Thesis Ni Cate.docx

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  • Pages: 10
Chapter I

THE PROBLEM Introduction “Social Media exploded as a category of online discourse which enables people to create contents, share them, bookmark them and network at a prodigious rate.” (Jha and Bhardwaj, 2012) Nowadays, people use social media to communicate with others. Teenagers use social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube. These social networking sites are more likely used in modern days. Today, the social media website containing largest number of subscribers is Facebook. It was launched by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. The second most famous social media website is Twitter which was created by Jack Dorset, Biz Stone, Noah Glass and Evan Williams. Twitter has more than 500 million subscribers. There has been a massive increase in the use of social networking media in the recent years, as illustrated by the fact that facebook had grown to 800 million users in eight years (The Irish Times, 2012). This just shows that social media had become convenient to others in terms of socializing and communicating with others. Teenagers use most of their time in using social networking sites. Sometimes, these can affect the way they communicate

with people. These days, people now have their own internet connection because it’s more convenient. People now use electronic devices such as cellphones, laptops and tablets so they can have much easier access to social media. “By giving the people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent.” (Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook) People use social networking sites, such as facebook, to connect with each other. They use this to share news, socialize and interact with each other, communicate and even for entertainment. The main purpose of social media is to give access to clients and users. The more people use social networking sites to communicate with each other, the less they communicate and interact with each other in person. This study aims to know the impact of social media to student’s communication skills. This study will also focus on how social media affects the daily lives of students and how it affects their communication skills. Definition of Terms Social Media – websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Communication – is the process by which information is exchanged between individuals.

Theoretical Framework Social Media Theory June Ahn, “teenagers are among the most prolific users of social network sites. Emerging studies find that youth spend a considerable portion on their daily life interacting through social media.”

Communication Theory S. F. Scudder (1980) “All living beings existing on the planet communicate although the way of communication is different.”


DEPENDENT  J u o e A h n , “ t e e n a g e r s a r e


Statement of the Problem 1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Name (optional) 1.2 Sex 1.3 Age 2. Does social media have an impact on student’s communication skills? 3. What are the impact of social media to student’s communication skills? 4. How does social media affect the communication skills of students?

Scope and Delimitations The study covers the Grade 8 and 9 students of NLCSC covering 20 female and 20 male students. The researchers focused on the impact of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube) to the communication skills of Grade 8 and 9 students in NLCSC.

Hypothesis The hypothesis is stated in its null form. There is no significant relationship between social media and the communication skills of students.

Significance of the Study This study will help understand the impact of social media to the communication skills of students. Moreover, the researchers will emphasize the beneficial/detrimental effects of this study to the students because it will help them know the impact of social media to their communication skills and be aware of it, to the teachers so they can advise and guide the students, to the school administrators so they can talk to the teachers and advise them to guide and also advise their students, and to the future researchers so this study will serve as they’re guide to their future research paper.



Far-Reaching Effects of social media includes cyber bullying. Nicholas David Bowman, PhD, an assistant professor of communication studies in the Beverly College of Arts and Sciences at West Virginia University, says actions that trigger a bad online relationship likely are the same ones that trigger a bad relationship in real life—only the modality has changed. “For example, cyber bullying has largely the same antecedents and behavioral, emotional, and affective consequences as does a non-cyber bullying,” Bowman says. “Yet the difference is the ‘more’—that is, social media allows for more contact, more communication, and in a more public manner.” In a bullying event, often the person being bullied can remove himself or herself from the environment, at least temporarily. For example, a child being bullied at school can escape the playground when he or she goes home each night. “However, cyber bullying is marked by its persistence,” Bowman says. “The bullying messages don’t stay in a particular space, such as a playground, but can follow the child home. If we consider that bullying effects on an individual can build over time, then there is a real concern that increasing contact between bullies and their targets in

persistent and digital interactions might exacerbate the problem.” II.

In Emily Drago’s [3] article, it was discovered that the rapid expansion of technology could immerse people into the digital world keeping them away from the real world. Los Angeles restaurants have banned the use of mobile devices to ensure customers enjoy both their meal and their company (Forbes, 2013). People who had conversations in the absence of mobile devices reported higher levels of empathetic concern, while those conversing in the presence of a mobile device reported lower levels of empathy (Misra, Cheng, Genevie, & Yuan, 2014).

III. Study conducted by Sunitha Kuppuswamy and P. B. Shankar Narayan in 2010 clarified that the using social media networking takes most of the time of students and redirects it towards non-constructive, often non-ethical, deceptive and improper activities, for example, texting and chatting with friends for most of the time of the day, time killing by searching for peoples’ private life and avoiding their real jobs and studies. Youth especially students for the most part utilize social media for time killing and purpose of happiness however it has been found out that web use for academic reasons and assignments including online instructional exercises,

online classes and training material downloading is a positive step. However, utilization of web especially social media for just informal communication is just a wastage of time and futile. IV. The survey result in Velga Vevere’s [2] article, among 240 Latvian students, demonstrates that although students are aware of the impact of social media on their daily communication patterns, they perceive it as a new natural environment of communication. Majority of the students surveyed admit that their online behaviour affects their everyday communication and that they more and more extensively use the abbreviation, contractions, and specific symbols (Velga Vevere, 2015, p.134). V.

In another research, (Kristen Tarantino, Jessica McDonough, Ma Hua, 2013), the authors reviewed various studies. The research has discussed the relation between students’ involvement in social media and their learning. They also discussed how it can affect peer connections, collaborations and information creation. Instructors who need to utilize social media in their courses to enhance students learning ability ought to be arranged to encourage students and be dynamic members in the communitarian learning group. The notion that students definitely know how to utilize social media might act as an obstacle for those students who might require closer supervision and direction. The authors claimed that since females utilize social media more than males, gender might has a great influence to the extent to

which students are occupied with academic efforts through social media, in this way influencing their overall learning process.

VI. Siddiqui et al.’s [1] summary article covers all aspects of social media with its positive and negative effects focusing on business, education, society and youth. Social media is the best tool used for branding, promotion of any products or business. As media act as the fourth estate in our society linking the general public and government, political affairs can be easily carried out with the public through social media. Anyone can bring to light the social issues prevailing in our society by publishing articles, public service ads or campaigns through social networking sites. Due to the easy access and cost effectiveness of social media, education sector also finds it effortless to reach every candidate who is in thirst of acquiring knowledge. Nowadays shopping and payment of bills can be done within no time clicking through the online sites. Siddiqui et al. (2016) finds social media risky when it comes to the matter of privacy. There are many hackers who can misuse our online profile or credit card passwords to meet their selfish needs. Negative comments by anyone on the updates of a business group, or of government, or even of an individual can affect their reputation. Students get addicted to social networking sites and thus get diverted from their studies. The present generation with over

dependence on online communication, lose ability for face to face communication.

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