Queens Preschool Minutes 18 7 09

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  • Words: 391
  • Pages: 2

Simon, Debbie, Lorna, Lara, Karen, Espie, Andy Megan, Kerryn, Warwick

Meeting started 5.20pm *Agreed to meet 3rd Tuesday of each month from here on in Financial On financial statement presented: -It is unclear whether “Fundraiser” is an expense or should it be in income? Karen to clarify -Suggested that we put cleaning altogether. Espie added that we may need to allocate more as already over budget to date. -Staff training under PD. Will need to be changed. Account balances: -Cheque a/c balance 7500 -Savings a/c balance 98500 $20000 income until next MOE payment Looking at $16000 surplus but can’t count on so need to be prudent on purchases over the next few months (Karen). Wages increasing but funding not increasing proportionately (Espie) Want to apply for funding from trusts but will need to be more specific in what we want e.g.- slide, sandpit (Simon) Wood that Graham is selling is to be spent on playground (Lorna). Also $3800 available from fundraising that is already committed to playground. Need to prioritise playground components but can probably afford to spend now. Debbie will explore spending up to $3800 and decide how best spent. If we then put in application for funding we will have $3800 to spend on top, or if rejected will go ahead and purchase ourselves (Simon). Agreed. 2009 audit completed basically broke even. $41000 surplus previous year but lots of expenses last financial year. Draft available to look at and amend any thing that’s wrong. (Espie) Policies Keep to minimum and pertinent to Trust otherwise procedures for Staff and management. Read through and amended policies Simon had pre-prepared. Financeprojected rolls, capital requirements, staffing and overall budgets to be added. Other changes made were relatively minor. Revised policies to be typed up and given to parent community to give feedback.

Supervisors Report Read through by Debbie. NZEP Moireen on contract and needs to be paid out to release (4500) or cannot work at the centre for 4 months. Alternative to take student who would be cheaper, but only in 4 days and out for 1. Get a lot of assistance from training institute and up to date on theory. Agenda for next meeting Finance Quotes and passing buying equipment Policies confirmed Moireen employment issue and Appointment committee Fundraising Meeting closed 6.45pm

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