Newsdragon - August 2008

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NewsDragon Volume 56, Issue 8

2008 Executive Committee Lily Fung President Shirley Lam Chairman

Dragon Boat! Saturday, August 23rd & Sunday, August 24th An HCJ Signature Project & a great local Chinese cultural event – don’t miss out on this colorful weekend of boats, racing and fun. We need your help with all aspects of the races. Come on out, be a part of this one-of-a-kind time and lend a helping hand. Call President Lily @ 783-1369 and find out where & how you can get involved. __________________________________

Kathy Kam Exec Vice President

Healthy Baby Contest! What’s better than 1 big Signature Project? Why that would be 2 Signature Projects! The big Healthy Baby Contest starts up Saturday, Sept 6th at Pearlridge (Downtown). We need people there starting at 8:30AM for all 3 Saturdays of Healthy Baby.

Jonathan Cook Corr. Secretary Ana Che Treasurer Duc Nguyen Director

/ August 2008

The next Saturday, Sept 13th, we do it again at Ala Moana Center Stage. Setup there also starts at 8:30AM. The Finals follow the very next week, Saturday, Sept 20th. The place: Ala Moana Center Stage once more to find out who the 2008 Meadow Gold Healthy Baby will be!

Deanne Morimoto Director


Jesse Hosaka Webmaster Thayer Goya Advisor

See Page 6!

Friday, Sept 5th @ HASR, 5PM 31 N Pauahi St

______________________________________________________________________________ Message from President.…………………………………………………………………………………. 2 Farrell’s Birthday Bash Recap.…………………………………………………………….…………..… 4 HCJ Bowling League!……………………………………………...……………………………………… 6 Beef Stew Recap & Convention Info……………..……………………………………………………... 8 Pictures!………………….…………………………………………………….…………………………… 9

Message From The President Hola Mi Amigos, For the MDA Beef Stew Concert at the Bishop Museum, we had an easy job as security and enjoyed the entertainment. Mahalo to John Cummings for coordinating the volunteers and to Kathy Kam for her help as well. For the Summer Birthday Blast at Farrell’s, we celebrated 6 birthdays and fun with the group activities that was coordinated by the employees. Our ears were ringing from the musical instruments that announced a person’s birthday. Thanks to our members, members from Manoa Jaycees, Hawaii Jaycees officers, and guests who were in attendance. Stay tuned for the 2nd half of year birthday celebration. For the 1st Wine Tasting at HASR Wine Co., we had the opportunity to sample wines from Swanson Vineyards. Congratulations to Carrie Azama for being the winner and gracias for Jon Cook in the coordination of the venue. The next wine tasting will be on September 5 at HASR Wine Co. The 12th Annual Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated each year. The festival began in China as an occasion for driving off evil spirits and pestilence, and for finding peace in one's life. The event is highlighted by the colorful dragon boat races, in which competing teams drive their canoes forward to the rhythm of pounding drums. This year's festival is scheduled for August 23 & 24, 2008 and will feature local racing teams as well as groups from Australia, China, New Zealand, and the mainland. The weekend celebration includes a carnival, street vendors, music and fun! We need your kokua as timekeepers for Diamond and Ewa End of Ala Moana Beach Park. 2nd Trimester Convention is hosted by Honolulu Filipino JCC and is September 12 to 14 at Ala Moana Hotel. If for the Friday Night Social, there will be a viewing of the winner of the Flashback 80’s video and food. At Saturday Dinner, there will be awards and entertainment. If you are interested in attending, let Ana Che know so she can sign you up. Healthy Baby Contest is up for September 6 Prelim at Pearlridge Downtown, 13th Prelim at Ala Moana Shopping Center, and 20th Finals at Ala Moana Shopping Center. Ken Sum needs your help with runners, tabulations, registration, walk in registration, passing out goodie bags, & milk to contestants, staging. Speaking of September Birthdays, let us send Happy Birthday greetings to Stephanie Hirata. Anyone interested in bowling let us know because we may be able to play at Waialae Bowl when it opens later this year. We would like you to invite your friends to come out to our upcoming events. Sincerely, Lily Fung 57th President, “Awakening The Dragon” Phone: 783-1369 Email: [email protected]

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NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 8

Message From The Vice President Fellow Honolulu Chinese Jaycees and Friends, Thank you to all of you for coming out to help with the Beef Stew Concert at Bishop Museum. Special thanks go out to John Cummings for being our liaison with the MDA. The best part was we all had free dinner (Beef Stew). I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. Thanks again. Our next big event is the Dragon Boat Races at Ala Moana Beach park we will need lots of help with timing and runners. The Dragon boat is for 2 days starting on Saturday, August 23 and ending on Sunday, August 24th. Time is TBA. Our General Membership Meeting is on Tuesday, August 19th at Moili'ili Community Center at 7:00pm. We’ll be having a guest speaker: Kelfred Chang, He’ll be going over the Dragon Boat Races. For those of you interested in going to the Kalaupapa Home Beautification, the money is due now to John Cummings. It's open to all HCJ Members. We will be flying up to Kalaupapa to help paint and clean old homes. The dates are from October 17 to 20th. Call/email Lily Fung or myself. If you are interested you will also need to fill out the medical forms. Let us know ASAP. Thank you, Forever in Jaycees, Kathy Kam 2008 Executive Vice President The Honolulu Chinese Jaycees Email: [email protected]

Honolulu Chinese Jaycees Interested in joining HCJ? Contact us!

Mail: Honolulu Chinese Jaycees, P.O. Box 957, Honolulu, Hawaii 96808 Email:

[email protected] |

Tel: (808) 783-1369

Online: / Facebook: Search ‘Honolulu Chinese Jaycees’ Web Site: Page 3

NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 8

Farrell’s Birthday Bash If you’ve never seen an entire restaurant get up and shake their moneymakers, you owe it to yourself to get down to Farrell’s. Pronto. Along with all of this, our tables were also treated to magic tricks and balloon animals by 2 wandering magicians. I’ll pause here while you fill in your own joke about how we did our own magic trick: making the ice cream disappear. (Yuk Yuk!) For Island baby boomers and Gen Xers, the old Farrell’s was THE place to go for birthdays. But, like a lot of local businesses, it shut its doors back in the day. Lucky for us, it’s back and better than ever!

The Zoo Makes Its Entrance The climax to our night came with the delivery of our ice cream ‘Zoo’, brought in on a stretcher, The Zoo was run around the room before finally making it to our table(s) in true Farrell’s fashion.

Our chapter experienced this firsthand when we celebrated our January to June birthdays. The HCJ group was a large one – proof that the Farrell’s name is Most of our birthday boys and girls were too shy to still a draw in Hawaii. HCJ-ers and guests took up 4 stand up and be serenaded by the Farrell’s staff. However, tables, all filled to capacity! Ana Che and Lily Fung represented us well by taking a bow for all. Before leaving we posed for a group photo, happy and content after an evening of fun and friendship. All you July to December Birthday people, get ready. You’ve got a lot to look forward to!

Group Members Participating In Song & Dance

Dinner was ordered and, as good as it was, it took a back seat to the constant entertainment. Our party was lucky (?) enough to be seated right beside the drum, bell & siren setup. These went off every 2 minutes to announce a birthday or that someone had ordered a big ice cream dish. HCJ Busts A Move Happy Birthday To Our Members & Friends: In between those occasions the room was led in mass ‘sing & dance alongs’.

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John Cummings, Jennifer Oshiro, Wes Kam, Kathy Kam, Lily Fung, Ana Che, Ken Sum, Lindley Low, Joyce Oshiro, Wayne Oshiro

NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 8

First Monthly Wine Tasting Recap And the winner was….Carrie Azama! Carrie used her winning to get a bottle from that evening’s featured vineyard – and even got her bottle signed by the Swanson winery owner! The Party Moves On

Johnny & His Angels at HASR The 1st Monthly Wine Tasting outing went fine. The End.

Like most local events, this one moved on to a joint meal at a Chinatown restaurant (Yes, Chinese food.). Daniel Cheung showed his skills in speaking Cantonese, ordering fluently from the waitress. Your editor used the haole method: pointing at the menu entry we wanted.

Your NewsDragon wouldn’t leave you hanging like that! Let’s join the action in progress: President Lily Fung and member Daniel Cheung were the first to arrive at HASR, quickly joined by Jon Cook and HCJ power couple Wes & Kathy Kam. The final piece to our puzzle was the arrival of prospective member Vicky Zhang. We proceeded in to find the wine tasting already in progress. The friendly staff was quick to get us glasses and we were on our way. Wes Kam’s Wine Tips

HCJ Group With Swanson Winery Owner (Center)

We were given a variety of wines, both red and white, Talk turned to where to get the best manapua and to try out. All were from the Swanson vineyards in other good food around the Island. Eddie Kam regaled California. us by explaining why casino stocks aren’t good buys right now. If you know Eddie, this is surprising as he Wes Kam gave out valuable tips including: puts a lot of his money into casinos. Just not through the - breathing in while tasting to get the full flavor stock market. - how to properly smell the wine & - how to make your own wine from grape juice & A great time and, best of all, we’re doing it again: Rebel Yell Next Wine Tasting Outing: Eddie Kam came by along with new member Carrie Friday, September 5th – 5PM to 7PM Azama. This was Carrie’s debut event with HCJ and it HASR (In Chinatown) was a lucky one for her, as you’ll see. Stick Around for 1st Friday As promised, our members drew slips of paper, one of which was the Winning ticket for a bottle of wine!

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NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 8

July GMM & HCJ Bowling League The HCJ July GMM played to a packed house. The reason? John Cumming’s presentation on the upcoming Kalaupapa Trip. Longtime members will recall that John led an HCJ team 5 years ago to Kalaupapa that was a great success. John brought an informative and engrossing presentation on the fascinating history of Kalaupapa, its current state as a National Park and the coming trip over there. Especially interesting, and affecting, was a story from John’s own family. When John’s father was in school, the police came and took one of his friends for relocation to Kalaupapa. His father never saw his friend again. Kalaiwa Goo, the ranger in charge of Kalaupapa, took the floor afterward to tell a little more about the area and answer questions. As an interesting aside, he is related to HCJ Godfather, Gordon Goo. The remainder of the meeting took place after a 10-minute break, encompassing chapter business and the upcoming projects, including the Dragon Boat Races and the Healthy Baby Contest. The meeting adjourned for food and fellowship, but one more high point was yet to come: new HCJ member Emily Cheung was formally sworn in! Welcome to the chapter, Emily! John Cummings & Kalaiwa Goo [Next GMM: Tuesday, September 16th, 7PM @ Moiliili Community Center]

HCJ Bowling League: Your RSVP ASAP! We’re in the process of reviving the HCJ Bowling League. We would use the renovated Waialae Bowl when it re-opens later this year. As you may have heard, Waialae will be back in business after going through a $1 Milllion+ renovation. What do we need from you? Your RSVP as an interested bowler. We need to get a list of people interested because we must get the league assembled to reserve our space on Waialae’s calendar. Without bowlers, we can’t move forward and other leagues will take our place. That means no bowling for us. Call/email Jon and let him know you’re interested in being in the league. We’ll give you details on cost, etc. as soon as we have them. As of now, our scheduled day/time would be Wednesday evenings, 7PM. That may change. If it helps, the new Waialae Bowl will be serving both food and beer. The league is open to Roosters. It will also be open to Non-Members, though they may have a higher fee. Pass the word around and let Jon know ASAP! Contact: Jon Cook - 342-2737 or [email protected]

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NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 8

Beef Stew Recap & Convention Info When HCJ Rooster John Cummings needed help with an event, he knew exactly who to call: his buddies at Oahu Civil Defense. But they were busy. So he asked his old chapter friends at HCJ to provide manpower for the MDA Beef Stew Fundraiser. We gladly accepted. The MDA Beef Stew event took place on Saturday, July 19th at Bishop Museum. In addition to the Beef Stew, entertainment was offered through great music from local bands and hula by some very talented halaus. Our team took on the task of providing security and support wherever needed on the site. HCJers did everything from watching the entrances to keeping an eye on the bathrooms. There wasn’t going to be any funny business while the Chinese Jaycees were on the job. All agreed the highlight of the evening came when our chapter members were rewarded with tickets to actually get some of the fabled Beef Stew. If there are foods that an entire event can be based on, this beef stew was one of them. Our mahalo(s) to John Cummings for including us in a great event and our best to MDA and the work they do!

2nd Trimester Convention Info Registration: $10 *After Sept 2: $15 Saturday Training & Lunch: $40 [Non-Jaycees: $60]

Dinner: $55 Friday Social: $25 Early Bird (By Aug 15): $95 Regular Package: $100 [Aug. 16 - Sept. 2]

Payments to be made to the: Honolulu Filipino Junior Chamber of Commerce (HFJCC) Mail Check & Registration to: P.O. Box 29514 Honolulu, HI 96820 Attn: State Convention __________________________________ EARLY BIRD Registration Deadline: Friday, August 15, 2008 Regular Registration Deadline: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 (After Sept 2 – Ala Carte only) Early Bird & Regular Packages available only to Jaycees HOTEL RESERVATION SHOULD BE MADE DIRECTLY WITH ALA MOANA HOTEL [Request Kamaaina Rates, first come first served]

If you have any questions, please contact Shelly at (808) 352-8228 or e-mail [email protected] or Bobby at (808) 990-6510 or email [email protected]

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2nd Trimester Convention Flyer

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Picture Page

Daniel & Andrew: You Like Beef?

Carrie Azama Shows Off Prize Wine Bottle

Farrell’s Group Laughs It Up

Kathy Takes A Ride With Friend Lelet Tsuda

Pick Your Favorite Face From The Lineup Party Animal Gary Wong

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NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 8

HCJ Schedule of Events – AUGUST / SEPT 2008 Wednesday, August 20th

Healthy Baby Goody-Bag Stuffing Sum's Auto Center, 1927 Home Rule Street 6:30PM Contact: Ken Sum, 330-0486

Sunday, September 7th

CPG Book Judging MCC, Room 301

September 13th & 20th Sat., August 23rd & Sun., August 24th

Dragon Boat Festival Need Volunteers: Call Kathy @ 271-0016

Friday, September 5th

Monthly Wine Tasting Outing HASR, 31 N Pauahi St

Healthy Baby Contest, 2nd Round & Finals Ala Moana Center Stage 8:30 AM

September 12th to 14th 2nd Trimester Convention Ala Moana Hotel


Saturday, September 6th

Healthy Baby Contest, 1st Round Pearlridge, Downtown 8:30 AM

Stay tuned for announcements on activities, projects & sports! Look for HCJ emails and check our website:

Honolulu Chinese Jaycees PO Box 957 Honolulu, HI 96808

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