September ('05)8 - Spoken English

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-Ñ-Ø√-úø’ Gowtham: Hi Gambhir, I saw a bike in front of the bank by your home. (O’ ÉçöÀ °æéπ\ bank ´·çü¿’ ã bike†’ -îª÷-¨»-†’) Gambhir: Wasn't it (was it not) yesterday? I saw the bike too. Really stunning. (E†o éπü∆? ؈÷ îª÷-¨»†’ bike †’.

î√™« ¶«í∫’çC. Stunning = Ǩ¡a®Ωuç íÌLÊ° (Åçü¿ç)

Gowtham: (Do you) know the owner?

3) Robert: Where is Vijayawada?

(Nï-ߪ’-¢√úø áéπ\-úø’çC)

Guide: About 300 kms to the South East of Hyderabad. On the banks of the Krishna. (Hyderabad èπ◊ ØÁj®Ω’A -C-¨¡-™ , ü∆ü∆°æ¤ 300 kms ü¿÷®Ωç™ éπ%≠æg

äúø’f† -Öç-C)

Robert: I have heard of Rajahmundry. Where is it?

(ÅüÁ-´-JüÓ ûÁ©’≤ƒ?)

conversations ™ Åçõ‰ spoken form ™ (Do you) ™«çöÀN ´C-™‰Æ œ know him? ™«çöÀ questions ¢ËÊÆh ¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC.Practice îËߪ’çúÕ. Gambhir: Yes. It is the bank manager's (ûÁ©’Ææ’. ÅC Ç bank manager C) Gowtham: Perhaps you have an account with the bank. A big account, (Ç bank ™ Fèπ◊ account Öçü¿-†’-

èπ◊çö«. °ü¿l ¢Á·ûªh-¢Ë’-Ø√?)

-´’çí∫-∞¡¢√®Ωç 20 -ÂÆ°dç-•®Ω’ 2005

(®√ï-´’çvúÕ í∫’-Jç-* ÅüÁ-éπ\úø -Öç-ô’ç-C?)


Guide: A little distance from Vijayawada. It is on the Godavari. Where are you coming from?

(Nï-ߪ’-¢√úøèπ◊ éÌçûª-ü¿÷-®Ωç™. íÓü∆-´J äúø’f†. O’È®-éπ\-úÕ-†’ç-* ´Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’?)

Robert: From Goa. The beaches of the Arabian sea are really grand. How

2) Pranav: Where is Vijayawada? Prakash: About 40 kms off the sea coast. (Ééπ\úø about = ü∆ü∆°æ¤, off = ü¿÷®√† ÅØË prepositions ¢√úøéπç

í∫÷ú≈ í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ)

Pranav: Is the Krishna a big river? Prakash: Yes. It is a very big river. One of the twelve major rivers in India.     

rate.. at, price.. for 1) ´’†ç last lesson™ 'The' E èπ◊-†o-C: äéπ ´÷ô´·çü¿’ 'The'

far is Vijayawada from the Bay of Bengal?

í∫’-Jç-* ûÁ©’-Ææ’¢√ú≈™«, -´-ü∆l Å-E -ûÁ-©’Ææ’èπ◊-ØËç-ü¿’èπ◊– Ç ´÷ôèπ◊ ´·çü¿’ 'à-?—/ which? ņo question -¢ËÆæ’èπ◊-E -ü∆-EéÀ Ææ´÷üµ∆†ç ´ÊÆh The ¢√ú≈--L.

a) He bought a book yesterday.

E†oÅûª-úø’ °æ¤Ææhéπç éÌ-Ø√o-úø’. à °æ¤Ææhéπç– which book? (éÌØ√oúø’) ÅØË question èπ◊, no answer. So 'a book' in the sentence. b) The book there is mine. Åéπ\-úø’†o °æ¤Ææhéπç -Ø√-C. 'à °æ¤Ææhéπç/ which book?' ÅØË question èπ◊, The book there – Åéπ\-úø’†o °æ¤Ææhéπç ÅE answer ´Ææ’hçC 鬕öÀd. 2) Éü¿l®Ω’ ´·í∫’_®Ω’ ´÷ö«x-úø’-èπ◊ç-ô’-†o-°æ¤úø’ ¢√∞¡xç-ü¿-Jéà ûÁL-Æœ† N≠æߪ’ç ´·çü¿’ The ´Ææ’hçC. °j Ææ綵«≠æ-ù™ îª÷úøçúÕ. The bank by your home, the bike, the owner, the bank manager. Ééπ\úø Oô-EoçöÀ´·çü¿’ 'The' ´≤ÚhçC. áç-ü¿’éπF?É-´-Fo


´÷ö«x-úø’-èπ◊ç-ô’†o 鬕öÀd. v°æ≤ƒh-´†çû√ èπÿú≈ ¢√∞¡xèπ◊ ûÁL-Æœ† N≠æ-ߪ÷™‰– Åçü¿’-éπE.

Gowtham, Gambhir Éü¿l-Jéà ûÁ©’Ææ’ Bank, bike, owner, bank manager

Pavan: Where are the books? Ravi:

(Ç °æ¤-Ææh-é¬-™„-éπ\úø?)

Can't you see? They are on the table. (éπ-E°œç-îª-úøç ™‰ü¿÷? Ç table O’ü¿’-Ø√o®·.) Pavan: And where's (where is) the pen? Ravi: There too. On the table. (Åéπ\úË. Ç table O’üË) Pavan: Where is the paper for me to write (®√ߪ’-ú≈EéÀ paper àC?) Ravi: You find a lot of paper in the shelf there. (Ç shelf ™ 鬴-©-Æœ-†ç-ûª paper ÖçC) Ééπ\úø The books, The table, The pen, The shelf Åçô’Ø√oç. áçü¿’-éπçõ‰ Ravi, Pavan v°æ≤ƒh-N-Ææ’h†o books, table, pen, shelf ¢√Rx-ü¿l-Jéà ûÁL-Æœ-†-¢Ë. Åçü¿’-éπE Ééπ\-úøçû√ 'The' -¢√-úø’-ûª’-Ø√oç.

-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 49

(íÓ¢√ †’ç*. Åéπ\úÕ ÅÍ®-Gߪ÷ Ææ´·-vü¿ -B®√-©’ -áç-ûÓ -Åç-ü¿çí¬ M. SURESAN -Ö-Ø√o®·. Nï-ߪ’¢√úø Bay of Bengal †’ç* áçûªü¿÷®Ωç?)

Guide: About 40 kms Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ 'The' Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬©’ îª÷úøçúÕ: To the Southeast, The Krishna, The Godavari, The Arabia Sea, The Bay of Bengal. Åçõ‰ †ü¿’© Ê°®Ωx´·çü¿’, Ææ-´·-vü∆-© Ê°®Ωx´·ç-ü¿’ éπ*a-ûªçí¬ the ¢√ú≈-LqçüË. Å™«Íí Cèπ◊\©-†’ Ææ÷*ç-îª-ú≈EéÀ èπÿú≈ (to the southeast) ¢√úøû√ç. NOW PRACTICE THE FOLLOWING: 1) Ram: Ééπ\úø library áéπ\úø? Raghu: éÌClí¬ Öûªh®Ωç -¢Áj°æ¤ ¢Á-R}, áúø-´’--¢Áj°æ¤ A®Ω-í∫çúÕ. library éπ-E°œÆæ’hçC. Ram: -Ç library °ü¿l-üËØ√? (Is ûÓ begin

îËߪ÷L) Raghu: GLfçí˚ *†oüË. °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ ´÷vûªç ¶™„úø’-Ø√o®·. 2) Pranav: Nï-ߪ’-¢√úø áéπ\úø? Prakash: Ææ´·vü¿B®√-EéÀ ü∆ü∆°æ¤ 40 km ü¿÷®√† ÖçC. Pranav: éπ%-≠æg °-ü¿l -†-üË-Ø√? Prakash: î√-™« °ü¿l †C. ¶µ«®Ω-û˝-™ E 12 °ü¿l †ü¿’™x ÅC äéπöÀ. ANSWERS: 1) Ram: Where is the library here? Raghu: Walk a little to the north and turn (to the) left. You see the library. Ram: Is the library big/ a big one? Raghu: The building is small, but the books are many.

-v°æ-¨¡o: 1) O’®Ω’ Q&A QJ{-éπ™

-ã v°æ¨¡oèπ◊ Ææ-´÷-üµ∆-†-N’Ææ÷h... í¬ ™‰ü∆ ´÷´‚-©’í¬ ïJÍí †’ ™ îÁ§ƒh-®Ω-Ø√o®Ω’. Åçü¿’èπ◊ Öü∆-£æ«-

''regular actions present passive ''A lecturer is appointed by the committee" text book regular actions present passive simple future passive "In every business enterprise, the accounts will be classified on the basis of one key factor. That key factor is debit and credit. Debit, Credit accounts are classified

®Ω-ùí¬ Å-ØË ¢√é¬uEo -îª÷°œç-î√®Ω’. é¬F äéπ í¬ ™‰ü∆ ≤ƒüµ∆-®Ω-ùçí¬ ïJÍí ™ í¬éπ ™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-î√®Ω’. Öü∆:

™ †’

îª÷¨»-®Ω’í¬ ¢√é¬uEo. ' ë«û√-©†’ Å稻© Çüµ∆-®Ωç-í¬ØË ´K_-éπ-J-≤ƒh®Ω’— . ÉC á°æ¤púø÷ ïJÍí °æØË éπü∆. ÅE áçü¿’èπ◊ ®√ߪ’-™‰ü¿’? ÆæçüË£æ«ç B®Ωa-í∫-©®Ω’.


Khalid: The mangoes are good. How much did you buy them for?

(Ñ ´÷N’úÕ°æ-ç-úø’x ¶«í∫’-Ø√o®·. ᙫ éÌØ√o¢˛?)

Kesav: At Rs. 80 a dozen. I bought all these for Rs. 160/-. There was a better variety, but the price I felt was too high. I was not prepared to buy them at that price. (Dozen 80 ®Ω÷-§ƒ-ߪ’-© -îÌ°æ¤p-† éÌ-Ø√o.-

O-öÀéÀ 160 ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’-©-®·çC. Éçûª-éπØ√o ´’ç*-®Ωéπç ÖçC. é¬F Ø√èπ◊ üµ¿®Ω ´’K áèπ◊\´ -ÅE-°œç-*çC. Åçûª üµ¿®Ωèπ◊ éÌØËçü¿’èπ◊ ؈’ Æœü¿l¥çí¬ ™‰†’) Ééπ\úø 'at' 'for' prepositions Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í∫ç îª÷ü∆lç. Rate ´·çü¿’ ã dozen üµ¿®Ó, ã éÀ™ üµ¿®Ó, ã O’ô®Ω’ üµ¿®Ó Å®·ûË at ¢√úøû√ç. 1) Ñ Gߪ’uç éÀ™  20 ®Ω÷. -îÌ°æ¤p-† éÌØ√o I bought this rice at Rs 20 a Kg. 2) She bought her dress material at Rs. 300 a metre.

(-Ç-¢Á’ -vúÁÆˇ -¢Á’-öÃ-J-ߪ’-™¸ O’ô®˝ 300 ®Ω÷. îÌ°æ¤p† éÌ-†oC)

When we say we bought mangoes at Rs.80 a dozen, (´’†ç dozen 80®Ω÷. v°æ鬮Ωç éÌØ√oç) Åçõ‰, ÅC Rate. 鬕öÀd ü∆E-´·çü¿’ at. Ñ

N≠æߪ’ç îÁ°œp-†-°æ¤púø’ ¢Á·ûªhç áEo °æ∞¡Ÿx éÌØ√oç, ¢Á·ûªhç üµ¿®Ω áçûª Å®·çD -ûÁL-ߪ’ü¿’.

He bought these mangoes for Rs.200

Ñ °æç-úø’x ¢Á·ûªhç ®Ω÷.200 °öÀd-éÌ-Ø√o†’. (ÉC price; rate é¬ü¿’, 鬕öÀd for) Ñ •≤ƒh Gߪ’uç 1600 ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’-©-®·çC

I bought this bag of rice for Rs. 1600/-

éÀçC situation ™ ¢√é¬u-Eo present passive ™ Ö°æßÁ÷-Tç--î√-™«, perfect passive ™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç--î√-™«? -à-C éπÈ®é˙d?

Input:- "A computer accepts data which is provided by means of a input device like mouse, or key board" (Input device "input" 'data' "A computer accepts data which has been provided by means of input device like a mouse or key board"

-™„j-† éö®Ω’f, ´’¯Æˇ-©ûÓ éπç°æ‹u-ô®˝ ü¿û√hç-¨»-Eo Æ‘yéπ-Jç-îª-ú≈Eo Åçö«®Ω’). ûÁ©’í∫’ v°æ鬮Ωç ¢√éπuç-™E Å®Ωnç îª÷ÊÆh ' éπç°æ‹u-ô®˝ O’èπ◊ †’ ÅçCç-*† ûª®√y-ûË éπü∆ ÅC Æ‘yéπ-Jç-îËC. 鬕öÀd ¢√öÀ-™-


ÅE îÁ°æp-´î√a? – Ç®˝.-á-Æˇ.-´’-Ê£«≠ˇ, ņç-ûª-°æ¤®Ωç

1) Ééπ\úø


The accounts are classified correct, will be classified ÅØËC

(ÉC èπÿú≈ price, rate é¬ü¿’. unit ߪ‚Eö¸ üµ¿®Ω ´÷vûª¢Ë’.)


á°æ¤púø÷ äéπ

PRACTICE THE FOLLOWING: Vinai: Ñ É©’x O’ ≤Òçûª-¢Ë’Ø√? (Do ûÓ begin îËߪ’çúÕ) Vijai: Å´¤†’. ´÷ Ø√†o-í¬®Ω’ È®çúË∞¡x

éÀçü¿-ô 11 ©éπ~-©èπ◊ éÌØ√o®Ω’. Vinai: Éçöx curtains ÅFo ¶«í∫’-Ø√o®·. Ç curtain í∫’úøf áçûªèπ◊ éÌØ√o®Ω’? ÅFo äéπ í∫’úøf´·éπ\™‰Ø√? Vijai: Å´¤†’. O’ô®Ω’ ®Ω÷.320 v°æ鬮Ωç éÌØ√oç. ¢Á·ûªhç ü∆ü∆°æ¤ 4500 ®Ω÷§ƒßª’©’ Å®·çC. Vinai: Ñ chairs ? Vijai: Ñ chairs, Ç sofa, Ç table ÅFo-éπ-L°œ 12000 ®Ω÷§ƒßª’©’ Å®·çC.

ANSWER: Vinai: Do you own this house ? Vijai: Yes. My father bought it for Rs.11 lakh two years ago. Vinai: The curtains are really nice. How much did you buy the curtain cloth for? Are all of them the pieces of the same cloth? Vijai: Yes. We bought it at Rs.320 a metre. We bought the whole cloth for about Rs.4500 (The whole thing cost us about Rs.4500) Vinai: What about these chairs? Vijai: These (the) chairs, that (the) sofa, that (the) table - we bought all of them together for Rs.12000/- (All these cost us Rs.12000/-) É°æ¤púø’ Ñ Vocabulary items îª÷úøçúÕ. 1) ÆœE-´÷-Èé-∞¡}-úøç = go to a movie/ film/ picture. 2) ¶µï-†ç-™«çöÀN ´úÕfç-îª-úøç serve a meal/ food/ lunch/ dinner 3) öé’, 鬰∂‘-©-™«çöÀN ÉçöÀéÀ ´*a† ¢√∞¡x-éÀ-´y-úøç offer tea/ coffee/ a drink/ a seat 4)

(èπÿîÓ-´’E -îÁ°æp-úøç) Åûª†’ coffee Éî√aúø’ é¬E ؈’ BÆæ’éÓ-™‰ü¿’

He offered me coffee but I didn't take it.


ØË-†ûª-EéÀ coffee É*aØ√ Ø√ O’ü¿ éÓ°æç ´©x BÆæ’éÓ-™‰ü¿’

I offered him coffee, but because he was angry with me, he refused it/ to take it. refuse= A®Ω-Ææ \-Jç-îª-úøç, ä°æ¤p-éÓ-éπ-§Ú-´-úøç 6) Æ‘yéπ-Jç-îª-úøç = accept

ØËE-*a† 鬆’éπ Åûª†’ BÆæ’éÓ™‰ü¿’ He did not accept my gift

´÷´‚-©’í¬ Åûª†’ 鬆’-éπ©’ Æ‘yéπ-Jçîªúø’ (BÆæ’éÓúø’)

He doesn't (does not) accept gifts. not accept = reject He rejected my gift = He did not accept my gift.

future ™ ïJÍí °æEE Ææ÷*-Ææ’hçC. 2) Which is provided ÅØËC correct. áçü¿’-éπçõ‰ á°æ¤púø÷ ïJ-Íí-üËçöÀ..? Mouse, keyboard ™«çöÀ input devices data †’ ÅçC-≤ƒh®·. ü∆EE computer BÆæ’èπ◊ç-ô’çC. O’J-*a† sentence †’ È®çúø’í¬

Núø-íÌ-ôdçúÕ. Å°æ¤úË´’´¤-ûª’çC?

1) An input device like a mouse or keyboard provides the data. 2) The computer accepts it. É°æ¤púø’ sentence no.1 passive í¬ ´÷Ja È®çúÕç-öÀ-E éπL°œûË is provides éπÈ®é˙d ÅE ûÁ©’-≤ÚhçC éπü∆. äéπ ´÷ô. data, ´÷´‚-©’í¬ plural. Computer °æJ-¶µ«-≠æ™ ´÷vûªç singular í¬ØË ¢√úøû√®Ω’.

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