Newsletter - November 22, 2009

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  • Pages: 11
Denver First Church November 22, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Shawn A. Siegfreid Lead Pastor

Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Bob Cheney Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Judy Jones Gregg Moran Gene Rakes Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. A Taste of Christmas 2. news update i. important info… ii. kotchadoingood!” iii. board perspective iv. timely news for the congregation…

v. how you can help… word... 3. calendar of events: November 22-28

News Update Important info... Dear Members and Friends of DFC, As the plane descended Saturday night I looked out the window and all I saw was white. Snow was flying past my airplane window at an estimated 300 miles an hour. I was experiencing my second Denver snowstorm. After a treacherous trip to my hotel, I settled in and realized that Sunday am would be different. We had a big day planned with baptisms to close the service. As I drove in on Sunday morning, I knew that many would choose to stay home. For many that was the right decision and yet I just wished it would have snowed at another time. That was the reality of last week. I was surprised at how many braved the roads and the snow. When we were done last Sunday morning, I had an overwhelming feeling of being thankful; despite the storm, God had given us a good day. God is so good to us! As we look toward this Sunday and this next week of Thanksgiving let us count our blessings. Despite the storms God still blesses us! In the attitude of thanksgiving we will receive our 2009 Thanksgiving offering beginning this Sunday. Our goal is $75,000. I believe we can reach this goal if we remember how God has blessed us and remember that this money goes to the mission of Jesus! I believe those who sow generously will be blessed generously! Whether it snows or the sun shines, God will always bless those who seek Him. I am praying for an awesome Sunday service! I am looking forward to delivering the Fifth and final “Foundation of Faith” sermon. Please be with us and please bring a friend! I am thankful for your partnership in reaching our world for Christ! God Bless! Pastor Shawn A. Siegfreid Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. Navajo Shoebox Mission Trip

Nazz Jazz Finale Concert

Thanksgiving Break

“Three Nights in Bethlehem”

Tennyson Center Ministry

“A Night of Hope”

Single’s Christmas Party

ACH Giving

First Edition Bookstore

DFC Pantry

Youth Gift Card Sales Today’s email will cover the following topics: “Kotchadoingood!”, Board Perspective, Timely News for the Congregation and How You Can Help

News Update “kotchadoingood!”

Navajo Shoebox Christmas Thanks to all who took a shoebox to fill for the Navajo! There are no boxes left! That means that when everyone brings their boxes back this Sunday, we will be able to build a huge wall of gifts to give to those in need. Way to go! If you would still like to participate, fill your own shoebox-sized box with age-appropriate items. Wrap it well with tape and a note on the box that includes the gender and age that the gift is for. Tape an envelope to the outside of the box with $5 in it to help pay for delivery.

News Update Board perspective... Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Are you ever embarrassed by the surprise you experience in your spirit when our Father does something He has promised to do? The Church Board met for our monthly meeting on Tuesday, and there is such a spirit of unity present in the meetings of late. We prayed for a common purpose and for a leader who would bring us together under a single focus. Uniting around Him, of course, IS God's will (John 17:20-23). And yet, I must confess a sense of relief and, yes, a little surprise in my heart as I experienced some of the results of our prayers in that meeting. It's neither a lack of belief nor of faith, simply a failure to expect. I hope I can get to that place where I'm so centered in God's will that I am in constant expectation. Because I was out of town last Sunday, I listened to Pastor's message available at the DFC website. I downloaded it to my MP3 player and listened to it multiple times. I kept wondering about letting my light shine before men. I asked myself if there is anything in me that makes me fearful of sharing the truth of Jesus Christ in an unaltered way. Unfortunately, it was a question that didn't take long to answer in the affirmative. While I was, once again, aware of a shyness about really being the kind of witness I long in my spirit to be, the question of "Why?" stayed stuck in my consciousness. Oh, sure, I had my arsenal of canned excuses I always use to make myself feel better about being "cautious" before really sharing my faith. But these brought me no solace from the piercing question I now recognize as being asked by the Holy Spirit. I needed to know why. For me, the answer came in Luke 16:13, which I saw with fresh eyes: "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other,or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Did you catch it? I've always read this with a conclusion that I need to be devoted to God. While that is certainly true, there is a correlated principle Jesus points out, which I've always failed to absorb. I have to love the one and hate the other! Jesus was, in particular, contrasting devotion to God vs. money because he was leveling the remark at the Pharisees. But I think I've always allowed myself to get tangled in that phrase in the past. What I really need to consider is whether I truly HATE anything that conflicts with my love for Him. Perhaps this explains Jesus' shocking statement in Luke 14:26. Could it also explain the pointedness with which He dealt with Peter in Matthew 16:23? I definitely have some work to do in developing an attitude of ruthlessly dealing with anything within myself that competes with God. It seems sure that this is the only way I will ever become that witness I so long to be. Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation... Welcome Mike & Kristen Hull Our new Student Ministries Pastor, Mike Hull, begins on Sunday, November 29th. We are very excited to welcome him and his wife, Kristen. Please introduce yourself to them and help them feel welcome! A Taste of Christmas - Sat., Dec. 5 Tickets are still on sale! Tickets are $12.00. Volunteers are still needed in all areas. See Gay Borrego at the ministry booth near the South Entrance, or email Gay at [email protected] Come join us and start your Christmas season with a beautiful luncheon. Nazz Jazz Finale Concert - Sunday, November 22 This concert, Sunday at 6:00 pm, will be the “Finale” concert for Nazz Jazz and Jerry Nelson prior to his embarking into full-time concert ministry. Bring your friends and hear Nazz Jazz in full stride as you’ve never heard them before. Free admission! Navajo Shoebox Mission Trip Following the AM service this Sunday, November 22, there will be a brief informational meeting about the Navajo Shoebox Mission Trip in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone interested should attend. Then stay to help sort and wrap the shoeboxes! For more info, contact Steve Sanford (303/349-0609) or John Bruneau (303/328-7303). No More Check Writing! The Convenience of ACH Giving! Did you know that you can make your tithe and Faith Promise payments automatically each month? The Business Office can, with your written authorization, request an “ACH transfer” from your bank account to DFC’s bank account. For more info, or to request an authorization form, please contact Karen John in the Business Office at 303/761-8370. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Thanksgiving is next week. Because of the holiday, we have a short work week here at the church and will not send out an E-blast next week.

News Update timely news for the congregation... Calendar November Dates: 11/20-22 Power Surge District Retreat 11/21

IN Group Banquet


No Wednesday Evening Activities


Thanksgiving day - church building closed – no Mission:Denver in November


No DivorceCare or DivorceCare for Kids


Advent Theme: Hope


No evening service - church building closing at 2:00 pm

December Dates: 12/03 Point Loma preview days 12/03-04

A Taste of Christmas preparation


A Taste of Christmas


Advent Theme: Peace


DFC Christmas concert - “A Night of Hope” - 3:00 pm


Bake Out: Bake Sale


Navajo Shoebox trip


Advent Theme: Joy


DFC Children’s Christmas program


Evening Service Special Speaker: Pastor Shawn


No Wednesday Evening Activities


Advent Theme: Love


Christmas Eve service - 5:00 pm


Merry Christmas! - church building closed

January Dates: 1/1

New Year’s Day - church building closed


No evening service - church building closing at 2:00 pm

News Update timely news for the congregation... Kid’s Corner He Holds the Future This week, I had the privilege of attending a Science Fair at a local elementary school. As I listened to these young scientists confidently explain their science projects, my mind seemed to fast forward ten years. Would one among the group someday discover the cure to a disease that ails us today? Might another invent a breakthrough technology? Similar thoughts run through my mind when I listen to our DFC kids converse during Sunday School or participate in worship. Will these children witness to their college roommates? Will others grow up to serve the Lord in developing lands? On Sunday, November 29, 2009, our children will be worshiping alongside our adult congregation. The Bell Choir, Puppet Team, and the Children’s Choirs will be participating in Praise and Worship. The DOGS will be assisting our ushers in collecting the offering. We will also have two 6th graders singing with the Worship Team. Then, on Sunday, December 13, 2009, our children will be leading in worship as they share the Christmas story through a musical called “Mystery of the Manger”. Joining in worship with our children on these upcoming Sundays will surely give us the opportunity to listen to their hearts and be reminded of their potential. God is working in the lives of our DFC kids. He is using them, and will continue to use them, to further His kingdom. Sincerely, Susan Foster

News Update how you can help... Pantry - Our Cupboards are Bare! Just this week alone, we have had 9 families come to the DFC Pantry for food. If we count each person in those 9 households, that means we have helped feed 26 people this week. We depend on your contributions to help those in need. If you are able, please donate non-perishable food, hygiene and paper goods to the Pantry. Right now, we are running low on everything including, oatmeal, canned salmon, peanut butter, canned veggies and soup, tomato paste, spaghetti sauce, crackers, toothpaste, soap, shampoo and all sizes of diapers. We truly appreciate your donations. Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets If you would like to help distribute the Thanksgiving baskets this year, please call Randy Smith’s office at 303/806-2625. These baskets are filled with food for families in need. Preparation was on November 18th and delivery will be on Sunday, November 22. We are anticipating putting together similar baskets at Christmas time. If you know of a family in need, or would like to assemble or distribute these baskets, please call Randy’s office. Thanksgiving Offering There are few times in recent memory that your staff can recall greater demands on the church pantry than we experienced in the past 90 days. This is reflective of the time we are in. Historically, it is in such times that believers have stepped up and have given sacrificially to those who are in greater need. Our world is in need all around us. The Church of the Nazarene is on the front lines internationally reaching girls and boys, adults—people of all ages—for the cause of Christ. Pray specifically about what the Lord would have you give. And then give—as an act of worship to Him—from a joyous, grateful heart. We will be collecting our Thanksgiving Offering for Others this Sunday. Our goal is $75,000.

News Update how you can help... Urgent Need A member of DFC in chronic pain is in need of a Certified Nursing Assistant for the next two weeks. Please call the Randy Smith’s office (303/806-2625) if you qualify for this area of service. A Taste of Christmas - Saturday, December 5th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Gentlemen, you are invited to be a participant this year for A Taste of Christmas! As in years past, we are relying on you to help serve food and beverages and to fill in where extra hands are needed (before, during and after the event). Please let Cheryl Gallentine know if you would be interested in helping ([email protected] or 303/795-0500). Decorating for Christmas Christmas decorating here at DFC started on Thursday, November 19th. It continues today and through the weekend. If you would like to help, please stop by and lend a hand! Thanks so much to Dixie Whittaker and Linda Jackson for heading up and organizing this huge project! Naz Car The “Naz Car” ministry will be helping the church repair donor cars to be given to the needy. We need people who have skills to join us! We also will be teaching the next generation about cars. We are accomplishing this by building a drag car. We need an older, full frame car. Some suggested cars are Nova, Camaro, Firebird, Vega, etc. Contact Bob Davis if you can help. 303-916-5206

News Update final word…. The streets were slushy and borderline icy, the temperature, a few degrees below what was comfortable for most. The Sunday night crowd reflected the inconvenient conditions of the November night. Still, those who ventured out were rewarded with a unique worship experience. Sunday night’s service was led by Keith and Tina Weber. Throughout the evening, between music either led by Tina or featuring her singing one of the songs she has written, Keith unfolded the compelling story of how God allowed him to minister to “J,” one of Keith’s customers. A non-believer, a former social worker whose pastime was interior decorating, “J” was a homosexual man confined to his home with a terminal illness. Far from an exercise in spiritual chest-pounding, Keith, with humility, disclosed how the Lord kept him from preaching to “J,” and instead encouraged him to love the man through his days of decline. “J” accepted the Lord’s gift of salvation within three days of his passing. Keith’s was a testimony of God’s love, compassion, and grace, delivered in a spirit of brokenness. I can think of times when I clumsily filled awkward spaces of silence with words— words that rang as empty as the sound of tinkling cymbals. Sometimes, the Lord’s louder, clearer witness is conveyed through our obedient silence. May we be attentive to His direction in our lives…today. Randy Smith

Calendar of Events November 22-28 Monday, November 23:

Sunday, November 22: 8:00 am:

Praise Team Sound Check (Sanctuary)

8:30 am:

Choir & Orchestra Sound Check (Sanctuary)

9:00 am:

Sunday School (all ages)

10:30 am:

Nursery & Preschool open

6:00 pm:

Student Outreach Night

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary)

7:00 pm:

Bereans Prophesy Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, November 25: 6:30 pm:

1:00 pm:

Youth Return from Power Surge

4:30 pm:

Quizzing for Blue Level - 4th - 6th Grade (GL Room # 14) Children’s Committee Meeting (Community Room) Puppet Practice (5th & 6th Grade) (Room 12) Bible Quizzing - Blue Level 4th - 6th Grade (Room 14) Nazz Jazz Finale Concert (Sanctuary)

Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202)

Thursday, November 26:

Shoebox Sorting (Fellowship Hall) The Refuge Leadership Meeting (GL Fellowship Hall)

6:00 pm:

Tuesday, November 24: Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship

5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

7:00 am:

Nursery available

12:00 pm:

9:40 am:

Happy Thanksgiving (Church Building Closed) Friday, November 27: 5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (GL Fellowship Hall)

Saturday, November 28: 7:00 am:

Men at Prayer (Community Room) Ladies Prayer Walk (Parking Lot)

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