T5 B46 Footnote Materials 3 Of 3 Fdr- 9-15-01 Fbi 302- Ivan Chrivella Re Atta-al Shehhi 143

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Download & View T5 B46 Footnote Materials 3 Of 3 Fdr- 9-15-01 Fbi 302- Ivan Chrivella Re Atta-al Shehhi 143 as PDF for free.

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15/11 P e r s o n a l P r i v a c y »IX<9S)

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telephonically interviewed. CHiRiviiLIA was advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the purpose of the interview. He then provided the following information: CHIRIVELLA currently works at Air Voyager as a pilot. In September 2000, CHIRIVELLA began employment at Jones

ATTA and ALSHEHHI had previously received their private pilots license and were working toward their instrument and commercial licenses. ATTA and ALSHEHHI told CHIRIVELLA that theyhad received their private pilot licenses in Venice/ Florida, but they did not specify the flight school- ATTA and ALSHEHHI were living in Venice while taking lelsons at Jones Aviation. ATTA and ALSHEHHI told rwrRTVELLA that they wanted to return to their countries and become cSKrciil airline JilSs . CHIRIVELLA believes that ALSHEHHI was from the United Arab Emirates and ATTA was from Egypt. ATTA and ALSHEHHI asked to train together, CHIRIVELLA spent 3-4 hours everyday for approximately one month training the two men. ATTA and ALSHEHHI struggled as students. CHIRIVELLA believes most of the problem wag because of their inability to speak English well. CHIRIVELLA frequently had to spend extra time assisting the two on their ground school lessons. CHIRIVELLA also had to repeat flying lessons because the two had been unable to grasp the lesson s concepts. CHIRIVELLA described ATTA and ALSHEHHI as very aggressive. The two men were very rude to the female employees at the flight training school. ATTA and ALSHEHHI would often argue with C«J5JV^A about how things should be done. On at least two occasions, ATTA and SLSHBHHI tried to wrest control of the plane from CHIRIVELLA while he (CHIRIVELLA) was the pilot in command. CHIRIVELLA also experienced troubling incidents when ATTA or ALSHEHHI would be attempting to land the airclaf?: On at least two occasions, CHIRIVELLA would try to take

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TP 1453 File* 265D-NY-280350-TP

« Sarasota, FL

(telephonically) D.IC <3icuwJ 9/16/2001

of "* rai 9/11 Law E n f o r c e m e n t P r i v a c y




NO.175 .

FDO02* (Rer. \0-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-TP Conihwuion of FO30J of

. .. • 9/11 Personal Privacy


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TP 1453 J

.On 3/15/20Q1


control of the aircraft because the landing had become unsafe. ATTA and ALSHEHHI would fight CHIRIVELLA to keep control of the aircraft. Based on these incidents, CHIRIVELLA organized two meetings attended by himself, ATTA, ALSHEHHI, and TOM HAMMERSLEY, the Chief Flight Instructor at Jones Aviation. HAMMERSLEY warned ATTA and ALSHEHHI against any further episodes. HAMMERSLEY advised ATTA and ALSHEHHI that they had to relax and listen to CHIRIVELLA. Despite these warnings, another incident occurred. As a result, CHIRIVELLA asked that ATTA and ALSHEHHI be dismissed from the school. HAMMERSLEY agreed and he informed the two they were being terminated from the training school. CHIRIVELLA never saw them again after they were dismissed from the school.

ACS WSQ 04/16/04 (Me)


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