News Dragon - December 2008

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NewsDragon Volume 56, Issue 12 /

December 2008

2008 Executive Committee Lily Fung President Shirley Lam Chairman Kathy Kam Exec Vice President Jonathan Cook Corr. Secretary Ana Che Treasurer Duc Nguyen Director Deanne Morimoto Director Jesse Hosaka Webmaster Thayer Goya Advisor

Night In Chinatown! 2009 kicks off like every HCJ year does – BIG! That means the Night In Chinatown all day festival. And we need every member there, including you Roosters. This celebration of Chinese culture and life here in Hawaii is one of our reasons for being. It’s a Signature Project that defines HCJ. We’ll need your help over the course of the day, from set-up, beginning around 5:30AM to closing time late that evening. We’ll be manning our HCJ Booth for fundraising & recruitment, plus overseeing one of the event parking lots. HCJ will also be helping out wherever needed, including security for the Night In Chinatown Parade. WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU RIGHT NOW: Tell us you can help out. If possible, give us time(s) you’re available that day. If you can work all day – fantastic! If you can only do part of the day - we’ll take it! CONTACT: Jon, 342-2737 / [email protected] P.S.: We also need some help on Friday evening (Jan 23rd) for Chinatown Open House!

The January GMM!

HCJ A & I Banquet

Come on down to Moiliili Comm Center on Tuesday, January 13th, 7PM. Rm 202. You’ll get the lowdown on Night In Chinatown & a look at next year. Meet your 2009 HCJ Board, Pg 6.

We honor our hard working members and induct the 2009 Board. See it all at Natsunoya Tea House, Saturday, Jan 3rd, 11 AM. RSVP by Dec 24. Contact: 783-1369

______________________________________________________________________________ Message from President.…………………………………………………..………………………………. 2 Holiday Party Recap.…………………...…………………………………………………….……………. 4 Ana Che Farewell…..………………………………………………………...…………………………….. 5 Meet Your 2009 HCJ Board…….....……...……………..……………………………………………...... 6 Pictures!………………….……………………………………….………………………………………...… 7

Message From The President Happy Holidays! This will be my final newsletter as your 57th president. I had a fabulous year not without the help from my family who include Ana “Ultimate Fighter” Che, Deanne “Cheerleader” Morimoto, Jon “Cool Breeze” Cook, and Kathy “Energizer” Kam. Others who helped me a lot are JCI Senator Gordon Goo and Hawaii Jaycees President Patrick Tomiyasu. The chapter would not be where we are today without support from our members, past presidents, and fellow Jaycees friends. The chapter’s Holiday Party would not have been possible without the coordination from Deanne Morimoto and Ana Che. Those in attendance had lots of fun with the games that were organized by Jon Cook and John Cummings. Hawaii Jaycees President Patrick Tomiyasu installed Chad Haili, Jian Cheng, Linda Ichiyama, Tasha Abadilla, and Yong Quan Zhu as members. Thanks to Past President Mark Nakashima for recruiting Linda Ichiyama. Speaking of our newest members, let us welcome Sandi Aki who was recruited by Daniel Cheung. Daniel has recruited many members into our chapter and has helped us grow this year. Thanks Daniel, you’re an awesome recruiter!! At the Winter Birthday Bash, we celebrated the birthdays from July to December. Thanks to all of our fellow Jaycee friends and guests who came out to indulge in the Honolulu Zoo Sundae. On Saturday, January 3, 2009, come join us for the Awards and Installation Banquet at Natsunoya Tea house, Toko Room. Cost is $25.00 for HCJ Members and $30.00 for other chapter members and guests. R.S.V.P. by December 24, 2008. Make check payable to Honolulu Chinese Jaycees and mail to P.O. Box 957, Honolulu, HI 96808. Let us bid farewell to the outgoing 2008 Board of Directors and install the 2009 Board. It is that time again for Night in Chinatown on Saturday, January 24 2009. We need help with crowd control, parking lot, and parade. Contact Jon Cook @ [email protected] The Year End Convention will be hosted by JCI Oldtimers on January 30 and 31 and February 1, 2009 at Ohana Airport. Come out and party with us for the closing of an awesome year. If you are interested in attending, let any of the 2008 Board know. Special thanks go out to Jon Cook who did an awesome job putting the newsletter this year. I would to share a bit of numbers of Chinese culture. The number 2 is a good number because “good things come in pairs” such as double happiness. The number 3 means “life” and considered a lucky number. The number 8 means “prosper”. Sincerely, Lily Fung 57th President, “Awakening The Dragon” Phone: 783-1369 / Email: [email protected] ______________________________________________________________________________________________

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Message From The Vice President

Fellow Honolulu Chinese Jaycees and Friends, It’s been a great pleasure being on the board once again this year. I had a wonderful time. I would like to thank everyone for your support in helping us at every event. It’s great to see all of our members - and new members - helping and having fun at the same time. This year went by fast and I had a fantastic year. I would like to thank President Lily Fung for allowing me to be on the board of directors again. And thank you to everyone on the board of directors for all of your support. Congratulations to Jon Cook on stepping up for next year and congratulations to everyone on his board. I know that everyone will have a great time serving on the board. I would like to wish everyone the best of luck.

Forever in Jaycees, Kathy Kam 2008 Executive Vice President The Honolulu Chinese Jaycees Email: [email protected]

Honolulu Chinese Jaycees Interested in joining HCJ? Contact us!

Mail: Honolulu Chinese Jaycees, P.O. Box 957, Honolulu, Hawaii 96808 Email:

[email protected] Tel: (808) 783-1369

Online: / Facebook: Search ‘Honolulu Chinese Jaycees’ Web Site: Page 3

NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 12

HCJ Holiday Party! The HCJ Christmas Party got off to a quiet start. Why? Because nobody could figure out how to turn the speakers on in our party space @ Golden Palace. That was okay because we had plenty of loud fun to spare as soon as the party got goin’. Such HCJ stalwarts as Past Presidents Mark Nakashima and Michael Marr joined our current members for the evening. Even Kalawaia Goo, our new member from Kalaupapa, made it to the party. The food soon started coming, arriving in waves of chicken, shrimp, crab and more. After people some did some filling up we started on the games.

After passing out sets of random objects to each table, the teams were challenged to create an ornament – to be judged by well-known critic Michael Marr. The objects included such things as Starbucks cups, ribbons, bows and coffee stirrers. The sight of the unleashed creativity in that room could’ve brought tears to the eyes of the most jaded elementary school art teacher. At the end a team spokesperson presented to the judge an interpretation of their team’s work of art. Despite Daniel Cheung’s claims of his ornament’s aerodynamics and Ken Sum’s fast talking, the top award went to Linda Ichiyama’s table. Their ornament passed the judge’s ultimate test: “Would I want that hanging on my tree?” The fun kept coming as John Cummings & Jon Cook did a series of ‘Gimme Gimme’s, passing out prizes to those who could produce such items as eye drops or Non U.S. currency. Our evening was capped off in the best way possible – the induction of our newest members by Hawaii Jaycees President Patrick Tomiyasu. The big surprise was the spontaneous addition to the chapter of party attendee Linda Ichiyama! A friend of Mark Nakashima, she chose to join and took her place with our other new family members – Chad Haili, Tasha Abadilla, Xi Juan Cheng & Yong Quan Zhu!

2 Christmas game sheets had been passed out for diners to work on, but the moment for something a little more active had arrived. Yes, it was time for ‘Pantyhose Reindeer Antlers’. Teams of 2 from each table had to fill the legs of a pair of pantyhose to create a set of antlers. When done, one of the team wore the ‘antlers’ proudly while their teammate sang the 1st verse of ‘Jingle Bells’. It was a close race, but Kalawaia Goo & Ramy So won, followed by James Kanda & Chad Haili! Kalawaia’s mother would’ve been proud to see her son with those pantyhose on his head. John Cummings had an even bigger game for us next, though.

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It was a great ending to a great evening of fun, friendship and a little friendly competition. Happy Holidays!

NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 12

Ana Che’s Farewell Message Aloha to all fellow Jaycees, It has been both a challenging and an awesome year for the great Honolulu Chinese Jaycees. Thank you to all those who joined and got involved with the various projects the chapter had to offer. You showed your interest and supported this chapter throughout this year. You made what this chapter is, because without you HCJ would not have come all this way. It has been my pleasure to serve you all as the Treasurer for this great organization this past year. I am so happy to have met so many new and old faces from this and other chapters. I've had so much fun, gained so many memories, and have made so many new friends, and I hope that you did too. You made it all worthwhile for me. I encourage each and every one of you to join the many who have already done so and make the most of it. The only way to get the most benefit from this chapter is to get involved and become an active member in your chapter and community. All the skills and experience you gain, and the friends you make, are priceless. It is something that you can only gain through your own personal experience. Nobody can ever take that away from you. Believe will be one of the wisest decisions you will ever make in your life. Best wishes to you all on your future endeavors, especially to the 2009 incoming HCJ Board members, and may God bless you all always!!! Have a great holiday season!!! See you around next year.... With lots of Love & Aloha, Ana Che Your 2008 HCJ Treasurer PS By the way....I don't hold the championship for the extreme ultimate fighter in the Pacific Rim....but you would never know B>)

EDITOR: Ana has served on the HCJ Board many times over the years, supporting the chapter repeatedly with distinction Her hard work and dedication has deservedly won the love and great respect of her fellow members. It’s with great regret, but complete understanding, that 2008 will be her last year on the Board level. However, we’re happy to report that Ana’s promised to stick around as a ‘regular’ HCJ member and will still be helping out. We’ll miss you Ana, but you better be at the projects!

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Meet Your 2009 HCJ Board! You may have heard the election news that everyone’s talking about- No, not Obama. About the 2009 HCJ Board elections! President Lily Fung conducted the basic meeting at the November GMM before turning it over to Past President Shirley Lam for the Big Vote. This year the Presidency was sought by 1 candidate, Jonathan Cook, who was elected by acclamation. There were surprises to come, though. In fact, the 2009 HCJ Elections were the opening of a new, exciting era in our chapter. At the end of the voting, HCJ emerged with a board full of newcomers; a fresh set of leaders who’ll take us proudly into the coming years. Now, please meet – and please welcome - Your 2009 HCJ Board :

Honolulu Chinese Jaycees 2009 Board

Back Row, L to R: Andrew Balmores (3rd VP), Anthony Sato (2nd VP), Daniel Cheung (Director), Ramy So (Treasurer), Ryan Ng (1st VP), Michael Valiente (Director), James Kanda (Corresponding Secretary), Ken Sum & Handsum (4th VP), Ross Lee (Director) Front Row, L to R: Krystal Lee (Recording Secretary), Lily Fung (Chairman), Jonathan Cook (President), Shirley Lam (Director) Not Pictured: Duc Nguyen (Director) [Next GMM: Tuesday, January 13th, 7PM, Moiliili Community Center, Rm 202]

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Picture Page

Funny Hats At Farrells. Kalawaia Goes From Reindeer To Bank Robber

HCJ Honolulu Marathon Team

Lily Inducts Her Last Members, Michael & Krystal

Ornament Presentation/Explanation


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NewsDragon / Volume 56 / Issue 12

HCJ Schedule of Events – DEC 2008 / JAN 2009 Saturday, January 3rd

Saturday, January 24th

HCJ Awards & Installation Banquet!

Night In Chinatown

Natsunoya Tea House 1935 Makanani Drive 11AM Contact : 783-1369

In Chinatown, of course 5AM - Midnight

Friday, Jan 30 – Sunday, Feb 1 th

Saturday, January 10

Narcissus Queen Pageant

Year End Convention Ohana Airport Hotel

NBC Concert Hall 6:30PM

Friday, January 23rd

Chinatown Open House Chinese Cultural Plaza 5PM – 10PM

Stay tuned for announcements on activities, projects & sports! Look for HCJ emails and check our website:

Honolulu Chinese Jaycees PO Box 957 Honolulu, HI 96808

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