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Everyone Welcome! Fundraiser for the "Patients' Transportation Program" Nicola Valley Health Centre

Celebration of Life

Dinner & Show in Memory of Elvis Sponsored by the Merritt Desert Inn & hosted by the Merritt BC "Elvis Presley"® Fan Club


Tickets: Merritt Desert Inn 250-378-2254 ~More info, contact E.P. Fan Club Pres. Dolly Jackson 250-378-4710

Tickets available at the Merritt Desert Inn

TRUCKLOAD SALE COMPOST Wednesdays & Saturdays 10am - 12noon Airport Rd. at the yellow gate

250-315-4932 Also available at HOME HARDWARE (bucket full or truck full)

YOUR LAWN & GARDEN WILL LOVE IT Slowly Releases Fertilizing Nutrients Into The Soil Increases Water Retention Weed Free

Bark Mulch

Locally Produced

Finely screened compost for fill

WE’RE LOOKING FOR 25 TO 30 BUSINESSES Crafters, web designers and builders and more to bridge the gap between home-based business and retail storefront

Storefront start-up opportunity

If you produce or manufacture a product or have a service that you are interested in expanding to a storefront location we can assist you. Cost share space available from 100 sq. ft. to 1000 sq. ft. (all inclusive), business license included. DON’T HESITATE TO CALL Deanne Parise Economic Development Officer Mae Ketter: Economic Development Assistant CFDC Economic Development Office 250-378-3923

2099 Quilchena Ave. •


Gwayne Point Paintings by

Chris Neels

Photos by


August 14-Sept. 5, 2009


August 15, 4-6pm

Supported by


1840 Nicola Ave. (250)378-6515


2049 Nicola Ave., Merritt • Phone (250)378-9255 • Toll Free 1-888-378-9255

Our beat is local... our bend, up! The classifieds are free! Box 313, Merritt BC V1K 1B8 T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]

Tanker fire on Coq

The Coquihalla Highway was closed after a tanker truck loaded with gasoline caught fire at around 7pm Saturday evening. Black smoke billowed from the wreck as the first and then second fuelloaded trailer caught fire. According to witnesses the fire began in the cab of the truck. The driver was shaken up but not injured. A Wildland Forest Fire Initial Attack Crew based out of the Haig Fire Base in Hope was on scene to ensure the fire did not spread into the forest. Traffic was shut down north of the snowshed with police clearing the middle lane for northbound traffic to return to Hope. The highway reopened around midnight, and lane closures continued into yesterday.

Letter to the editor

Re: WOS article

A Thousand Clowns

The Merritt Live Theatre Society will produce A Thousand Clowns, a play by Herb Gardiner. It’s the story of an off-thewall comedy writer (Murray) who abandons the work he hates to spend time raising a gifted and troubled nephew he loves (Nick). The two have a hilarious and unorthodox relationship. Since Murray doesn't have formal custody of his abandoned nephew, Social Services steps in to remove Nick from the home unless Murray reforms & gets a job. He has to choose between Nick and his personal happiness. Mixed in with this is a love relationship with one of the social workers (Sandy) who wants to move in and lovingly reorganize Murray's life. The play will be performed later this year. Auditions will be held Tuesday August 25 & Wednesday Aug. 26th, by appointment, after 7pm each night. Please call 378-0324 to read for a part, or [email protected] and state your preferred reading date.

I was very surprised and disappointed at the slant that was placed on our dealings with the Merritt Walk of Stars Group. While the article was not totally off base, many of the points made or Sagebrush Riders Poker Ride The 1st annual Sagebrush Riders Poker inferred were completely inaccurate. First of all, we approached the Walk Ride will be held Aug. 23 at Lundbom of Stars about our building knowing that Lake Park, 10am sign-in. $20 entry fee it was a perfect location for the proposed includes a hotdog lunch afterwards. The Hall of Honor. At first the group was a event is open to all riders. For info call bit hesitant about our location because Tracey 378-0339, or Mary 378-5718. they did not want to be responsible for Merritt Cents Booster Club AGM The Annual General Meeting will be the loss of a 'downtown' business, but I assured them that we had already made held Thursday August 27,6pm at Ska-Luthe decision to close our store: There was La Workshop, 1775 Coldwater Ave. New no financial enticement as implied in members welcome. your article, but rather a lease arrange- “The Best Picture I Ever Took” The NV Community Arts Council is ment with an option to purchase at a predetermined price that was fair to looking for photos to hang in the Sept. show at the Courthouse Art Gallery. both parties. Yes we had our lawyer draw up a Only one photograph per person potential agreement, but when we heard because this is, after all, The Best Picture I the news that the Merritt Mountain Music Ever Took! Deadline is Sept. 10, drop Festival was potentially folding, we them off starting Sept. 5 during regular understood full well that the deal could gallery hours (Thurs. 6-8pm; Fri. & Sat. be in jeopardy, but we decided to go 10am-4pm). Colour or black & white, not ahead with the liquidation as planned: enhanced or manipulated by computer. we have enjoyed our four years in busi- FMI Kathi 378-6515, [email protected] ness, but they have taken a toll on our family, and for that reason we are moving on. We are still hopeful that our building will be the home of the Canadian Hall of Honor, and we have given the Walk of Stars Group exclusivity until the end of August so that they can determine if our building is still feasible. Sincerely, Chris and Rhonda Murray [Ed.: I intended no inference that Chris & Rhonda had accepted a financial enticement apart from a satisfactory deal, and I am sorry that it was interpreted that way. I sincerely hope that the WoS can find the means to open the much-anticipated Hall of Honour, and the Urban Cabin building would be a fabulous, perfectly-located home for it. —KL] man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog . He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life. A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says, "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers, "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl". The man says, "But I am not a New Yorker!" "Oh ,then it will say in newspapers in the morning, 'Brave American saves life of little girl'," the policeman answers. "But I am not an American!" says the man. "Oh, what are you then?" " The man says: "I am a Saudi!" The next day the newspapers says, "Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog."






A new order of turquoise & silver bracelets & pendants has arrived!


Hwy 5A, 20km N. of Merritt •

OPEN 7 DAYS • 378-2753 • [email protected]

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Merritt Centennial Booster Club Thursday, August 27th, 6:00pm Ska-Lu-La Workshop 1775 Coldwater Ave. New Members Welcome 1ST ANNUAL

Sagebrush Riders Poker Ride August 23, 2009 Lundbom Lake Park 10am sign-in $20 entry fee

includes a hotdog lunch afterwards

Open to all riders

[Riders ride at their own risk]

For info call Tracey 250-378-0339 or Mary 250-378-5718

SPACE FOR YOUR AD Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700 [email protected]

his Week’s Horoscope Aries




Your sheer passion & enjoyment of life is emphasized, and you are very interested in searching out people to interact with, on visits, phone calls, meetings and social occasions.

Your have the sense of being part of a family unit and member of society. Develop skills & income by deploying your ideas to their maximum advantage.

You are aware of the social scene in your area, contacts with relatives & close friends are renewed, while you are more energetic physically than usual, and more self assertive.

You need to boost the feelgood factor of those you are close to with displays of affection & high regard. You will be similarly impressed by the affection that comes your way.

Aug 23 Sept 22

Sept 23 Oct 22

You are aware of what moves & sustains you, and are attuned to the needs of others too. You can achieve a lot in your work role if you make the most of your hunches.

You impress people with your abilities and 'can do' attitude, propelled along by a firm conviction that you must put your beliefs & values into action by actually living them out.

March 21 - April 19


July 23 Aug 22 Your showmanship comes out, and you shine a little more brightly when you interact with people, as you are sure to do as you get together with friends.

Sagittarius Nov 22 Dec 21

You are eager to seek out new challenges, experience new things & push the boundaries of your limits. It makes you more than ready to get immersed in what is going on around you.

April 20 May 20


Capricorn Dec 22 Jan 19

You delight in immersing yourself in the sensual qualities of life, with your senses more alive & receptive than before. You achieve alot in the workplace with your enthusiasm.

May 21 June 20


Aquarius Jan 20 Feb 18

You are aware of what partners are feeling, you could get swept along by the general fads and enthusiasms of others as you are governed by your own feelings.

June 21 July 22

Scorpio Oct. 23 Nov 21

You seek to impress people in what you do — they will be impressed without you even being aware of it. You can get a lot done by seizing the moment.

Pisces Feb 19 Mar 20

You're interested in healthy eating, keeping fit & the welfare of people in your circle, including pets. Time make improvements & repairs around the home.

Your Railyard Mall • 378-2266


Merritt’s best place for live music

With More

Texas Hold’em Wed., 7pm We do STEAK FUNDRAISERS call the office

• OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711 •RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859

MONDAY EDITION — AUGUST 17, 2009 #1909 Box 313, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 personal

•Custom framing •Original artwork & prints… at


2001 Voght St. • (250)378-5900 •

GOING to Alberta in trck? have piano to be dlvrd 378-3697 FND: 6-8 mos old lrg breed pup, Coldwater Rd btwn Patchett & Petersen, friendly, gd manners, well-cared for. Cindy 378-4591 LOST: Blackberry 378-5480 DAD & YOUNG sons looking for yrd cln-up, odd jobs, run errnds etc, have trck for dmp trips, moving, recycling etc. Barney 378-6740 leave msg. LOST: gld rng w/ diamnd, rwrd 3785506, (250)320-9937 WLD LK bck my sitting elf grdn ornament that was replaced with angel sitting on a pedestal, sentimental value. 378-4726 LOST: digital camera @ Quilchena Sq. or Quilchena Ave., rwrd. Yvette 315-6151 LOST: set keys, dwntwn Matt 378-8231 LOST Aug 2 nr Sunnyview: wht/grey shrt-haired young male cat w/ rd collar. Liana 378-7303 LOST: last seen Jul 25, lng-haired beige-col. cat w/ drkr mrkngs, Forskdale/ Xtra Foods area, timid 378-9503 LOST: gld/diamnd rng (250)320-9937 LOST: blue parakeet, ‘Sugar’ Menzies St., Aug 2 afternoon 315-0315 FND: gldn cocker spaniel, 2 yrs old, male, Chapman/Nicola, blue collar 3786552, 378-1527 to ID LOST: pr prescr. sunglasses, in/nr pool?, wide sides, darkest lenses 315-1332 FND: red bike, No Fear kick stnd 378-0842 employment

EXPER. stylist req’d, apply @ Zone 2 315-0010 HANDYMAN w/ plmbng & sml bckhoe exper., for emergency serv., must be dependable Pls fax resume & refs (604)985-2508 services

SPACE FOR YOUR AD Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700 [email protected]

DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 RENT A HUSBAND Fences, lawn care, rubbish removal, hsehold moving, rototilling, wndw & gutter cleaning, chimney sweeping, int/ext. painting. Lance (250)378-4614 24-7 ANYTHNG from A-Z pick-up delivery service 378-3537 BRICKLAYER/stone mason. Walls, patios, all brck/tone wrk, complete Joe 378-9421 PIPE IT Plumbing for all your plmbng needs Brian 378-4892, (250)936-8330 RESUMES written $29.99 Website style resume $59.99 Pay online at Southern Interior Resumes website w/ Paypal checkout. Major credit cards & Paypal accepted. [email protected], 378-3694 YOUR GARDEN photographed & painted in oils 378-6789 PAINTER 35+ yrs exper., inter./exter. Bob McBee 378-2164 STENCILS for rnt: African wildlife stencils 378-3537 ODD JOBBER Honest, sincere gent. Gen. cntrctr, maint./repair/build home/ car/yrd. emergency, versatile, anythng/ anytime 315-1039, 315-5398 childcare/babysitting

•classified deadlines: 10am Sun. Tues. thurs. •garage sale deadline: Thurs. 12pm •to get on the current garage sale email list: email us Let us know what your think of our new website!

Tel 378-5717 • Fax 378-4700 • Email [email protected]

SEEKNG daycare spaces for 2-1/2 to 51/2 yr olds? Call Lt Munchkins Daycare. 2 ECE cert’d & lic’d instructors, quiet loca., subsidies welcome. Annette 3784976, Debbie 315-1035 13-YR OLD will babysit eves., wknds, LN area. 378-2221 WTD: babysitter 315-1435 for sale - appliances

OSTER kitch. ctre: mtr base, blndr, mxr/doughmkr, food grndr, salad mkr/slicer/shrddr/Frnch fry cuttr, cook book $100obo 378-5627 WSHR & dryer, apt sz, really gd cnd $300obo 378-9694 LRG deep freeze 378-2694 HVY duty Kenmore w&d, exc wrkng cnd $300obo 378-8231 MAYTAG 10000btu a/c w/ rem. 378-9859 PORTABLE BBQ $5 378-9192 20CF dp freeze, oldr $30 315-0213 DANBY fridge, exc cnd 27”x64” $175 378-6758 ROPER lrg cap. wshr $125. Moffatt elect. dryer $70. 378-1336 15CF Woods dp frz $125. 378-5745 FRIDGE, Whirlpool, stl. stl 378-4704 DRYER, Kenmore, wrkng cnd, free to 1st caller 378-4717 FRIDGE, wht 378-9948 for sale - automotive



K -

Visual Artists of the Nicola Valley

Celebrating Art and Culture in our Community

Available at

Country Bug Books • Baillie House Info Booth • Courthouse Art Gallery

1840 Nicola Ave., Merritt, BC This project & NV Arts Council supported by

Arnold Mosley Jack Andreasen Bill Edmonds Roger Kamp Mary Longman Opie Oppenheim Pius Chong Doug Strand Cass Dolen Shannon Kilroy MK Dahlquist-Gray Jean Kiegerl Ellen Norgaard

Evelyn Armstrong Bev Veale Georgina Beatty John Taylor Leonard A. George Cindy Trent Surinder Panghali Joslyn Freels Les Hampton Bobbi Parkes Gwayne Point Nancy Saddleman Jana Sasaki Barbara Rode

TRADE nw pool tbl & access. for 4x4 378-9033, 280-1430 2 JEEP Cherokees, 1 red, 1 blue, both rn. Chuck, Sandy 378-0971 CANOPY, wht, fits 98 F150, now wndws on sides, prfct for cntrctr, exc cnd, $300obo 378-6005 89 TRANS Am, wht, no rust $900 315-2283 98 JEEP Cherokee 2-dr hrdtop, grt shape, 200k must sell $5500 378-2667 00 CHEV Malibu, 97k $5000 378-9882, 315-7481 PLYM. Acclaim 4-cyl. 2.5l turbo-chrgd, economical, lots pwer, P/S + P/B, batt. saver/ anti-thft syst., cruise, nw tires extras, mnt cond. view @ 1814 Juniper Dr 86 CHRYSLER Nw Yrkr, rns gd, tires lk nw. $1000obo 378-9694 93 MERC. Sable, auto, loaded, 172k, vry gd cnd, 1 ownr $2500obo 378-5087 94 FORD Tempo, 4-dr, 222k, nds wrk $300 378-6097 FBRGLS canopy fits 68-96 Ford pckup $100 378-5401, 315-8401 89 DODGE Caravan, 4-cyl $650 378-0868 96 FORD Contour, 4-cyl., auto, exc on gas $1700 378-2543 86 3/4-tn 4x4 $1500 280-1251 BEAUT. 92 Chev Cavalier convert., 196k, 3.1 v6, 5-spd man., brnd nw top/tires/mfflr, a/c, cd, p/l, p/w exc cnd, w/ xtra 3.1L mtr gd cnd. Reduced $5000obo 315-5400, 378-9599 92 FORD Ranger 4x4 w/ prts trck 378-2067 97 PONT. Sunfire nds mtr $300 280-0722 97 FORD Windstar, nds timing set up, just serv'd. $3000firm 378-6016 96 CHRYSL. Intrepid, 3.3L eng., 158k, nds eng, gd body $300obo 378-6265 89 FORD Escort, rns well/gd on gas $500 378-5370 87 GMC 3/4-tn pck-up, nds trans. $400obo 378-2874. FLO-Thru tailgate for 95-6 For pck-up $350 315-9317 95 GMC blk canopy 280-0857 93 PONT. Sunbird, grt rn ordr, nw wtr pmp $500obo 378-2303

Tel: (250)378-5717

Fax 378-4700

REDUCED! Sporty 2-dr 5-spd htchbck, fun to drv, grt on snw & ice, mtr repalced 10K ago for $3100, nw heater pd $500, nice am/fm/cd playr, rns grt/no a/c, body gd/not prfct, no rust. 378-1614, [email protected] 95 GMC Sonoma SLS 4x4 4.3L v8 $3200obo 315-2143 LK NW 4 - 14" summer radial tires $200, from 98 Dodge Neon. Lk nw 4 - 14" studded radial tires on rims $280. 378-9841 89 CIRCLE Trck race truck, 1st & 2nd place trck $600 w/o seat/harness 378-8326 89 FORD Aerostar vn for prts, gd cnd/nds wtr pmp $200obo. 83 Olds Cutlass Supreme, gd cnd, nds mnr mtr wrk, 305 $300obo. 315-6091 87 F250 2wd, 6.9 diesl $2200obo 315-8684 99 FORD Mustang v6, auto, air, cln car, p/w, p/l $8500 378-3616 EST. sale: 00 Chrysler 300M, lw kms, v6 leathr, snroof, loaded. drk grey. $8000obo 378-6962 88 DODGE Dakota 4x4, nds trans $1000. 78 Ford F150 super can $700 315-6448 87 FORD Tempo, 2-dr, auto, red, lw km 194k, nds wrk $700obo 315-4952 93 JEEP Grnd Cherok, loaded, lots nw prts, must see $6000 Cory 315-8650 WHT Stepside 80 GMC trck, rns grt, rest’d exter. & bx, exc tires, tntd wndws, p/w, p/l, tlt, must be seen $6000 378-9701 99 JEEP Cherokee Sprt, lw km, exc cnd, xtra set nw studded wntr tires $5500obo 378-9531 88 CHRYSLR Nw Yrkr, 4-dr, blue, v6, vry gd cnd, cln car $1000obo 378-8326 90 FORD Taurus, 4-dr sedan $600 378-9224 97 OLDS Aviva for prts $500, v8, 4L, loaded, 4-dr 378-3717 93 TEMPO auto, v6, gd cnd, nw rear tires, gd rn cnd, stereo/cass. $1000 378-9676 WCKNG: 98 Dodge Neon, 4-dr, am-fm radio/ cd, minor ovr-heatng problem, nds wndshld $950obo, tires/rims not incl. 378-9841 92 GRND Prix, offrs, moving 378-4157 00 TOYOTA Tundra 4x4, xtra cab, 164k, loaded, leathr seats, nw batt./shcks/strtr. 4.7 v8, auto, bxlnr, vry gd cond., match. cnpy, 4 xtra rims/tires $13,500 378-4916 97 4X4 blazer, 134k $4500 378-2827 93 ESCORT wgn, auto, 112 orig. km, no problems, nw smmr tires & 4 nw wntr tires w/ studs, no accdnts, grt cnd $1900 378-8252 98 OLDS 4-dr, loaded, exc cnd, nds nw mtr, offrs 378-7007 livestock/pets & access.

MALTESE x puppies, 3 fem., 1 nale, ready Sept 1, no papers $400 378-8326, 280-0914 HAPPY PUPPY Dog Grooming. Sml dogs $35 378-6289 MOVNG, nd gd homes for 2 silkie roosters & 2 pygmy goats, pets only pls 378-5066 HORSE trlr, straight haul 2-horse trlr, gd cnd. $1300firm, view @ Hitchin' Post, LN NV VET clinic has 2 kittens, male, 8 wks & 6 wks old, 1st shots $25 1802 Charters Ave., 378-6136 2 BEARDED dragons $200/both or $350/set-up. 8 lrg pirahnas $300/all. Aquariums 10-40 gals. 315-5400, 378-9599 SHITZU puppies, purebred, rn Jun 25, 2 males, will be reg’d $700ea 378-6733 4 GREY manx x kittens, free to gd homes. Amanda 378-1341 ANGEL’S Pet Rescue has: 9-wk old blue heelr x, fem. Red heeler x 9 wks old fem. Lab x puppies ready Sept 1. Rott./retrvr x, 4 yrs old, well-trained, gd ladies’ companion. Shrt-hair fem. brdr collie x loves animals/kids, well-trained. 2 blk lab/wlf x, 7 mos. old, ready to be trained. Adoption fee, to gd homes only 378-5223 X-LRG wire dog kennel w/ tray $75. Lrg wire dog kennel w/ tray $60 378-9841 FREE kittens: 2 female frosted-tip calicos, 2 males blk/smokey grey & blck/grey w/ wht feet, all litter-trained Amanda 378-6127 for sale - miscellaneous

FIREWOOD sale, get your wood for next year now, $120/cord 378-5379 SLIDING closet mirrors, 2 pnls, 6’x4’, grt shape 315-0099 DRUM set, 5-pc brgndy bass, 3 toms, snare, crash & hi-hat cymbals & throne, gd cnd $260 378-5066 PRIDE Jet Mobility electric scootr, exc cond $1500obo 378-9841 NICE old piano $200 378-3697 FREE wd pallets, take 1 or all, bhnd NAPA Auto Prts, pls take them away! PICKLING garlic $4/lb 378-4199 NW 11 boxes 13x13 glazed porcelain floor tiles $10/bx 378-5004 DAYCARE items: playpen, boostr seats, hi-chair, picnic tbl Lt Tikes, child’s dsk Lt Tikes 378-4569 THE WOOD MAN.Dry fir & pine 378-4053 MUST SELL: 6-drwr drssr nds nw hndl $20. Ant. 3-drwr drssr $40. 24' of oak hndrailing, nw/nvr used $50. Rnd oak tbl, leafs extnd to rect. & 4 oak chairs $150. Sml rect. wd tbl, seats 2 $75. China cabinet $50. 2 blue reclining chairs $75ea. Sears electronic treadmill, spd/pulse rate mntr/odom./ adjust. incline $400obo. 2 sets wd bnkbds, dbl bott./twin top $200ea. Swng set, lk nw $75. Wt-lftng bnch w/ wts $100, stl dumbbell set $50 378-9841 15 BOXES (11pcs/bx) 12x12 ceramic flr tiles. lt cream/grey, 4 bags Versabond mortar, 1/2 bag flexbond, sealer $250. 378-3633 CONN 16B trumpet w/ case $100obo 378-5627 12’ RND 3’d pool w/ pmp/fltrs $20. Diningrm globe-style lts & 2 match. hallway lts $15/set. Microwv stnd w/ gls drs $5. Child’s FP picnic tbl $10. Allen Blck geo grid 2 - 3’x50’ rolls $40ea. & 1- 4’x50’ roll $50 378-9140 DBL jogging stroller w/ xtra prts $100 firm. Fsh tnk w/ all prts, fish incl. $35obo. Clthng rcks $20-$40. Display cab. $20 nd some wrk 378-2326 ELECT. scooter w/ 2 batt., got lots of gumption $200 378-6941 3 house fans, $8ea.378-6795 JUPITER alto sax w/ case $300 378-3554 2 COLOURFUL toy organizers from Sears. Sturdy plstc sndbx w/ cvr. Lt Tikes wave clmbr. Lrg grn slide for playset from Home Depot pd $2. All in gd cnd 378-8118 STROLLER-carseat combo $40 315-2003 GOLF carts, clubs, bag, offrs. Golf balls 35¢ ea. Canning jars $3.50/doz 378-6795 STORE display ctre unit, lots shlvng, solid wd $100obo 315-8676 MOVNG: 3-pc coff. tbl set. Rnd coff. tbl. 4-pc bdrm suite, grn. Tbl & 6 chairs. Treadmill. 19” col. tv w/ stnd. Decor. plnts. Baby bouncy chair. Flwr hngr. More. 378-2694 PIANO & organ together, gd shape $200 378-6788 CUST.-made weddng dress, sz 12, exc cnd, incl veil, trane 378-6153 for sale - furniture

FREE couch & chair, u pck up 378-8199

Email [email protected]

YOUTH bdrm 5-pc ash wood furn set: 3-drwr chst, dsk, hdbrd, ntstnd, chair $400obo 378-5627 RECLINER free, nds repair 378-4569 QU sz bd, 2 wks old, pd $600, sell $400obo. Ent. ctre 40"hx60"l $100. Tbl 42" round w/ 18" leaf, 4 chairs, china cabinet $500. Pantry 72"hx29"w $25. 378-9694 LRG Mirror 42"x72" $100. Mirror 42"x28" $25. 378-6158 DININGRM tbl & 4 chairs, mahog. style, nw cond./no scratches. $150 378-6098 SOLID mpl off. dsk 7’4”lx2’4”d x29.5”h $500obo. Mike 378-4003, 3115-9373 SOLID oak Prestonia 5.5'x3' 6-drwr dsk w/ solid top gls top $575obo 378-9192 FREE: hide-a-bd, gd cnd, u pck-up 378-0842 TAN couch & match. chair $40obo 378-0947 9-PC diningrm set, cherry, 6 chairs, tbl, bufft, hutch nw in 00 from Brick, pd $2931, sell $2000obo 378-5627 DWNSZNG, must sell: Round wd pedestal kitch. tbl w/ hide-a-way leaf & 4 chairs, 7 mos old $300obo 378-6935 100% BLK leather couch & loveseat $900, must sell/moving 378-4157 for sale - electronics/software

GATEWAY laptop, 2 gig $900 315-2283 KYOCERA Mita KM 2530 multi-funct. fax mach., b/w laser, 25ppm $400 280-7196 COMP: Win XP Home, Pentium 4 1.5ghz, 400mb ram, 60gb hrddrve $200 378-9224 N64 w/ 2 cntrlrs, 4 games 378-2694 IBM Value Point comp., dsktop mdl w/ 17” Acer mntr, CannoScan FB630P, Canon BJ-200e prntr $400obo 378-5627 JVC RX 5060 amp $125, lk brnd nw. 12” Citizen tv $20, lk brnd nw. 2 Panasonic spkrs, lk nw $40/pr 378-9125 days, 525-0401 eves. NW NOKIA 6061 flip cell phone w/ nw simcard on fido pay-as-u-go $45. Samsung m300 flip camera cell phone on Virgin Mbl pay-as-u-go $60. Nokia 3221 unlckd camera phone $50 378-5004 DWNSIZING, must sell: 42” JVC flatscrn tv w/ stnd $300 378-0835 for sale - recreational

2.5HP Johnson outbrd mtr $200 3789033, 280-1430 GRAF SUPRA 705 hockey skates, sz 71/2 -8 (incl. 2 nw blades) $100. Bauer Jr. lrg pnts, 12" shin pads 378-9505 2 CCM bikes 20” $40 ea. BMX bike $50. 3 youth glf set Poer blt: lft hnd (incl. carry bag & stnd) $50, rt hnd (incl. carry bag & stnd) $50 /set. RBKgoal pads 22” + junior blckr & trappr, gld col, grt shape $220. RBK goal pads 25” + interm. blckr & trappr, wht/blk/rd $350. Bauer Vapor XIX goal skates sz 2, 1 yr old $100. RBK Talon pmps, sz 2, wht/blk $70. Bauer Vapor sz 1.5 $ 45, sz 2 $45. 4 sets youth shldr pds $10 / set. 4 sets shin pads 9”11 $10 /set. 378-7011, 378-7012 8' CMPR w/ gd wrkng f, s/ovn, lrg bd w/ priv. drs, no leaks $600. 378-1839, 378-1828 02 CRF-450R $3500obo, nw grips, stage 2-hot cam, Kibble white valves & sprng kit, Pro Circuit T-4 exhst & Wiseco hicompr. racing piston, exc cond 315-6051 CHARIOT bicycle trlr, alum frame, fabric seat, vry lt, gd cond. $150 378-8758 9’ PONTOON boat, l nw w/ mtr $850obo (250)682-3636 FREE pick up of all unwtd bikes & bike prts. [email protected] 378-3694 99 YAMAHA Bear Tracker, lk nw, w/ wnch/nw tires frnt, 2-year olds rear, looks new $3100 378-9507 89 TERRY Resort 5th-whl, 23.5' n/p, n/s unit, wd cpbrds, lt brt inter., no leaks, nw fridge, axles flipped, includes 2800w gen. & hitch $6500. 14' Vanguard boat, incl. xtra seats, 35hp. Evinrude outbrd mtr & EZ-load trlr $1000 378-2874. 5 stairs for trck cmpr, lk nw $100 378-8758 84 GMC Sierra 1500 3.4-tn, dual tnks, auto, pare, bnch seat, 130k & 74 Vanguard 9.5’ camper, slps 4, port-a-potty, f/s/furn., nds wrk/too sml for fam. Will sell sep. 315-1007 84 29’ Travelaire exc cnd, tv/micro/solar pnls/pwr plnt 378-4101, (604)433-6575 HOCKEY gear. Ice skates sz 5&6. Dirtbike gear 378-0837 FULL SET ice hockey gear: pds, chst prtctr, glove ctchr $500. Goalie skates$10 gd cnd. Set glf clubs w/ whl bg $100 Stephanie 378-6614 79 FORD Okanagan mtrhome, eng. nds wrk/rns. $2500obo 315-2143 OUTBRD mtr, 07 Suzuki 9.9hp, 4-strk, 10 hrs only, 5-gal. gas tnk, mtr stnd on whls $2500. Mess. 315-3857 PUMA soccer shoes, sz 8 378-2694 82 HONDA XR500 as is/nds tlc 315-6448 74 KAWASAKI 2-strk, all orig., rns exc $500 378-2384 91 WILDERNESS 28’ 5th-whl w/ slide, wntr pkg, awn., rear kitch. $8500obo 378-3616, 280-1550 2 lk nw 2-whl Razor elect. scootrs, for kids undr 80lbs., $75ea., $125/both 378-6787 for sale - tools/equipment

PROP. furnace Better by Design 315-0099 ELECT. weedeater, nw 378-4569 GAS lwnmwr rear bag, 3.5hp b&s engine, exc. rn cond. $95obo. Fertilizer spreader $10. Sears submers.1/6hp util. sump pump $90obo 378-5004. ROPER gas lwnmwr w/ 20" cut, quantum III B&S engine, c/w hrd case rear bag, gd cnd. $40 378-9507 EXCAVATOR 05 John Deere 35D, rubbr tracks, 1300hrs, exc shape $40,000obo 378-3496 UTIL. trlr, nw lts/wiring, etc, 15” tires $250 315-7771 7X14 7000lb axle trlr w/ rmp, 2 high sides $2250 378-2889 WATER line, 1" pmp drop style, approx. 150' $80. 315-3411 110V tilt table saw $50 378-4728 wanted/wanted to buy

TOW SYST. for sml car bhnd motorhome. 378-4789 CURLING iron w/ skinny barrel 3785506, (250)320-9937 14’ WIDE oldr mbl home to buy, pls email pics [email protected], or call 1-800-361-8111 ROTOTILLER, w/ or w/o mtr 378-6265 CHEV eng. 6, pre-1963 378-5582 SML apt-sz frzr for senior. Don 378-0941 SML 2-bdrm house 378-8102 TENT trlr, gd shape 378-4053 SML frzr, gd wrkng cond. for use @ Baillie House 378-0349 TO RNT: 1-bdrm ste, Collettville, reas. 315-3785, 315-5569 for sale house/property

BRND nw rntd hse, Merr., 3-bdrm, gas f/p, 2 full bths, dbl gar., tile/hrdwd flrs, shd, 4 appl $325,000 (250)377-0847


Down Under Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Aids



Black’s Pharmacy 2037 Quilchena Ave.



Merritt’s Auto Glass Specialists

ICBC Claims •Commercial •Residential •Automotive •Industrial

2001 INC.

2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)


SPACE FOR YOUR AD Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700 [email protected] CONTRACTOR THE Honest,GENERAL sincere gent. Home, yard, & auto; forestry. Will take on any ODD garage of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile, always available. Reasonable. Refs. JOBBER Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398


Christian & Loving it Sunday Services 10:30am Pastor John Rankin Worshipers wanted

2499 Coutlee Ave (Just south of Aspen Planners) MBL home, 14;w w/ add., reno’d $220/mo. pad rnt 315-7069 LRG fam. home, 3 bdrms, 3 bths, gas f/p, 2 din. areas, fam. rm + 2-bdrm ste, 2-cr gar, nr schl/shppng 378-4503 78 BENDIX mbl home, 66x14, nice shape $18,000 280-1985 3-BDRMhse, f/s, 2-storey, Bnch 378-8102 MBL home, 1970, 14’w, 10’x20’ add., 2 bdrms, lots renos, by river in Merr. $220/mo. pad rnt $25,000 315-7069 MBL home sale/rnt opt to buy, all set up, lrg lot in prk #54 only, ready to move in 20’x45’oac incl. f/s/w/d, csa appr’d, lrg shd, call 315-1000, 1-800-361-8111, pager 3783082, www.buyandsellmobile for rent

B.C. HOUSING now accepting applications for wait list for seniors 55+ or adults w/ disability needing affordable housing. Rnt is 30% of income. 1-800-834-7149, 378-4040 NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms, nwly reno’d, nr bus stop, move-in bonus (250)378-9880 RMS Coldwtr Htl, $375+/mo 378-2821 ROOM quiet area, cln, suit for stdnt/wrkng prsn 378-8807 2-BDRM bsmt Aug 1 $650 util incl, brnd nw 378-2591 2-BDRM bsmt, immed 378-6268 3-BDRM w/ bsmt, gar., sndck, immed 378-2047 2-BDRM ste, LN Dodding Ave 378-6825 WTD: rm mate for 2-bdrm hse dwntwn, w/d, fncd , pets neg, for wrkng prsn/stdnt/ contractor 315-5400, 378-9599 2-BDRM bsmt ste, w/d, util incl Sept 1 $800 378-6295, 315-9397 1-BDRM ste, n/p, n/s Sage St. 378-5695

2-BDRM bsmt ste nr Cntrl Schl, Sept 1 315-2366 4-BDRM reno’d, 2 bdrms up/2 dwn, f/s/w/d, alley access, huge gncd lot, Quilchena Ave., refs, n/s, pets neg. $1000 Sept 1 378-6312 2-BDRM hse, dwntwn, lrg fncd bck yrd, gar., n/p, n/s $750+dep., Sept 1 378-0842 3-BDRM rnchr, open flr pln, exc loc., priv. prk-lk dbl lot, Sept. 1 $950 378-8156 3-BDRM uppr flr, Aug 1 378-4503 AVAIL. now: rms for rnt furn'd/ unfurn'd $400/$450 incl. cbl/lndry/util., priv. entr., suit. for stdnt/wrkng prsn, on bus route, no drnkng/drugs 378-5128. BDRM in lrg 3-bdrm trlr, n/s, n/drnkng, must lk cats, priv. bth 525-0135 2-BDRM bsmt ste, Aug 1 378-6268 $400 for shared accomm. in 2-bdrm hse, must be wrkng, rnt neg. (250)574-1616 3-BDRM bsmt, 1.5 bth, Aug 1 378-6268 2-BDRM & 1-bdrm bsmt stes. 3bdrm hse, 2 bths, cln. 378-4392 LRG 2-bdrm l-lvl dplx, f/s/w/d, cln/quiet, refs, prfr adlts. Sept 1 378-8383 1-BDRM apt 378-9263, 378-7746 2-BDRM apt $800 378-7185, 378-1510 3-BDRM on uppr flr. nr dwntwn n/s, n/p, refs req'd. Jul 31 378-9560 NW 3-bdrm mbl, priv. lot, 8km from Merritt, some caretaking req'd, mat. cple pref'd. $850. Bob 315-8375 3-BDRM 2-bth w/ lrg dck mbl home, dwntwn on lrg comm. lot, priv., for semiret’d cpl. $900 w/ sml obligation, gd refs 1-800-361-8111, fax (604)985-2508 HILL, 2-bdrm hlf dplx, fncd, hrdwd flr, f/s/ w/d, refs req’d, n/p, 378-1367, 315-5452 BEAUT. nw 2-bdrm + den show home. inside & outside f/p, furn/ unfurn, immed. $1475 (604) 644-2807

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