^ ;9/ll Personal Privacy FD-302(Rcv. 10-6-95)
Due of ^inscription
L a white male, Date of Birth I
was interviewed at his place of employment, JONEf AVIATION, 1234 Clyde Jones Road, Sarasota, Florida 34243; /telephone:number 941-355-8100. CQLEMAN, who resides atl 7 / // : M ^ ^^ 1 l / telephone numoer I 1 is a Flight Instructor at JONES AVIATION. After being advised of the identity; o;fi the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, COtEMAirprovide* the following information: / / // I M l \s a friend and works;foe I is Jordanian, and knows thatihe is Ibfuslim. is a Christian, anoTI' Lh^d/several conversations regarding their religious beliefs. | / Lias seen| I with his brother, but has never seen or met anv of^ M"Ys friends. I 1 |thought that it was odd t h a t / " I worked at SAM'S CLUB, yet drove ia Mercedes and flew all . the time".! Xsaw/ Hust a couple of davs ilaoo. I __|was ••'training I /for his IDE for a Beech 19. I I went to EAGLE AVIATION, which is located at DOLPHIN AVIATION,; to get his multi-engine license. / ; l; jrecogriized a picture of MOHAMED ATT A, but did not recognized a photograph of MARWAN ALSHEHHI. I 1 described ATTA as being very powerful (strong willed). \s that ATTA was from Egypt. Upon review his flight lotfTl j jloeated an entry on October 4, 2000 in which he gave a Stage I flight lesson to "Mohamed and Marwan" (copy of flight log attached). I I failed ATTA and ALSHEHHI on their Stage I exam, and they were both very upset. ATTA and ALSHEHHI talked with TOM HAMMERSLY, the Chief Flight Instructor, HAMMERSLY was going to allow them to go on to Stage 2 with the understanding that they not repeat any of their errors during Stage 1 ATTA and ALSHEBHl wanted to obtain instrument and commercial licenses ATTA and ALSHEHHI also made inquiries as to whether JONES AVIATION h any multi-engine planes. They both had their prixatfi-Cdlot license, when they arrived at JONES AVIATION. They told I |that they wanted to move quickly, because they had a job waiting in their country, (once they complete their training in the United States) . They also t o l d ] I t h a t they (ATTA and ALSHEHHI) were training in Venice, had some trouble there, and then came to JONES AVIATION, After encountering trouble with their Stage I exam, ATTA and ALSHEHHI went
File* 265D-NY-2a0350-TP by
« Sarasota, Florida Duedicwed
9/11 Law E n f o r c e m e n t P r i v a c y
NO. 175
P. 5/5
FD-JOU (Rev. 1^6-95) //9/11 Personal P r i v a c y 265D-NY-280350-TP
Continuation oTFD-302 of
/ \
.on nq/19/2001
back HUFFMAN AVIATION to complete their training.[____! checked JONES AVIATION files for folders on Aq?TA and ALSHEHHI, but could not find any. [_~/__Jbelieves that HAMMERSLY threw the folders away. IVAN CHIRIVELLA, another JONES Instructor, was training and ALSHEHKJ. CHIRIVELLAI I
I. CHIRIVELLA may moved to Spain. The last number COLEMAN had for CHIRIVELLA was either] "|or| |.
ACS RES 04/16/04 (hk>