Rpp Kls 1 Gasal Smkn2

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  • Pages: 35
RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Subject Year / Semester Meeting Time Allocated Competence Standart Basic Competence

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English X/1 7 14 x 40 minutes Able to communicate in English at Novice Level Understand basic expressions for life needs on social interaction

Indicators : 1. Student will learn how to use greeting expressions correcly. 2. Students will learn how to perform introductions about them and others weel. 3. Students will learn how to use thanking and its respons well. 4. Student will learn how to perform apologizingand its response correctly. I. Learning Objectives a. Student will be able to get giftof shot conversation in simple English on topics releted to greetings. b. Students will be able to use covertation expressions for greeting people, opening and closing coversation. c. Student will use conversation expessions for greeting people, opening, and closing conversation at various situations in the classroom. d. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to introductions. e. Student will learn to use conversation expressions for introducing themselves to others. f. Student will learn how to use confersation expressions for introducing a person to others. g. Student will use confersation expressions for introductions at various situations in the classroom. h. Students will be able to get the gist or short conversation in in simple topics releted to thanking. i. Student will learn how to use conversation expressions for thanking and its variations. j. Student will use coversation expession for thanking in a conversation at various situations in classroom. k. Students will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to apologizing. l. Student will learn how to use conversation expressions for apologizing and its variations. m. Students will use conversation expressions for apologizing in a conversation at various situations in the classroom. II. Teaching Material a. Greetings b. Introducing c. Thanking d. Apologizing e. Grammar Review: personal and possessive pronoun III. Teaching Methods and Techniques a. Grammar-Translation Method o Reading Comprehension o Use words in Sintences Question o Competition o Memorization b. Direct Method o Reading Aloud o Coversation Practice o Question and Answer Exercise o Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise o Getting Students to Self-correct o Dictation

c. Silent Way o Teacher’s silence o Peer correction o Stuctured Feed Back d. Suggestopedia o Classroom Set-up o Visualization o Positive Suggestion o Role Play e. Community Language Learning o Reflection on Experience o Small Group Tasks f. Total Physical Response Method o Using Commands to Direct Behavior g. Communicative Approach o Authentic Materials o Scrambled Sentences o Role Play IV. Teaching-Learning Activities Meeting 1: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Do something in order to capture the students’ interest and motivation. • Describe relationship between the lasson/activities and a real word need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lasson. • Describe the relationship between the lasson/activities and a forthcoming test or exam. • State that the activity the students will do is something they will enjoy. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) 1. Asks students to demonstrate confersetion (see Activiti 2, p. 3) 2. Give comprehention question to students from dialog text demonstrated page 3. • Controlled practice (Learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to answer situation with provided answers (See activiti 1, p. 2). 2. Ask students to identifi expression used by people when meeting and greeting to others (See Activity 3, p3). 3. Ask students to practice in pairs Activity 4 on page 4. • Free practice (The students prectyce using the stucture without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask student to do Activity 2 on fage 5 and 6. • Checking (the teacher elicites use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lessons. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Show how the lessons relates to students’ real-world needs. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 2: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities

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o Do something in order to capture the students’ interest and motivation o Review learning fron a provious lessons. o Ask question about concepts or skills taught in the previous lessons. o Have students prepare question about provious lessons or homework. Discribe the goal of a lesson. State the information or skills the students will learn. Describe relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. Point out links between this lesson and provious lessons.

2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain Formal and Informal Intoduction. 2. Explain how to do self introduction and intoducing other. 3. Explain cues used in introduction (see Activity 4. p 10-11). • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Drill students with the expressions used in introduction (see Activity 1, p. 8-9) 2. Ask students to do oral practice (see Actinity 2, p.9) • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to make dialog in pairs with the deskmate. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask Students to perform the dialog in front of the class. • Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Ask students to perform conversation based the situation given in Activity 3 on page 9-10. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 3: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Do something in order to capture the students’ interest and motivation o Review learning fron a provious lessons. o Ask question about concepts or skills taught in the previous lessons. o Have students prepare question about provious lessons or homework. • Discribe the goal of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. • State that the activity the students will do is some think they will enjoy. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain the past form of Be and Have.

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Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Drill students on Activity 6 on page 12. 2. Read aloud a conversation Activity 7 on page 12. Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Answer questions on Activity 5 page 11. Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Sentence completion on Task 1 page 13. 2. Sentence arrangemen on Task 2 number 1, page 13. Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Dialog completion on Task 2 number 2, page 13

3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons.

Meeting 4: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Discribe the goal of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. • Point out links between this lesson and previous lessons. • State that the activity the students will do is some think they will enjoy. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Demonstrate expressions used for thanking 2. Explain the uses of the expressions • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students identify exspressions of thanking in dialog ( see Activity 1, p. 17) 2. Ask students to arenge sentence into good order of a dialog (see Activity 3, p. 18) 3. Ask students to answer comprehension questions (See Activity 4, p. 18) • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to make a dialogue in a group work of two • Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Write a letter a thanking (see Activity 5, p. 18) 2. Give homework of activity 6 on page 19 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson reletes to students’ real-world needs • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson.

Meeting 5: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Review learning fron a provious lessons. o Have student meet in a small groups (2 or 4 per group) to review home work. o Have students prepare question about provious lessons or homework. o Have students ask the teacher about problems on homework and the teacher review, re-teach, or provide additional practice • Discribe the goal of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Dictate some sentences to complete dialog (Activity 7, p. 19). 2. Explain Present Perfect Tense (p. 20) 3. Explain preposition of place (p. 21). • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Students identify sentences in Preasent Perfect Tense 2. Student complete sentences using Verbs of the tense explained. • Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Do Activity 11 on page 21-22. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. Meeting 6: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Do somethink in order to capture the students’ interst and motivation. o Review learning fron a provious lessons. o Ask questions about consepts or skill taught in the provious lessons • Discribe the goal of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain some expressions used to regret and apologizing. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Students identify expressions of regret and apologizing on Activity 1 Task 2(p. 24) 2. Student combine sentences (Activity 2, p. 25) 3. Student combine sentences (Activity 3 & 4, p. 25) • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Students demonstrate dialog in pairs in front of class. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons.

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Show how the lesson reletes to students’ real-world needs. Make links to a forthcoming lesson. Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson.

Meeting 7: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Review learning fron a provious lesson. o Preview the lesson. o Ask questions about comsepts or skills taught in the previous lesson. o Have students prepare question about provious lessons or homework. o Have students prepare written summary of the provious lesson. o Have students ask the teacher about problems on homework and the teacher review, re-teach, or provide additional practice. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. • State that the activity the students will do is somethink they will enjoy. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Read aloud text on Activity 7, p. 26. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Students answer the question of text on page 26. 2. Student translate a taxt into Indonesia an Activity 10, page 27. • Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Students make dialog abaut regret and apologizing. 2. Students present their dialog in class. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson relates to students’ real-world needs. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. V. Teaching Materials and sources 1. Win The Day Book I. 2007. (Association of English Teachers of Vocational High School, East Java). 2. Understanding and Using English Grammar (Betty Scrampfer Azar)

VI. Assessment 1. Types of Assessment a. Performance Test 2. Instrumants a. Writtent Test (Cloze Test) 3. Evaluation a. Win The Day 1, pp. 6 – 7 b. Win The Day 1, pp. 14 – 15 c. Win The Day 1, pp. 22 – 23

d. Win The Day 1, pp. 27 – 29 Rubric and Score-Range a. Students have to get minimum standard grade of 70% b. Score range is between 0 – 100.

Score =

Raw Score Maximum Score

X Ideal Score (100%)

Approved by Head Master

Bojonegoro, july 21, 2008 English Teacher,

Drs. H. SUNOKO, M.Pd NIP. 130 794 408

BURHANUDIN, S.Pd NIP. 510 136 962

RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Subject Year / Semester Meeting Time Allocated Competence Standart Basic Competence

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English X/1 7 14 x 40 minutes Able to communicate in English at Novice Level Mention things, people, characteristics, time, day, month, and year.

Indicators : 1. Student will learn how to discribe things related to color, form, origin, size, material, quantity, and quality correctly. 2. Students will learn how to discribe person related to profession, nationality, physical characteristics,quality, and activities well. 3. Students will learn how to use time of the day, month and year correcly. I. Learning Objectives a. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to color, form, origin, size, material, quantity and quality correctly. b. Students will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics releted to colour, form origin, size, material, quantity and quality correcly. c. Student will learn how to use conversation expessions for colour, form origin, size, material, quantity and quality correcly. d. Student will learn how to use comversation expressions for colour, form origin, size, material, quantity and quality correcly. e. Student will use conversation expressions for conversation at various situatian in the classroom. f. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to discribing person related to profession, nationality, physical, characteristics, quality and activities well. g. Student will learn how to use time of the day, month and year. h. Students will use conversation expressions for describing time of the day, month and year in a conversation at various situations in the classroom. i. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to time of the day, month and year. II. Teaching Material a. Adjectives showing color, physical and nonphysical appearance b. Profession and nationality c. Nouns showing time, day, date, month, and year. d. Grammar Review: Singular and plural III. Teaching Methods and Techniques a. Grammar-Translation Method o Reading Comprehension Question o Deductive application of rule b. Direct Method o Reading Aloud o Question and Answer Exercise o Getting Students to Selfcorrect c. Audio Langual Method o Repetition drill

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Fill-in-the- blanks Use word in sentences Composition.

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Coversation Practice Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise





o Question-and answer drill o Completing the dialog Silent Way o Sound color Chart o Teacher’s silence o Peer correction o Word Chart o Stuctured Feed Back Comunicaty Language Learning o Tape-recording Student Confersation o Reflection of on Experience o Reflective Listening o Small Group Task Total Physical Response Method o Using Commands to Direct Behavior o Role reversal o Action Sequence Communicative Approach o Authentic Materials o Scrambled Sentences o Role Play

IV. Teaching-Learning Activities Meeting 1: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Do something in order to capture the students’ interest and motivation. o Review learning from a previous lesson. o Preview the lesson o Have students ask the teacher about problems on homework and the teacher review, re-teach, or provide additional practise. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. • Disribe the relationship between the lesson/ activities and a forthcoming test or exam. • Point out limks between this lesson and provious lessons. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) 1. Asks students to describe color, form, origin, size, material, quantity and quality 2. Ask students to answer teks based or reading materials. • Controlled practice (Learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete dialogue related to colour, form, origin, size, materials, quantity ands quality. 2. Ask students to match pictures and words. • Free practice (The students prectyce using the stucture without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask student to make short paragraph related to adjectives.

3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lessons. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and previous lesson. • Show how the lessons relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 2: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Review learning from a provious lessons. o Ask question about concepts or skills taught in the previous lessons. o Give a short quiz at the beginning of class on materials from previous lessons or homework assignment. o Have students prepare question about provious lessons or homework. • Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real word need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. • Point out links between this lesson and provious lessons. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Ask students to match the expressions and the respons. 2. Ask students to demonstrate a dialog. 3. Explain passive sentences. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete passive sentences. 2. Ask students to complete dialog. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a short paragraph based on pictures given. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 2. Ask Students to arrange some sentences to be a paragraph. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 3: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Ask question about consepts or skills taught in the previous lesson. o Give a short quiz at the beginning of class on materials from previous lessons or homework assignment. o Have students meet in a small grups (2 or 4 per group) to review homework.

• • •

o Have Students ask the teacher about problems on homework and the teacher review, re-teach, or provide additional practice. State the information or skill the students will learn. Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson.

2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain personal information. 2. Explain how to describe people in the picture. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete personal information. 2. Ask Students to mach expression and pictures. 3. Ask students to describe people in the pictures. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to arrange a jumbled dialog. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 4: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Preview the lesson. o Ask question about concepts or skills taught in the previous lessons. o Have students prepare question about provious lessons or homework. o Have students prepare a written summary of the provious lesson. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. • Disribe the relationship between the lesson/ activities and a forthcoming test or exam. • Point out limks between this lesson and provious lessons. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain profession and nationality. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete sentences. 2. Ask students to answer some questions based on the situation given. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to discuss about one profession and nationality and present them in class. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned).

1. Ask Students to explain the professional and nationality made. 4. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 5: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Do something in order to capture the students’ interest and motivation. o Preview the lesson. o Ask question about concepts or skills taught in the previous lessons. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. • Point out limks between this lesson and provious lessons. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. discribel things related to physical and non-physical appearance. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete a passage. 2. Ask students to answer questions related to appearances • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to complete sentence with their own words 2. Ask students to answer oral question based on the situation given. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask students to give label based on some picturesprovided. • Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Ask students to give opinion about a pictures. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 6: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening

• • • • •

Choose two or trhee activities o Give a short quiz at the beginning of class on material from previous lesson or homework assigment. o Have students ask the teacher about problem on homework and the teacher review, re-teach, or provide traditional practise. Discribe the goals of a lesson. State the information or skills the students will learn. Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. Point out limks between this lesson and provious lessons.

2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain singular and plural nouns. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to decide singular and plural nouns. 2. Ask students to sentences with nouns. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a dialog that mention singular and plural nouns.. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask Students to demonstrade their dialog using real media as the aid in their dialog. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 7: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Ask questions about consepts or skills taught in the previous lesson. o Give a short quiz at the beginning of class on material from provious lesson or homework assighments • Describe the goal of a lesson. • State the information or skill the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • State that the activity the students will do is somethink they will enjoy. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Ask students to denonstrate the dialog in front of class. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete sentences using singular and plural. 2. Ask Students to identify correct noun in sentences.

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Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to make short paragraph. Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask all Students to do peer corection toward other students writing on the board.

3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson relates to students’ real-world needs. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. V. Teaching Materials and sources 1. English Modele for SMK 2006 (Association of English Teachers of Vocational High School, East Java) page ................. 2. Win The Day Book I. 2007. (Association of English Teachers of Vocational High School, East Java) page ................. 3. Understanding and Using English Grammar (Betty Scrampfer Azar)

VI. Assessment 1. Types of Assessment a. Performance Test 2. Instrumants a. Writtent Test (Cloze Test) 3. Rubric and Score-Range a. Students have to get minimum standard grade of 70% b. Score range is between 0 – 100.

Score =

Raw Score Maximum Score

X Ideal Score (100%)

Approved by Head Master

Bojonegoro, july 21, 2008 English Teacher,

Drs. H. SUNOKO, M.Pd NIP. 130 794 408

BURHANUDIN, S.Pd NIP. 510 136 962

RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Subject Year / Semester Meeting Time Allocated Competence Standart Basic Competence

: : : : : :

English X/1 14 28 x 40 minutes Able to communicate in English at Novice Level Describe think, people, Characteriztics, time, day, mont, and year.

Indicators : 1. Student will learn how to use cardinal and ordinal numbers correctly. 2. Students will learn how to arrange word to describe color, form, origin, sizi, material, quantity, and quality of things well. 3. Students will learn how to arrange words related to profession, nationality, physical appearance, quality and activity of people well. 4. Students will learn how to discribe events based on time (day, date, mont, and year) correctly. I. Learning Objectives a. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related no related to ordinal and cardinal number. b. Students will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to things related to colour, form origin, size, material, quantity and quality correcly. c. Students will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to colour, form origin, size, material, quantity and quality correcly. d. Student will learn how to use conversation expessions for colour, form origin, size, material, quantity and quality correcly. e. Student will learn how to use conversation expressions for describing person related to profession, nationality, physical characteristics, quality and activity. f. Student will use conversation expressions for conversation at various situation in the classroom. g. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to discribing person related to profession, nationality, physical, characteristics, quality and activities well. h. Student will learn how to use time of the day, month and year. i. Students will use conversation expressions for describing time of the day, month and year in a conversation at various situations in the classroom. j. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to time of the day, month and year. k. Student will learn how to use antonym and synonym. II. Teaching Material - Numbers - Adjective of quantity - Adjective of size - Adjective of shape - Adjective of age - Adjective of colour - Mationality and profession - Adjective in series - Description of evants - Antonym and synonym

III. Teaching Methods and Techniques a. Grammar-Translation Method o Reading Comprehension Question o Memorizationa o Antonym/synonym o Use word in sentences o Fill-in-the- blanks o Composition. b. Direct Method o Reading Aloud o Coversation Practice o Question and Answer Exercise o Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise o Getting Students to Self-correct o Paragraph Writing c. Silent Way o Sound color Chart o Teacher’s silence o Peer correction o Word Chart o Stuctured Feed Back d. Suggestopedia o Sound color chart o Visualization o Role a play e. Community Language Learning o Transcription o Reflection on Experience o Reflective Listening o Small group Tasks f. Total Physical Response Method 1. Using Commands to Cirect Behavior g. Communicative Approach 1. Authentic Materials 2. Scrambled Sentences 3. Role Play

IV. Teaching-Learning Activities Meeting 1: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • State thate the activity the students will do is something they will enjoy. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) 1. Explain cardinal numbers 2. Explain cardinal numbers used in real life. • Controlled practice (Learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Students write number in listening exercise using cassette. 2. Students match number and word. 3. Students answer some questions from a text. • Free practice (The students prectyce using the stucture without any control by the teacher). 1. Students make a table that include cardinal numbers. • Cheking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask students to fill out a form of hotel and restourant bills.

Further Practise (The structure is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other structures). 1. Ask Students to write a dialog using cardinal number in it.

3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lessons. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and previous lesson. • Show how the lessons relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 2: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Review learning from a provious lessons. o Preview the lesson. o Ask question about concepts or skill taught in the previous lesson. o Have students meet in small groups (2 or 4 per group) to review homework. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain ordinal numbers. 2. Explain ordinal numbers used in real life. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Students write numbers in listening exercise using cassete. 2. Students match number and words. 3. Students answer some questions from a text. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a dialog using ordinal numbers in it. 2. Ask students to demonstrate the dialog in pairs. 5. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Show how the lesson relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 3: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the informations or skills the students will learn • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson.

3. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain things that have adjectives of quality. 2. Mantion some things and their adjectives of quality. 3. Write some sentences that use adjective of quality. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete sentences using adjectives of quality. 2. Ask Students to mach pictures and adjectives of quality. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a conversation that mention adjectives of quality. • Cheking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask students to demonstrate the conversation in class. • Further Practise (The structure is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other structures). 1. Give a homework to write a paragraph that describe some nouns around the students. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. Meeting 4: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Have students meet in a small groups (2 or 4 per groups). o Have students prepare questions about previous lessons or homework. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain things that have adjectives of size. 2. Mention some things and their adjectives of size. 3. Write some sentences that use adjective of size. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete sentences using adjectives of size. 2. Ask students to match pictures and adjectives of size. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a conversation that mention adjectives of size. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask Students to cemonstrate the conversation in class.. • Further Practise (The structure is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other structures). 1. Give a homework to write a paragraph that describe some nouns around the students. 6. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons.

• • •

Review key points of the lesson. Make links to a forthcoming lesson. Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons.

Meeting 5: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Have students prepare questions about previous lessons or homework.. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain things that have adjectives of shape. 2. Mention some things and their adjectives of shape. 3. Write some sentences that use adjective of shape. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete sentences using adjectives of shape. 2. Ask students to match pictures and adjectives of shepe. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a conversation that mention adjectives of shape. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask students to demonstrate the conversation in class. • Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Give a homework to write a paragraph that describe some nouns around the students. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 6: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Review learning from a provious lessons. o Preview the lesson. o Ask question about concepts or skill taught in the previous lesson. o Give a short quiz at the beginning of class on material from previous lesson or homework assigments. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (the new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain things that have adjectives of age. 2. Mention some things and their adjectives of age.

• • •

3. Write some sentences that use adjective of age. Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete sentences using adjectives of age. 2. Ask students to match pictures and adjectives of age. Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a conversetion that mention adjectives of age. Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask Students to demonstrade conversation in class. Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Give a homework to write a paragraph that describe some nouns around the students.

3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 7: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Describe the goal of a lesson. • State the information or skill the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain things that have adjectives of age. 2. Mention some things and their adjectives of age. 3. Write some sentences that use adjective of age. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete sentences using adjectives of age. 2. Ask students to match pictures and adjectives of age. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a conversetion that mention adjectives of age. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask Students to demonstrade conversation in class. • Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Give a homework to write a paragraph that describe some nouns around the students. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson.

Meeting 8: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Describe the goal of a lesson. • State the information or skill the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain things that have adjectives of size. 2. Mention some things and their adjectives of colour. 3. Write some sentences that use adjective of colour. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete sentences using adjectives of colour. 2. Ask students to match pictures and adjectives of colour. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a conversetion that mention adjectives of colour. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask Students to demonstrade conversation in class. • Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Give a homework to write a paragraph that describe some nouns around the students. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Point out links between the lesson and provious lessons. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson.

Meeting 9: 2 x 40 minutes 1. Opening • Describe the goal of a lesson. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Giving a texs to discuss in the class. 2. Ask some questions to answer. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Chack students work orally. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to make a conversetion that involves three or four students as a role play task. 2. Give situations to the class to make the role play.

Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask Students to do peer check.

3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 10: 2 x 40 minutes

1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Ask question about concepts or skill taught in the previous lesson. o Have students meet in small groups (2 or 4 per group) to review homework. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State that the activity the students will do is something they will enjoy. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Students perform their role play. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Classroom discussion about the role plays. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 11: 2 x 40 minutes

1. Opening • Describe the goal of a lesson. • State the information or skill the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Explain things that have adjectives of series. 2. Mention some things and their adjectives in series. 3. Write some sentences that use adjective in series. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask students to complete sentences using adjectives in series. 2. Ask students to match pictures and adjectives of series. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write a conversetion that mention adjectives in series. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new stucture to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask Students to demonstrade conversation in cless.

Further practice (the stucture is now practiced in new situations, or in combination with other stuctures). 1. Give a homework to write a paragraph that describe some nouns around the students. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lessons. • Review key points of the lesson • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Point out links between the lesson and previous lesson. • Show how the lesson relates to students real-world need. Meeting 12: 2 x 40 minutes

1. Opening • State the information or skill the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lessons/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Listening to a tape recorder about an accident. 2. Reading a newspaper about an accident. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Ask some questions to students about the accident. 2. Ask students to complete sentences based on the word provided. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Make questions and answears from a next taken from module. 2. Closing • Review key points of the lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson.

Meeting 13: 2 x 40 minutes

1. Opening • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Discribe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Point out links between this lesson and previous lesson. • State thate the activity the students will do is something they will enjoy. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) 1. Explain paragraph construction about an even. 2. Explain clousters to generate ideas. • Controlled practice (Learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Students make clousters about an accident. 2. Students write some sentences about the accivent. 3. Students write a draft of composition. • Cheking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned).

1. Students do peer chicking 2. Students revise their work. 3. Students publish their work in the classroom. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lessons. • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Point out links between the lesson and previous lesson. • Show how the lessons relates to students’ real-world needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lessons. Meeting 14: 2 x 40 minutes

1. Opening • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new strukture is introduced and presented). 1. Mention some adjectives of noun. 2. Ask the antonym and synonym of the adjectives. • Controlled practice (Lerners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). 1. Give pictures to mention the adjective can be found. 2. Ask students to find the antonym and synonym of the adjectives. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). 1. Ask students to write sone sentences that include antonym and synonym. • Cheking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). 1. Ask students to write their sentences on the board to discuss with the class. 2. Closing • Relate the lessons to the course or lessons goals. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. • Point out links between the lesson and previous lesson. • Show how the lessons relates to students’ real-world needs. V. Teaching Materials and sources 1. Win The Day Book I. 2007. (Association of English Teachers of Vocational High School, East Java) page ................. VI. Assessment 1. Types of Assessment a. Performance Test 2. Instrumants a. Writtent Test (Cloze Test) 3. Rubric and Score-Range a. Students have to get minimum standard grade of 70% b. Score range is between 0 – 100.

Score =

Raw Score Maximum Score

X Ideal Score (100%)

Approved by Head Master

Bojonegoro, july 21, 2008 English Teacher,

Drs. H. SUNOKO, M.Pd NIP. 130 794 408

BURHANUDIN, S.Pd NIP. 510 136 962

RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Subject Year / Semester Meeting Time Allocated Competence Standart Basic Competence

: : : : : :

English X/1 15 30 x 40 minutes Able to communicate in English at Novice Level Produce some simple utterances for communication.

Indicators : 1. Student will learn how to use expressions of regret and apologize correctly. 2. Students will learn how to use expression of sympathy and its response corectly. 3. Students will learn how to use experssion of feeling well. 4. Students will learn how to use asking and giving permission correctly. 5. Students will learn how to use expressions of command and request well. 6. student will learn how to use expressions of offering goods and service correctly. I. Learning Objectives a. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related no related to regret and apologizing. b. Students will learn haw to use conversation expressions for regret end apologize. c. Students will use conforsation expressions for regret and apologize at various situations in the classroom. d. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to sympathi. e. Student will learn how to use conversation expressions for Sympathy. f. Student will use conversation expressions for sympathy at various situation in the classroom. g. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to feeling. h. Student will learn how to use conforsation expressiaon for feeling. i. Students will use conversation expressions for feeling at various situation in the classroom. j. Student will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to asking and giving permission. k. Student will learn how to use conforsation expression for asking and giving permission. l. Students will use conforsation for asking and giving permission at various situation in the classroom. m. Students will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to command and request. n. Students will learn how to use confersation exspressions for command and request. o. Student will use conversation for command and request at various situations in the classroom. p. Students will be able to get the gist of short conversation in simple English on topics related to offering goods and service. q. Studens will learn how to use conversation expressions for offering goods and service. r. Students will use conversation expressions for offering goods and service at various in the classroom.

II. Teaching Material - Regret and apologize - Sympathy - Feeling - Permission - Command and request - Offering III. Teaching Methods and Technique Grammar-Translation Method  Reading Comperhension Question  Antonyms/synonyms  Fill-in-the-blanks  Use Word in Sentences  Composition Direct Method  Reading aloud  Question and Answer Exercise  Getting Students to self-correct  Conversation Practise  Fill-in-the-blank Exercise  Paragraph writing Aurio Lingual Method  Dialog Memorization  Use of Minimal Pairs  Completing the Dialog Silent Way  Peer Correction Suggestopedia  Classroom Set-Up  Visualization  Role-Play Community Language Learning  Reflection on Experience  Reflective Listening  Small group Tasks Total physical Respone Method  Using Commands to Direct Behavior  Action Sequence Communicative Approach  Authentic Materials  Scrambled Sentences  Role-play IV. Teaching-Learning Activities Meeting 1: 2x40 minutes minutes

1. Opening • Choose two or three activities o Do something in order to capture the students interest and motivations. • Describe the goal of a lessons. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do lesson. 2. Sequencing

• • •

Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) o Explain words and expressions of regret and apologize o Drill words and expressions provided Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). o Make dialog using expressions explained. Chacking (The teacher elicits use the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Practice dialog in class.

3. Clossing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. Meeting 2: 2x40 minutes minutes

1. Opening • Choose two or three activities o Review learning form a provious lesson o Ask questions about concepts or skill tought in the provious lesson. o Have students prepare questions about provious lesson or homework. • Describe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skill the students will learn. 2. Sequenching • Presentation (The mew structure is introduced and presented) o Conversation text about regred and apologize. • Controlled practise (Learners are given intensif practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control) o Give situation for a role play o Ask students to present the role play in class. 3. Clossing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review kuy poin in the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Point out links between the lessons and the provious lesson. • Show how the lesson related to students real-word needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Prise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. Meeting 3: 2x40 minutes minutes

1. Opening • Describe the goals of a lesson • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a areal world need. • Describe what students are expected todo in the lesson. 2. Squencing • Presentation (The new stucture is introduced and presented). o Explain words and expressions of regred and apologize. o Drill world and expressions of regred and apologize. • Controlled practise (Learners are given intensif practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control).

• •

o Match expression and sentences. o Complete dialog using expressions provided. Free practice (The students prectice using the structure without eny control by the teacher). o Make dialog using expressions explained. Chacking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Prectice dialog in class.

3. Clossing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. Meeting 4: 2x40 minutes minutes

1. Opening • Describe the goal of the lesson • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented). o Explain adjective for expressing feeling. o Writing some example sentences. • Controlled prectise (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Completing sentences using provided words. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without eny control by the teacher) o Making sentences using provided clouse. • Checking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Discussing sentences in class and rivising them. • Further Practice (The structure is now precticed in new situations, or in combination with other structures). o Describing students’ feeling orally in class. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lessons to the course or lesson goals. • Prise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. Meeting 5: 2x40 minutes minutes

1. Opening • Discribe the goals of the lesson. • State the information or skill the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequenching • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) o Explain adjective –ing vs –ed. o Writing some example sentences.

• • • •

Control practice (Learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control) o Completing sentences using provided words. Free practise (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). o Making sentences using provided lesson. Chacking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Discussing sentences in class and revising them. Further Practice (The structure is now precticed in new situations, or in combination with other structures). o Describing students adjective –ing vs –ed orally in class.

3. Clossing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Praise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. 6: 2x40 minutes V.Meeting s minutes

1. Opening • Discribe the goals of the lesson. • State the information or skill the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) o Explain adjective set expressions. o Writing some example sentences. • Controlled prectise (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Completing sentences using provided words. • Free practise (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). o Making sentences using provided clouse. • Chacking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Discussing sentences in class and revising them. • Further Practice (The structure is now precticed in new situations, or in combination with other structures). o Describing students adjective set expressions orally in class. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Prise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. Meeting 7: 2x40 minutes minutes

1. Opening • Discribe the goals of the lesson. • State the information or skill the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson.

2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented). o Explain Subject –Verb agreement. o Writing some example sentences. • Controlled prectise (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Completing sentences using provided words. • Free practise (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). o Making sentences using provided clouse. • Chacking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Discussing sentences in class and revising them. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Prise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. Meeting 8: 2x40 minutes minutes

1. Open • Choose two or trhee activities o Do something in order to capture the students interest and motivation. • Discribe the goals of the lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) o Explain word an expressions of asking and giving permissions. o Drill words and expressions of asking and giving permissions • Controlled prectise (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Match expressions and sentences. o Complate dialog using expressions provided. • Free practise (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). o Make dialog using expressions explains provided. • Chacking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Practice dialog in class. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. Meeting 9: 2x40 minutes minutes

1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Review learning from a provious lessons. o Ask question about concepts or skill taught in the previous lesson.

• •

o Have students prepare questions about previous lessons or home work. Discribe the goals of a lesson. State the information or skills the students will learn.

2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) o Conversation text about regret and apologize. • Controlled prectise (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Give situation for a role a play. o Ask students to present the role play in class. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Point out links between the lesson and previous lesson. • Show how the lesson related to students real-word needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Prise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. Meeting 10: 2x40 minutes minutes 1. Opening • Discribe the goals of the lesson. • State the information or skill the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. • Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) o Explain grammar: Modal Auxiliary. o Writing some example sentences. • Controlled Practice (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Completing sentences using provided words. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). o Making sentences using provided clouse. • Chacking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Discussing sentences in class and revising them. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Prise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. Meeting 11: 2x40 minutes minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Do something in order to capture the students interest and motivation. • Discribe the goals of the lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. • Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need.

Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson.

2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) o Explain words end expressions of asking and giving permission. o Drill words and expressions of asking and giving permission. • Controlled practice (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Match exprssion and sentences. o Complete dialog using expressions provided. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). o Make dialog using expressions explained. • Chacking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Prectice dialog in class. 3. Closing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. Meeting 13: 2x40 minutes minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Review learning from a provious lessons. o Ask question about concepts or skill taught in the previous lesson. o Have students prepare questions about previous lessons or home work. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented) o Explain words end expressions of responses to command. o Drill words and expressions of responses to commond. • Controlled Practise (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Match expressions and sentences. o Complete dialog using expressions provided. • Free prectice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). o Make dialog using expressions explained. • Chacking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Prectice dialog in class. 3. Clossing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. Meeting 14: 2x40 minutes minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities

• • • •

o Do something in order to capture the students interest and motivation. Discribe the goals of the lesson. State the information or skills the students will learn. Describe the relationship between the lesson/activities and a real world need. Describe what students are expected to do in the lesson.

2. Sequencing • Presentations (The new structure is introduced and presented) o Explain words end expressions of offering things and services. o Drill words and expressions of offering things and services. • Controlled practice (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Match expression and sentences. o Complete dialog using expressions provided. • Free practice (The students practice using the structure without any control by the teacher). o Make dialog using expressions explained. • Cheking (The teacher elicits use of the new structure to check that it has been learned). o Practice dialog in class. 3. Clossing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. Meeting 14: 2x40 minutes minutes 1. Opening • Choose two or trhee activities o Review learning from a provious lessons. o Ask question about concepts or skill taught in the previous lesson. o Have students prepare questions about previous lessons or home work. • Discribe the goals of a lesson. • State the information or skills the students will learn. 2. Sequencing • Presentation (The new structure is introduced and presented). o Convertation text about offering things and services. • Controlled practice (learners are given intensive practice in the structure, under the teacher’s guidance and control). o Give situation for a role play. o Ask students to pressent the role play in class. 3. Clossing • Summarize what has been covered in the lesson. • Review key points of the lesson. • Relate the lesson to the course or lesson goals. • Point out links between the lesson and previous lesson. • Show how the lesson related to students real-word needs. • Make links to a forthcoming lesson. • Prise students for what they have accomplished during the lesson. V. Teaching Materials and Sources • Win The Day 2007 (Association of English Teachers of Vocational High School, East Java) page ...............

Understending and Using English Grammer (Betty Scrampfer Azar).

VI. Assessment • Types of Assesment - Performance Test • Instruments - Written Test (Cloze Test) • Rubric and Score-Range - Student have to get minimum standard grade of 70%. - Score range is between 0 – 100.

Score =

Raw Score Maximum Score

X Ideal Score (100%)

Approved by Head Master

Bojonegoro, july 21, 2008 English Teacher,

Drs. H. SUNOKO, M.Pd NIP. 130 794 408

BURHANUDIN, S.Pd NIP. 510 136 962

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