGENCE Workout with Hypoxi und Power Plate

Improving and vitalising your figure! Excellent results with effective stimulation training and individual combination treatment with Hypoxi and Power Plate. HYPOXI Hypoxi-Training stimulates fat reduction in desired areas, beautifies the skin and effects general intense well-being. Hypoxi is training and treatment simultaneously! Focussed negative pressure during training increases circulation in adipose tissue in problem areas and enables the removal of activated fat. POWER PLATE Quick results with short training times can be achieved with Power Plate training! From the top athlete to the untrained – an exercise programme can be deigned for everyone with personal mentoring.



Power Plate Individual training with

• 3 Aroma Body wraps

therapeutic instruction

• 1 Power Plate individual training

25 min

€ 35,–

• 1 full body suction cup drainage intensive with ultrasound and active ingredient gel

Power Plate-Training on the equipment 15 min

€ 9,–

Hypoxi-Training 30 min

€ 35,–

• 1QMS-Champagne Facial treatment € 385,– per person With accommodation (6 nights) in comfort room type A or B and 1000 kcal gentle source diet € 975,– per person



BEAUTY & PURIFICATION Beauty Care and personally tailored weight loss

From time to time who doesn’t wish to leave everything behind, to be really pampered from head to toe, miles away from stress and everyday life? We offer the most varied opportunities for this, to engage in true body modification – cleansing, caring, relaxing and re-juvenating. Personally tailored weight loss without stress, indulge the body, nurture, tighten and strengthen the tissues. Cosmetic problems are directly treated.



• 6 nights and 7 days accommodation in comfort

Intensive Purification and slimming treatments

room type A or B with gentle source diet up to

with high-quality algae products and minerals

1000 kcal and daily wellness programme

from the sea.

• 1 medical consultation and body fat measurement

• 1 Thalasso whirlpool bath • 1 full body sea-salt exfoliation

• 1 skin analysis by the qualified cosmeticist

• 1 full body algae pack

• 1 complete face-neck-décolleté treatment with

• 1 small facial cosmetics

exfoliation, herbal steam, lymphatic drainage

• 1 Relaxing partial massage

and mask with aromatic oils • 1 full body vulcanite fango pack with

€ 190,– per person

whirlpool bath • 1 purifying aromatic wrap • 1 full body sea-salt exfoliation

With accommodation (6 nights) in comfort room

• 2 Nasarov-Cellulite or facial treatments

type A or B with gentle source diet up to 1000 kcal

€ 938,– per person


€ 755,– pro Person

AYURVEDA Relaxation and deep Cleansing

The traditional Indian healing art of Ayurveda is a holistic medicine-system and incorporates the total knowledge about the laws of nature. Ayurveda means “knowledge of life” and can also be described as “life science”. Ayurveda is a combination of natural sciences and philosophy that focuses on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects that are necessary for human health and wellbeing. The Ayurveda treatments at the Vollererhof should help your body “help itself”.



Deep penetrating full body oil massage to

Cosmetic facial care and body treatment.

assist purification and cell renewal. Apart from wellbeing for neck, hands and feet, this also lends a Abhyanga boosts the body’s strength and

glowing complexion. Type specific, warm oils are gently massaged in

has a relaxing effect on the organs and ner-

and allow deep penetrating relaxation.

vous system. Depending on constitution, type and health status, the therapist chooses


€ 105,–

ca. 90 min

specific warm herbal oils. After the intensive application, rest and gentle sweating in the laconium (dry heat treatment room) or an Ayurvedic whirlpool bath are advised.

SHIRODHARA & ABHYANGA Combination treatment of Ayurveda-Massage and pouring liquids over the forehead.

Initial treatment ca. 80 min

€ 95,–

Follow up treatments ca. 60 min

Initial treatment

ca. 120 min

€ 155,–

Follow up treatments

ca. 90 min

€ 130,–

€ 85,–



WEEKENDS Feel good and escape every day life

A weekend full of highlights - You’ve earned it! Choose which focus you would like to give your weekend – athletic vitality or indulgent relaxation. What ever you choose – our weekend arrangements are full of highlights. You live in dignified comfort and can enjoy your programme with all the senses – for three whole days. The result: you feel fresh inspiration and an irrepressible lust for life!




• 2 nights and 3 days accommodation

• 2 nights and 3 days accommodation

• 2 nights and 3 days accommodation

in comfort room type A or B and the

in comfort room type A or B and the

in comfort room type A or B and the

“Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement”

“Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement”

“Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement”

• Skin diagnostics by qualified cosmeticist • 1 complete face-neck-décolleté treat-

• 1 muscle function test

• 1 small cosmetic facial treatment

• 1 training session with sport therapist

• 1 pedicure, polish on request

(25 min)

• 1 Relaxing partial massage (25 min)

ment with exfoliation, herbal steam,

• 2 Relaxing partial massage (25 min)

• Invitation to Aperitif with dinner menu

lymphatic drainage, mask, bio-catalyst

• 1 Power Plate individual session with

€ 310,– per person

phial and eyebrow shaping • Eyelash and Eyebrow tinting • 1 Nasarov-Stimulation of facial muscles • 1 pedicure and manicure, each with nail polish

therapist • 1 Power Plate-Jeton for individual training • 2 back treatments or fitness therapies with Nasarov-Stimulation

• 1 Relaxing partial massage (25 min)

AYURVEDA-WEEKEND • 2 nights and 3 days accommodation in comfort room type A or B and the “Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement”

• 1 Aroma wrapl • 1 full body exfoliation • 1 Type designation & Royal Lakshmi • 1 Abhyanga full body massage € 405,– per person


€ 420,– per person

€ 405,– per person

DAY PROGRAMMES Recuperation and a Time-Out in-between

Sometimes, just one day is enough to re-find oneself. Breathing again, well away from bustle and stress, can be so simple and yet so effective. Our individual pamper programmes let you switch off tremendously. Simultaneously doing good to the body and for beauty.




• 1 facial and neck treatment

• 1 vulcanite fango treatment

• Individual advice and skin diagnostics

with herbal steam, exfoliation,

• 1 whey whirlpool bath

• 1 face-neck-décolleté treatment with

lymphatic drainage, mask with

• 1 full body massage with

bio-catalyst phial and hand packs • 1 scalp and hair treatment • 1 pedicure with herbal-oxygenfootbath

Aroma-Therapy (50 min) • 1 small cosmetic treatment with cleansing and exfoliation or facial massage

• 1 Manicure

exfoliation, herbal steam and facial massage • 1 eyebrow and eyelash tinting • 1 face mask with bio-catalyst phial and hand packs • 1 pedicure and manicure, each with nail polish • 1 full body sea-salt exfoliation • Full day use of the all-weather relaxation facilities

€ 142,– per person

€ 154,– per person

€ 158,– per person Beauty-Luxury-Extension: • 1 nutrient pack on the Soft-Pack-couch • 1 Relaxing partial massage (25 min) € 228,– per person



All rooms are designed in the comfortable 4-star “Salzburg Country House Style” and have a balcony


or small terrace, mostly bidet or shower-WC ensuite,

Service and Comfort

telephone, internet access and DVD player.

blow dryer, satellite TV, Safe, Minibar as well as

All rates in Euro. SPA-SEASON

*BB = Bed & Breakfast *INCL. ARRANG: = „Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement“

TYP A Single-room, 20-25m2, shower, partly fronting the forrest

TYP B 40-45m2, shower or bath

24.01.–02.04.09 14.04.–19.07.09 01.09.–20.12.09 BB






EZ 101,– EZ 116,– DZ 75,– DZ 102,–


TYP C 44-47m2, bed and living-area, shower or bath


EZ 120,– DZ 105,–

EZ 138,– DZ 115,–

EZ 120,– DZ 105,–

EZ 124,– DZ 120,–

EZ 145,– DZ 128,–

EZ 128,– DZ 124,–

EZ 130,– DZ 125,–

EZ 155– DZ 135,–

EZ 140,– DZ 130,–

EZ 190,– DZ 130,–

EZ 220,– DZ 150,–

EZ 195,– DZ 135,–

EZ 245,– DZ 150,–

EZ 265,– DZ 188,–

EZ 245,– DZ 150,–


ARRANG. TYP F Suite, 88m2, bed and living area, EZ 203,– EZ 218,– DZ 135,– DZ 150,– whirl-tub and partly with tiled stove




EZ 167,– EZ 182,– DZ 100,– DZ 126,–




EZ 110,– EZ 125,– DZ 85,– DZ 120,–


TYP E Junior-Suite, 55m2, mostly with tiled stove and whirl-tub

CHRISTMAS & NEWYEAR FESTIVAL-SEASON 21.12.09–06.01.10 20.07.–31.08.09


EZ 105,– EZ 120,– DZ 80,– DZ 114,–


TYP D 50-55m2, bed and living-area, shower or bath

EASTER-WEEK 03.–14.04.09

BOOKING INFORMATION Details for a successful stay

Prices are per person per day, from 2 nights and include

Children aged 5 to 10 years: in the parents’ room for

the “Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement”.

nights/breakfast EUR 58,- per child.

For single nights there is a surcharge of EUR 15,–.

Age 11 to 16: in the parents’’ room with extra bed plus 25% price reduction for the child/youngster on the parents’ booked arrangement.

The “Vollererhof Inclusive Arrangement” includes: • extended bed and breakfast

Category surcharge for weekly fixed rates are per room:

• Breakfast buffet, salad buffet and small lunch as well

Typ C: EUR 154,–

Typ D: EUR 194,–

as 5-course menu choice in the evening (except for

Typ E: EUR 254,–

Typ F: EUR 407,–

Spa treatment and reduction fixed rates) Guest rooms are available from 2pm on the day of arrival Daily Vital Basic Programme:

and should be vacated by 12pm on the day of departure.

• Forest run

• Gymnastics

For dogs we charge between EUR 7,– and EUR 12,– per

• Kneipp facilities

• Qi Gong

day, food not included.

• Nordic Walking

• Walks / hikes

• Health lectures

Our cancellation conditions are based on the Austrian Hotel Regulations (Österreichischen Hotelreglements),

Arrangement prices for children and youngsters:

detailed information is available on www.vollererhof.at or

Children up to 4 years: free in the parents’ room with cot

on request.

or extra bed for nights/breakfast. Cash transactions are rewarded with a 2% discount, in the form of a voucher for further accommodation at our hotel. VOLLLEBEN


BEAUTY & WELLNESS Face and Body Treatments



Large cosmetic treatment with skin diagnosis, herbal steam, cleansing, exfoliation, styling, massage, bio-catalyst phial and mask

85 min


Facial treatment with bio-catalyst gel Micro-massage to improve circulation for Face-lifting, Décolleté, connective tissues, fat reduction and cell regeneration Basic: 15 min / Intensive with suction cup drainage: 60 min 35/64,–

Small cosmetic treatment with thorough cleansing, gentle exfoliation or relaxing facial massage and mask

50 min


Body treatments with bio-catalyst gel Basic: 45 min / Intensive with Suction cup drainage: 60 min



Back relaxation with suction cup drainage and reflexology mask Facial massage with bio-catalyst phial Facial lymphatic drainage with suction cups and aromatic oils Bio-stimulation with facial reflexology and colour mask Acne treatment for face or back with herbal steam, deep cleansing exfoliation, bio-catalyst phial and special mask Professional Make-up with Camouflage-Technique

35,– 38,– 49,–

61,– 23,–

Full body algae packs with Aromatherapy and sea salt exfoliation


Full body regeneration pack with valuable sea mud, Aromatherapy and sea salt exfoliation


CELLULITE-INTENSIVE-TREATMENT Tissue strengthening and figure improving

Manicure / with polish Pedicure with herb-oxygen foot spa / with additional polish Eyebrow and eyelash tinting

26/29,– 32/35,– 19,–



BEAUTY-WRAP Cellulite, Purification & Tightening wrap

Waxing: Upper lip/ face Lower leg / full leg Under arm or bikini

9/18,– 29/51,– 19,–

Permanent Make-up, Colour and Style advice

on request

NEW: Hypoxi-Training 30 min --> Further information in Accommodation programmes NEW: Hypoxi-Training 5 x Combi

30 min



Single treatment 6 Treatments

39,– 210,–

BODY-CONTOURING-TREATMENT Purification, Tightening and energetic balancing based on the principles of the 5 element theory, problem zone massage with purifying phial. Basis: Full body-Reflexology colour mask Intensive: inclusive Suction cup drainage

69,– 89,–

FULL BODY-CARE QMS – “THE QUICK MAGIC SKIN FORMULA” Classic Treatment Champagne treatment Neo-Tissudermic treatment Hand-Intensive-Treatment Microdermabrasion

85 min 85 min 50 min

125,– 75,– 137,– 47,– 73,–

For purification and releasing blockades with essential oils. 45,– 67,–


With exfoliation, massage, reflexology stimulation, pH balance, hair pack and wash with special shampoo Element-Consultation Mineral phial


57,– 35,–


Partial body Intensive

NEW: DERMA-SYSTEM TREATMENT 3-stage facial treatment: Microdermabrasion – suction cup drainage – ultrasound 85 min

On the Soft-Pack-Couch Full body-exfoliation with nutrient pack Full body-nutrient pack

57,– 11,–

THERAPY & MEDICINE Natural healing methods and medical services



Initial medical examination and Therapy planning 88,– Surgery appointment with manual tummy treatment 56,– ECG with report 60,– Stress ECG 124,– Basic infusion with vitamins and minerals 35,– Medicinal phlebotomy (bloodletting) 27,– Laboratory investigations depending on scope Magnetic field therapy per week 66,– Neural therapy 29,– Spirometry 48,–

Physiotherapeutic examination of spine, joints and muscles and report Manual Therapy Single, healing or water gymnastics Breathing therapy

37,– 37,– 37,– 37,–

ELECTROTHERAPY Stimulation current, Interference, Direct Current Ultrasound therapy

19,– 16,–

NASAROV-STIMULATION SERUM-THERAPY To support organ regeneration

depending on scope

COLON HYDRO-THERAPY Gentle colon cleansing method, to remove residues and toxins from the intestines



Neuromuscular stimulation to release tensed muscles, to tauten skin, strengthen and improve lymphatic circulation. Muscle care, stretching of contractions Facial or back treatment Cellulite & problem area treatment

27,– 27,– 34,–


With saline, herbs or homeopathic remedies


OZONE-OXYGEN-THERAPY 1 small Ozone-Oxygen own blood treatmen 1 large Ozone-Oxygen own blood treatment

34,– 79,–

O2-IONEN-INHALATION Single treatment 6-Day Treatment

28,– 144,–

Special massage Manual Lymphatic drainage Foot reflexology massage Acupuncture massage according to Penzel Shiatsu Massage TCM-Tuina-Massage Aroma massage with essential oils Singing Bowl Massage

25/50 min 25 50 min 25/50 min 25/50 min 50 min 50 min 50 min

31,–/54,– 33,–/57,– 31,–/54,– 33,–/57,– 68,– 68,– 64,– 49,–

MEDICINAL BATHS O2-THERAPY IN SEVERAL STEPS Single treatment according to Prof. v. Ardenne 6-Day Treatment with Vitamin complex

28,– 144,–

Carbonic acid, algae or rheumatic bath Saline, Herbal whirlpool or deacidification Aromatherapy oil bath Stone oil bath

17,– 14,– 20,– 20,–

NASAL REFLEXOLOGY TREATMENT According to Roder with essential oils


VULCANITE-FANGO-THERAPY Fango treatment with whey bath and partial massage


DETOXIFICATION Individual Therapy planning with nicotine or medication overuse

KNEIPP TREATMENTS depending on scope

TCM – TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE Report and Establishing a TCM-Diagnosis Nutritional advice and plan development with TCM Acupuncture Treatment Follow up acupuncture or ear acupuncture Moxibution and cupping

64,– 74,– 57,– 47,– 64,–

Stimulate circulation, purification and removal of metabolic toxins and boost the immune system. Partial, contrast, full or blitz shower from Arm and foot contrast baths Hay flower wrap Schiele circulation training

ab 10,– 10,– 12,– 16,–

POWER PLATE-TRAINING Muscle care, stretching of contractions with the therapist

25 min


Independent Training 15 min (Only possible after physiotherapeutic induction)




YOUR HEALTH CENTRE AND TRADITIONAL HOTEL A place of strength and Salzburg Hospitality

ARRIVAL From the border (Walserberg) and from Vienna (Wien Westautobahn): Branch towards Villach and then NEW Exit to PUCH-URSTEIN, at the Agip petrol station 3.5 km up towards the mountains.

SPA HOTEL VOLLERERHOF Family Scheck Medical Director Dr. Sepp Fegerl Mental Coaching Jürgen Fliege Vollererhofstraße 158 5412 Puch bei Salzburg [email protected] www.vollererhof.at tel. +43 (0) 6245/8991 fax. +43 (0) 6245/8991 – 66 24 VOLLLEBEN Company name: Vollererhof Hotel GmbH . Company Records Number: 226902f . ATU:55202907 . Out patient clinic recognised by the health authorities – run as a private health centre. Picture-evidence: Archive Vollererhof Hotel GmbH

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