Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga,kelas Sosial Dan Motivasi Terhadap Tingkat Konsumsi Ikan -struktural Equation Modelling

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 317
  • Pages: 1
THE EFFECTS OF FAMILY ENVIRONMENT, SOCIAL CLASS AND MOTIVATION TOWARDS FISH CONSUMPTION LEVEL OF CHILDREN (A Case Study In Elementary Students School At West Bogor District) By Maulana Firdaus* ABSTRACT Children as asset of human resource at future needs food with good nutrient pregnancy, one of them can based on from fish. in the fact fish consumption level in Indonesia still low, this matter is related to not yet usual consumes fish in children. Civilizing to eat fish in children really not easy matter, because it related with several things, that is individual difference, psychology process and environment influence. This research belongs into explanatory research type by using case study technique. Information source is gatherred by using interview method, observation and documentation.The Aim from this research is to (1) detects fish consumption level in elementary students at West Bogor District, (2) detect and study the indicator variable from family environment, social class and motivation, (3) detect and study the effects from family environment, social class and motivation towards fish consumption level in children. This research result shows that fish consumption level in elementary students at West Bogor Districtt thats as big as 25,72 kg/capita, this value stills under national fish consumption level target in the 2007 that is as big as 28 kg/capita. In family environment, the habits in family is a dominant factor that gives influence towards fish consumption level in child, parents especially mother is dominant influence towards family habit to consumings fish, besides also to increase fish consumption level can by change fish image, that fish achievable food by all social class and edible by whoever. To increase child motivation in consuming fish so necessary increase school character as information conveyor passes teachers. Keywords: Elementary Students, Level Consumption



*Staf Peneliti Pada Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, BRKP-DKP. JL.KS Tubun Petamburan VI Slipi Jakarta 10260.Telp. (021) 53650162. e-mail : [email protected]

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