Agm 2009 Queens Preschool

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  • Words: 763
  • Pages: 3
QUEEN’S HIGH PRESCHOOL AGM 21st April 2009 Meeting opened 7.06pm Present: Simon Clarke, Espie Ayson, Karen Blackie, Kerryn Tutty, Lorna Pelvin, Debbie Horne, Betty Laing, Megan Martin, Frances Allen, Joan Bracey, Stacey Stedman, Fay Fergus, Lara Valentine, Andy Willmott Welcome: Current, and prospective, committee members and staff welcomed by Chair, Simon Clarke. Introductions made by all in attendance. Apologies: Warwick Kain, Julie Edmunds (resignation), Darene Campbell (resignation), Desiree Crooks Minutes from last AGM meeting: Moved and accepted as true (minor inaccuracies identified and changes to be made). Chairpersons’ Annual Reports: Both Ali’s and Simon’s report were read (hard copies of these are held by Preschool). Moved by Andy and seconded by Lorna as true and accurate. Financial Report: Espie talked through the accounts, including a draft budget for the up-coming financial year. (hard copies of these are held by Preschool) Also: - “Actual” versus “estimated” expenditure will be presented at each committee meeting herein by Espie. - Decision made that $2000 (and $365 from this season) from the car-park fundraiser is to be set aside solely for playground equipment as Karen had first intimated (moved: Andy seconded: Simon) - Debbie to detail MOE staff funding amount so future budgets can be more accurate - still waiting for the 31/1/09 audit to be signed off. Karen suggested may not be ready for next committee meeting. - Polson Higgs to be appointed again as auditors (moved: Karen seconded: Simon) Supervisor’s Report:

Debbie read report. (hard copy held by Preschool) (moved: Simon seconded: Kerryn)

Under Two’s Report:

Lorna read report (hard copy held by Preschool)

Election of Office Bearers: Chairperson: Simon Clarke nominated: Kerryn Secretary:

Andy Willmott Nominated: Simon

seconded: Megan seconded: Lorna

Finance Person: Communications:

Espie Ayson nominated: Debbie

seconded: Karen

Lara Valentine nominated: Debbie

seconded: Andy

General Business (On agenda): Staff feedback organisation: Simon proposed that a group be formed to develop a formalised communications framework between the Trust Board and staff. It was intimated by longer serving staff that a system had operated previously although that was more focused on staff appraisal. Simon, Megan, Kerryn and Andy to work on framework/s for future discussion. Governance information evening: Committee members were encouraged by Simon to attend a governance information evening on 29/4/09. Simon, with Debbie and Megan volunteered to attend and report back findings at next committee meeting. Property – Land gifted from Queen’s HS: Simon read a letter received from the Queen’s High School Board regarding a promised loaning of land to the Preschool. The letter was vague, and Simon is to seek clarification from the School regarding: - their timeframe for “modernisation” of the School frontage and availability of the land - the time and level to which any acquired land would need to be re-instated should the School take it back - how much land exactly was intended to be gifted - what items (permanent or semi-permanent) would be permitted in the space - the formalisation of any agreement in writing It was accepted to take on the offer provided the conditions above were favourable (moved: Simon seconded: Scott) Resolution for funding: A resolution has been written and approved by the committee for the application for funding of a fence and playground equipment from the Bendigo Valley Foundation. Other General Business: - Espie has acquired another computer for Preschool use as was agreed at the previous committee meeting. - Debbie presented a strategic plan/wish list for the Preschool (hard copy held by Preschool) - Debbie passed on a concern from the cleaner about the lack of lighting in the conservatory (especially during winter). Also the state of the carpet in the main room and the ability to clean it effectively as a result. - Debbie highlighted that the fridge-freezer was not operating properly and presented health and safety issues. Debbie had approached a number of experts for advice and was waiting three days before restarting (as advised) to see if it resumed working. It


was agreed by the committee that this needed to be resolved urgently and so Debbie was given authority to purchase a replacement if required on the conditions that (1: the possibility of insurance meeting the replacement costs was investigated; and 2: the fridge/freezer was not able to be fixed at a reasonable cost). Debbie added that an insurance claim was also in progress to replace some carpet damaged in the front room. It was proposed that the committee wait for the acceptance/rejection of funding applications in progress before committing to any new “projects”.

Next committee meeting tabled for Tuesday 5th May 2009. Meeting closed 8.13 pm

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