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  • Words: 825
  • Pages: 4
NASKAH DRAMA Consultancy of Contraception Nurse Wife Husband

: Shafia Desy Putri A. : Nury Wahyu : David Nur Cahya

On the morning of the day Mr.David and Mrs.nury went to place of practice of mrs.Shafia. David

: (knock the door)good morning mrs…


: morning too.. come on,please come in and please sit down in here..


: yes mrs.. thank you


: how are you today mr david and mrs nury??


: Alhamdulillah,of course we are good mrs thank you for asking…


: your son not come with you two?and now how old your son??


:no mrs… our son in his grandmother house.and now his still a one

years old. Shafia

:in this morning,what can I help you?


:well mrs… we come here because we want to consulted about

contraception Shafia

:oohh I see... okey well in here I am was a health officer,duty to provide health service in this community including mr and mrs,then from that I hope when I asked about the privacy of mr and mrs or ask about something that may not supposed to talk about it with me please just answer honestly and not to be ashamed because it will be related to actions which I will and mrs can you understand it?


:yeah sure.. we understand thank you…


:Thank you for the deal. If may I know during this time mr and mrs what is your contraception?


:we use the contraception calender,and we still feel worried and afraid if it can be pregnancy occurs.


:your choice is good because there is nothing the effect when we use the contraception calender but not natural contraception is not fully able to prevent pregnancy because there are obsacles both factors from the wife or husband.


:according to you mrs,which one can I use for a good contraception??that not make us worried and affraid again about the risk.and the effect not be a big problem in our healthy.


:well.. I will explain about variety of contraception and what the effect.presently mr and mrs can choose it for yourself . 1.condom -cheap -simple,disposable The disadvantage is failure high 2.injection -when you stop use the contraception the pregnancy is will be happen -help to prevent the uterus cancer The disadvantage is can’t use if the mother have a high blood presure 3.Contaception tablet There is two kind of contraception tablet,there is *Combination tablet *progestin tablet or mini tablet 4.Implan contraception -can survive in a long time -menstrual patterns are still within a normal limits,and mild headchace

5. IUD -a small tool consisting of a elastic plastic material 6.Sterilization Cutting or binding of the sperm ducts in male and the ovum cell in woman. Shafia

:mr and mrs do you understand ??


:yes we are understand


:and the next choise is in you two,which one of the contraception would you choose?my suggestion …you can use or choose the injection contaception


:wait a minute mrs… honey,which one where we choose?


:its up to you hon,which one is more comfortable


:how about injection contraception hon?


:it’s okey hon, if you feel more confortable with it


:so, we decide to choose the injection contraception.and Alhamdulillah me and my husband haven’t a high blood pressure.


:oke,good choose.. for this injection mr and mrs wants to how many months?


:what do you think hon,how many months?


:I think hhmmm just for three monts hon


:we choose in only three months mrs


:oohh ok.. so for the next months mr and mrs should come in here again but don’t forget given the break one weeks time for injection mr and mrs be here soon so don’t be is 1 june so.. mr and mrs can come back again in here is 18 september. please come with me…


:yes mrs

Ny. Walk to the bed and the nurse shafia set up the tool to inject the contraception


: may I check your blood pressure mrs… to make sure you blood

pressure Nury

: yes please mrs


: your blood pressure is in normally mrs.and I will started to

injection the contraception.if a little pain please hold it … Nury

: oke mrs..


:already finished mrs..the later used don’t rub it


:yes mrs thank you


:mrs do you remember when you should come here again for

injection? Nury

: I remember it mrs, its in 18 desember right?


:yes right mrs..don’t forget to give a break 1 weeks before come david and mrs nury don’t forget to remind each other


:yes ma’am thank you for good service that has been provided to us.


:yes you’re welcome I glad to help you mr david and mrs nury


:okey ma’am if so we’ll be going home


:okey thank you for coming and be carefull in the way.

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