Lesson Plan - Clasa Pregtitoare - It's Spring Time.docx

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LESSON PLAN Grade: Preparatory Class Date: 1st of April, 2019 School: Şcoala Gimnazială „David Prodan” Săliștea Teacher: Matei Amalia Petronela Type of lesson: Acquisition of knowledge; teaching vocabulary (communicative) Lesson: It’s Spring Time! Specific competences: speaking, listening, writing; Learning objectives:  to give further practice in using the previously learned vocabulary(i.e. Toys);  to introduce and practice numbers from 1-10;  to have fun with English; Lesson Aims: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do the following:  Easily name the seasons;  Easily name the months of the year;  Students will be able to share their knowledge of what happens during the spring;  Count from 1-10;  Identify correctly each number;  Correlate the written form in letters with the corresponding figure from 1-10;  Use the newly acquired vocabulary in order to speak about numbers and toys; Resources and materials: flash cards, laptop audio device, handouts, slips of paper, coloured pencils; Teaching techniques: visualization, explanation, monitoring, conversation, question-answer, mime and gestures; Student groupings: individual work, pair and group work; Interactions: T-Ss; Ss-T; Ss-Ss, IW, PW; STAGES OF THE LESSON / ACTIVITIES: WARM-UP: (5 minutes) Aims: -to greet the SS; -to relax the classroom atmosphere; - Introductory conversation; - to set a friendly atmosphere. Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T; Techniques; question-answer; Procedure: -T. greets the students; ACTIVITY 1: Name the season (10 minutes) Activity: - T asks Ss if they know what the word “seasons” means. - Several Ss share their ideas; - T explains what seasons are what we call the four different times of year that have very different weather. Not all places share the same seasons at the same time, but many places do. The seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter; -T asks Ss to think about each of the seasons and points to the prepared images labeled with each season, and ask the students to turn and talk to a partner about what they might see in the spring; - T uses pictures to show the differences between seasons (see appendix 1) Interaction:T↔Ps; Ss↔ 1

ACTIVITY 2: Spring vocabulary (10 minutes) Activity: T tells Ss that today’s lesson focus will be the spring and asks Ss how is the weather like in spring; - several Ss will answer; -T plays a video for Ss in order to familiarize them with spring vocabulary; -T plays the video for a few times, repeating and translating each word; Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOqlvHhY284 Interaction:T↔Ps ACTIVITY 3: Listen and say (15 minutes) Activity: T plays Spring time song; Ss listen attentively to the song and after that they say what was expressed in the song; -T plays the song for several times in order for the Ss to learn it; Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A16Cu6Ic1pA Appendix 2 ACTIVITY 4: Wrapping up the lesson (5 minutes) Activity: T asks the Ss to say what they have learnt in today’s lesson; - T repeats the words related to seasons, spring etc. Interaction:T↔Ps,


Appendix 1


Appendix 2

Springtime LYRICS: Hello little flower It's very nice to meet you Have you been hiding in the snow All winter long Hello little tree branch I see your leaves are growing So very green and beautiful For winter's gone

VERSURI: Bună, floare mica, Mă bucur mult să te cunosc, Te-ai ascuns în zăpadă Toată iarna ? Bună, mică creangă, Văd că-ți cresc frunzele, Foarte verzi și frumoase, Pentru că iarna a trecut,

Springtime springtime See the sunshine in the sky Springtime Springtime Wake up world say hi Wake up world say hi

Primăvară, primăvară, Soarele e pe cer, Primăvară, primăvară, Trezește-te lume, salută ! Trezește-te lume, salută !

Hello little bear cub It's very nice to meet you Have you been sleeping in your cave All winter long Hello little tortoise I see you slowly walking And breathing in the nice warm air For winter's gone

Bună, pui de urs, Mă bucur mult să te cunosc, Ai dormit în peștera ta Toată iarna ? Bună, mică țestoasă, Te văd mergând încet, Și respirând aerul plăcut și cald, Pentru că iarna a trecut,

Springtime Springtime See the sunshine in the sky Springtime Springtime Wake up world say hi Wake up world say hi

Primăvară, primăvară, Soarele e pe cer, Primăvară, primăvară, Trezește-te lume, salută ! Trezește-te lume, salută !

Hello little rain cloud You look a little lonely Your friends have gone for Springtime And you're on your own Oh but please don't worry We still need lots of water For when it rains it helps The things on earth to grow

Bună, micule nor, Pari puțin cam singur, Prietenii tăi au plecat odată cu primăvara Și ești singur. Dar te rog nu te-ngrijora Noi avem nevoie de apă, Pentru că ploaia ajută Să crească natura pe pământ.

Springtime Springtime See the sunshine in the sky Springtime Springtime Wake up world say hi Wake up world say hi

Primăvară, primăvară, Soarele e pe cer, Primăvară, primăvară, Trezește-te lume, salută ! Trezește-te lume, salută ! 4


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