Sept ('06)-7 - Spoken English

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-¨¡-E¢√®Ωç 16 ÂÆ°dç-•®Ω’ 2006

Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛

Sampath: Why are people so crazy about imported stuff? They are proud of possessing them.


Sanath: You pay for quality; that's all. But I think wrist watches are among the lesser imported items.


´Ææ’h-´¤-©çõ‰ Åçûª ¢Á÷ñ‰çöÀ ï-Ø√-EéÀ ÅN Ö†o¢√∞¡Ÿx î√™« í∫®Ωyçí¬ Öçö«®Ω’.) imported Éç§Ú-öÀú˛ – Cí∫’-´’-ûÁj†, Åçõ‰ NüËQ (foreign). crazy vÈé-ß˝’> – °œ*a-¢Á÷V. Sanath: (Do) you mean imported TVs, imported cars, imported watches etc.

(†’´y-ØËC NüËQ鬮Ω’x, öÃO©’, ¢√’ ´Èíj®√ í∫’Jçî√?) Sampath: Yea. I am sure our country goods are as good as the so called imported ones. Moreover, I think, the so called imported goods are not suitable for Indian conditions.

(Ø√ùu-ûªèπ◊ ê®Ω’a °úø-û√´¤. ÅçûË éπü∆. Å®·ûË Øˆ-†’-éÓ-´ôç, ûªèπ◊\-´èπ◊ Cí∫’-´’ûªßË’u ´Ææ’h-´¤™x wrist watches äéπôE) ☯

(äéπ ´Ææ’h´¤ íÌ°æpü∆, -ûªèπ◊\-´-ü∆ ÅØËC ü∆Eo -´’-†ç -¢√-úË °æ-JÆœn-ûª’-©èπ◊ -Å-†’í∫’-ù¢Á’iç-ü∆ é¬-ü∆ -Å-ØË-ü∆-Eo •öÀd éπü∆ Öçô’çC? Å™« BÆæ’-èπ◊çõ‰ ¶µ«®Ω-û˝™ ûªßª÷®ΩßË’u ´Ææ’h-´¤©’, NüËQ ´Ææ’h-´¤©Íéç BÆœ-§Ú´¤, Éçé¬ ¢Ë’™„j†N èπÿú≈.) adaptibility °æJ-Æ œn-ûª’©èπ◊ ņ’í∫’-ùçí¬ ÖçúË Ææy¶µ«´ç. Sanath: Look here. I have been a dealer in electronic goods and appliances for far longer than you. I am senior to you in the field. Our goods are not half as durable as imported ones.

(îª÷úø’ Ñ electronic ´Ææ’h-´¤©, °æJ-éπ®√© NvÍé-ûªí¬ ؈’ Féπçõ‰ î√™« áèπ◊\´ 鬩çí¬ ÖØ√o†’. ؈’ Féπçõ‰ Ñ ®Ωçí∫ç™ áèπ◊\´ ņ’-¶µº´ç Ö†o-¢√-úÕE. NüËQ ´Ææ’h-´¤© ´’Eo-éπ™ ´’† ´Ææ’h-´¤© ´’Eoéπ Ææí∫ç èπÿú≈ Öçúøü¿’.) Appliances = Å°æx-ߪ ’-Eq-ñ ¸ – '°æ— ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç = °æJ-éπ-®√©’ (≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬) í∫%£æ«Ù-°æßÁ÷í∫ ´Ææ’h-´¤©’. Durability = ´’Eoéπ Sampath: I do admit I am your junior, but I still feel that the prices of imported goods are unreasonable.

éÌEo éÌEo comparatives usage ´÷´‚©’ éπçõ‰ Gµ†oçí¬ Öçö«®·. Å™«çöÀ ¢√öÀ™x äéπöÀ elder, older - OöÀ N≠æߪ’ç ´’†ç éÀçü¿öÀ lesson ™ îª÷¨»ç éπü∆. É°æ¤púø’ Å™«ç-öÀN ´’J-éÌEo comparatives ÖØ√o®·. ÅN superior inferior, senior and junior. Oô-®√n©’ ´’†çü¿®Ωèπÿ ûÁL-Æ œ-†¢Ë éπü∆; Å®·ûË ÉN comparatives Å®·-†-°æp-öÀéà OöÀ ûª®√yûª than ®√ü¿’. To ´÷vûª¢Ë’ ´Ææ’hçC.

Spoken English

Now look at the following sentences from

-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 214


the conversation: 1) They are definitely superior to Indian goods. 2) Our technology is inferior to theirs and nat-









Little, uncountables

3) I am senior to you in the field.

ûÓØË ¢√úøû√ç 鬕öÀd, ü∆EéÀ comparative Å®·† less, superlative Å®·† least †’ èπÿú≈ uncountables ûÓØË ¢√ú≈L.

4) I do admit I am junior to you.

a) The milk in this glass is less than the milk in

urally the quality is inferior too.

ÅEoçöx, superior, inferior, senior, junior - Ñ comparatives ûª®√yûª than é¬èπ◊çú≈ to ®√´ôç í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. °j


that glass =

Ç glass ™ §ƒ©’ Ñ ûªèπ◊\´.


™ §ƒ©éπçõ‰

I have few friends here Superior: Ø√ùu-ûª™ , Ææy¶µ«-´ç™ ÉçÍé-üÁjØ√ ´’ç* í∫’ùç™ N’í∫-û√-¢√öÀéπçõ‰/- N’-í∫û√ ¢√∞¡xéπçõ‰ íÌ°æp-C/íÌ°æp ÅE. a) This camera is superior to that because of its extra features =

Éçûªèπ◊´·çü¿’ Ñ columns ™ èπÿú≈ little, few ©†’ í∫’Jç* îªJaçî√ç éπü∆. ¢√öÀ comparatives Åçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ îªJaçî√ç, äéπ\-≤ƒJ í∫’®Ω’hèπ◊ ûÁaèπ◊çü∆ç.

camera camera


èπ◊†o Åü¿-†°æ¤ ≤˘éπ-®√u© ´©x, Ç éπçõ‰ ÉC íÌ°æpC.




£æ…L-´¤ú˛ *vû√™x îµ√ߪ÷-ví∫-£æ«ùç ¶µ«®Ω-Bߪ’ *vû√™x éπçõ‰ ¢Ë’©’í¬ Öçô’çC. Inferior = ûªèπ◊\´ ®Ωéπç

(™„éπ\-°--ôdE ¢√öÀ)ûÓ ¢√úøû√ç.

á°æ¤púø÷ countables (™„éπ\°õ‰d-¢√öÀ)ûÓ ¢√úøû√ç.

(little rice/ sugar/ milk, etc)

(few books/ friends/ boys)

a) Indian bowling strength is inferior to

Little =

Few =

b) The camera work in Hollywood movies is superior to that in Indian movies =

Australian bowling strength = Australian bowling

°æöÀ-´’-éπçõ‰ ¶µ«®Ωûª bowling



ü∆ü∆°æ¤ ™‰ü¿’

There is little milk in the glass = glass

°æöÀ´’ ûªèπ◊\´. b) In speed and mileage Indian cars are infe-

¢Ëí∫ç, mileage N≠æ-ߪ÷™x Japanese cars éπçõ‰ ¶µ«®Ωû˝ cars BÆœ-éπõ‰d. senior = ´ßª’-Ææ’™, ņ’-¶µº-´ç™ (à ®Ωçí∫ç-™ -ØÁj†) °ü¿l/ áèπ◊\´. a) He was senior to me/ my senior at school by a year = school

™ Åûªúø’ Ø√éπçõ‰ °j


™ ÖçúË-

b) She is senior to me in age by a year =

Ç¢Á’ Ø√éπçõ‰ äéπ Ææç´-ûªq®Ωç °ü¿l (´ßª’-Ææ’™) c) NT Rama Rao was senior to Jaggaiah as a movie actor =

†ô’-úÕí¬ NTR èπ◊ ïí∫_ߪ’u éπçõ‰ áèπ◊\´ ņ’-¶µº´ç. èπ◊ ´uA-Í®éπç – ´ßª’-Ææ’™ *†o, ņ’-¶µº´ç ûªèπ◊\´. Junior. Senior

a) Sehwag is junior to Kumble = Sehwag cricket

ņ’-¶µº´ç ûªèπ◊\´

b) Though we are classmates, he is junior to me in age.

(¢Ë’ç äÍé class Å®·-†-°æp-öÀéÃ, ´ßª’-Ææ’™ Åûª†’ *-†o.)

I have few friends here =

A few friends of mine are coming today = friends

®ÓT--§Ò-ü¿’l-† éÌ-Eo -§ƒ-©’ -û√í¬-úø’ Very little = The patient had very little food yesterday =




The Patient had a little milk in the morning =

àüÓ éÌçûª/


Ø√ ™ É-ü¿l®Ω’ ´·í∫’_-®Ì-Ææ’hØ√o-K-®Ó-V. Very few = î√-™«éÌ-Eo/ éÌ-Cl-´’ç-C

Very few know this secret =

®ÓT E†o î√™« ûªèπ◊\´ ǣ慮Ωç BÆæ’èπ◊Ø√o®Ω’. The little = Ö†o Ç éÌCl =

î√-™« -éÌCl ´’çCÍé Ñ ®Ω£æ«Ææuç ûÁ©’Ææ’. The few = Ö†o Ç éÌ-Eo / éÌCl ´’çD.

The patient threw up the little food she had taken =

The few that passed got very low marks =

®ÓT BÆæ’èπ◊†o Ç éÌCl Ç£æ…-®√Eo ¢√çA îËÆæ’èπ◊çC.

this glass has the least milk =

Ç ´‚úø’ glasses ™, Ñ glass ™ ÅEo-öÀ-éπçõ‰ ûªèπ◊\´ §ƒ©’-Ø√o®·. M. SURESAN Less, countables ûÓ èπÿú≈, ´·êuçí¬ 'no' ûÓ, ûªèπ◊\´é¬èπ◊çú≈/ ûªèπ◊\´é¬E ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ ¢√úø’-ûª’çö«®Ω’. a) The book has been translated into no less than twenty languages =


A little =

b) Of the three glasses,

ü∆ü∆°æ¤ ™‰´¤/

Ééπ\úø Ø√èπ◊ ÊÆo£œ«-ûª’©’ ™‰®Ω’ (ü∆ü∆°æ¤) A few = à¢Ó éÌEo/ éÌçûª´’çC

™ §ƒ©’ ™‰-´¤ (ü∆ü∆°æ¤)

rior to japanese cars =

èπ◊綉x éπçõ‰ (Féπçõ‰ Ñ ®Ωçí∫ç™ ûªèπ◊\´ ņ’-¶µº´ç Ö†o ¢√úÕ-†E -Åç-Uéπ-J≤ƒh. é¬F NüËQ ´Ææ’h-´¤© üµ¿®Ω©’ ´’K áèπ◊\´.) unreasonable = Ææ•-•’-é¬-†çûª áèπ◊\´


Sanath: No, no. They are definitely superior to Indian goods. Our technology is inferior to theirs, and naturally the quality is inferior too.

Sampath: Whether a thing is inferior or superior depends on its adaptability to the situation of its use, doesn't it? If that's the case, Indians goods are as good as, even better than foreign ones.

Our study of comparative in spoken English

(´’† ÆæyüËP Ææ®Ωèπ◊, NüËQ Ææ®Ω-éπçûª ´’ç*üË ÅE Ø√ †´’téπç. ÅçûËé¬èπ◊çú≈, Ñ NüËQ Ææ®Ωèπ◊©’ ´’†-ü˨¡ °æJ-Æœn-ûª’©èπ◊ ņ’-í∫’-ùçí¬ Öçúø´¤.) So called = ÅØË (ņ-•úË) The so called honest man = Eñ«--ߪ’Béπ©¢√-úÕí¬ Å†-•-úË-¢√úø’ – Åçõ‰ ÅûªE Eñ«--ߪ’B ´’†ç †´’túøç ™‰ü¿’.

(ÅüËçé¬ü¿’. NüËQ ´Ææ’h-´¤©’ ´’† ´Ææ’h´¤© éπçõ‰ éπ*a-ûªçí¬ ¢Á’®Ω’-Èíj-†¢Ë. ´’† ≤ƒçÍé-Aéπ ØÁj°æ¤ùuç, ¢√∞¡x ü∆E-éπçõ‰ ûªèπ◊\´ ®Ωéπç, Åçü¿’-éπE Ææ£æ«-ïç-í¬ØË ´’† ´Ææ’h´¤ Ø√ùuûª NüËQ ´Ææ’h-´¤© Ø√ùuûª éπçõ‰ èπÿú≈ ûªèπ◊\¢Ë)


Å®·† Ç éÌCl ´’çD ûªèπ◊\´ ´÷®Ω’\©’ ûÁa-èπ◊Ø√o®Ω’.

-Ç °æ¤Ææhéπç 20 éπçõ‰ ûªèπ◊\-´-é¬E ¶µ«≠æ-™xéÀ ņ’¢√-ü¿-¢Á’içC. (-ü∆--ü∆°æ¤ 20 -¶µ«-≠æ-™xéÀ) b) The movie has been released in no less than thirty theatres =

Ç *vûªç 30éÀ ûªèπ◊\-´-é¬E ÆœE-´÷-£æ…-∞¡x™ Núø’-ü¿™„jçC. (-ü∆-ü∆-°æ¤ 30 Æœ-E-´÷£æ…-∞¡x-™) Little èπ◊ comparative, less. Little †’ uncountables ûÓØË ¢√úøû√ç 鬕öÀd less †’ countables ûÓ ¢√úø-èπÿ-úøü¿’, fewer ´÷vûª¢Ë’ ¢√ú≈-©E éÌçü¿-®Ωç-ö«®Ω’. eg: I tried to contact him no fewer than ten times

(à °æC-≤ƒ®Óx/ °æC-≤ƒ-®Ωxèπ◊ ûªèπ◊\´ é¬èπ◊çú≈ Åûª-EûÓ ´÷ö«x-ú≈-©E v°æߪ’-Aoç-î√†’.) Å®·ûË ´÷´‚©’ spoken English ™ countables èπ◊ èπÿú≈ less, fewer °ü¿l ûËú≈ ™‰èπ◊çú≈ ¢√úË-Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’. I gave him no less than a hundred books/ no fewer than a hundred books.

Åûª-úÕéÀ ؈’ à ´çü¿ °æ¤Ææh-鬙/ ´çü¿èπ◊ ûªèπ◊\´ é¬èπ◊çú≈ °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ Éî√a†’ ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ less, fewer éÀ ûËú≈ ™‰èπ◊çú≈ ¢√úøôç ´÷´‚-™„jçC. less ¢√úøôç °ü¿l ûª°æ¤p-é¬ü¿’. (Å®·ûË fewer ´÷vûªç uncountables èπ◊ ¢√úøç).

-§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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