Pq 1stlevel M3 Curriculum

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 938
  • Pages: 6
Power Quality Training Courses

Voltage fluctuations/flicker

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Module 3 Voltage fluctuations/flicker

1 INTRODUCTION Voltage fluctuations are the specific type of electromagnetic disturbances as their main effect – the phenomenon of light flicker – appears in the form of a negative direct influence on the human organism. Light flicker is the subjective sensation of variations in the luminous flux, whose luminance or spectral distribution fluctuates with time. Moreover, voltage fluctuations are the reason of adverse effects of technical and economic nature.

1.1 General aims The seminar describes the flicker phenomenon and discusses the sources of voltage fluctuations and their effects. It presents methods for analysis, measurement and limitation of voltage fluctuations in electric power networks. It describes the current state of standardization of the phenomenon in the light of international and national rules, and particularly considers the problems that are important for contracts closed between energy suppliers and consumers.

1.2 Target groups This module’s target group are mainly: − end-users of equipment − designers − installers or contractor of installations − electric networks operators − equipment sellers and services providers in the electricity sector.

2 SPECIFIC AIMS AND TOPICS The pathway of learning consists of a 2 days course, subdivided in sections (with different duration), with these contents and related aims.





1st day Introduction, Basic terms and definitions, Description of the disturbances, Sources of voltage fluctuations Effects of voltage fluctuations Measuring methods and instrumentation Supplying knowledge concerning theoretical basics of disturbances, its sources, effects, and methods of assessment by means of measuring 2nd day Standardisation of voltage fluctuations, flickermeter – emission and immunity tests, customer connection requirements (responsibility of the supplier, and the customer), measurement and assessment of voltage fluctuations Supplying knowledge concerning principles of measuring, contract formulation. Use of the obtained knowledge to analysis and solving problems related to voltage fluctuation (ASD, wind generation), and to practical measurements in laboratory.

Below there’s a detailed overview of the course contents.




Pathway of learning flow chart

Time progression (hours)





First day: 60 mins

Participants registration

5 mins

Openning, informations, course introduction, course introduction

55 mins

Section 1: Introduction − Basic terms and definitions − Description of the disturbances − Sources of voltage fluctuations (arc furnaces, induction motors etc.) − Effects of voltage fluctuations (influence on human organism, light sources, other equipment) Modality: Lesson and discussion

60 mins

Mitigation of voltage fluctuations (general compensator, static compensators - SVC) Modality: Lesson and discussion

15 mins

Coffee break

60 mins

Section 2: Measuring methods and instrumentation (flickermeter, measured flicker severity) Modality: Lesson, computer laboratory and discussion



Second day: 45 mins

Section 3: Standardisation of voltage fluctuations (general considerations, compatibility levels, emission of voltage fluctuation, immunity levels, connection of disturbing customers in MV and HV systems, voltage fluctuations in national regulations Modality: Lesson and discussion

45 mins

Static compensators Modality: Laboratory and discussion

15 mins

Coffee break

60 mins

Section 4: Flickermeter – emission and immunity tests Modality: Laboratory and discussion

60 mins

Customer connection requirements (responsibility of the supplier and customer) − Case study 1 - ASD − Case study 2 - wind generation Modality: Lesson and discussion

15 mins

Coffee break

60 mins

Section 5: Measurement and assessment of voltage fluctuations Modality: Laboratory and discussion

30 mins

Final discussion and conclusions, End of the course, user satisfaction survey (user’s questionnaire), Confirmations of attendance




4 − − − −


GENERAL NOTES each day there will be two coffee breaks according to the seminar program; at the beginning of the course the lecturer will explain course aims and at the end he will verify their fulfilment; the course will be divided in theoretical and practical sections; at the end of the lessons, a user satisfaction survey will help the lecturer in monitoring the course quality.


Teaching methods are summarized in three main moments: − − −

knowledge transfer (Lesson) topics exposure by the lecturer with the help of slides and presentation of practical cases; deepening/learning verification (Discussion) general discussion stimulated by the lecturer (also during the lesson) to verify knowledge transfer; practical training, laboratory activities; group work

During all the sections, the lecturer will always attend, with teaching and/or activity coordination duty.



The didactic tools which will be used by the lecturers will be: − Blackboard − Video-projector − Notebook − Microphone The lecture room will be suitable to allow the use of all the above listed didactic tools and to enable group work for the attendants. Each user will receive, during the registration, a folder containing: − course program; − lecture notes containing all or part of the lecture slides. Some additional electronic tools will be available also in electronic format at: http://www.leonardoenergy.org/drupal/ . The folder will also include a user satisfaction questionnaire and a knowledge test (which will be both filled and submitted at the end of the course). 7


The following (on the basic level) shall be prerequisite for the participant: − − −

electric circuits theory: AC circuits electric machines electric power engineering; power system



− −


power electronics electric metrology.


The knowledge acquired during the course should be sufficient for: − − − − − −

identification of the distortion nature distortion source identification disturbance assessment by means of measuring evaluation of technical and economic effects of disturbance proposing remedial measures formulation of contract between the supplier and consumer of electric power on the basis of the existing standards and regulations.



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