Sfi Region 15 - Captain's Board

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  • Words: 1,866
  • Pages: 7
Captains Board Revision 5

NAME: The name pertaining to the body described herein shall be called the Captains Board. OBJECT: The objective of the Captains Board is to represent the chapters and the membership of the region. The Captains Board's function is to create, interpret, modify and approve policy that affects the chapters of the region and for the regional chapters' use. Also, at the discretion of the Regional Coordinator, the Captains Board may assist in developing regional policy or providing input so that the Regional Coordinator may make an informed decision regarding the management of the region. MEMBERS: The members of the Captains Board are as follows: Primary Members As the official STARFLEET representatives of their respective chapters, the Commanding Officers are the Primary Members of the Captains Board. By virtue of the fact that the Regional Coordinator is the representative of the non-aligned membership of the region, in the event that the Regional Coordinator is not a Commanding Officer of a regional chapter, he will still be granted Primary Membership. Secondary Members As the second in command of their respective chapter, the Executive Officers (First Officers) are the Secondary Members of the Captains Board. Because the discussion and decisions of the Captains Board may affect the chapters of the region, it is vital that the Executive Officers maintain a presence on the board. Also, by virtue of their experience in chapter policy, their input is a main proponent of the Captains Board. To ensure that each chapter is represented fully and fairly, the Executive Officer may function as the Primary Member, in the absence of the Commanding Officer. Auxiliary Members Because other members of the region may posses experience and knowledge that is vital to making informed decisions, the Captains Board may include additional members in an auxiliary status. The Captains Board must approve an Auxiliary Member, as a revision to this document. Auxiliary Members are: Regional Communications Officer Regional Webmaster Guest Members At certain times, it may be necessary to allow other members to witness or provide input to the Captains Board. At times where certain topics require an individual’s expertise or where points of discussion may affect areas where individuals not on the Captains Board are involved, individuals may be granted guest membership. Guest Membership may be granted by the Regional Coordinator. Any other request for Guest Membership must be submitted to the Chairman and approved by the Captains Board.

Officers: The officers of the Captains Board are as follows: Chairman The Vice Regional Coordinator will be the Chairman of the Captains Board. The main duty of the Chairman will be to conduct and facilitate the business of the Captains Board in accordance with this document. Vice Chairman The duty of the Vice Chairman will be to perform the duties of the Chairman in his absence. The Vice Chairman will be appointed by the Chairman. Meetings: Meetings may be called by the Regional Coordinator. Meetings may also be called by a majority of the Primary Members of the Captains Board when necessary. Quorum Greater than 50 percent, of the Primary Members shall constitute a quorum of the Captains Board. Rules Of Order: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Captains Board in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this procedure. Special Rules: In addition to the Rules Of Order, specified above, the following special rules are applicable: a. Debate Any member of the Captains Board may have the floor with regards to debate. b. Main Motions Only Primary Members may put forth a Main Motion, or Second it. c. Subsidiary and Incidental Motions Only Primary Members may put forth a Subsidiary or Incidental Motion, or Second it. A Subsidiary Motion is a motion that modifies a Main Motion (e.g. Lay on the Table, Limit Debate, Commit, Amend, Postpone, etc.). An Incidental Motion is a motion that relates to a Main Motion and its proceedings (e.g. Secret Ballot, objection to a question, division of a question, etc.). d. Order Of Business In order to allow for the Regional Coordinator to accomplish regional business of an important nature in a timely fashion, the Regional Coordinator has the authority to alter the order of business of the Captains Board. The Regional Coordinator must notify the Chairman prior to the beginning of the meeting of his/her intent to do so. d. Privileged Motion

Any member of the Captains Board (with the exception of Guest Members) may put forth a Privileged Motion or Second it. A Privileged Motion is a motion that relates to the assembly and not to a main motion (e.g. Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn, Adjourn, Recess, Raise a Question of Privilege, etc.). e. Veto The Regional Coordinator shall have veto authority over the Captains Board. A veto may be over-turned by a 2/3 vote. REVISIONS Revisions to this document must be approved by a 2/3rds vote of the Captains Board. APPROVAL This document was approved by CB-VOTE-04011. Changes to Auxiliary Members approved by CB-VOTE-0602 and CB-VOTE-0603


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this addendum is to specify the special considerations for conducting the business of the Captains Board on the Internet. OFFICERS: In addition to the normal officers of the Captains Board, the following is an additional office added: Moderator The Moderator will be the owner of the Captains Board Group Page or Listserv. He will perform all the administrative tasks of maintaining the group and ensuring that all the rules of the group page are followed. The Moderator may be a member of the Captains Board or the Chairman. If the Moderator is not a member of the Captains Board, he may only post when it is necessary in the fulfillment of his duties. Rules Of Order: The Rules Of Order of the Captains Board will also apply to the conduct of business of the Captains Board on the Internet. Also, any Special Rules of the Captains Board will apply. Where there may be a conflict in carrying out business per these rules and the conditions of the Internet, the Chairman will determine how these rules should be applied per each situation. Internet Special Rules: Due to the unique nature of conducting the business of the Captains Board on the Internet, the following Internet Special Rules will modify the existing Rules Of Order and Special Rules of the Captains Board. POLLS In order to maximize the amount of information that may be collaborated, the Chairman may use polls to determine the overall sentiment of the members of the Captains Board. A poll may never be used to create a policy or dictate a directive. Their use is strictly for informational purposes only. At any time, any member of the Captains Board may request a poll. This request is to be made to the Chairman. It need not be seconded. The Chairman upon receipt of the request, should initiate the poll provided that the poll is of a nature that it will further the direction of the topic and its goal. All members of the Captains Board (with the exception of Guest Members) may participate in polls. MOTIONS Per the Rules, only one Main Motion may occupy the floor at any one time. Because of the unique nature of carrying out business on the Internet, more than one topic may be possible. In order to limit the scope, three (3) Main Motions or topics may be in order at any time. If at any time, a regular meeting occurs, these Motions will constitute old business, and they will be dealt with, per normal rules, one at a time.

QUORUM A quorum of the Captains Board exists when greater than 50% of the Primary members are subscribed to the group page or listserv. VOTING To ensure proper representation, a vote shall remain open for a minimum of three days and should last no longer than seven days. If a vote is time sensitive, the Chairman may close a vote sooner, when there is evidence that the outcome is mathematically predictable. Example: If there are 14 ships represented on the Internet Captains Board, and 9 Primary Members have vote FOR, and 1 has voted AGAINST, then it can be determined that the motion is carried FOR, since there are insufficient members remaining to carry the AGAINST outcome. If after seven days, not all Primary Members have voted, then these members shall be considered as abstaining and recorded as not voting. In order to represent individuals as present but not voting, an abstain vote shall be incorporated into the internet voting These members shall also be considered as abstaining and will be recorded as abstained. If a Secondary Member votes, and the Primary Member does not vote, then that Secondary Member shall be considered as the Primary Member, and the vote will count. If a Secondary Member votes and then the Primary Member subsequently votes, the Secondary Member vote will be considered out of order, and not count. As is customary in a normal meeting, a vote is typically carried out by a show of hands and each voter is visible to those in the room. Therefore, the results of the vote and the voter's identities will normally be visible on the Internet. As in the case of a normal meeting, per Roberts Rules Of Order, a Secret Ballot may be requested as an Incidental Motion to the Main Motion. If a Secret Ballot is so moved, then the Chairman will determine the method to carry it out. THE FLOOR In a normal meeting, each member wishing to speak, debate, or present a motion, must first obtain the Floor. Due to the simultaneous nature of the Internet, all members of the Captains Board are considered as having the Floor at the same time. Due to this characteristic, every member must show special consideration and courtesy. Also, every member must fully comprehend that due to each other's individual Internet styles, not all discussions, debates or presentations are happening real time. Normally, each member is free to contribute as much or as little as desired. However, so that order may be maintained, the Chairman may at times, designate a limit for the number of posts made per topic per day. ORDER OF BUSINESS As a parallel to the Regional Coordinator's authority to alter the Order Of Business of a regular meeting of the Captains Board, the Regional Coordinator shall have the authority to table all active Motions in progress and introduce a new Motion. This authority should only be used in situations where timeliness is of the essence, not just for convenience.

PRIVILEGED INFORMATION Proceedings on the Captains Board are considered privileged information, and shall not be transmitted verbatim to individuals or groups not on the board. Members of the Captain's Boards may discuss information from the above proceedings freely with the respective members of their Chapters. Verbatim transmittal of privileged information on the Captain's Board to individuals or groups not Primary, Secondary, Auxiliary, or Guest members of the Captains Board is considered a violation of this policy.

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