T5 B46 Footnote Materials 3 Of 3 Fdr- 9-13-01 Fbi 302- Nicole Antini-huffman Aviation Re Atta-al-shehhi 148

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Download & View T5 B46 Footnote Materials 3 Of 3 Fdr- 9-13-01 Fbi 302- Nicole Antini-huffman Aviation Re Atta-al-shehhi 148 as PDF for free.

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9/11 Personal P r i v a c y \:^'":---..


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NICOLE ANTINI, wlriifcf .££mal£*_$ia£

Asocial security .account number 1 | home telephone number j | was interviewee;!: at her place of employment, the


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_ [telephone number I..._ (LEAD TPu554i was ConAucted by Special Agent ' s and II [from the Tampa division Bureau of Investigation (FBI) , Upon identifying agents and the purpose of the/ interview, ANTINI following information:


] The interview (SA) I 1 of the Federal the interviewing provided the

On 09/12/2001, ANTINI contacted the FBI to provide information pertaining to her prior employment at HUFFMAN AVIATION SCHOOL (HAS) . ANTINI was employed at HAS from February 1999 until December 2000 where her title was Student Coordinator. Her duties included assisting the students with enrolling in t;he school, coordinating housing for the foreign students and assisting the students with their visa problems. At any one time, there were approximately twenty (20) students attending HAS with only a couple being from the Sarasota area. The other students were international students. Of the international students, the majority of them were from England, Unitect Arab Emirates and Egypt. SA-j [presented a copy of the passport photfgi-apVig fo-r MOHAMMED ATTA and. MARWAN ALSHEHHI to ANTINI. ANTINI positively identified ATTA and ALSHEHHI as being students at the school. ANTINI recollected that ATTA was very quiet and usually did not talk to the other students except for ALSHEHHI. There was one student who was from Egypt that he did talk with occasionally. ANTINI could not remember the students name. On one occasion, ATTA was very upset with the date of his visa and wanted it changed. ANTINI assisted ATTA with filing form I20MN for ATTA. ANTINI was never told why he was so upset with the date of the visa or why he wanted to change the date. ATTA and ALSHEHHI occasionally left the HAS for a short trip. They would rent aircraft from the airport for their trips. ANTINI never coordinated any trips for ATTA and ALSHEHHI as part of her duties as the Student Coordinator. It is possible that they rented a car from Hertz which is located at HAS but ANTINI was not sure. On once occasion, ALSHEHHI showed ANTINI an Internet web site which played foreign music and had people waving foreign flags. ALSHEHHI told ANTINI that this web site was from the people of his country and these people did not like Americans. ANTINI was not sure if this site was book marked on her computer but remembered that she revisited the site on her own in an attempt to Case ID : 265A-NY-280350-TP 265A-NY-280350-302

Serial : 5216 20120


Working Copy


figure out what the site was. The students used specific computers which were set up in the HAS for them to use for Internet access. ANTINI found ATTA and ALSHEHHI on her computer sending emails without her permission. ANTINI was not sure what their email addresses were. ATTA drove a red Pontiac Grand AM or Grand Prix. RUDI DEKKERS offered ATTA and ALSHEHHI a job with his new airline Flair, as co-pilots. ATTA and ALSHEHHI would have to pay DEKKERS for the job because they would be able to gain experience to further their flight license. Before a student could enroll in a class at HAS, a deposit would have to be received. ANTINI would either put the deposit on the students credit card or the money would be wired to the school. The HAS accountant, CHARLIE VOSS, handled all the money transfers with the students. ANTINI departed the company because| I Before ANTINI was employed as the Student Coordinator, I\ held that position. |~ I is currently employed at the /Sarasota hospital.

9/11 Personal Privacy


..•"'.9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

,-•'• 09/19/2001

Wording Copy M \E ANTINI,

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social security account number] I \e telepnone numner ]Was interviewed .at heir place of .employment, the Insurance Center of Venice which isj Ihrgl-pH at-I " | j ^^^__^^_^^^_^^_—j telephone number 1 The. interview ^ _ IThe ^~^^^^^~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^T^^^^^^ i • . / ' . . _ ._ j _ / W-n \,, ^ ,^w«^_| jI I was conducted by Special Agent's (SA)I I andj | | | from the Tampa division of thfe.federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) . ANT/iNI was previously aware of the identity of the interviewing agents and the pu'rposp of the interview, ANTINI provided the following information:']/' \n 09/14/2001, SA | |wks telephonicallv co m


ANTINI after an earlier 09/14/2,001 interview with SAl I ANTINI stated that she had some copied of HUFFMAN AVIATION paperwork which she wanted to/provide to, ihf'FEI. \n 09/17/2001, ,/SA' s | J and I

I retrieved t

paperwork from ANTINI.,/The paperwork will be attached hereunto as part df this FD-302. /' Additibn-aily, ANTINI stated that on 09/14/2001 she was at BILLIARDS /which ,.i's a pool hall in Venice, Florida when she met with a flight instructor at HUFFMAN AVIATION. ANTINI Lknew LNU /who is''' ' f rom when she was employed at HUFFMAN AVIATION as the Stuffenb Coordinator. | | LNU asked ANTINI a number of times if c; Knew anything... that she shouldn.'. t know. ftNTTNT has not seen LNU since,, she departed HUFFMAN AVIATION in December 2 0 0 0 .


Personal Privacy

Case ID : 265A-NY-280350-TP 265A-NY-280350-302


: 4073 15195


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