Sfi Region 15 - Awards Program

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  • Words: 1,152
  • Pages: 5
REGION 15 AWARDS PROGRAM Merit Awards Merit Awards are awards that may be given out at any time, when through actions or deeds, an individual (or chapter as in the case of the Charitable Work Award) earns them. The Merit Awards and their descriptions, are as follows: • Award For Excellence Given to an individual who has exhibited extraordinary achievement and distinguished service on behalf of Region 15, STARFLEET, and the ideals of Gene Roddenberry. • Distinguished Service Award Given to an individual who through their efforts went above and beyond the call of duty and exhibited the qualities that exemplify the ideals of STARFLEET and IDIC. • Charitable Work Award (Individual) Given to a Region 15 member who during the course of the year exhibited tireless support, enthusiasm and, time to charitable causes. • Charitable Work Award (Chapter) Given to a Chapter who during the course of the Year exhibited tireless support, enthusiasm and, time to charitable causes. Annual Awards Annual Awards are awards that are given out once per year. To be eligible for the award, each candidate or chapter must be considered to have met a certain threshold of performance. If there are no eligible candidates or chapters, then the award will not be given. The Annual Awards and their descriptions, are as follows: • Member of the Year Given to an individual who, during the course of the year, demonstrated their hard work and dedication, and exemplified what means to be a member of Region 15 and STARFLEET. • Ship of the Year Given to the Chapter who during the course of the Year displayed the qualities of hard work, charity, unity and cooperation, exemplifying the ideals of Gene Roddenberry and his dream. • Officer of the Year Given to a Region 15 Officer who best exemplified the qualities of leadership, hard work and set a good example for their crew, the Region and, STARFLEET.

• Enlisted person of the Year Given to a Region 15 member of non-commissioned officer rank who best exemplifies the qualities of dedication, cooperation and service to their chapter, the Region and, STARFLEET. • Newsletter of the Year Awarded to a single issue of a Chapters Newsletter that offers the best example of content, graphics, variety and professionalism. • Starfleet Student of the Year Awarded to a member of Region 15 that has completed and passed the most courses offered by Starfleet Academy during the course of the year • Years of Service Awards Awarded to a members of Region 15 who have had an active membership in Starfleet for 5, 10, 15, 20, (every 5 year increments) years. These years must have been fulfilled within the timeframe from one summit to the other. (e.g. May 2005 through date of Summit of 2006) • Shuttle of the Year Awarded annually to a Chapter in Training that has exhibited the effort and enthusiasm necessary to make it a successful and welcome addition to the Region 15 fleet and Starfleet. Note that if there is no shuttle in the region, or if there is no shuttle in the region that meets the requirements, this award may be withheld. • Cadet of the Year Awarded to a member of Region 15 under the age of 18 who has exhibited the qualities and drive necessary to become an example to all of Region 15 and Starfleet • Departmental Service Award Awarded to an individual who has displayed outstanding service in their respective department area. One award may be given for each department as required (i.e. Engineering Department Service Award, Medical Department Service Award, Science Department Service Award, Communications Department Service Award, etc.)

Award Administration • Merit Awards Any member in good standing may submit any individual or chapter for a Merit Award. The submission should be made using either Attachment 1 or an electronic facsimile. The submission must be submitted to the Awards Committee chairperson. The committee approves it then sends it onto the "Documents Officer" to be printed. This person then sends it to the CO of the recipient or the XO if the person receiving it is the CO. • Annual Awards Provision shall be made to have a Standing Committee of the Captains Board for the review of submissions of Annual Awards. At least once a year, the Chairman of the Captains Board will assign members to this committee. This assignment will be approved by a majority vote of the Captains Board. The assignment will be for a single term. Typically, this awards period will run from January 1st through a date prior to the summit, giving the standing committee enough time to review and to have certificates made. During this time, any member in good standing may submit any individual or chapter for an Annual Award for the year that was just completed (e.g. nominations for the 2005 Ship Of the Year would be submitted after January 1, 2006). The submission should be made using either Attachment 2 or an electronic facsimile. The submission should be submitted to the Chairman of the Standing Committee. The standing committee will have the sole decision as to who will receive the awards, except Merit Awards. The annual awards will be announced and given. These awards are " Region 15 Awards" only and they are not meant to infringe on the Awards given at the Chapter level by a CO or the Chapter. The Region Awards can coincide with, or be given in addition to a Chapter's Awards Program Document Revision This document may be revised by a majority vote of the Captains Board. Approval This document was approved by the Captains Board Subject 05N in VOTE-05021.

Attachment 1 Awards Program Merit Award Nomination Form Name of person/chapter being nominated:___________________________ Award (check one): [] [] [] []

Award For Excellence Distinguished Service Award Charitable Work Award (Individual) Charitable Work Award (Chapter)

Reason for award (give a detailed description of why this individual deserves this award): ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Signed (individual submitting award):_____________________________ Print Name:_____________________________

Attachment 2 Awards Program Annual Award Nomination Form Name of person/chapter being nominated:___________________________ Award (check one): [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

Member of the Year Ship of the Year Officer of the Year Enlisted person of the Year Newsletter of the Year Note (1) Starfleet Student of the Year Years of Service Award Note (2) Shuttle of the Year Cadet of the Year Departmental Service Award ___________________Department Note (3)

Reason for award (give a detailed description of why this individual deserves this award): ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Signed (individual submitting award):_____________________________ Print Name:_____________________________ Note (1) A copy of an issue of the newsletter must also be submitted. Note (2) The date of entry into STARFLEET must be included in the above description. Note (3) Indicate for which department this award is to be given for.

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