Newsletter - September 13, 2009

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Denver First Church September 13, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Shawn Siegfreid Lead Pastor

Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

Bob Huffaker Interim Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Bob Cheney Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Judy Jones Gregg Moran Gene Rakes Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. Kickoff Sunday 2. news update i. important info… ii. news from the board… iii. timely news for the congregation…

iv. how you can help… v.a final word... 3. calendar of events: September 13-19

News Update Important info... Dear Members and Friends of DFC, Dr. Rick Warren, Pastor of the Saddleback Church and author of The PurposeDriven Life, has commented that there is no such thing as a non-serving Christian. Jesus came, not to be served, but to serve. As people who live daily in gratitude for lives transformed, the natural course of our lives results in service to others. This past Sunday, Dr. Bob highlighted this point as he directed our attention to the life of Jonah. Our service, stated Dr. Bob, is to be a labor of love. Friends, let’s celebrate the gifts God has given us by offering ourselves as living sacrifices to Him; this is our reasonable service. Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. IN Group Fall Colors Trip

Baptism Class

Evening Service

Caregivers Support Group

Single Ladies Night Out

Monday Evening Women’s Bible Study

Women of the Word

Mothers of Preschoolers

Senior Choir

Ladies Book Club

Casting Crowns Concert

Trunk or Treat

Tennyson Center for Kids

College Preview Days

Today’s publication will cover the following topics: News from the Board, Timely News for the Congregation and How You Can Help

News Update news from the Board... Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It's finally here! The event on which we've been waiting these many months has arrived! Do you recall how we looked forward with excited anticipation to our Father revealing who our next pastor would be? Do you remember the Search Committee updates? Well, this Sunday Pastor Shawn Siegfreid will deliver his first message from the pulpit of Denver First Church of the Nazarene. The message promises to be one that will challenge us to move out of our comfort zones and become engaged, passionate ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray these past months of preparation have reinforced in our spirits just how real is the battle in which we are involved. As the circumstances in our society continue to deteriorate, it becomes more evident that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]." (Ephesians 6:12) Have you thought of the two persons to invite to Sunday's service? Don't be shy! Let's care enough to overcome our reluctance and make a difference for eternity. There are a couple of things to keep in mind regarding this battle to which Ephesians refers. First, we are equipped with offensive weapons and we are meant to be on the attack (2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Matthew 16:18). And, second, the devil is not God's equal. The battles that rage in the heavenly realms are not being fought between Satan and our Father. The Bible only tells of battles waged between angels at this point. Satan is merely one of God's created beings and he is no match for God. The Son defeated him without contest. It was not a closely fought battle. We must understand this or we diminish the majesty and glory of God. And it is a relationship with this indescribably magnificent God, available through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, about which we can be impassioned to tell those with whom we come in contact! I hope to see you Sunday! Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation... Kickoff Sunday… as well as National Back to Church Sunday is this Sunday, September 13th! Our new Lead Pastor, Shawn Siegfreid, will preach in the service at 10:30am. After the service we’ll have lots of kid’s activities; inflatable jumpies, face painting, a magician, and Vern’s train rides. Visit our many “Ministry Booths” to find ministries, small groups and volunteer opportunities to get plugged-in at DFC! These booths will include: Sunday School, Missions, College, Youth, Children’s, Women’s, The Refuge, The Business Office, The IN Group, MMADmen (Men Making a Difference), Celebrate Recovery, and SOGS! We’ll have BBQ for the whole family! Be sure to invite your friends and come join us!

News Update timely news for the congregation... Calendar Items For September: Sept 13

Kickoff Sunday (we will welcome Pastor Shawn and new DFC Members) Baptism Class (5:00 pm in Room 200)

Sept 16

All programming begins

Sept 18

Senior Singers (Intro session) Divorce Care & DC4K (Divorce Care for Kids)

Sept 20


Sept 26


Sept 27

Bake Out Sunday

Sept 29-Oct 1

IN Group Fall Colors Trip (See Details Below)

For October: Oct 2

Casting Crowns Concert (See Details Below)

Oct 4

Pastor Shawn will speak in our AM Service

Oct 17-27

Nicaragua Missions Trip

Oct 18

Pastor Shawn’s Instillation Service (10:00 am)

Oct 30

Fred October (Youth Outreach) NazzJazz Concert (7:30 pm)

Oct 31

Trunk or Treat

Sunday School Location Changes Effective this Sunday, we have 3 Sunday School classes that will be changing locations: •

In His Steps - Ron Williams’s class: will meet in Room 200N

The Edge - Lee & Kathy Zaker’s class: will meet in the Cry Room

The College Class - Mike Christensen’s class will meet in the Adult Education Pastor’s office (Randy Smith’s office)

News Update timely news for the congregation... Sad News Dear Friends, I just received news that one of our former staff members passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 9. Pastor Wellman, with his genius for hiring the right person, hired this very unlikely candidate, Jim Middleton—a mortician by profession—as Bus Minister of our church at 2000 S Milwaukee. Jim-- tall, lanky, red-haired, reserved, with a rarely-coaxed-but-worth-the-wait Dennis-the-Menace smile—brought in over 400 children each Sunday on 11 buses. Given that many of those children are serving the Lord today in churches in the Denver metro area as well as in various parts of the country, his ministry has cast a long shadow of influence. A memorial service will be held in Jim’s honor on Monday, Sept. 14, at 1pm, at the Cloverdale Church of God, 5705 W Louisiana Ave, Lakewood, CO. Our prayers are being raised in support of his wife Marge, and his sons, Mark and Martin.

Casting Crowns/Matt Redman Concert October 2nd – Casting Crowns “Until the Whole World Hears Tour” will be at DFC at 7:00 pm. Tickets are on sale in the DFC Bookstore or at Mardels. Artist Circle: $50 (in advance) and General Admission: $30.00 (in advance). Women of Faith Conference Women of Faith conference will be September 25 & 26 at the Pepsi Center. Contact Elsie Ellison at 303/806-0248 to purchase tickets. The special musical guest will be Steven Curtis Chapman. I.N. Group Fall Colors Trip All Adults Welcome! Sept 29-Oct 1 (two overnights) will include the Cumbres & Toltec Steam Train between Antonito, CO and Chama, NM and 1st class accommodations at the “Inn of the Rio Grande Hotel.” Limit 50 people. Details at the IN Group Booth. Deadline to register and pay is Sunday, September 13.

News Update timely news for the congregation... Dear Members, Guests and Friends of Children in Denver First Church of the Nazarene, This is written to update you regarding expectations and planning in Denver First Church of the Nazarene (DFC) related to HI NI virus (Swine Flu) concerns. What follows is current guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Tri County Health. We hope that this letter will help address any concerns that you have. We are asking for your help in making sure that our children are healthy when they attend church and related activities and that they stay home when they are sick. Health authorities are predicting that more people will likely become ill from the HI NI virus (swine flu) than in a typical influenza season. In light of this, direction from Tri County Health and CDC is for a child to be kept at home if they have symptoms of influenza-like illness such as a fever, cough and/or sore throat. Keep your child at home for at least 24 hours after their fever is gone without fever reducing medications. A fever is defined as 100° F. If a child comes to church or related activities with these symptoms, the parents will be contacted to pick up their child and we will attempt to keep your child apart from others until they can be picked up and then should remain at home as described above. If you have any concerns about your child's health, please consult your medical provider. Flu spreads easily. If you suspect your child is getting the flu, it is important that he/she does not attend church or related church activities or go anywhere else-such as the mall, activities with other children or adults, or sporting events-where other people would be exposed to flu germs. It is also important to teach your child how to reduce their risk of getting the flu and protect others from infection. Please be sure your child knows to: •

Clean hands frequently. Washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is ideal.

Use hand sanitizer if hand washing facilities are unavailable. Gels, rubs, and hand wipes all work well, as long as they contain at least 60% alcohol.

Cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or by coughing into the inside of the elbow. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not your hands!

Teach these healthy habits by setting a good example and always doing them yourself.

As a church we take health, safety and well being of our children, staff and volunteers very seriously. Let's all work together to implement the above guidelines to the greatest extent possible. Thank you. Sincerely, Rich Cantwell, DFC Business Administrator

News Update timely news for the congregation...

Have you ever been lost in the seasonal section of Target when shelves are filled with school supplies and the aisles are filled with eager students selecting everything needed for a successful school year? The excitement is contagious. The potential is endless. And so it is for our DFC kids. This Sunday, as we gather on “Back to Church Day”, each person, including our children, will be encouraged to “get plugged in.” There are so many options that all are sure to find a place to flourish. Here’s what takes place on Sundays: Preschool Department Sunday Morning Programming 9:00 AM – 11:45 AM Bell Choir

8:45 AM – 9:15 AM

Preschool Singing

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Grades One – Four Sunday School Children’s Church

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 10: 00 AM – 11:45 AM

Christmas Musical Rehearsals

starting September 20 at 6 PM


starting September 20 at 6 PM

Grades Five & Six Sunday School

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Christian Education & Worship 10: 00 AM – 11:45 AM Puppet Team

starting September 20 at 5 PM


starting September 20 at 5 PM Continued on next page...

News Update timely news for the congregation... Here’s what takes place on Wednesday Evenings: Preschool Peak to Peak

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Rainbow Promise

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Grades One – Four Bible Blast

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Grades Five & Six Survival Training

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

The Children’s Department will have a display set up during the “Kickoff Sunday” picnic. This is where parents can pick up flyers and learn about each one of these program opportunities. It is also a place where potential volunteers can sign up and “get plugged in”. See you there!

Sincerely, Susan Foster

News Update how you can help... If you have a car that you would like to donate to the church, we have a person that has an urgent need for transportation. If you would like to donate your car, please call Rich Cantwell in our Business Office at 303/806-2603. The DFC Pantry is still running low on a few essentials. If you are able, please donate soup (variety needed), pasta (all kinds), spaghetti sauce, tuna and canned salmon, vegetables (other than corn and green beans) and oatmeal. We also are r|unning low on paper goods and diapers (all sizes) and personal care products (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc.) You can drop donations off at the Reception Desk or at the Missions Booth any time. This Sunday is a great opportunity for us to focus on “preferring others” (a favorite topic of Dr. Bob’s). If all the regular attenders could park further away from the building, we can give the more preferred parking to our guests. Parking is available along Jefferson Ave. and west of Monroe St. We would also appreciate it if everyone would please be respectful of the handicapped parking and visitor parking spaces. A Final Word Bent and bowed, there she was again, in line at the front of the church, giving her offering. Her offering was always wrapped in a corner of her handkerchief, tightly wound. It could only have been some coins, I imagined. What difference could it make? I never understood her. She was a widow. She didn’t have much of a life. She milked a few cows. She came to church. She helped in the background. She was never in the spotlight. And yet she radiated. Minnie Voigt. Years later, I learned who she was. She was a tough little woman who rose very early every morning without complaint and milked those cows. She hauled the five-gallon milk containers out to the road —by hand—for the dairymen to pick up. Her arms were veined like a road map. This little lady was the heart of the Nazarene Church. She represented the faceless and unnamed people for whom selfless sacrificial giving was a way of life. And out of the corner of tightly wound handkerchiefs the work of missions was born and sustained. What does that look like for us today? To what field of sacrificial giving or selfless service is the Spirit calling you today? As a people, can we obey boldly, can we give hilariously, and rejoice in our gift being unseen and unknown? May the Kingdom of our Lord be expanded through your service to Him…today. Randy Smith

Calendar of Events September 13-19 Sunday, September 13: 8:00 am:

Praise Team Sound Check

8:30 am:

Choir & Orchestra Sound Check

Wednesday, September 16 (continued): 6:30 pm:

Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

Youth Prayer Time 9:00 am:

Sunday School (all ages)

Choir Rehearsal

Nursery & Preschool open 10:30 am:

Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202)

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Youth Worship Service (Rock Room)

Nursery available

MASH Men’s Bible Study (West Diehl Chapel)

1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship 1:30 pm:

Missions Council (Community Room)

4:30 pm:

Military Support Group (Room 201)

5:00 pm:

Baptism Class (Room 200)

6:00 pm:

Traditions Service (Diehl Chapel)

Children’s Activities (all ages) Thursday, September 17: 8:30 am:

MOPS Steering Committee

6:15 pm:

Praise Team Vocals & Rhythm

7:00 pm:

Praise Teams & Choir Orchestra

Monday, September 14: 9:30 am: 6:30 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room) Caregivers Support Group (Community Room)

Friday, September 18: 5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (Fellowship Hall)

Tuesday, September 15: 7:00 am:

Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

9:00 am:

Women of the Word Leaders (Community Room)

9:30 am:

Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

7:00 pm:

Prophesy Bible Study - Bereans (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, September 16: 4:30 pm:

Hang Time in the Youth Café

5:00 pm:

Women of the Word Leaders (Community Room)

6:00 pm:

Youth Accountability Class

6:15 pm:

Nursery Open (ages 2 and under)

Wednesday Night Prayer (Community Room)

Divorce Care (Community Room) Saturday, September 19: 7:00 am:

Men at Prayer (Community Room) Ladies Prayer Walk (DFC Parking Lot)

9:00 am:

NMI Council Meeting (Community Room)

5:00 pm:

MASH Class Potluck (Fellowship Hall)

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