T5 B46 Footnote Materials 3 Of 3 Fdr- 9-16-01 Fbi 302- Redacted White Male Re Jarrah 145

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Download & View T5 B46 Footnote Materials 3 Of 3 Fdr- 9-16-01 Fbi 302- Redacted White Male Re Jarrah 145 as PDF for free.

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19/11 P e r s o n a l P r i v a c y

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09/16/2001 I I I

,..--x ,.-••'' / \e male, date of birth L place of birth SaouCn Africa, currently residing at ,.• ,.-•' / ' ^ . '•••. \s advised of

call to the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI), Tampa Division, concerning his previous association with ZXAD SAMIR JARRAH. | [provided the following information: | | stated that he is a Dutch National, who has lived a majority ot his life in South Africa and South America. | | explained that his father worked for a development company and accordingly the family moved a number of times when he was a child. In 1995/1 [advised that he came to. the United States and obtained his commercial; rating; pilot's license at a flight school in Baton Rouge,/ /Louisiana. I \ Aftey\g his commercial license. I / [stated IthatMhe; returned to Holland where he worked for the DUTCH MINISTRY OP j TRANSPORTATION in the airline security field. \ /T"|statedMthat his specific duty was to ensure the; safety of America^ planes.!; M ; \n 2000. I I advised that !h;e friend/| \o was also a cpmmercial pilot, decided to T-gt-iirp £p fh«* united states to/update their^commercial ratings advised that they decided/uponfchfeiFLORIDA FLIGHT TRAINING CENTER (FFTC) , 150 East Airport Avenue, Venice, Florida, advised that he learned of the school through his friend, who was a friend of the owner/of FFTC. Initially, | | advised that when he decided to return to |flying, he was going to return to Louisiana where he had originally gotten! his^commercial rating; however, when he checked into returning to!the !school, he learned it had been closed due to the death of the !owner in 1996. Upon arriving at FFTC,I H advised that they were told that student housing was extremely ^Limited'and the Director of the FFTC at the time told |/ I | and himself \t their best bet for housing would be to rent a place together! I \ advised that the Director told them if they rented a ^arge place they could rent out rooms.1 \ that they! rented a four bedroom house at I "I Venice. Florida. | \ advised that they rented the house from] (phonetic-PH) . | | advised that at any given time, they would have two or three other flight students living with them. | |advised that during the eight month period when he lived at the house, they had seven or eight different people living at the house at varying times. Sometime in late May or early June of 2000, | I advised that ZIAD SAMIR JARRAH came to live with them. JARRAH told Case ID : 265A-NY-280350-TP 265A-NY-280350-302

Serial : 5696 23598 OI00030183


Working Copy

him that he had learned of FFTC through the school' s German counterpart JARRAH was not a pilot when he came to FFTC. I00"" ^1 Idvisedthat JARRAH told him he had come to FFTC to_set!his private piolet's license (PPL) and instrument rating. -. , I particular program at FFTC lasted approximately eight

\s . I--1 advised that JARRAH spoke English well and had a i German accent-1 I advised that JARRAH was also fluent in ! 3!™^ accent - I -^ ^ JARRAH told them that he was born and raSed'irlBeruit,' Lebanon, where he had attended an university and had gotten a degree in Electrical Engineering. JARRAH told r I that hi had moved to Germany for career opportunities . 'JARRAH also advised that he had a German girlfriend and it was .JARRAH *-L5fug^standing that JARRAH intended to return to Germany Rafter he finished his flight training. I I About two weeks after JARRAH moved in, another I individual, MARCELL (PH) (Last Name Unredalled) (LND) , a German I National who had also been referred to/ FFTC through the school's : SrmS counterpart, moved into the house. MARCELL and JARRAH I shared a room. I | "I advised that JARRAH was very personable and got along well with others. I [advised that JARRAH liked to cook and that// JARRAH prepared mea^s xor the other house guests on a regular /basis. JARRAH did not smoke_andj~__^_| advised that he recall him ever drinking. \ advised that when they grmip, JARRAH would 'aTwayaTSe the designated driver. ** / // | —|4dvised that through general discussions with JARRAH, he learned' that JARRAH was a Christian from Lebanon While he; did not talk much about his financial status, f~ | advised that 'he /seemed to recall that JARRAH, like himself, had gotten a loan^to/ attend FFTC. He did not have a car and would borrow [- -1 car if he needed to go anywhere . I I advised that JARRAH seemed to be somewhat frugal; however, hg did recall one time when JARRAH made an extravagant purchase. |— -1 was aware thit JARRAH purchased a pair of prescription:- sunglasses from a eye qlass store in the SARASOTA MALL that cost in the neighborhood of $400 On the dt tier hand, JARRAH' s roommate, MARCELL, talked about coming from a wealthy family, and seemed to have no regard for the value of the dollar . J | adyiise'd that he had actually flown with JARRAH on one occasion. Aqdording to I I flight Ipq on Auqust 8/2000, he :flew a Cessna 172 along with] , ^~. ^ . who 1 ived; in the Camap Islands and attended the FFTC, JARRAH a n dI I girlfriend, I L t the/TAMPA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. On this occasion, | |-* recalls th^it;, they flew up i;o drop off{ | who was returning to ; Qn the retxirn flight/ JARRAH actually flew the plane. J advised that this occurrecl shortly after JARRAH had • oottfen liis PPt, While at the TAMPA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, number of pictures of JUU ,

lit? •_.-JUA«s»»





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^ll^rdatn, Holland, and that she had been in contact with the DUTCH Uf***Att7vTx.t.m.Tr-iR anH has turned over the photograpns. | ^—| f o d e d o the FBI immedtely . r—-1 ^gd o-irlfriend had called him from the office of the DUTCH SSS o? ^MILITARY POLICE, where she had gone to del ™r the picturesT I | advised that the telephone number for the DUTCH NATIONAL POLICE was 020-6038612. |-\1 commented that the pictures on the television did not show JARRAH wearing glasses, which he normally did I | advised that JARRAH did, on occasion, wear contact lenses, but most frequently he wore glasses .

..| stated that there was nothing really out of the (Narne Unrecalled) who would call a n y s A s gLl£riend' g r JARRAH regularly. While he never met her personally, L-1 aSSSd^St he^spoke with JARRAH' s girlfriend on the phone several times and he believed her to be a German national. Other than the girlfriend.! '* \ advised that JARRAH hima_a£Qund with the other caUwas the h e - O n thing th*t together.


1 advised that there was one Arab individual, who dence w**\ one •^.*~~*~...^ evening and speak with JARRAH. .heir resinc*.iv-^ — asked to m \ staged thafc when he went to JARRAH's room and got him, :; JARRAH^ seemed to be genuinelysurprised to see this individual. I V ; ""1 advised that'--.the expression on JARRAH' s face was not one i of joy; | | adviged that the individual, whom he described as a Arab \male, \d to be in his late 20s or early 30s, 'aDDrokimately fiimatel^ 5<6" to 5V7" tall. tall. 150 to 160 pounds, pounas, dark aarx hair, uaxx, dark ieyes, and wore glasses. I |advised that JARRAH and this ^individual spbke briefly\in Arabic and then the individual left. [ ; "I stated that because of JARRAH' s reaction, he recalls asking JARRAH about this individual. VI. \ advised that JARRAH told him; that this individual had attended the university with him when he was in Berult. JAKRAH stated that they were never close friends. This individual had gotten in touch with JARRAH's parents and had; learned \that JARRAH was in the United States. According to what he \n recall,! [advised that JARRAH told him that this individual was also in the United States getting his pilot's license.; i I stated that he could not be sure but he believed that JARRAH told him that the individual was getting his license at HUFFMAN'S FLIGHT SCHOOL (HFS). I "[advised that JARRAH told him the individual's name, but he could not recall it other than it was a "typical" Middle Eastern sounding name. 1 I advised that if s;hown a picture, he thought that he would be able to recognize this individual if he saw him again. \5 I I was shown the pictures of the suspects^^ identified to date. I ~]readily identified JARRAH. I I also studied the picture of MOHAMED ATTA. I I advised that ATTA looked familiar and might have been attending HFS during the

.9/11 P e r s o n a l P r i v a c y

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same time frame when he at*eg*egJ^Nationals , that^he6 schools both HFS and FFTC are owned by J"^ H^°Sr, and are in direct £e located in close pj^m±ir±fl-Qpe ^her^ ^ ^ ^ competition for students. --1—-Wcause of their close proximity, HFS^was trying to buy 0^*^. Became utilize the same advised that on occasion ^inalv p"^-1 advised that 'planes tor flight training and acco^ngy^L——^ d recognize

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advised that JARRAH did not s n to ^il been he telephone, ^ J ^ ^ g f e e c r During the time frame ^ number at the house aavised that i, a^itlon to

FBI also.

. . \iadvised that he left Venice, Florida, in • ' r_____I f^advised that he and I _ naa d Septemberof 2000.' P \g the country. Whiik they have fallings out prior to) Advised that it is his understanding not remained close > L_-—/^ ^ ^and, iike himself , was-

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advised that he ^ferstood t h a t / ^ h a ^ ^ ^ ^ Holland divorce sp more than likely, | -- 1

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he could remember.

| should anything else come to mind.


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