Newsdragon - October 2008

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NewsDragon Volume 56, Issue 10 / October 2008

2008 Executive Committee

Kalaupapa, Here We Come!

Lily Fung President Shirley Lam Chairman Kathy Kam Exec Vice President Jonathan Cook Corr. Secretary Ana Che Treasurer Duc Nguyen Director Deanne Morimoto Director Jesse Hosaka Webmaster Thayer Goya Advisor

By the time you read this, we will have returned from our trip to Kalaupapa. But, there won’t be enough time to cover it in this issue. Still, we want you to know we’re going there once again, led by John Cummings. John has led service trips over there for 20 years now. It’s a solid record of his dedication, labor and love. It’s also an opportunity for HCJ members to share that and experience a special side of Hawaii that very few do today. It’s an honor for HCJ to be a part of it, so much Mahalo, John! We’ll be painting houses and other settlement buildings, doing beach cleanup, fence repair and other tasks as needed. We hope our work will contribute a little to the life of that unique community. And don’t worry – you’ll hear all about it when we’re back!

HCJ Halloween Party! Ken Sum is hosting our 1st Annual Halloween Party at his HQ on Home Rule St. When? On Halloween Night itself! The festivities start at 6PM when it gets dark, going until 10PM.

DETAILS: 1927 Home Rule St (Sum’s Auto Center) 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM | Call Ken @ 330-0486 ______________________________________________________________________________ Message from President.…………………………………………………..………………………………. 2 Healthy Baby Recap.………………… …………………………………………………….…………..… 4 Adopt-A-School………………………………………………………...…………………………………….. 5 Sept GMM & 2009 HCJ Candidates……...……………..……………………………………………...... 6 Pictures!………………….…………………………………………………….…………………………...… 7

Message From The President Happy Halloween! As for the Kick Back Barbecue, thanks to Lindley Low for being our host and Wes Kam for bringing his Wii. We had lots of fun hanging out, playing cards & darts, and trying out the Wii. The chapter’s school for the Hawaii Jaycees Adopt-A-School was Hawaiian Mission Academy. We painted the bus stop outside the school and a $300.00 donation was made for scholarship. Thanks to Principal Manuel Rodrigues and those who were in attendance. After the project, they had a dim sum lunch at Golden Palace Restaurant. On Tuesday, October 21, 2008, you’re invited to our General Membership Meeting at 7:00 pm. It is located at Moili’ili Community Center, Room 202, 2535 S. King St. Light refreshments provided. Come join us for a Ghoulish Halloween Party on Friday, October 31, 2008 from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. There will be a Halloween Costume Contest and fun activities at Sum’s Auto Center, 1927 Home Rule St. Light refreshments provided. R.S.V.P. by October 27, 2008. On Tuesday, November 18, 2008, we’re having that month’s General Membership Meeting. 2009 Elections will be held then, beginning at 7:00 pm. If you are interested in becoming an officer next year, you can email your bios to the newsletter editor [[email protected]]. Mark your calendars for our HCJ Christmas Party on Friday, November 22, 2008. It will be held at Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant, 111 North King St. Time and Cost T.B.A.

Lastly, I want to welcome 2 new HCJ members: Xi "Jian" Cheng and Yu Fan "Jerry" Yang! Please join me in making them feel a part of the HCJ family. Sincerely, Lily Fung 57th President, “Awakening The Dragon” Phone: 783-1369 / Email: [email protected] ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The 2009 Honolulu Chinese Jaycees Elections are around the corner.  Tentative date for election is Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 7:00 pm, MCC Room TBA. We are looking for nominations for the following positions: President Executive Vice-President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Board of Directors

Please submit your nominations to HCJ President Lily Fung at [email protected]   ______________________________________________________________________________________________

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NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 10

Message From The Vice President

Fellow Honolulu Chinese Jaycees and Friends, Are you interested in learning leadership skills? How about making new friends? Do you have some new ideas on projects for next year? Then you should join the board of directors for next year. It’s a really great feeling and you will learn a lot of new things. Elections is coming up soon in November and if you are interested in being on the board next year then let any of our board of directors know. I would like to thank everyone for your interest in going for the Kalaupapa Beautification. I hope that everyone has fun up in Molokai. I would also like to announce our HCJ Christmas party. I know that it will be early this year - it’s on Saturday, November 22, 7:00pm at Golden Palace. Deanne Morimoto will be chairing this event and she’s asking for donations. If you would like to help please call her at 306-3206. I hope that everyone can make it.

Forever in Jaycees, Kathy Kam 2008 Executive Vice President The Honolulu Chinese Jaycees Email: [email protected]

Honolulu Chinese Jaycees Interested in joining HCJ? Contact us!

Mail: Honolulu Chinese Jaycees, P.O. Box 957, Honolulu, Hawaii 96808 Email:

[email protected] |

Tel: (808) 783-1369

Online: / Facebook: Search ‘Honolulu Chinese Jaycees’ Web Site: Page 3

NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 10

Healthy Baby – Finals! The Healthy Baby Contest finals are always a big deal. The top babies return for one last chance at the Big Prize; top radio man Michael W. Perry presides over the proceedings as only he can; and the HCJ team (with some help) see things through to the finish. Our chapter, along with friends from Hawaii Kai & COOL, got things going, setting up the registration area as well as getting the backstage ready for both feeding and tallying. As we all know, a full stomach means better adding.

Healthy Baby Winner Shane Kimura With Mama

One visible sign of what was at stake could be seen hanging in the Ala Moana dressing room. There on separate hangers were 2 tiny purple capes. One for last year’s winner and one for the winner yet to be crowned. The panel of judges this year included Hawaii Jaycees President Patrick Tomiyasu, who showed an intense scrutiny of contestants. It was apparent he took his duties seriously, determined to find that one healthy baby deserving of the title. The proceedings went so smoothly that no intermission was needed. All 52 babies got their chance on the stage in one continuous go. It was just one more sign of the abilities of project chair Ken Sum, advisor Gerald Chung and our entire workforce that day.

HIJC President Pat Judging Babies

THE WINNER IS ANNOUNCED After all the infants had gotten their time to shine, it was up to the judges and our backstage workers to come up with the name of the 55th Annual Healthy Baby Contest Winner. Announced live on KSSK by Michael W. Perry, it was….*drumroll*…..Shane Kimura!

Jaycees Pose With The 2008 Healthy Baby Winner (& His Mom)

A tired, but happy team took the group picture, broke down the tables and started resting up for next year’s Healthy Baby Contest. See you then!

Much mahalo to both HCJ members and all our friends from other Hawaii chapters who made Healthy Baby a great success!

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NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 10

Adopt-A-School Recap This was the 1st year of the Jaycees’ statewide ‘Adopt A School’ Program. Your beloved chapter chose to help President Lily’s alma mater, Hawaiian Mission Academy.

Several near accidents had happened due to cars blocking the sight line as parents drove out of the school driveway. Therefore this seemingly small job took on a great importance.

Located on Pensacola Ave, this school can be easily missed, as it’s set back from the road on a slight hill. The school that would become HMA was actually established in1895. Knowing the history of HMA, it’s immediately apparent why it was a good choice for the Honolulu Chinese Jaycees to support. The school was started to educate Chinese boys, with the assistance of Chinatown merchants. Our assistance was delivered in both the offer of manpower as well as a financial gift, to be awarded as a scholarship to a student. Our HCJ team, including State Officer Jennifer Oshiro, arrived bright and early at 9AM at HMA. We were welcomed there by Principal Manuel Rodriguez, who still remembered President Lily from her student days. He described her as a loud troublemaker who liked to ‘beef’ with other students.

Anthony & Ken Clean Up Another part of our team got to work doing sweeping and rake work. Ken Sum & Anthony Sato proved to be experienced hands here. They are highly recommended to anyone looking for rakers with good references. Our group was later joined by Chin Heng, State POC Chairman and a great guy to boot. Chin had come from helping out at another chapter’s school project and had made his way over to lend a hand to us as well. Our work was completed with the presentation of our check to Principal Rodriguez. He promised that the money would go to a good student, who both needed and deserved the money.

Part of HCJ Team Gets Painting After recovering from this shocking revelation, the team got to work. We began with curb painting to restore the parking restrictions, which had faded along with the color some time ago.

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With our work done, we all headed out to rendezvous at Golden Palace Restaurant for dim sum and a chance to check out the site of the upcoming HCJ Christmas Party.

NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 10

September GMM & 2009 Candidates Our September GMM was a time for recognition and celebrating of the Trimester Convention gains. President Lily Fung got the meeting started, calling the assembled to order. The awards from the Convention were passed out, each recipient getting a photo-op with Pres. Lily as they formally received their prize. Recaps were then given of recent project such as the Healthy Baby preliminaries and the Dragon Boat Festival. Ana Che made the point that we weren’t able to assemble an HCJ paddling team in time for Dragon Boat, but we should keep that in mind for next year. All you paddlers out there, mark your calendars for Dragon Boat 2009! HIJC President Patrick Tomiyasu then took the floor to address the chapter on the statewide ‘Adopt-ASchool’ project, coming up very soon. HCJ will be giving a scholarship as well as performing beautification on President Lily’s alma mater, Hawaiian Missionary Academy. The meeting then closed with the traditional Jaycee Creed recitation and the unveiling of the food. Members, including attending Rooster Hans Kashiwabara, dug in and enjoyed some time talking story and getting to know each other. [Next GMM: Tuesday, November 18, 7PM @ Moiliili Community Center, 2nd Floor]

Some Of Your Candidates For Next Year’s Board CANDIDATE OFFICE CANDIDATE BIO I have had the honor to serve this past year as both HCJ Director and your NewsDragon Editor. I would like to continue on with the Chapter as your President for 2009. Joining the chapter was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made

President and being on the Board this year was an even better one. It is my

intention to see the chapter continue its good work and grow, not only in members, but also in our connections to the community.

Jonathan Cook


I have come from owning my own business, working in the mortgage industry to now being a Life insurance agent with New York Life.  I’ve seen the potential of all the individuals in this chapter, and we can hold up our title as being the # 1 chapter in the state.  That’s one of the main reasons I decided to be a part of this organization, or team, called the Honolulu Chinese Jaycees.  There may not one drop of Chinese in me, but I respect what this chapter does and am honored to be a part of this family

Anthony Sato


Ken Sum

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I have been Manager at Sums Auto Center for the past 8 year, but this has been my 1st year as a member of the Honolulu Chinese Jaycees - and I’m proud of it.   I like doing good for the community and I also want to share all the great things in life with my fellow Jaycees. In the year ahead I'm hoping that all of us Jaycees can have fun together.  

NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 10

Picture Page

Aron, Lindley & Blanche @ Kick Back Cookout

Jon Nishihara & Jennifer Oshiro As ‘The Manapua Man’ & ‘The Manapua Apprentice’

Marcus Pang (& Kathy Kam) Want YOU For HCJ Jaycees With Mayor Hanneman @ Jaycees Proclamation Ceremony

Jon Cook Hates The Paparazzi Shaka The Vote!

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NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 10

HCJ Schedule of Events – OCT / NOV 2008 Tuesday, October 21st

Chapter GMM MCC, Room 209 7:00 PM

Friday, October 31st

HCJ Halloween Party 1927 Home Rule St (Sum’s Auto Center)

Tuesday, November 18th

GMM & 2009 Board Elections

Moiliili Community Center, 2nd Floor

7:00 PM

Wednesday, November 19th

Learn Glass Etching Moiliili Community Ctr

6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Call Ken @ 330-0486

7:00 PM Cost: $4.00 / Trainer: Lynn Hosaka

Wednesday, November 5th

Saturday, November 22nd

HCJ Board Meeting 7:00 PM

HCJ Christmas Party! Golden Palace Restaurant 111 N King St, 2nd Floor Details To Come, RSVP By Nov 15th Contact Deanne @ 306-3206

Stay tuned for announcements on activities, projects & sports! Look for HCJ emails and check our website:

Honolulu Chinese Jaycees PO Box 957 Honolulu, HI 96808

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