Queens Preschool Minutes 5 5 09

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QUEEN’S HIGH PRESCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING 5TH May 2009 Meeting opened 5.15pm Present: Simon Clarke, Espie Ayson, Karen Blackie, Kerryn Tutty, Lorna Pelvin, Debbie Horne, Megan Martin, Lara Valentine, Andy Willmott Apologies:

Warwick Kain

Financial Report: o Espie talked through the revised budget that included more accurate Ministry of Education funding for staffing and highlighted money allocated for various areas of Preschool spending. o Karen B. detailed that voluntary loan repayments can be made without penalty o Debbie produced letter from Bendigo Valley Foundation declining our application for funding for playground equipment and fencing. Espie moved that $7000 from budget be reserved for the playground – accepted by committee. o Karen B. to follow up with Polson Higgs re: updated fixed asset register o Debbie informed committee that insurance would pay $746 ($500 excess to be paid by Queens’ Preschool) towards replacing carpet in front room. Debbie given quote for the removal of existing carpet and the installation of a basic carpet and underlay. Discussion around whether cheaper if carpet removed by ourselves and how much more to get more heavy-duty carpet – Debbie to look into options. o Espy moved that budget be adopted – accepted by committee Governance and management: o Simon shared key findings from Wednesday’s meeting re: Governance and management of early childhood centres. He highlighted a need to review the Policy and Procedures book. Simon is following up the “key policies” to be included as these were not detailed in Ministry of Education publications or available when he approached them directly. Other policy may be downgraded to procedures. It was agreed that this would be done over successive committee meetings (three or four per meeting) and each policy and procedure reviewed annually. o Simon moved that an agenda for the next committee meeting be set at the end of each meeting so that people could give more consideration to items before they were motioned - accepted by committee o Simon moved that staff work on mission statement to be bought to the next committee meeting for further discussion – accepted by committee o A web site has been developed with policy, committee minutes etc. (www.queenshighpreschool.webs.com). While still in early stages, thought to be a good platform to eventually communicate with parents and greater community. o Karen B.’s role was discussed as she has no longer has voting rights on the committee (with no dependents in Preschool). It was felt that she should still attend committee meetings to answer financial queries. Also discussed that Debbie be freed up by passing some of the menial administration tasks on to Karen.

Staff Feedback o Kerryn reflected on feedback from her and Simon’s interviews of staff. o It was detailed that staff were generally positive about completing individual interviews with committee members. Debbie is to find out at the next staff meeting how regularly the staff think these interviews should be conducted. It was suggested by Simon that annually should be sufficient. o From the feedback it was decided that staff meeting minutes would be made available in the staff workroom (as may contain sensitive information) and that committee minutes continue to be posted in the main entrance to Preschool for all to see. o The concerns over colour printing were addressed. It was decided that the printer purchased must be capable of printing A3 colour documents (most likely laser).There was discussion around buying or hiring. Also, the cost of consumables (toner etc.). Debbie was going to compare with present costs of using Queen’s High School’s facilities. Further investigation into hiring/buying is to be carried out by Espie and Sandra. The committee agreed that the purchase happen once the most cost-effective alternative was found. o The issue of who is in charge of the under twos is to be addressed at the next staff meeting. Property o Simon and Debbie identified the need for a working bee to get a number of jobs done around the Preschool property. Debbie is going to consult with staff of jobs that need doing. Suggestion that some incentive be given to parent community (e.g.- lunch/BBQ). Also decided the working bee would need to be done on a Sunday, within a relatively short time-frame (or with staggered start times) and people be assigned tasks and responsibilities. o Simon to follow up with Ministry regarding Licensing of premises. General o With funding application declined, Lara suggested fundraising via raffle. This might require families to donate one item each. Also the possibility of a Bikeathon (or both). Lara will look into options for the next meeting. o Applications for teaching position close 29th May. Debbie, Lorna and Lara to act as interviewing panel. o Simon to put together a newsletter to communicate working bee and fundraising initiatives o Agenda for next meeting: Develop annual plan Strategic plan – review current plan Review four policies Consider staff mission statement/s Finances as at end of May Staff meeting and Supervisor’s Reports Duty allowance for Lorna acting up Fundraising options Working bee Next committee meeting tabled for Tuesday 16th June 2009 (5.15pm).

Meeting closed 7.15 pm

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