Queens Preschool Minutes 22 8 09

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QUEEN’S HIGH PRESCHOOL TRUST MEETING 22 Sept. 09 Present: Apologies:

Simon, Debbie, Megan, Lara, Kerryn, Karen, Andy Lorna, Warwick, Espie

Meeting started 5.25pm Financial Account balances: -Cheque a/c balance $5280 -Savings a/c balance $54016 - Anticipated $12000 fees and with funding this round will give a total of around $71000 - $3500 surplus Extra $25000 still available to draw down on bank loan. Probably not needed if funding comes through in November. Next funding not until Feb/March next year so will need to be prudent! -Completion of the playground is important for child safety and a strategic resource for attracting potential children. Simon suggested we look at borrowing money to finish the playground properly. Fundraising will take forever to raise the $20,000 required. Simon added community funding is becoming increasingly difficult and that we have already been turned away once. It is important we move fast to keep ahead of the competition. Question was asked as to whether the payment to AJ Grant for the playground could be deferred until next funding comes through (so we did not need to draw down on the loan), or is money needed up-front to start the project. It was decided that a decision will be made in October where the money is coming from and that we just get work started. If required the loan can be drawn down immediately. An approach will still be made to Pub Charities for funding. Debbie to call AJ Grant and purchase slide for installation in the next month. -Debbie said that she had negotiated it down to $2000 for Moireen to break her contract. This though would also require the preschool committing to using only NZPP as a source of relievers. It was moved, and passed, that we would go ahead but that would be conditional on Moireen staying in employment for over a year (or she must pay $2000 herself) and for her to finish her early childhood diploma by 2012. Policies -Covering letter and policies have been put in each child’s pigeon hole. Parents can give feedback online or handed back in to Preschool. We will review feedback and set policies at the next meeting. Fundraising -Lara suggested that the Cottage Bakehouse option probably best with 30% profit on sales made. Also rewards were provided for best seller. Cadbury chocolates seen as a lot of work for small return and offered less value to purchasers. Also the healthy food

messages becoming lost and may be in breach of school funding obligations. There was some concern that we may be tapping into parents again. - It was proposed that we show fundraising progress to date and what the target is in a graphical display to be put up in the preschool entrance. Supervisors Report -Moireen employment issue (see above). Debbie also added that only an e-mail was sent to college indicating that a position was available so probably not legally obliged to follow through with the interviewing of other applicants. -A water filter/cooler machine on trial but had lost favour with children so will be returned. -Fees to be increased for over fives in holiday care from these school holidays (September/October). Specific programme organised to add value for these children. General Business -Staff appraisals to be completed by Debbie.

Agenda for next meeting Finance Policy Feedback reviewed and Passed Fundraising Supervisor’s Report General Business

Meeting closed 6.45pm

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