August 2008

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P age 4: Prtrg r;rrr g ra d uates earn their: CEDs

Page6: lJoors of opportunitv open

Back Cover: Pray vvith chi l ti rerr [r' om tl rc Mi ssi on

Boskto Sgho o l ...b ut f or frorn horne Fall is approaching and the signs are obrrious; the temperature drops, the last pitch is tossed, the football is passed and it's time for kids to go back to school. It's a time many shildren eageriy anticipate-catching up u'ith old friends, making nc\r-ones and scttlinginro a new roufinc. It can also be a difficult time for others. Some children frov'n upon the impending academic).earfor reasonsthev'd rather their classmatesnevef know; thev are u'ithout a homc and without a school to call their own. The Nashville Rescue N'Iission'sFamilv Life and Hope Center allows mothers to bring their children with them. For this reason, the staff works diligentlv to prepare ever\, school-aged child in our cafe for the upcoming school vear, tending to their needs so mothers can focus on getting back on their feet. This q,'picall,vinvolr,'es buf ing new clothes,replacinglast vear'sbackpackand stocking up on new schoolequipmenr. Patents are being asked to spend more for school supplies each I'ear. When these women at the Nlission are struggling just to put food on the table and a roof over their heads,the $20 to 940 for each child to purchasethe required school supplies is virtuallv impossible. "Going back to school should be a fun time, not a traumatic one. Having the same school supplies the other kids have realh. increases kids' selfcont inueson poge 3


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*$Vvisdom .\'o/omononcesaid, 'Vho is like the aise man? Vho knaws the exp/anationof thing,s?Visdon bighnns a ruan'sface and 8:1 NIV its hard appearance." Ecclesiastes changes As the Director of Education for the Nashville Rescue Nlission, I've seen first-hand the truth of this passage of Scripture. I'r,'e seen thousands of men and \r,'omen enter the Nlission with hardened hearts and er-enharder expressions.Some come eagef to learn; others enter ouf doors rvith faces set Like flint against reform. No matter the mind-set, each one matters to us. From the child u'ho gets a new backpackto the voung man rrho teceives his GED, faces are brightened here everv a result of l.our support and donations.

this €tarting this nnorth'v:e'll be nsing wtsuborsof tho svucrt0 hoarfrov'nv&ft0t^6 n i0eM Nhzdatlg tlloRsscns'YY\issio '{\ ashv ths nnon'NlMqft NorAontho lrontlinesuotttt arrivoat tho"YY\tssion and c[lldronr,oho loo{tnglor hopoThts nnorth'OrJagJud'aE' sharinghrs Diroaor ol €i'ucation' atll bs thouglts wtthws'

prepare to head back to school. \We also celebrate the accomplishn'rentsin our education department: GED graduates,new computer coursesand new software.

As 1.ouread this month's newsletter,I hope vou will see the NashviLleRescueN{ission is here to help the "least of these" learn and gfow evefv step of everv day I also hope yos will see this would not be possible without 'We are extremelv blessed to be the hands and feet of financial supporters like you. It is becauseof vour comChrist through providing men, \\'omen and children at passion we can see the faces of flint melt into underthe N{ission with food, clothing, shelter and life-chang- standing as thev turn toward our Lord JesusChrist. ing opportunities, but we also know there is no true wisdom outside of Him. Just like Paul,it is our hope and Thank you for ],our continued support of the Nashville desire that each one enters into a personal relationship Rescue NIission. Through you, God is able to work in r"'ith Him. Your support assuresthese men, women and the lives of so man,vin need. children receive the assistancethey need to soften their Dr. JayJudav hearts and brighten their expressions. Director of Education This month's newsletter takes a look at the needs of the children at our Famill, Iife and Hope Centers as thev

P.S. We would be delighted to give you a personal tour of the Nashville Rescue Mission at anytime. Please contact Randy at 615-312-1538for more information or to schedule a tour at your convenience. We hope to see you here!

Bo g k t o Sghool...

but f ar frornhorne co n ti nuedf r om c ov e r cstccll,'

slricl \lan


Di re c t or ' oi t hc )l i s s i o r-r' s Ira n 'rilvLr t c ( - c nt c t' . Si n ce m anv oi clren

Back to school donations mav be taken to 1716 Rosa L. Parks Blvd. (the Familv Lifb and Hope Center) &fonday through Safurdav 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

th c s c c h i l l-rar-e alreaclr sutfcrecl

s()lrlc sort of abuse in their livcs, u-e'r'c partnerecl u'rth thc schools tcl havc thc br-rs-st()prlt th c co r nc r u' hc r c t h e c h rl c l re n are pickecl trp t-irst ancl clroppecl otf last on the routc so tl-rcir classmatcs rl 'i l l n ot s c c t hem g e tti n q o n o r o ti th c b r,rsi n front < l f the N fi ssi ,rr. "Chilclrerr are ver\-sensitir-cat thts aee," sars \[arr-. "Thc last thrng \\-e\\-ent is fbr thetn tc-rsufter more than tl.rer-alrcaclvhar-c bcc..ruseoi their sitr-rati o n . \\ c t r l t o elini n a te a s l n a n \- b rrrri e rsa s p o ssi bl e." 'fhe \[rssion has a tuncl set up trorn frienc]s Lilic vou u'ho sencl in ckrnations carnrarkcr'l tor school supplics. .\t thc bcginnrne oi thc school lear, tl're tr-rnclis lrseclso errch chilcl can pick out a pair of ncs' shocs tirr school. Tl-rev can also choose theit' os'n brrcliplcks, alrcacir-t'rllecl the ncccs '.-ith san- supplies. \\c clLn't,hou'cr-er, oifel all oi tl'rcsc basic itcms u'ithout r-our help. )lost oi the ltackpacks the cl-rilcL'cr-t choosc arc botl.r clonatcclancl t'l1lcdu'itli sup plics erren br- t'or,rancl orhcr qclrcr()Lrscionors. 13ut,rrs an\- parent knos's, thc s'car ancl tcal on chilclrcn's clothcs ancl supplics is lather e\tunsi\-e. So, u'hetl \'()u rc otrt chccLrng oti r()ur c)\\'n back to sch
Financial donations are also accepted. Checks should be made pai'abLe to the Nashville RescueNlission and designated for children's needs. Checks mav be mailed to: 639 Lafavette Street Nashviile, TN 37203 For more information, call t\Iarv Crutcher at312-1571. Backpacks Pencilbox Ink pens ftlue, biack, red) Pencils (#2) Ctavons Colored pencils Washable markers Glue sticks \(/hite schooi glue Scissors Pocket folders (3 prong) 3 Ring binders (1 & 2 inch) Notebook paper (wide ruled) Spiral notebooks Copier paper Combination locks Facial tissues Antibacterial hand soap \Wetri,-ipes Plasric freezer bags (quart & gallon) I{indergarten mats

scclrrc as tl-rer-

heacl back to school.

School uniforms: Bottoms: blue, red, u'hite and khaki slacks,jumpers and skirts Tops: white button-up or polo Socks Underwear Sizes:5 to 14 bo,vsand girls


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the strt:cts in the clcacl \\'hilc thc ihccschrnqr'.mxn\ ()f the oF nie h r, k i c k ,-d o u l { )l

hcr parents' homc for refusing to storics are the same..."I got prcg havc an abortion, a frightenecl run- nant or in trouble and cltopped out arvavchoosesa dangerouslife on the of high school," or "I hacl a learnstreets over Lifc at home subjcct to inq disabiht\rntl c,uldn'r keep up." the abuseor neglectat the hands of or "l ran au.avfrom homc and hacl an eicoholicrnd ebusir-csrupPxrent. ttl get a job." \\'ithout a cliplomaor Faces like thesc flock clespcratelr' f r()pcr educetion therc rre tis',:r each dar-into the Nlissionu.ith onh- opportunities for thcm to supPort the clothes on thcir back. u,ith no- thcmselvesor their children.This in

the struuglcto sun-ive. Thanks to vou, the Nashr-illeRescuc Nlissionis here to hclp. \\'hile most people knou, the NIission servesmealsand pror.iclcsbeds frrr the homcless ancl more arc bc coming a\\:arc of the life-recoverv programs u-e offer; not cYef\-one knorvs about the eclucationaloppor tunities offerecl throush tl-rc\Iission.

"When I received *y GED test results, I immediately took out a notebook and a pen, and began organtzing ideas about my future. To me, having a GED meansan entirely new level of opportunity and credibility. Now I can apply for college.I can hold more important jobs. I can do a lot of things that previously were not availableto me..."

Education Department at the N[ission. This past school vear we had a tot^I of 15 students receive their GEDs. In Januarr.we installed new Pre-GED and GED sofrware at the Nfission and started our new computer classesthanks to HCA.

Thanks to vour generositt and the faithful efforts of our education volunteers, these men and u'omen are able to reentef societyas contributing 'We want to help people get off the doors of opportunitr. for students in members and have hope for a brightstreets and move on to a mofe pro- toda\"s societr.rAll men and women er Future.Thenk 1ou tbr vour continductir-e way of life. in our Life-recovervprograms are also ued support of these programs that offered opportunities to learn bud- are changing Lives. Education is a powerful key in break- geting, how to balance a checkbook, ing the cvcle of homelessnessex- computer training and other skills here in N{iddle that rvill help them with the practipedenced b). Education not only raises calitiesof life. Tennessee. self-esteemand girres hope for the future, it also contributes to one's abil- Ultimatelr,,the classroom lessonsare iw to {ind emplovment and succeed designed to change lives outside of in life. This is whv we are committed the classroom. A GED certificate "' I .fi t lt t rt l; t:k; tt;1.rla / ;;'lt r, 1;t to helping the men and rvomen in our teamed with the knowledge of who liitv: it; i*t korl; oi tltt'ir lrr:,iltt-;." programs obtain the skills necessarv he or sheis in Christ becomesexacdv r; rt / ;' &rt s e s'r i l:'I r t t to become gainfullv emplor-ed and what a person needs to propel them become contributing members of into the life God intended them to enjov in the {rrst place. this communifr,. One size doesn't fit all at the Nfission. As each pefson entefs a life-recoverv progfam here, the\. are tested and evaluated to determine their educational needs."We see each petson as an individual and we try to meet each one right where thev are," savs Dr. Ja,vJuda,r',Director of Education for the N'Iission."Nlost of the students who come to us have been out in the real world and have had lots of doors shut in their face becauseof not having a high school diploma," explains Jali "\ililhen thgv get here the desire to changethat is evident." Silhile GED training is the main focus of the our educational efforts, it doesn't stop there.The Nlissionworks with students to improve their math and literacr-skills, opening up new

"\ilhen I receivedmv GED test results, I immediately' took out a notebook and a pen, and began organizing ideas about mv future. To me, hal'ing a GED means entirelr. neu' ier''el of ^rr opportunin and credibili,l Now I can apph for college. I can hold more important jobs. I can do a Iot of things that previously were not available to me. I plan on taking advantage of everlthing offered to me due to mv newfound ticket through life," said Bill who recenthrreceivedhis GED. This is wh1, 1v. continually expand and strengthen our

Teachi*g Opens I\TewDsors *f *ppsrtunity MissionSupportersGive Graduates Renewed Life


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The Nashr.ilie Rescue Nlission offcrs so much more than a hot meal and a bed. In fact, because of the faithful serr-ice of supporters like Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), manv of thc men and women enrolled in the Nlission's life-recor.crv programs obtain their GED Certificates as u'eli as computer training to better prepare them for the competitive rvorkplace.

to manage Park Vieu, Hospital and ptovide capital to expand and maintain the latest medical technologrr.Based in Nashr.-ille, todav HCA is the nation's leading pror ider of hcrlth-careserviccs, composcd of locallr- managed facilitresthat include 169 hospi talsand 115 outpatientcentersin 20 statesand England.

HCA is committed to the care and improvement of human life. The Nlission'seclucationdepart- Caring for patients is onlv part ment pror.idesmore than 80,000 of u.hat ther- do at HCA. Ther, hours of teaching each r-ear to are alsc-idedicated to buiiding those u'ho arrive at the N{ission sfronger,hcalthiercommunities without a high school diploma. through ourreach and philanEach rveekdar,at 9 A.NI. class thropv b1.rvorking in partnership rooms come alive and chances rr,'ithti-reiremplor.eesto serveefare a member of the HCA vol- fcctirc non-profirorganizations. untecr team u'ill be on hand. HCA has provided an enorFoundcd in 19(>8,Dr. Thomas mous amount of support to the Frist,Sr.,JackC. Ilasser-and Dr. r\Iission through their "Caring Thomas Frist, Jr., formcd HCr\ f,,r thc Cc,mmunitr" pr()gram. conti n ueson poge 7

"S* happ3'in vilur coiltluut-]itv.Se nciive. There is so much good to do in tl"risrt'r:rld and s* rn&nv different r+,avEt* cin it. " Ilr. Thamas F. Frist, Sr. i1!]1{l-1998} C*-Fr:unrier cf i{CA continued f rompoge5 This program cncourages HCi\ emplor,eesto \.oiunteer their time during normal rvorking hours at local agencies. Iull time cmplovees receive16 hours a veafto \-olunteer. Nlanv of these emplor-ceschciosc to commit thosc hclursin serrice to the Nashville Rescue Nlissron through teaching students u-ho are activelvpursuing their GED. HCAs commitment is er-ident in their continued giving of a resource mone\. can't bur--Tl\IEl "One of the things I lor.e most about volunteering here is u.hen I see that light bulb go off for a guv in class,"said StephanieCook, Senior IS Developer at HCA. "It's obvious he's struggling and frustrated, but rvhen that Light gocs off, he smiles and thcn he begins to interact in the class.Itt then I 'sgot it. But more than just knorr"'he learning, it's seeing his confidence build and that hc'Il takc that confidence u'ith him he goes." Stephaniehas volunteered at the Nlission fot over a vcar norr and



adds,"Not onh' clo I enjor-teaching thesemen, but I'r.e alsolearned a lot from them, too. Some of m,v familv members havc strugglcd uith addictionand mr crpcrienccs l^^--l^^,.-L-r^-.r .-., to relalero mt could." own familv in sra\,sI ne-n-er lrLlL



r r \r l r L u

The generoussprrit of HC1t'semplor,eesand the efforts of 1,000's of other r t-rlun tccrs continuc to change thc ]ir.esof the men, women and children at the Nashl'r-lle Rescuc Nfission. Becauseof this faithful support, students not onlr' receil.ea cliploma,but aiso obtain a firm understandingof u'hat it is to be loved bv our great God.

Heating, rn. Plumbing,

Cooling Contractors (PHCC), Tennessee Ptide Sausage & LLO held the Sixth Annual Golf



benefiting the Nashville Rcscue llission on Fticlar,',June 20. The event took place at Pebble Brook Golf Course in Joeiton. The Nashr-ille RescueN{ission is honored to be the chariq'of choice of one of the nation's oldest trade associations.The Nfission is cleeply appreciative for the support of the PFICC that has allowecl continued ministrlr t<>the cin''s homeless and hurring.

On vour next trip to the slore, help provide a drink of water by donaLingbottled water to the Nlission! Your generosiq'is greatlv appreciated.Bring bottled \r'aterto our donarioncenrer,616 7th AvenueSouth, Nftrndal'through Sarurdal from 7 a.m. to 7 p.-.



CfuAd n sP # yryr

OB With Your Help, This can be a... Summer of Hope!

Godis good, Crr/. i* gna*, Le-* u3

Summer can be a prett\r discouragingtime for homelessneighbors herc in thc Nashville area.That's u'ht' u'e'd like t-ou to consider makinga gcncrousgift of S20.$30 of an\: amount in August. Your onqoing supporr u'ill hclp rhe r\Iission continue to ot-fer fresh food, safe sheltcr, shou,ers and lifc-transforming serr-icesduring the challcnging months ahead. For more information on horv \.ou can help make this a Summer of Hopc for the homeless,pleasc call 312-1545.Or girc no$' at rrrrl.neshr illerescucm i ssion.orq. Thank vou for caring!

fdrSurow halr rr,rh$befGd gi*, rrlLo.d CXr. {rit,g

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Childrenat theFamifi Ijfe andHopeCenters prEt with tlseirmoms eueryda1 Herearesome of tbeirprqrs.

June 2008 NlealsSctvccl Nights of Loclging Chapcl Attenclance Ilducation Hours l Ji b l cCI r s s A t t endr n c c Dccisions and Prat'crs Volunteers (,linic Visits Trar-elAssistance Ilmplor-ment Securecl Program (iracluatcs

41,710 18,500 14,955 5,684 4,819 1,566

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1 ) 7) ll

70 10 9

As vou consiclct rour legacv ancl thc blessings (]od has gir,-enr.or-rin 1ife, once )'ou have taken carc of evert'thing else,pleaseremember to name the Nashr-ille Rescuel\{ission last in vour u,ili.

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