Asis Newsletter September 2009

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  • Words: 1,672
  • Pages: 5

Baltimore ASIS reaches a milestone


2009 review of speakers


Security and Police Awards Ceremony


Scholarship Winners


Golf Outing


Chairman’s Corner

The RAVEN Report V O L U M E

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ASIS Baltimore celebrates 50 years! The Baltimore Chapter #036 recently received outstanding news from the ASIS President Michael R. Cummings, CPP. On behalf of the ASIS International Board of Directors, the ASIS membership and headquarters staff, I would like to congratulate the Baltimore Chapter on its fiftieth anniversary. The Baltimore Chapter has joined a select group of ASIS Chapters in existence for over fifty years.

of ASIS International.

Baltimore Skyline at Night

Involvement of the membership at the Chapter level is a vital factor in the success of any society. The hard work and dedication the Baltimore Chapter leadership and membership has exhibited over the past fifty years is a shining example of this essential driving force behind the success

Speakers in Review January


Major Bodway

Eric Koutch

Importance of Upholding a professional image within Public Safety.

The World of Security Systems



Major Jeffrey M. Kaslin

Renee Murrell

Automated Critical Asset Management System Training Initiatives (ACAMS)

Federal Bureau of Investigation Victim/Witness Program

Please accept an honorary “50th Anniversary Charter” to commemorate this momentous occasion. In addition to the charter, please accept a “Chapter Historical Information Report” containing a breakdown of the current Chapter membership, a list of original officers, a list of awards the Chapter received over the past fifty years, and additional historical material regarding the Chapter that was available to headquarters staff.



Speakers Review cont. May


Detective Paul Ciepela

Dr. Dennis Seymour, PhD

Gang Awareness

Dean School of Justice Community College of Baltimore County


Ms Kathleen Henning, MA, CEM Introduction/Overview/ Partnership with the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)

Police Officer of the Year Award—$400.00 Detective Matthew Walsh is a 19 year veteran of the police department and has worked in Investigative Units such as Robbery, Homicide and Vice/ Narcotics. From the onset of his start in homicide, he has delivered exemplary results. In early February 2008 procured the

confession of Nicholas Browning convicted of murdering his family. In May of the same year, Walsh viewed hours of video tape in an attempt to catch a fleeing robber who stabbed a man at a gas station. He was able to not only find the assailant, but also identify an eye witness who knew him. The perpetrator was found, arrested and confessed to the crime. Throughout the remaining

month of 2008, Walsh was directly involved in various investigations involving acts of homicide. In December alone he was personally handling a murder case involving the deaths of 9 people as well as responding to the suspicious death of 5 children/infant. Walsh is one of 2 trainers in cell phone record analysis. He is viewed as a passionate person and is truly deserving of the award.

Security Officer of the Year Award—$400.00 Morris Dyer works for Mercy Medical Center where he is employed as a security officer. On an evening in February 2008 the hospital received a high profile visitor. The guest was Lamar Harris whom is a convicted felon serving T HE



a life sentence for murder. He was being guarded by four correctional officers during this time. Officer Dyer was summoned to escort the party to their vehicle. Upon returning from reviewing where the vehicle was placed, Officer Dyer was confronted with Lamar running from custody. He instinctively tackled and subdued Lamar until the correctional officers

could assist. Officer Dyer received the McAultey Platinum Award from Mercy Hospital for stellar performance. He was also recognized by the Maryland Division of Corrections receiving the Commissioners' Citation. Finally he received the Meritorious Award from the Maryland IAHSS. What a proud day!



Exceptional Performance Award—$200.00 Detective Frederick Carter, Jr. Assigned to the DHS Division of the Baltimore County Police Department, he has been diligently working on the ACAMS tool which is used by law enforcement to collect and analyze data concerning critical infrastructure.

S/O Andrew Crawford This Crown Security Officer has the responsibility for the daily monitoring of 76 cameras which are established by the Mayor and Baltimore Police to maintain a vigilance over the State of Maryland's critical Infrastructure. He has been a key component to the detection and apprehension of 319 individuals.

Upon extensive training he received from the DHS, he has prepared numerous briefs for the program to be used by the Baltimore County Police Chief and the Emergency Manager.

“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. John F Kennedy

Crime Prevention Award—$200.00 Detective Brendan Shaffer A member of the MTA, this detective has initiated 77 criminal investigations at BWI, 3 at Tunnel Command, 21 Warrant/Summons, 15 Warrants From other Agency, 1 Federal Warrant, 2 criminal citations, 12 criminal arrests and has seized almost $50K in U.S. Currency.




S/O Solomon Fomuso This Securitas Officer, in his 3rd week of employment foiled an attack of a patron within a parking garage. His diligent efforts and quick attention to detail enabled him to deliver precise descriptions of the assailant and his vehicle to responding authorities.






Howard Glashoff III Award—$200.00 and Special Recognition Award—$100.00 Police Officer Mindy Levin

Security Supervisor Ms. Jerree Pratt

Her dedication and passion to the Police Athletic League for the past 6 years does not go unnoticed.

This AlliedBarton Supervisor has demonstrated herself as a true professional in the field of contract security and holds her subordinates to the same high standards.

She has a strong reputation with the members and parents and has conducted endless networking missions with local organizations to obtain needed donations. She plans lessons, field trips, and events at the center. She holds countless functions to promote parent/ guardian participation.

She has the ultimate responsibility for over-seeing all calls for service that involve security issues for over 150 Provident Bank branches.

Her commitment and dedication to the job is nothing short of exceptional

Scholarships Winners—$1000.00

“Principles are deep fundamental truths...lightly interwoven threads running with

Beth Watson is a graduate from CCBC where she has achieved her AA in Criminal Justice Studies. She is continuing her studies towards achieving her Bachelors and has aspirations of getting her Master. Your dedication and commitment to the security profession is commendable and you should be proud.

““It is today we create the world of the future” Eleanor Roosevelt

Jacqueline Carter will be attending Towson University in Baltimore Maryland. She will be pursuing her BA in Criminal Justice. Upon completion of her first course within the field, Jacqueline will receive her scholarship money to use at her discretion. We wish Jacqueline the best of luck and look forward to seeing her grow professionally.

Golf Outing Our 1st annual golf tournament which will be co-sponsored with Metro Crime Stoppers will be held on October 7, 2009. Location: Oakmont Green, 2290 Golfview Lane, Hampstead, MD 21074.

We hope we can have a great turnout as the proceeds from this event will be used for the Scholarship Fund and Metro Crime Stoppers crime tips.



exactness, consistency, beauty and strength through the fabric of life. Steven Covey


We are seeking the next Scholarship Winners

Whether you are new to the field of Security and Law Enforcement or you are a seasoned professional, there is always a need to further develop our expertise. You may choose to embark on a college degree or enhance your skills with an ASIS Course. Regardless of what you chose, we want to give you the opportunity to receive financial assistance from the Baltimore Chapter to collectively celebrate your success. The next scholarship program is underway and the deadline for applications is November 15, 2009. Please fill out the application and remit to your Education Chair immediately. The quest for knowledge is the pathway to a greater appreciation of your career.

Chairman’s Corner Dear Members: As we approach the eighth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks I reflect on the changes in our industry and our personal lives. I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news of the attacks. I remember the feeling that rushed over me and the thoughts of protecting my loved ones and our great country. I remember thinking that my children would not have the opportunity to grow up with the same feeling of safety and security that I had known. I knew that from that day forward the way we looked at the world would have to change. My concern as of late is that we have become complacent and too many have forgotten the supreme sacrifice that so many have made for our freedoms. I think of the men and women of the armed

forces, law enforcement, public and private sector HEROES that have worked and continue to work tirelessly to protect us and I remember those that lost their lives that fateful day of September

11, 2001, and all the days since in an effort to protect our freedoms. I hope as the eighth anniversary approaches that each of us take the necessary time to reflect. Please as a sign of unity and remembrance on September 11th and as a way of honoring those that honored us proudly display your American flag at home and the office.. As the leaders in the security industry it is incumbent upon us to remember that the threat is real and that we are responsible for the safety and security of our organizations, a responsibility that needs to remain at the forefront of our minds. Sincerely,

Towers of strength ... design for Ground Zero

Stephen P. Somers, CHS-V, CAS Chapter Chairman Baltimore Chapter ASIS

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